Cast Your Ballot – The Candidates

In the 1998 movie Primary Colors, John Travolta plays Governor Jack Stanton who is running for President, and he said, “I’m going to tell you something really outrageous.  I’m going to tell you the truth.”   It would be refreshing if more people would tell the truth.  We laid out some cold hard facts about Frisco Registered Voters and Elections in Vote For Pedro that should scare the hell of those us who call Frisco home.   Early voting starts in a week and out of a population of 218,314 people we can expect  maybe 10-20,000 registered voters to turn out based on previous general elections. 

We have some very important races that will directly impact our city and school district.  It made me curious; how any registered voters can name all the candidates?  Have you researched all the candidates?  Have you checked out each candidate’s website to see what they are about?  If you are one of those that say I am voting for Jim Bob because that is who I voted for last time, then please don’t vote.  If you are one of those deciding based on a social media post that says “I am not voting for them because they are democrat, republican, left or right-wing extremist” then please don’t vote.  If you are one of those who just blindly follow what everyone else is doing, then please don’t vote.  If you are voting and you have not looked at all the candidates on an individual level to understand what they stand for then please don’t vote. 

The world around us is changing every day and if we are going to vote we need to be responsible for our own decision.  That means you need to research, watch the debates, go meet all the candidates even if you think I would never vote for them. Even if a candidate is unopposed learn who they are and what they are about.  We must make educated decisions based on our own personal views, values, and philosophies after meeting all the candidates.  You could surprise yourself and learn the one candidate you never thought you would vote for is the one you end up casting your vote for. 

Below is information regarding the City of Frisco race and bond election as well as the Frisco ISD Board of Trustee race.  Start with the simple question, who is running and for what office or position?  We put these by place, then the order in which they drew for the ballot.  All you must do is click on a person’s name and you can go their website. 

City of Frisco

Mayor: Jonathan David Spencer (we could not find a website for him), Mark Piland, and Jeff Cheney

City Council Place 5:  Anwer Azam, Laura Rummel

City Council Place 6: Brian Livingston

Bond Election: The Frisco City Council approved an Ordinance calling a bond election at the February 7, 2023 City Council Meeting.  View Citizens Bond PresentationCouncil Meeting Live Video

Proposition A:  The issuance of $131,400,000 tax bonds for public safety facilities and equipment. taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds will be imposed.

Proposition B:  The issuance of $240,000,000 tax bonds for street and road improvements. taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds will be imposed.

Proposition C:  The issuance of $39,000,000 tax bonds for a parks operation center/building maintenance facility and a logistics equipment and storage building. taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds will be imposed.

Proposition D:  The issuance of $43,000,000 tax bonds for parks, trails, and recreational facilities. taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds will be imposed.

Proposition E:  The issuance of $20,000,000 tax bonds for a downtown parking garage. taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds will be imposed.

Frisco ISD

Place 4 Board of Trustee: Reed Bond, Dynette A. Davis

Place 5 Board of Trustee: Susan Kershaw, Mark Hill

When & Where Can you Vote

First Day of Early Voting           Monday, April 24, 2023

Last Day of Early Voting            Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Election Day                                    Saturday, May 6, 2023

Early Voting:  April 24 – April 29  from 8am to 5pm, May 1 & 2 from 7am to 7pm, and May 6 from 7am to 7pm

Frisco Residents Who Live Denton County

Early Voting can be down at any of the following locations but on election day you must visit your precinct polling site.

Frisco Fire Station #4 – Training Room             4485 Cotton Gin Road                Frisco – 75034

Frisco Fire Station #6 – Training Room             3535 Eldorado Parkway           Frisco – 75033

Frisco Fire Station #7 – Training Room             330 W. Stonebrook Parkway Frisco – 75036

Denton County Government Center – Community Room     5533 FM 423     Frisco – 75036

Frisco Residents Who Live in Collin County

Early Voting can be down at any of the following locations but on election day you must visit your precinct polling site.

Collin College Frisco – Building J, Room 113        9700 Wade Boulevard  Frisco – 75035

Frisco Fire Station #8 – Training Room                 14700 Rolater Road  Frisco – 75035

Frisco Fire Station #5 – Training Room                 14300 Eldorado Parkway  Frisco – 75035

The Grove at Frisco Commons – Game Room C     8300 McKinney Road  Frisco – 75034


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