Whoville of Frisco

If you were scrolling through social media over the holidays, you may have seen the holiday post from the City of Frisco.  When we saw the post we stopped in our tracks, not sure if we were enamored with it like Ralphie in The Christmas Story with the Leg Lamp, or if we were in disbelief of their brazen audacity to say FU to their naysayers.  Clearly, it was a message by our Elite Council to the Grinch naysayers who dare question them and what they do.  We decided to be like Tammy and write a poem!

The Who of Whoville by FWB

In the City of Frisco, not far from the Square, sat a Whoville of leaders in plush swivel chairs.  They believed they were the Who’s Who of Whoville and met every Tuesday to reign superior over those in the land.   

“We’ll build a new park!” said Mayor Jeff Maywho with great flair!  Thing 1 (Bobblehead Bill) stands up, Mayor Maywho, don’t forget bike lines – they’re only fair!”  Thing 2 (Cheating Keating) chimes in, “How, ‘bout we build more roads to relieve the loads!”

Just as the Whoville of Frisco was set to agree, a voice from the chamber rose and said, “Not So Fast!”  Martha May Who with a Pelham scowl, said “Have we thought this all through?  It’s a real rat race!”  The council just nodded, their eyes a blur, when Mayor Jeff Maywho called out “We’re solving it all, of that, I am sure! It will be to my liking, said the greedy and self-serving Mayor Jeff Maywho.

“Oh, Council of Frisco, so grand and wise, could you think for a moment with less compromise?  Must every decision be voted through so fast?”  Who speaks their bellowed Mayor Jeff Maywho.  The light shines upon the voice and Ozzy steps forward and says, “Lets focus on projects that are built to last!” 

Sweet little Cindy-Lou Who (Tammy) is undaunted while the Whoville of Frisco debates, talking about zoning and budgets and changing growth rates. She says although we’re not perfect (who really is?), we do our hardest to run this big biz.

Max “The Dog” Rummel stands up to pant and proposes a cheer, “Here’s to the Whoville Council of this great town, she juggles a smile, then shrugs, followed by a little frown.  Her only job is to pant, beg, and not step out of line due to loyalty or fear and every now and then Mayor Jeff Maywho will throw her a bone.

Just remember no matter WHO you are, or you celebrate the season, we will be cheering and laughing at your disgust for Whoville because Mayor Jeff Maywho will have a prosperous and joyous New Year.  The End.

In closing, when we saw the FU post, we were shocked at the audacity Mayor Jeff Cheney had to dress up as Mayor Augustus Maywho.  Here is a Mayor who has been accused of using his position to further his own financial gain and he takes center stage in a city holiday photo to dress up as a character (red sash in all), who puts on a façade to his true nature: that of a rude, greedy, arrogant, and egotistical politician who is willing to exploit anything for his own benefit. 

Look closely, the picture speaks volumes! Watch The Grinch and it will all make sense!

1 Comment

  1. Michelle Austin

    I LOVE when Truth and Humor unite to the obvious! Well Done!!


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