A conversational narcissist is someone who constantly turns a conversation toward themselves and is often uninterested in what other people have to say. In a fast-paced world, they’re eager to get their point across quickly without making true connections with others. Often a conversational narcissist has an anxious aspect to their personality which is why they talk about things familiar to them such as their business or themselves! Signs of a conversational narcissist include one-sided conversations. They have their own agenda, and they can’t move away from it long enough to engage with someone else or to hear someone else’s opinions. Conversations with them are never interpersonal or interactive, they are more of a monologue or lecture. They often feel they are the center of the universe, and they will never admit they are wrong and often interrupt. They will appear visibly uncomfortable, bored, contemptuous, or distracted when other people are talking. Lastly, they come across as arrogant when speaking to them.
Does this sound like anyone you know? Well, we think it sounds a lot like Mayor Cheney. Just look at city council meetings and often you will find Mayor Cheney “schooling” the public or other city council members. At the recent State of the City luncheon put on by the Frisco Chamber of Commerce, the Mayor also displayed traits of a conversational narcissist during his 76-slide presentation. If you want to see Mayor Jeff Cheney’s State of the City Presentation then just visit the city website.
Over our lifetime we have lived in many cities, and rarely did we hear about State of the City Luncheons until we moved to Frisco. This was our first year to attend and according to the Frisco Chamber Website you should attend because “Frisco is a city like no other! As for who attends, well it is a who’s who of Frisco for sure. Individual Tickets were $100 per person, or you could sponsor a table for $900. But if you want to be a Visionary Sponsor that is $2000 or better yet be an Innovator Sponsor for just a mere $3000.
The mayor of course took pride and time talking about the 2024 Council Top 10 Priorities. Specifically, the master planning of Grand Park, a new Performing Arts Center, World Cup 2026, and Downtown Frisco. He could not stop boasting about how great all these things would be for Frisco.

We found the slide about Foreign Direct Investments interesting which stated according to Duns & Bradstreet, there are 71 companies in Frisco owned by a parent company that is ‘OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES.”

The next interesting thing was the “developments” coming. All we could hear was cha-ching, cha-ching, and cha-ching!
Downtown Redevelopment: $70-million project

Northwest Community Park: $40-million budget

4th Street Downtown Redevelopment: $16-million budget
Grand Park Development: Budget TBD

Fire Station 10 – Spring 2025: No Budget Listed
Police Annex: No Details Given
One thing not covered in depth was the desire for a NEW PEFORMING ARTS CENTER. On the city website it states that in 2023, the City of Frisco participated in the Americans for the Arts AEP6 Study, which found the arts sector generated $21.3 million in economic activity in Frisco in 2022! Read the full report here (PDF). So that is why they are trying to find a way to get that $500 million Performing Arts Center. In fact, Cheney didn’t say we hope to have one, he said we will have one because he has wanted it since 2017. It always has been about what he wants, right? That’s it!
That is the State of the City here in Frisco according to Cheney. We only have one question; HOW CAN WE AFFORD ALL THESE PROJECTS? Yes, we have bond money set aside, but when you think about it, we are spending money like its water just going down the drain and at some point, these city leaders are going to lock us into a rock and hard place financially.
I absolutely appreciate all the work you do. I actually had words on FB with MRS Cheney for calling him out about selling out our city. She claimed he was only in residential real estate and needed to be to feed his family. Such lies.
The more people they bring in, the more they can hike the tax to get what they want and he gets paid. This used to be an amazing city, quiet and spread out. We hate it here now. This is not a place to raise kids let alone retire any more. Every where you look, it feels we have been sold out.
Mr. Cheney is not “ONLY IN RESIDENTIAL” as we have emails to prove he started the commercial division many years back sent to us by a real estate insider. We have not posted those emails yet but we may. Ms. Cheney lies for her family, and she covers up for keg parties they throw their underage kids. The funny thing is Ms. Cheney has one tell, like in a poker game… whenever caught in lie she immediately goes on social media (maybe after a few cocktails) to post the “Oh we are being attacked for all the good we do, feel bad for us because bullies are ganging up on us, and my husband is a good man everyone else is lying” in order to play the role of the victim. The victim card she plays is her tell, every time!
Ya, I’m done with Frisco. It’s not the town I moved to 20 years ago.
That is what the regime is hoping for. Pack and move away so the new people can come and celebrate living in Cheneyville.