Make It Look Pretty

On October 30, 2023, we published our blog Another One Bites The Dust which was about Fire Chief Lee Glover killing the Squad Unit and Blood Program.  Generally, Squad which is a 2-person group, responds to all high acuity EMS calls and critical care calls, as well as all structure fires in a city.  It is like no other unit in the department and when in trouble if you have a need for the most advanced or technical medical procedures in the field, they are the team you want at your front door.  It must have ruffled a few feathers at city hall because Bobblehead Bill was quick to act as the mouthpiece for the city and troll social media to tell us we were wrong. 

We took his statements and submitted a PIR the next day for the proof to back up his comments which he spewed all over the North Texas Politics Facebook page. On November 15th we received a letter back from the city with a PIR Invoice for $90 dollars.  It is the breakdown that we found interesting of those charges:

Labor: Identify Search Terms / Set Up Search / Download / Export Emails:  $3.75

Labor: Compile / Review /Conversion / and Redactions of Emails:  $41.25

Labor: Fire / HR Department Records Collections: $30.00

20% Overhead: $15.00 for a GRAND TOTAL OF $90.00

We paid and then waited for our files.  Now in a new year, still waiting, we emailed the city on January 1 2024, asking when we should expect our files.  The next day we got an email back from the city that read, The City of Frisco has reviewed its files and has located documents responsive to your request. HOWEVER, DUE TO CONFIDENTIALITY, the City has chosen to seek a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General regarding the release of a portion of the responsive documents. The remaining responsive documents are available.  They also mentioned some figures we asked for were released in a different PIR that we chose not to pay another $100 dollars for.

What did $90 buy us?  There was a PDF which contained 15 or so emails, two additional outlook message attachments, copy of the blood contract, two excel spreadsheets that contained the hiring/history breakdown and the call count.  That’s it … because the rest (which we don’t know what that is) has been sent to the AG. 

Question 1: Did the city charge us for a copy of the blood contract that Bobblehead Bill offered to send out to anyone who emailed him for free without a PIR?  Question 2: WHAT IN THE HELL COST $90.00?  We have paid $30 for way more information than this in the past.

Woodard’s Statement: The blood transfusion program isn’t going away; in fact it’s expanding.  We use data to analyze the best use of resources.  Right now, Squad sits almost all the time. 

Fact or Fiction:  We asked for the study or data they used to make their decision and the response we received was, “There are no records responsive to a “Study.”  Then they said it was the number break-down for blood products administered and the number of squad responses that the department reviews for decision-making.   

The breakdown for the Blood Administration” since 2018 is as follows:  1 in 2018, 5 in 2019, 12 in 2020, 5 in 2021, 10 in 2022 and 13 in 2023 (through 11/1/23).   Initially looking at the blood administration program the numbers are going up each year.  While it is not tons of patients it is showing a trend that is going up, not down.

As for the Squad response breakdown the numbers provided to us by the city are 1502 in 2021, then 1103 in 2022, and 538 in 2023 through 11/1/23.   Initially looking at the numbers it would appear Squad calls are going down just like Woodard stated, but we were curious what happened that resulted in 565 fewer calls on one of the busiest apparatuses in a growing city.  

We of course went digging for the answer and we learned there are several call types for example, unresponsive, unconscious patient, medical emergency 1 and 2 calls.  The call type determines which apparatus responds.   Several whistleblowers sent us information on an email by Fire Chief, Lee Glover’s where he gives direction shortly after being named Fire Chief to start taking Squad off certain types of calls to reduce the numbers which makes them look EXPENDABLE.  If you look at the call history SQUAD was removed from all ME 1 and ME 2 calls in district 4 and then they were removed from all unconscious and unresponsive calls for the entire city.  WELL, WELL, WELL now that explains how calls for SQUAD dropped over 565 calls in less than a year.   Maybe that is what Glover’s email meant when he said “Make It Look Pretty”

Woodards Statement: In 2024 we expect to add this program to every ambulance we have, further expanding the program. 

Fact or Fiction: We asked about the costs and how they planned to fund the personnel training and the cost for every ambulance to be outfitted to carry the blood products.  The response from the city was, “Paramedics will be trained in blood administration in an on-duty rotation at no added cost to the city and that blood will be carried on two vehicles with trained personnel every day.”  We were not provided with any details on the cost to retrofit any apparatuses to carry blood. 

Woodards Statement:  We have been working with our medical director (as well as any other required parties) to ensure the program is run appropriately and has all the proper staffing.  He also posted a picture of section 2.2 of a blood contract acting as if that was the guarantee they had.

Fact or Fiction:  We asked for any communications between the city, blood bank, and medical director discussing the EXPANSION of the blood program.  We were provided no communications between the city and their Medical Director where they discuss expanding the program and discussions to ensure the “program runs appropriately” as Bobblehead Bill stated.

We also asked for a copy of the approval letter from the blood bank and/or hospital where they guarantee to give more blood to more vehicles.  The city provided us a signed 2018 Blood Contract and the signed 2023 Amendment.  The 2018 Contact clearly states in the “SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT” the city is to store a certain amount of blood and plasma in AN AMBULANCE UNIT in a continuously monitored refrigerator.  In the section he posted “SUPPLY OF BLOOD PRODUCTS” it states it will provide what the city needs, however due to the unpredictable nature of the demands for blood products, the hospital can NOT GUARANTEE the city availability for ALL OR ANY PORTION of the blood products to be supplied.    Hey Bill, it says an ambo unit meaning singular (aka 1) and did you read “No Guarantee.”

As for the 2023 Amendment, it is simply an updated FEE SCHEDULE meaning the cost the city has to pay for the blood and plasma product.  Then it states the remaining terms and conditions of the contract from 2018 will continue in full force and effect, unchanged.  Well, Well, Well Bobblehead Bill… there is NO GUARANTEE THEY WILL SUPPLY BLOOD FOR EVERY AMBO.   Did we read that right?  Prices for blood and plasma have gone up considerably and now we are talking about carrying it on every ambo instead of 1 or 2 specialized Squad Teams.  In a nutshell it means more taxpayer money, more taxpayer money, and more taxpayer money.  Besides the cost increasing for carrying the product that has a shelf life which means it has to be switched out, we also now have to retrofit ambos/vehicles and train more personnel.  It sounds like we are wasting money when what we have currently is working.

In closing, it looks like Bobblehead Bill needs to do more research!  There is no guarantee in writing that the hospital will agree to expansion or that they will guarantee you any product.  Why would we retrofit any apparatus or vehicle on a “WHAT IF THEY GIVE US BLOOD MENTALITY.” The DRASTIC DROP in the Squad response numbers can be related to Glover removing them from certain calls.  Why would he do that?  According to insiders he has hated this program since its inception back in 2018.  The city wants to sell you on that this is a good decision, however if you ask a firefighter, what might they say?   Let’s just say it is your life on the line, are you willing to give up a dedicated team to critical care that literally could mean life or death?

Other Links and Resources: Squad and Blood


  1. Anonymous

    In light of taking the squad out of service they have placed blood products on the Battalion Chief vehicles, which are typically busy running alarm investigations, so if one is available or coming across town. Hope for the best. They have also begun to put to major fire apparatus on CPR calls, that will leave large chunks of the city uncovered for Fire/EMS when these calls come in.

    • friscowhistleblower

      So more likely someone who needs critical care will die!


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