Kraemer vs City of Frisco

We came across this post from the Allen Fire Department and felt we needed to share it! It is evident from this video how the Allen FD is committed to helping its firefighters work through mental health challenges.   By sharing it, the City of Frisco leadership including the City Manager, Sassy Safranek in HR, and the City Council could learn something if they watch it! After you watch it catch the community follow-up Q & A session where Allen leadership answers the public questions by clicking here.

Why is the city still fighting a lawsuit with Former Assistant Fire Chief Cameron Kraemer?  If you have not heard about this case, Frisco leadership tried to deny Kraemer’s PTSD as was work-related injury.  Even after the courts confirmed that Frisco Leadership and TML were wrong, they continued to fight Kraemer!

Local Profile: Terminated Frisco Firefighter Wins PTSD Injury Claim

Dallas Morning News: Frisco firefighter fired while on medical leave wins workers’s comp case

A new lawsuit was filed on 8/2/2024 and involves Cameron Kraemer vs City of Frisco.  Filed in Collin County under Case Number 416-05201-2024, Frisco is still fighting its duty and responsibility to care for a man who served in our community for 27+ years.  It also defines how our city leadership and management will treat future firefighters when they have work-related mental illnesses. On 12/12/2024 the case was “SCHEDULED FOR TRAIL” by jury and Pre-Trial will begin on 7/24/2024 with a Jury Trial on 7/28/2025.

WHY SHOULD THIS MATTER TO YOU?  Ask yourself, how many tax dollars have been spent fighting these multiple court cases?  If the city loses the case, how much could the city payout to Kraemer in damages?

The truth is the City of Frisco and the entire leadership who stand up saying they are committed to our Public Safety Departments during elections should be ashamed of themselves for not having fixed this sooner.  They should also be embarrassed and explain why they want to continue to spend OUR tax dollars to further show their lack of support for firefighters.  By the looks of the docket, the City’s attorneys are going to try to convince a JURY that they did the right thing.  Ask yourself, you have Allen FD trying to raise awareness and Frisco leadership who continues to treat those on the front lines of our public safety departments like crap and deny their firefighters can have work-related PTSD!  What has to happen in Frisco for them to accept their responsibilities to help their firefighters???

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