‘The 12 Days of MALFEASANCE’ at The City of Frisco

When you say the 12 days of Christmas people immediately think of the song, but did you know there really is a period called the 12 Days of Christmas?  According to vox.com The 12 days of Christmas is the period in Christian theology that marks the span between the birth of Christ and the coming of the Magi, the three wise men.  It begins on December 25 and runs through January 6, also known as Three Kings Day.  With the holidays around the corner, we thought we would share that little bit of info for fun. 

Now we need to get back to ‘The 12 Days of MALFEASANCE!’  The Oxford Dictionary defines malfeasance as wrongdoing, especially by a public official.  We dug a little further to see if there was more legal definition and we found the website for Cornell University, Legal Information Institute.  Malfeasance is intentional conduct that is wrongful or unlawful, especially by officials or public employees.  Regardless of how you define it, the word should not be thrown around loosely as it can easily destroy one’s reputation.  We decided to write a song…

On the first day of Christmas

Our “Whistleblower” gave to thee

Notes from a recent FD employee exit interview.

On the second day of Christmas

The exit interview notes gave to thee

A lead that someone in HR forged documents and did not obtain updated new signatures.

On the third day of Christmas

The exit interview notes gave to thee

More tea on Mr. Lee…. Fire Chief, Lee Glover that is.

On the fourth day of Christmas

A PIR gave to thee

Copy of an HR hotline complaint regarding falsification of contracts, reports, or records.

On the fifth day of Christmas

A PIR gave to thee

A copy of the full Mayday Report.

On the sixth day of Christmas

A PIR gave to thee

A reply of no responsive records to our inquiry into a complaint against Fire Chief, Lee Glover

but wait, hold tight …let’s see.

On the seventh day of Christmas

A second filed PIR into the complaint gave to thee

The records we requested after we gave them one more chance to come clean.

On the eighth day of Christmas

The trail of details gave to thee

Malfeasance committed by public employees and officials throughout the city!

Well, you get the idea….. stay tuned!


  1. John Doe

    I need to actually see facts.

    • friscowhistleblower

      The fact is a complaint was made to the hotline, the fact is it was closed the next day and not investigated, the fact is Lauren Safranek named in the complaint is also the one who oversees the hotline (pretty convenient) and fact it was mentioned now in an exit interview by an employee and a hotline complaint.

    • friscowhistleblower

      What facts would you like? We have plenty

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