Traditions of the New Year

Every country has different traditions when it comes to celebrating New Years.  I remember as a kid when I spent some time in Denmark with my family they would go door to door and smash plates on doorsteps of friends and family.  The more shards there are in front of your home the luckier and more well liked were.  One year we celebrated New Years in the Philippines and there everyone just wears Polka dots because they believe it increases their chances of good luck.  Our tradition in the winery, you keep the windows and doors open on the front and back of your home.  The idea was you welcome the new year in and in turn blow out the old year, so you have a clean slate so to speak.

What does 2024 bring for the Whistleblower Family? We will continue to work on the leads sent to us by our followers, file more PIR’s, and work to uncover the happenings behind the scenes at city hall.  The one thing from 2023 that we are perplexed by is why the city chose to fight so hard to keep certain things a secret and what they were willing to release. 

For example, Nepotism, yes that is right, Nepotism.  Ask yourself, why would a city fight so hard to keep documents from the public related to the Nepotism Policy.  The policy is published on the city website for anyone to see.  Any changes to the policy must go before the council and are listed in the Agenda and Minutes.  That is why we were surprised and perplexed they sent our PIR request to the Attorney General who issued a response on December 15 and the city notified us on December 29th

We asked for communications between city officials pertaining to changes of the Nepotism policy. We wanted to understand why they were changing it, who they were changing it for, and how it would impact the city.  However, the city asserted attorney-client privilege that was made for the purpose of facilitating the rendition of professional legal services to the city and the communications have remained confidential.  They also submitted that the documents consist of advice, opinions and recommendations of city employees and officials regarding policymaking matters of the city.  The attorney general agreed the city could withhold it.

We know from an March 8th email they had already made up their mind to hire Interim Fire Chief Lee Glover but to do so they had to change the policy in April 2023.  So why then did they host a meet the candidate night in May 2023?  The decision was final, they had no intention to hire any of those candidates.  It was for POMP & CIRCUMSTANCE, so it appeared they were doing their due diligence. 

Then we know they changed the policy again just a month or so later to hire the IT Director whose husband works in the Frisco Police Department.  Our issue is that the same policy was used in the past and recently to disqualify candidates for jobs.  So they want their peanut butter and jelly when it suits them, but they want to whistle and swing the policy around as an excuse when they did not want to hire someone. It is not fair practice, and it does not give everyone an equal playing field. 

If the city had nothing to hide and everything they did when it comes to changing the Nepotism policy was above board, then why not release the email communications?  We also can’t understand why they sent to the AG a PIR request for a street flood. What are you hiding about a street flood that affected tax paying citizens homes? We just can’t wrap our head around the fact the city would fight to keep a few emails private and claim policy making as the reason, but they will go to a city council meeting and vote to release a confidential document about a retired employee running for Mayor. 

Traditions are important in this world, and like we said at the beginning we all have our New Year traditions that are the kick start of good luck for the future.  The city’s tradition is to delay PIRs by sending them to the AG and covering their tracks by claiming attorney client privilege which they have done with almost every PIR in 2023 that they wanted to bury.  We assume the tradition will continue in 2024.  For all those saying we’re reaching or trying to make something out of nothing, the truth is we are realists and what is happening is so obvious to anyone if they just clean the lenses of their glasses.  The other tradition we know the city will continue in 2024 is to waste our taxpayer dollars and operate the “Frisco Way!”

Our tradition is to continue to watch the city very closely and each person in this city. It is easier now that moles are coming out of the word work to help and join the team. The city continues to lose amazing talent to other cities which will dramatically change how Frisco operates and develops. As my dad would say one step, two step, you step, we step meaning “we are watching you.” If you have something you would like to share with us, just drop us an email at


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