You are probably wondering why we are dropping tidbits each day. Well, that is because each of these items is leading up to our big reveal timeline of corruption. We need you to first understand the different incidents, so it all makes sense when we tie it together with a pretty bow.
Speaking of incidents, remember in Jeromy Porters exit interview notes which Wes Pierson took down he had number 3: Drinking (only while traveling). Well, he is referring to Lee Glover and his desire for the bottle which is a hidden secret that is not so hidden. Now, we had already heard of several Glover “incidents’ from whistleblowers before ever seeing Porters exit interview notes. His notes only added to the confirmation of what we had previously received and been told.
In fact, before we ever knew of Porters exit interview, we had already filed a PIR (Public Information Request) in Oct 2023. It reads “Lee Glover – Complaint regarding behavior being drunk on 2022 Wisconsin Trip. Copy of all emails between city management officials and firefighter officials. Copy of all emails regarding this incident that were sent to or from Henry Hill. Copy of formal complaint made to HR and the city. Copy of complaint or HR documents related to the complaint.” Imagine our surprise when we received a response back on 11/2/23 there were NO RESPONSIVE RECORDS. Do you believe the city, because we didn’t!

We have been playing PIR GATE with the city for a while now, so we knew the reply they provided was a clear LIE. The city was NOT COMPLYING WITH STATE LAW TO RELEASE PIR’S SO WE REFILED IT ON 11/6/23. We started by restating the previous PIR and the response NO RESPONSIVE RECORDS and it said, “The City of Frisco has reviewed its files and has determined there are no documents or emails responsive to Lee Glover regarding the behavior of being drunk on the 2022 Wisconsin Trip.”
Then we laid it out again in the new request and we wrote “To be clear and upfront we have a copy of a city email along with a video of the incident that the city claims to have no responsive records too. So, we wanted to clarify our request to make sure the city understands what we are asking for just in case. Copy of any email, document, or text message that included Henry Hill in regard to a complaint made by a firefighter regarding Lee Glover’s behavior at an event where he appears to be intoxicated in or out of the state of Texas. Copy of an email, incident report, complaint, or any other HR issue regarding or involving Lee Glover made by Jake Owen with then Fire Chief Mark Piland or any of his staff in 2022 or 2023. Copy of any email sent by the Fire Department staff/management that includes Henry Hill, the city manager’s office staff, and/or hr. staff regarding a complaint by Jake Owen that involves or includes Lee Glover in 2022 or 2023. We also learned of another FF leaving so we wanted to see a copy of any interview notes, documents, or emails in regard to or relating to the exit interview by Jeromy Porter and city manager Wes Pierson in 2023 or HR Department Staff.”

On 11/20/23 sitting here I yell out “What in tarnation” and my wife comes in the room saying what, what. For those who don’t know What in Tarnation is like your version of WTF or WTH. I said look and pointed to the screen, and she read out loud, “The City of Frisco has reviewed its files and has located records responsive to your request.” WHAT? IT IS A MIRACLE, A MIRACLE I TELL YOU!
First Response: No Responsive Records! Then only after we told you we already have the proof in a form of an email and a clip of a video that has a drunk Glover in it do we get this WAIT, WE FOUND THE RECORDS! Both requests had the same key words: Lee Glover, Wisconsin Trip, Complaint, and Henry Hill. Wow so we are to believe they just found these records the SECOND TIME AROUND.

You may wonder why is this PIR important and that is because is shows Lee Glover who at the time is the Assistant Chief talking about how he is going to be the new Chief when Piland leaves? However no one knew Piland was leaving, including Piland! So how did Glover know in June 2022 that Piland would be leaving in August 2022? How did Glover know he would become Interim Chief? What collusion was he a part of to be able to know that information?

No! No! No! We caught the city lying and breaking the open records law by not complying with the first request. The Texas Attorney should launch an investigation because we know they have had withheld other PIRs as well. In fact, currently we have a PIR in about a street flood and they have sent it to the Attorney General for review. Why, what is so secretive about a street flood?
We also filed for a copy of any complaint filed against Glover since 1991 when he started with the department, and they sent us back the same one. Do they want us to believe only one complaint has been filed against him? I can tell you we have evidence of others so why didn’t they turn it over when we asked for a copy based on his whole career span? WHAT IS THE CITY HIDING?

On the other hand, the city council on the same night can vote after an executive session to release a portion of a report to hurt a political candidate running against Mayor Jeff Cheney and they won’t fight that request by sending it to the AG. Keep in mind 4 of the 5 council members who voted for its release had already publicly endorsed the current Mayor when they held that vote. You want to tell me that was not a political hit job just like they had done to other previous candidates who ran against the inner circle.
It is clear the city of Frisco is walking a thin line…but it is clear to us the city clearly broke the law by not providing the documents. If they want to hide it they either charge an obscene amount of money like $100, they stall by sending it to the AG, or they just flat out lie they don’t have the records. Either way we proved the city is hiding public records.
This is rambling, bad writing, and very difficult to read. If you want people in the community to pay attention, concise, shortly worded articles are the way to go.
Did we ask for your opinion? You don’t have to read it! At least we know you wasted your time leaving a comment.
Agreed. Might be good information, but very much rambling.
Hey ReDella – then don’t read it!
Funny how people are offering you feedback and you are hostile. Makes me think maybe what you’re posting needs a little scrutiny.
Nah, we love opinions. We just sit back and enjoy our Frito Lay Chips and read them all.
I am shocked that you only referenced a link to the Mayday Report and didn’t provide anything more. Why is that? It’s been a while since I’ve read it but I recall there being some pretty nefarious information revealed. Surely a group with your level of journalistic integrity will provide an in depth piece on that report instead of simply providing a link.
Oh Jake, Jake from Frisco,
First I don’t think you should be the one judging others considering you got drunk on a city trip to Colorado, cussed out the CEO of the Dallas Cowboys, and then got removed from P&Z due to his behaviors.
Secondly, we provided the full day Mayday Report that the city has never released. You are refereeing to the subsequent follow up report from September that Sassy Lauren Safranek had put together in order to make someone look bad so she could get them out of the city. Why would she do this, well to cover up her own FRAUD and Forged Documents so she would not loose her job. Interesting the one who forged documents also oversaw this investigation with the law firm which she then used to get rid of the person who could expose her illegal activities. Lastly, we would never expect you to give pause or thought to the possibility things are not as they seem. You just buy the lies your little group tells and fall in like a good solider.