The Universal Mystery Machine (updated)

Imagine yourself in a period of time that was in filled with generational conflict, the Vietnam War, and Nixon was president.  Four teenagers, Fred, Daphne, Velma and Shaggy are driving around in a van with a Great Dane dog looking to solve mysteries.  Little did anyone know that a cartoon called Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? would become a cult classic and last for generations.  Who wouldn’t want to be in a crime-fighting gang with a dog that says “Ruh-roh-Raggy” and has a decked-out van called The Mystery Machine? 

I remember sitting on the couch in the basement watching my favorite cartoon Scooby Doo when my older brother and his two friends came down to join me. They wanted to hide out so they could smoke some dope aka marijuana.  The episode had  Shaggy and Scooby in the mystery machine with smoke pouring out the top.  Inside they were grilling some munchies and the two started to freak out when detectives start banging on the van door.  My brother and his friends were laughing hysterically at the television and I could not help but laugh hysterically at them because I thought they were idiots.  There is no point in me telling you this other than I just loved watching the cartoon gang solve a new mystery in every episode and it had me hooked.

Reading this you are probably wondering what does this have to do with Frisco?  Well on January 11th the City of Frisco and NBC Universal Parks and Resorts made a colossal announcement that a new park was coming to Frisco.  To be honest, since my kids are grown I have not paid much attention to it because I am not visiting a park of that nature anytime soon. But in the last week I have received several notes through the site asking our opinion about Universal, some dropped tidbits on Universal to us, and then today, my wife comes running into my office saying I must read what is on the tweets about Universal.  Tweets are her universal language for social media like Facebook.  I read several different posts talking about the crucial meeting tonight and it was paramount that people show up to have their voices heard. Curious to know more, I spent several hours this morning doing some research looking at old posts, visiting the city’s website, and reading the agenda and documents for tonight’s meeting.

The January 11, 2023 announcement came across as this was a “done deal” which means a plan or project that has been completed or arranged and that cannot be changed.  Truth is the project at that time had not been put before planning & zoning or the city council.  It was truly misleading to the residents and the public far and wide in Texas.  The result was a very mixed reaction, some being happy and some being downright angry.  The city is offering $12.7 million incentive package which is generally normal but based on the split of how residents feel regarding this project I don’t think we should be offering an incentive package.

Representatives of the city on social media sold Universal to the public one way but when reading the Development Agreement attached to tonight’s agenda, they have not been transparent, and the truth is far from what they have sold to the public. Let me give you some examples of what I read on social media from city council members versus what is in the actual agreement being laid out this evening.

  1. The city said the park was aimed at children 3 to 9 years old but the agreement says it was developed for young children 3 to 11 years old
  2. The city has said the park hours would be from 10 am to 6 pm and would not have late hours.  The agreement states the “developer’s intent” is to primarily operate the majority of the weekdays with the posted hours of operation for ticketed users between the hours of 10:00 am and 6:00 pm local time.   Residents read it again carefully as the highlighted words are key in this.
  3. However the “actual hours will vary” throughout the year based on demand, seasonality, holidays, peak periods, and weekdays/weekends, but in no event shall the theme park opening time be earlier than 9:00 am (except for hotel guests and annual passholders) which the opening time may be as early as 8:00 am local time.  The theme park closing time will not be later than 9:00 pm local time (except for up to twenty (20) days) during the calendar year when they are permitted to close no later than 10:00 pm local time.  What this means is they can say “summertime” is a peak period and now they can stay open until 9 pm.  They can use July 4, Thanksgiving, and Christmas as peak periods to stay open until 9 pm.  They can stay open late on a holiday (defined as a Frisco ISD school holiday).  Truthfully with the way it is written, they can be open all year until 9 pm if they just claim it to be based on demand, seasonality, holidays, and peak periods.
  4. The city has said no dark rides, no big buildings, and no tall roller coaster rides (40 – 50 feet maximum).  The agreement states all amusement rides, entertainment experiences and all portions of structures designed to be occupied by humans in Theme Park Area A shall not exceed a height of 80 feet.  Structures designed not to be occupied by humans shall not exceed 100 feet.   Just based on a simple google search I learned that 80 feet is equal to a 7-story building.  I am guessing that is not what neighbors were expecting.
  5. The agreement states all amusement rides, entertainment experiences and all portions of structures in Theme Park Area B shall not exceed a height of 100 feet.
  6. The city has said no parades, no fireworks, an inward environment (not outside), and that noise level to the outside would be almost non-existent because the sound would be isolated even within the park.  The city agreement states that permitted uses include parades, outdoor concerts, and shows, amusement rides, and permanent or temporary exhibits.  It also says about the noise they must comply with the City Noise Ordinance (who knows what that is).  I am old but I am pretty sure parades and outdoor concerts are not what nearby neighbors want near their homes.

After doing the research I told my wife I agree with most online users (which is rare) that this is a bait-and-switch to what most folks have been told.  I also saw some other areas of concern that some may overlook such as asphalt parking.  It says they must follow the zoning ordinance which requires parking to be concrete but temporary parking may be of an alternate material when approved by the Director of Engineering Services.  My other area of concern is the delivery hours as we learned the hard way living in Grayhawk near a Walmart. You can hear the delivery trucks all night long.  The agreement states the city cannot restrict public roadways or delivery hours and if residents have a problem with the noise they can call the police department.  It also states Universal will work to reduce the impact on nearby residents. 

One thing is clear, we are still having transparency issues, and it appears the public has been misled about what this project entails.  There are many loopholes and all of them help the city and Universal. The city is hoping residents are too stupid to read the paperwork. Just one old man’s opinion, the residents are being bamboozled and should be extremely angry, especially those living nearby.  

UPDATE: We watched tonight’s Special Joint City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting on FTVN. I am not sure if I would call it a train wreck, shipwreck, or victory. The meeting lasted several hours. Two residents spoke in favor of passing it but the remaining were all opposed. It was quickly apparent that many residents had many of the same concerns that we did and there was a lot of hostility toward the Mayor. Planning and Zoning passed it 5-0 and then the City Council passed it 4-1-1 meaning 4 yes, 1 no, and 1 abstained.

We were surprised only one resident mentioned the city’s right to free use of the theme park for an employee event on an agreed-upon date. Section 36.02 of the Texas Penal Code makes it a crime of bribery for a person to offer, confer, or agree to confer, or for a public official or employee to accept, agree to accept, or solicit, any benefit as consideration for a decision, opinion, recommendation, vote or another exercise of discretion. Ruh-roh-RAGGY! Clearly, the agreement states the city’s right to free use which could be seen as an offer or benefit for consideration for a decision. Hopefully, a resident will file a complaint with the Texas Ethics Commission.

John Pavle, one of the opposed speakers spoke with passion, vigor and true concern. He pointed out how this was shoved down residents throats, and that the people of Frisco are being exploited for money. He went on to say the evening was a dog and pony show, and for Cheney and the council to stop telling residents what they want and instead listen to the residents who are telling them what they want. The best part was when he actually looked directly at the entire council and told them he would hold each of them accountable when election time came and he promised the Mayor if he voted yes that he would not be sitting in that seat much longer. Mr. Pavle thank you for speaking your truth and for those of us at Frisco Chronicles we agree with you. It is time for residents to make their voices heard at the ballot box.

Jon Kendall Chair of P&Z said this is a destination city and your right it is sir, but it is also our home and that is what you are forgetting. Jake Petras another commissioner spoke and said he spent quite a bit of time reviewing everything for this project and gave it proper due diligence to ensure he understands everything. Well, tonight FC was sent a Facebook post that clearly shows Mr. Petras had made up his mind about 5 days after the Jan 11 announcement which we find interesting since no one knew what the hell was being proposed yet. If that is due diligence we are screwed. Steve Cone another commissioner who is also a resident of one of the nearby neighborhoods spoke and had the most valid pros and cons of the evening. Hopefully, he has a friend named Wilson since he is about to be Cast Away by his neighbors.

The last portion was the council’s input and the one thing repeated over and over was how they all appreciated the neighbor’s professionalism and courtesy in which they approached the situation. It was a little condescending, to be honest, did you think they were going to behave like a group of wild monkeys in the Amazon forest? Cheney said if they had to do it all over again they probably would have rolled it out differently and would have asked for more liberty on what they could share. Really Sherlock? You don’t need to share more but what you do share needs to be accurate. Looking at your very detailed Facebook Post from Jan 20 we see 10 am to 6 pm & no late night hours (actually it is 8 am to 9 pm), 300 room hotel (which can now be up to 600 with a second phase), target audience 3 – 9 (actually 3 – 11), no tall roller coasters max will be 40 – 50 feet (actually 80 feet big difference) and several of these things you mention more than once in that post. Here is an idea, how about you stop grandstanding and trying to oversell a project and just get the accurate information to share? Now you want people to trust your traffic report, trust that the council is doing what is best for residents, and trust city leaders – why should they? It is very clear since Jan 11 that this has been a shit show of false information.

Pelham said we could have done this differently and did we give the impression this was a done deal when it was announced, “Perhaps, Lesson Learned.” She had no empathy in her voice or facial expression like it was not a big deal because they tried to course-correct the situation. With all due respect, not a good enough answer because that announcement traveled around the world far beyond the borders of Frisco. Then you have the audacity to speak to John from Universal about how he gave his word on some concessions to the residents that are not written in the SUP and you hope he keeps his word because you will remember if he doesn’t the next time he appears before the council. Residents remember too Ms. Pelham, they will remember being lied to and misled the next time you stand in front of them and ask for their vote. Telling him his integrity is on the line and that he should honor and respect our home, all the while you are not respecting or honoring the residents before you who are asking you to protect their home and qualify of life is very hypocritical.

Livingston said he liked the project but he could not support the location near Cobb Hill and therefore he would be voting NO! Rummel wanted to table it although we are not sure what that would have done. Keating cried and said how emotionally impacted he was by Commission Cone’s words that evening, wait what? Where was his emotion for the residents who have stood before him pleading to save their neighborhood, and maintain their quality of life? Oh yeah, he went to the beach on vacation and never meet with the residents. Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya, Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama, Key Largo, Montego Baby, why don’t we go anywhere other than Cobb Hill?

The conclusion, everything came back to the economic value the project will bring our city. Yet our city is flush today and will continue to be off the many businesses here so saying no to one business, is not going to destroy our city economically. Money is the best motivator and that is some shady shit!


  1. Anonymous

    Cheney and others have to go. All planned for money in their pockets and not considering the residents of Frisco. Traffic and crime will increase with the influx of people. What happened to our Community that we bought into. A nightmare.

    • Anonymous

      Quite honestly, why would I ever recommend Cheney’s RE Business to anyone seeing that he’ll sell out anyone to get that ‘win’. Here it’s the entire city. At his job it’s the neighbors and the community being affected by him ‘pushing’ a sale that he knows would have a direct impact. (selling a property for it to become just another under-maintained rental plaguing the neighborhood )

  2. Disgruntled Frisco

    Typical Frisco shenanigans. I used to think this was a great city when I moved here 17 years ago. And it was. Now it’s a big city run by big city hustlers. I vote in all the local elections. I will sure as heck be doing so this year. Cheney has got to go and the challenger is getting stronger everyday as well as the ground swell to get him elected.
    Same goes for the school board.
    Bond and Kershaw are the ONLY option. The other two are simply cogs in the Frisco machine!!
    But let’s get Cheney for sure!!!

    • friscowhistleblower

      It is time to pay attention to all the elections both on the City and ISD sides. We will have to do some research on all the candidates and do a future blog with our opinions. The good thing is we learned Cheney is not running unopposed as he did 3 years ago.

    • Anonymous

      I completely agree. I moved to Frisco in 2018 and loved it and it’s people and I absolutely still do. However, the honeymoon phase of living here has ended and now that it’s time for me to actually invest myself into the community I have noticed something has begun to feel a little off. A little forced and unnatural. The “vibe” so to speak. I think the things that make this community what is is are beginning to evaporate in the name of the highest bidder. I had an opportunity to speak with Mark Piland a few days ago and I told him simply “we don’t want to wake up in 5 years and be Arlington Tx”


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