Driving around our city today, we were very upset to find that Angelia Pelham, John Keating and the Vote NO PAC thought it was okay for them to just break all the rules. We passed our first fire station at Cotten Gin to see political signs out at 9am, then around 10:30 we passed our second fire station at the Denton Government Center, to see more signs displayed. Why is this a problem? The signs according to the rules should not be displayed until 6pm the night before the poles open.

Pelham, Keating and Bill Woodard who runs the Vote No Pac know the rules and they JUST DON’T CARE! It is an absolute slap in the face and show of blatant disrespect for the rules. It is a behavior that happens over and over because our council members feel entitled and special and as if the rules were made for the peons not the elite.

Angelia’s campaign slogan is “YOU KNOW ME!” Yes, Angelia we do! You expect us to follow the rules, but you are exempt from them. Neither you or your campaign team are naive campaigning and the rules around it, which means there is no excuse.

Keating claims “Promises Made, Promises Kept!” If that is true, then he read the campaign booklet you get when running for office which states the rules. He also signed off on that he understood those rules and agreed to adhere to them. After 13 years on our council and multiple elections if Keating does not know the rules by now, then he is A) an idiot, or B) entitled and thinks he is exempt from the following the rules because he is THE JOHN CHEATING KEATING! Well, you made a promise when you signed off you understood the rules and guess what, YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE, AGAIN!

Now, we would bet money their response would be “oh our sign guy didn’t realize the rules and we are so sorry.” We would believe that but, the sign guy is Fred “The Lawbreaker” Lusk, and he has been doing this for years and been through many elections. HE KNOWS THE RULES INSIDE AND OUT but obviously does not care! The worst part is our council approves of “The Lawbreaker Lusks” ways and methods and use him over and over for the elections.

As we go into tomorrow, the first day of early voting, we hope residents realize that these people who claim credibility, integrity, transparency, and accountability yet they are lying to you right to you. The rules apply to you and me, but let’s be clear they do not apply to Jeff Cheney, Angelia Pelham, and John Keating. They are literally showing you they think they are above the law, so open your eyes and realize enough is enough. It is time to change Frisco!