Battle of The Benjamin$

Every Wednesday, my wife and I sit down to eat dinner in front of the TV so she can see her Chicago Fire and Chicago PD.  In one episode they have the Battle of the Badges Boxing Match, and my wife went crazy for the young studs with no shirts on.  The Battle of the Badges is a tradition across the country and is considered a friendly rivalry between these two public safety departments.  Frisco PD & Fire held one back on July 21& 22 of this year  The two departments duked it out to raise blood donations for Carter Blood Care and the trophy was awarded to the Fire Department at an August 2023 city council meeting.

Just like the Battle of the Badges these two public safety departments also duke it out for the Battle of the Benjamins (aka money) every year during the annual city budget meetings.  Just recently at the October 17, 2023 council meeting under the Regular Agenda, item #35 to put Civil Service Law and item #36 to adopt the Fire & Police Employee Relations Act on the May 2024 election ballot.  What we found interesting was Mayor Cheney’s response which can be seen in the council meeting recording at the 37:59 mark where we feel he berates the Frisco Fire Association for having the audacity to seek Civil Service and Collective Bargaining. 

Cheney said, “Since 2004, the City of Frisco has had Public Health and Safety listed as a strategic focus area and we invest in this focused area heavily. For example, in Frisco’s FY2023 a total of $108,000,000 of the total $229,000,000 general fund budget was committed to public safety for personnel and equipment, surpassing spending on other essential services combined. Additionally, the city has previously approved substantial funding for public safety facilities and equipment through bond programs. As your elected officials, we take great pride in making public safety our number one priority, and we stand committed to educating the public over the coming months, regarding this ballot measure.”

For once we agree with the city on one key thing which is Public Safety should be any city’s number one priority.   Mayor Cheney’s reference to the budget made us curious, what is the budget for public safety?  What is the breakdown of the $$Benjamin’s$$ (aka money) between PD and FD.  Anyone following Frisco Chronicles knows we don’t approve of how the city is managing the two “number one priority” departments so now we wanted to look at the budgets to see if Mayor Cheney and the city really are committed.  What we found is the breakdown is far from equal.

For FY23 the Police Dept. is $56.3 million compared to the Fire Department Budget at $52.4 million.   Besides equipment the PD budget includes a Grants Administrator, Police Quartermaster, Training Officer, 10 Patrol Officers, 4 School Resource Officers, 1 School Resource Sergeant, and a Detective for a total of 19 new hires, 16 of which appear to be operations and 3 in the office.  However, the total number of new hires for the Fire Department is just 4!  That’s right 19 for PD and only 4 for FD and none of the staff positions are for actual firefighters.  Instead, the FD budget includes an Open Records Coordinator, a Public Safety Equipment Tech, an Emergency Management Analyst, and an Explorer Trainee.  Surely we are MISSING SOMETHING HERE, only 4?  No field positions, no actual firefighters?   

We decided to look ahead to the FY2024 approved budget.  The Police Department has a budget of 69.4 million, an increase of 14% and it includes 32 NEW PD POSITIONS.   Compare that to the Fire Department with a budget of 55.7 million, an increase of 4%, and includes 3 NEW FIRE POSITIONS which are for a K-9 Handler/Investigator and 2 Fire Inspectors.  The city budget even notes under Fire, “when compared to the FY23 revised budget, remains relatively flat.”   That means our new Fire Chief, Lee Glover has asked for no increase in firefighters in a city with a growing monthly population due to the urban density our council likes to approve. I am not a genius but even I know growth equals a need for more public safety services in both departments and clearly the city is NOT SUPPORTING STAFFING IMPROVEMENTS in the Fire Department.

Completely perplexed, we decided to go back to the FY2022 budget and take a look at it for shits & giggles. The police budget in 2022 was 51.3 million compared to the fire department at 44.9 million.  The PD was requesting 17 NEW personnel while then Fire Chief Mark Piland asked for 10 NEW Personnel and 9 of those positions were for FIREFIGHTERS. 

In the City of Frisco’s FY22 Proposed Budget video at the 2:50 mark, King George Purefoy said “We estimate that in about two to three years that Fire Station 10 will be built and go into operation. There are usually somewhere between 24 to new firefighters that are needed for a new station. As you can imagine that takes a tremendous amount of funds to do that all at once, so one thought was to start hiring some of these firefighters now, they’re needed to help the current operations, and try to do that the next two budget years to hopefully provide the staff we need to, for the new fire station ten.” 

That may have been what King George thought, but it was not the original thought or request by Chief Mark Piland.  Records show he had originally asked for each of the 3 truck companies that responded to high-rise and high-risk structure fires adding to the number of firefighters that would be available for these types of incidents.  That request didn’t happen either!

At a city council meeting on January 17, 2023, Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Angelia Pelham asked Anita Cothran, Chief Financial Officer for the city (at the 17:43 mark), about Fire Department staffing which seemed out of the ordinary and a little random.  Pelham mentioned at a previous city council meeting they talked about FD staffing and how she is aware the city was not approved for a specific grant that would have enable them to hire more staff, she was curious if something was planned in future discussions.  Cothran replied yes that is something they would discuss with the city manager’s office and then with budget and audit committee.  Pelham then asked if there was a specific time for that to happen and that is when City Manager, Wes Pierson spoke up. 

Pierson said “The answer is yes, but there’s no specific time, that conversation can be ongoing.  But currently, the budget, as approved, has enough staffing for the level of service that we’re providing currently.  He then noted he believed the conversations of new staffing were in relation to opening a new fire station and were not there yet as Fire Station 10 was delayed a bit, but we’re preparing for that.”  Delayed?  A little bit?  The city asked for Fire Station 10 in the 2015 Bond and Station 11 in the 2019 Bond, yet we don’t have either of them.  Seems a little longer than “a little bit” Mr. Pierson.

The question we have, was Pelham’s question random?  The answer is no!  How do we know this?  Well, at every council meeting if you are a citizen and want to speak you can do at citizen’s input.  You must fill out a blue card stating why you want to speak and hand it to the City Secretary, Kristy Morrow.  She then hands those cards to Angelia Pelham who is responsible for calling the citizens one by one down to the podium during citizens’ input.  At the January 17th meeting, Angelia Pelham saw a card from Matthew Sapp, President of the Frisco Firefighters Association that stated he was there to talk about “STAFFING!”  Her goal was to preempt Sapps statements and after hearing his statement below you will see her question was very target based on what Sapp was going to speak about.  Talk about sneaky and underhanded!

It makes sense why FFA President Matthew Sapp took to the podium during citizen’s input at the January meeting.  Sapp read a statement, “This is the third time I have asked this question since the public hearing for the FY23 budget in August 2022…I’ve asked this question to you, the City Manager, and the Interim Fire Chief Lee Glover. We’ve yet to get a clear answer from anyone. I know the Interim Fire Chief has stated he has no plans on asking for staffing. They feel we’re appropriately staffed…we applied for a safer grant for 15 firefighters this year, which we failed to get. No one can honestly say we don’t need more firefighters… The FY22 budget states we would be hiring 9 firefighters a year for the next three years…this was said to be in preparation for the future Station 10. The majority of this council approved of that budget. This has now been pushed back due to infrastructure reasons, and therefore, the staffing plan is on hold. This year’s budget for FY23, which was unanimously approved, contains 19 police officer positions and added zero firefighters… Now, there’s no plan for this fiscal year.”

After digging into the budgets and seeing the glaring lack of personnel additions to the fire department in several years you have a lightbulb moment.  Now one can understand why the Fire Firefighters Association is upset and has petitioned for Civil Service and Collective Bargaining.   They truly believe they “need a seat at the table” to fight for their safety and the citizen’s safety.  It is clear in 2022 Interim Fire Chief  Lee Glover didn’t believe we needed additional staff and therefore did not ask for it in the FY2023 budget talks.  In 2023 as the New Fire Chief, Glover also didn’t ask for more staff in the FY2024 budget talks. 

Fast forward to August 7, 2023, in a video posted on the City of Frisco’s Facebook page, Fire Chief Lee Glover states, “We have a five-year staffing plan and a five-year plan ahead of us. We’re looking at building Station 10 starting in the fall of this year. We have been given permission by the council to start the drawings with an architect for Station 11.”   Based on what Sapp said at citizen’s input about it taking 18 months to train a firefighter, you should have started hiring a few years ago if you had a five-year plan.  Why has the city not published this five-year plan since they know the issue of the FD personnel is a hot-button issue?   I am not sure if anyone else has noticed besides me – FRISCO HAS BEEN AND IS CURRENTLY GROWING NOW!  We need to plan for NOW!  You have The Preserve @ Fields where homes will range up to 15 million by the PGA are we disclosing to all those home buyers they have no Frisco Fire Station to support their community and may not for another 5 years?  

Final Thoughts, well I know some of the city champions will say then Fire Chief Mark Piland didn’t do anything for hiring, but he did.  In private meetings with then and now city managers he spoke up for his department repeatedly.  He also went as far as to apply for the city manager’s position and then ran for mayor and we believe Piland saw how the city was operating and recognized things had to change for the safety of the city employees and citizens.  It appears to us that all this “progress in motion” was in place long before Glover engineered his way into the Fire Chief position. Station 10 & 11 were both approved in previous bonds as we stated earlier and then Fire Chief, Mark Piland.  Chief Glover wants to take credit for a successful department while he deconstructs life-saving programs implemented Piland and his Leadership staff.  The most important thing to ask yourself is how many more firefighters will get hurt under Lee Glover’s leadership before people take notice we are heading in the wrong direction.   Lastly, ask how many have already been hurt under Glover’s leadership? 

Now we are left curious about the bond programs and what we citizens have been asked to vote for.  Stay tuned! 


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