Tonight, has been a roller derby of twists and turns in the Frisco political world. One political candidate did a post, and then the Mayor of Frisco, who tonight we will call Keg Chugger Cheney, lost his marbles and shared the post to his personal Jeff Cheney and Mayor Jeff Cheney’s Facebook page. In doing so we believe he broke the law by committing slander and defamation of character. To put a cherry on it, the mayor who should be a Statesman for Frisco discussed a former employee’s HR record and was also misleading in doing so.

The post from Mark For Frisco City Council Place 1 said in 2020, that Mark Piland received a Mayor’s Award as the Fire Chief for the City of Frisco. The post went on to say Mayor Cheney said the award was voted on by the entire city council and that it describes “the city employee we think exemplifies that more than anyone” and “there are no two greater people that walked the walk.” Then it asks who could be better to be Frisco City Councilman for Place 1.
Fact 1: The post is accurate! Each year, Mayor Jeff Cheney gives out a Mayor’s Award. He discussed this in a 2020 after-the-council live video that was posted to the City of Frisco’s Facebook page. Cheney stated while it has his name on it, the entire City Council votes on it in regard to who in the city is leading with innovation, thinking about their job differently, and moving their departments forward. Then he says in 2020 the award was given to two people because it has been a challenging year for public safety. Then he mentions how public safety is the number one priority for the city and this year it came to the forefront with COVID-19 so they gave two awards to both Fire Chief Mark Piland and Police Chief Shilson. He is quoted as saying they are a “well-deserved list of accomplishments this year that helped keep our community safe.” Then he let Cheating Keating speak and he said, “he thinks they’ve done a fantastic job through the Covid-19 pandemic and then in their day-to-day work they had to do.” It can also be seen at the 23:00 mark in the October 6, 2020 council meeting. It is item 5 on the Agenda under Reports, and you can watch it for yourself, there is nothing inaccurately quoted in the Mark Piland Post.
After Keg Chugger Cheney shared the post to his Facebook pages Cheney wrote, “There is literally no better post to understand Mark Piland than this one. He was given the option to be terminated or accept a parachute severance package at massive taxpayer expense to retire peacefully because he falsified documents, lied under oath, and was untrusted by city management. Great leaders give credit to others and accept responsibility for their faults. Mark Piland would still be our fire Chief if he took responsibility for his failures. Him and Chief Shilson were awarded the Mayor’s Award on behalf of all of hundreds of local public safety officials and health workers that did amazing work during Covid. To use the efforts of others now as a political move is well on brand for him, disappointing and not representative of the people that lead this community. Please join me in supporting John Keating, Frisco City Council, Place 1. A true humble servant that gives credit to others during our biggest wins and takes responsibility for losses in the face of criticism.”
Well, in Keg Chugger Cheneys own words, there is literally no better post to understand the ARROGANCE OF JEFF CHENEY, than this one. His statements regarding Mark Piland being terminated are false, as we have pulled every EVAL for Former Chief Piland, we have pulled all of his exit paperwork from the city, and we have pulled and reviewed the entire Mayday Report which they claim he falsified. Nowhere in any of the EVAL’s was Piland ever given a negative review. Nowhere does it state that he ever “lied under oath.” Nowhere in all of his exit paperwork from the city does it ever say the word terminated, or that he was offered a parachute severance package.
We dug deeper and went back to the beginning and pulled PIRs from Piland’s’ other jobs and guess what, he has NEVER HAD A BAD EVAL, NEVER BEEN SUSPENDED, NEVER BEEN ACCUSED OF ANTYING ILLEGAL IN A 40+ YEAR CAREER BASED ON WHAT WAS TURNED OVER TO US. That made us curious, how could a man with a stellar career come to Frisco, and all of a sudden after calling out the HR director for falsifying his signature, did he become a horrible employee, violate the law, lie under oath, etc.? Also, if he committed such unlawful acts why would the city even give HIM THE OPTION TO RETIRE PEACEFULLY? Why not JUST FIRE HIM? I would be livid as a taxpayer to find out if someone committed these heinous acts that our city leaders offered him money to go away peacefully.
As for Keg Chugger Cheney’s statement that “Great Leaders give credit to others and accept responsibility for their faults,” is the pot calling the kettle black. Go back to October 6, 2020, and I do believe Fire Chief Mark Piland said this award was about his whole team and not just him and did give credit to the entire FD team. In case you have had too many cocktails Mayor Cheney, it is on tape! Second, you talk about faults, have you taken responsibility for your faults? I can think of a few words here, Keg Party, lying to the Dallas Morning News, real estate agent, and the residents of Frisco about your “exclusive” deals in Fields. What about how you bully people? We have received at least 50 stories from real estate agents where you have used your power, name, and position to bully them or flat-out threaten them.
MAYOR KEG CHUGGER CHENEY – YOU LIED AND COMMITTED SLANDER in your final statement! I watched your speech, over and over. Nowhere in your presentation or the after-the-meeting Facebook post did you say this award was on behalf of all hundreds of local public safety officials and health workers who did amazing work during COVID-19? You talked specifically about their leadership and by the way, both Shilson and Piland stood on that stage and said it was about their whole department. Not you! Your accusation that he used the efforts of others now as a political move describes you and your best friend John Keating. If sharing the fact that you won an award is a political move, then what would you call sharing the fact that you won the 2023 Chamber Executive of The Year across social media… vain or a political move?
Now, let’s look at the man you called “A true humble servant that gives credit to others during our biggest wins and takes responsibility for losses in the face of criticism.” Well at a recent forum, he accused Piland of being fired, and Maury Povich would tell you that is a lie! He also accused Piland of being a cheater, and Maury would tell you that it was a lie. I do believe it was that so-called humble servant Cheating Keating who stepped out on his wife, on a holiday weekend, in a PUBLIC COMMUNITY POOL, where any man, woman, or child could have walked in on them and had sex with a woman served on a Frisco Board, right? Curious, you said leaders accept responsibility, so has John Keating ever apologized to the public for his offensive behavior done in a public pool? Has he ever apologized for his lapse in judgment with the Get Naked photo? Has he ever apologized to the community, whose public pool he got caught in?

I also believe that same humble servant, Cheating Keating has claimed on the campaign trail that he made Frisco the #1 Safest City, #1 Best Place to Live, #1 Best City to Do Business, and the #1 Suburb in North Texas. Didn’t you just publish tonight that “Great Leaders give credit to others and accept responsibility for their faults?” On the campaign trail he has said over and over he is a true leader and that he made Frisco great under his leadership and because of his leadership today, we are all these #1 things. Where was the credit for the hundreds of police and firefighters who made this the safest city in this speech he gives over and over for “POLITICAL PURPOSES?” Maybe that is why the Frisco Firefighters Association and Frisco Police Officers Association endorsed him, OH WAIT, THEY DIDN’T ENDORSE HIM!!! THEY ENDORSED MARK PILAND, the one you claim is so awful.

To be factual, we were the #1 Best Place to Live in 2018 and a lot can change in SIX YEARS. As for #1 Best City to Do Business in Texas, that was awarded to us in 2020 and a lot can change in FOUR YEARS. In his recent mailer that arrived in mailboxes across the city this week, he said he wants to protect our quality of life with more roads, quality infrastructure, and less traffic. He has served this city for 13 years, so why has he not done that the last 13 years and phased in growth better, so we don’t have the problem today? He also said in the same mailer he wants to support our Police and Fire, yet clearly, they don’t feel that support or they would not have endorsed his opponent, right? Lastly, look at his website, he never gives credit to the great team that helped make this city great. All of his statements are I did this, I did that.

Lastly, we have pointed out over and over that the citizens want a voice, you know those who live here and pay tax dollars who are often ignored. They are tired of outside developers owning this city and our council, but John Keating the humble servant disagrees. His website says, “Business leaders who invest in Frisco know they have a voice at city hall with John Keating.” No wonder the developers give him so much money – his vote is for sale. Maybe that is how he could afford a house in The Preserve, Frisco’s most prestigious new neighborhood when his campaign finance reports list him as retired or a house husband.

Keg Chugger Cheney, tonight with your post you crossed a line that we are pretty sure you will get sued for. You also look like a bully, with a bad attitude, stomping his feet and kicking rocks on the playground because you didn’t get your way. Speaking of accountability, did you ever step up and apologize for your laundry list of things like a keg party, selling lots on a secret VIP list stated in a 2019 email, or admit that you have a lot in The Preserve that was gifted to you by your developer buddies? Maybe lay off the late-night vino drinking Mayor!

Long time coming! Well written and accurate in every way! Keep up the good work of sharing the TRUTH about our corrupt city council!