True Confessions – Mayor Cheney on Density (video)

Density is generally defined as the amount of residential development permitted on a given parcel of land. Typically measured in dwelling units per acre – the larger the number of units permitted per acre, the higher the density; the fewer units permitted, the lower the density. Smart growth can reduce air and water pollution and preserve open space. Compact development that uses land efficiently is integral to creating neighborhoods that offer convenience, value, and a high quality of life. Density has always been and will always be a hot topic in Frisco among residents. So what is Mayor Cheney’s take on density?

Let’s get in our DeLorean and take a trip back in time to 2017.

In 2017, Jeff Cheney who was running for Mayor made a video on Density. He said the maximum build out was 350,000 residents, but that is not what people moved to Frisco for. People moved to Frisco for the quality of life and in order to protect that we need to build towards the original goal of 280,000 residents. We need to build out with world class level development’s with more open space, less multi-family all over the city and an overall less dense environment. Did someone just hit with me brick? Did you say LESS MULTI-FAMILY throughout the city? What have you approved the last 6 years? Mixed use with multi-family!

Where are we in 2023 then on density in Frisco? Currently we sit with an estimated population of 227,426 residents based on the city’s website. What are the projections now based on how Mayor Cheney has been “developing” our city? The current buildout population is estimated to be 325,000 by 2040.

What happened to protecting our quality of life? What happened to less multi-family?

Now to his credit he said in 2017 we need world class developments – and we have achieved that due to many amazing people, although Jeff would like to you to believe it is all him that made it happen. He said it is primarily apolitical dog whistle used at election time for political mailers.” That must be why it appears on this his 8.5 x 11 full color Choose Cheney mailer sent out to Frisco residents last week. We immediately noticed “reduced the population projections at build out, from 450K to 325K”what happened to 280,000 and protecting the quality of life and reason people moved here?

Then he said when you educate people, what? Over the years he has said that over and over, I don’t need to be educated Mr. Mayor as I understand it quite well and probably better than you do sir. Another example is when Edgestone residents organized last year and fought the developer who was going to try and sneak in town homes as part of their neighborhood. In front of him, resident after resident said we don’t want town homes and his response was let me tell you what you want, let me educate you as to why this is good for your neighborhood. Mr. Mayor let me educate you sir, maybe LISTEN TO THE RESIDENTS. What happened to 280,000 and less multi-family? Resident after residents has stood before our mayor and council telling them what we the residents want. Local resident, Mr. Pvale said it best and we agree with him. (If you need insurance look him up, and support local business) Does it matter what “WE” the residents say? No, and that is why one might think or say our Mayor was bought by developers.

The last thing Mayor Cheney said was it was IRONIC that people who consider themselves CONSERVATIVES don’t look at the economics behind these developments and how it is driving our tax bills down. What does being a conservative have to do with any of this? Does he really think it is just conservatives who don’t understand the economics behind these developments? Mayor Cheney my tax bill has never gone down in 16+ years of living here. In fact I just got the notice from the appraiser and they went up the max 10% so please show me where this multi-family you speak of has lowered my tax bill? That is the biggest crock of shady shit ever!

So what does Mayor Cheney want to do to our city with his last term if re-elected? Just listen to him explain it himself below and remember the proof is in the pudding as my mom used to say.

Cheney has lied to us since 2017, and his talking points change as much as wind direction does in Frisco. The truth is he wants his last term to be about what it has been about for 6 years… himself! Do residents want to live in a city where we test the limits of what our city is capable of? What will we be left with? Not the 280,000 maximum density he said we should build out to in 2017. We are going to be a city of multi-family nightmares. I didn’t buy a Money Pit, but the longer I live in Frisco I feel like I am paying a money pit of taxes, and my city is being overrun by Cheney and his developer dipshits.


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