The Real Deal: Trouble in Frisco?

A morning routine helps us set the tone for the day, better allowing us to control our schedules rather than our schedule controlling us. There are science-backed benefits of having a morning routine: Past research has shown that a consistent morning routine can reduce stress, boost your energy levels and improve your productivity at work.

My wife and I have a morning routine and my favorite part of it is sitting in front of our bay window reading the paper and having coffee.   However, this morning my wife was not too happy when I spit my coffee out all over the bay window and her new cushions.  What could make me do that?  Well, it was the headline in The Real Deal, an online real estate newspaper that read, “Stillwater Files Bankruptcy on Highland Park’s Mondara Condos.”

What are the Mondara Condos?  The condos were sold as a high-end luxury multifamily living project  in the prestigious Highland Park area.  Jess Hardin who wrote the article notes that today the community is at the center of a legal battle in which the developer, Stillwater Abbott Development, has filed for bankruptcy. 

Harden writes, “The Dallas-based developer filed for bankruptcy protection in the Northern District of Texas on Jan. 12. The filing comes almost four years after the Mondara Condominium Association sued the developer – and related entities Stillwater Abbott Management and Stillwater Abbott Development – for construction defects.  In the bankruptcy filing, Stillwater wrote that it had fewer than 50 creditors, less than $50,000 in assets and less than $50,000 in liabilities. The paperwork was signed by Robert Elliott, the manager of Stillwater Capital Investments. 

Why would the association sue the developer?  According to The Real Deal, in a 2020 lawsuit the association claimed the property was “negligently constructed!”    Oh yeah, the lawsuit states it was poorly constructed causing leaks, floods, and was a fire hazard.  The Real Deal also reported that the lawsuit alleged, “The roof, stucco cladding, windows, doors, fireplaces, interior and exterior walls, parking garage and courtyard must be extensively repaired or replaced. 

You are probably wondering, what does this have to do with Frisco, Texas?  If you read our blog Anatomy of a Friendship we did a very deep dive into the relationship of Mayor Jeff Cheney and Robert Elliott.  In July 2016, Robert Elliott created The Associates, a full-service residential real estate brokerage that Mayor Jeff Cheney joined in November of 2017, right before the big “FRISCO PGA DEAL.”  The same Robert Elliott who is a founding partner of Stillwater Capital.  His own bio from the company’s website reads, “Through the company’s custom home building brand, Robert Elliott Custom Homes (RECH), Elliott leads one of Dallas’ premiere single-family builders.

In 2021, Clay Roby represented Robert Elliott and Stillwater Capital when asking our council to approve The Link project that connects to the PGA.  At one point in the discussion it was clear Clay Roby was tired of the delays and truthfully they felt this should have been a no brain vote after what they did for us bringing the Frisco PGA to town. When the council members got caught up on apartment multi-family the Mayor Jeff Cheney tried to even redirect the conversation, saying what else will it offer?

Stillwater Capital has a large investment in Frisco starting with The Corvalla, The Link, PGA Frisco, Link Multifamily Phase 1, and Greenway Village at The Link.   All the projects were approved while Cheney has been on council or up at the pulpit as Mayor.  The projects Stillwater Capital pitched here are no different than the Highland Park project based on the pictures they presented to the council on the Frisco Cottage development was to look like.   SHOULD WE BE WORRIED ABOUT THESE PROJECTS? 

Credit: The Real Deal Real Estate News By Jess Hardin & Researched by Christian Bautista


  1. Anonymous

    We should be terrified!

    • friscowhistleblower

      We agree!

  2. Anonymous

    Corvalla Condominiums is a complete disaster! Go look for yourself! A complete nightmare for residents and the community. IMO Elliott is avoiding the situation just like he did at Mondara in Highland Park. This situation needs a thorough investigation.

    • friscowhistleblower

      Would be great if they did a class action.

  3. Concerned Citizen

    As a longtime citizen of Frisco, I have found it appaling to see our mayor intertwined with major real estate developers passing all the developers’ wants as long as he and his real estate business benefit. As citizens, we have elected the wolf to guard the henhouse. With Frisco being a hot bed for real estate, I was suspect of electing a mayor who can make decisions that enhanceand fill his own pockets. A true example in this article is exposing him as a mayor who can be and has been bought. He and Stillwater are so tight, Cheney passed everything Stillwater wanted. Stated in the article, he is part of Robert Elliott’s “The Associates” of which Cheney is totally involved. One of Robert Ellott’s projects is Corvalla on Town and Country next to Stonebriar Country Club. It is a total catastophe and next to uninhabitable; the same problems exist as the Highland Park association noted in the article. “The roof, stucco cladding, windows, doors, fireplaces, interior and exterior walls, parking garage and courtyard must be extensively repaired or replaced”. Corvalla is a disgrace to the standards Frisco wants to project to the public. Corvalla has the mentioned defects with extreme moisture penetration and widespread mold and overall rotten wood structure. Possiblly Stillwater and Robert Elliott have been trying to do some minor repairs for over a year. Band-aid approach!!!. Residents have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost value with no end in sight. Cheney keeps his head in the sand except when he can assisist developers like Sillwater and Robert Elliott as long as he gets his share. Shame on Frisco for electing what has turned out to be a questible individual who is in it for his own financial gain. He will be gone after he serves out his term — richer as a result along with Robert Elliott. Why is Elliott being allowed to build at the PGA — such a shame and disgrace.

    • friscowhistleblower

      The Corvalla should consider a lawsuit as well.

  4. Anonymous

    AGREE — on point about Cheney and Robert Elliott’s poor quality builds!!!!!! Criminal.

  5. Native TEX

    Vote Cheney’s minions out in May Keating & Pelham.


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