The art of political rhetoric is where promises flow like honey from the lips of our esteemed leaders, only to be swiftly forgotten once the ink dries and the votes are counted on election day. It is a delightful game of “he said, she said,” politicians masterfully navigate the treacherous waters between sincerity and self-interest, leaving behind a trail of broken vows and conveniently misplaced principles. We want you to embark on a whimsical journey through the whimsical world of political doublespeak, where words are but mere tools in the grand symphony of deception!
For months now we have heard the political rhetoric about the “Big Bad Unions” coming to town from our city leaders who run the Vote No PAC which is funded by developers of the Fields project. Keating & Pelham, in their own words, have openly said at forum after forum residents should vote “NO TO UNIONS” and the propositions on the ballot.
Keating’s political rhetoric via campaign mailers on the other hand has changed and the new approach is to claim he was pro-public safety and that he has been a champion for the police and fire departments. Was lying to the residents at the forums or is he lying to residents via mailers now? Now he is trying to change his message at the polls so he has instructed his poll greeters not to hold the “Vote No” signs because he thinks it might be hurting him at the polls. We think Keating is a typical politician who will spew whatever political rhetoric he wants depending on how the wind blows and that his word is no better than a grain of salt.
Meanwhile, Matt Sapp, President of the Frisco Firefighters Association, and several Frisco Firemen and women we spoke to told us over and over “Unions are not legal in Texas” and that is by Texas Law called an Association. If you ask any city leader, they are going to give the big bad union story, but Keating “In His Own Words” admitted that it is regulated by Texas Law and it is an “Association.” Why are Keating, Pelham, Cheney, Woodard, and Rummel then misleading the people of Frisco with the scary term Union when they know it is an Association? Well, it better fits their narrative and creates fear in residents which is what they want.
Pelham has claimed the push for the propositions is because someone wants POWER and CONTROL. In her own words, she said this is not about the whole fire department, it is about a select few called the Fire Association.
Well, that “select few” is over 90% of the association made up of 200 or more firefighters according to Matt Sapp. That leaves us wondering who wants the power and control in question. At certain times Pelham is about “data” and at other times she is about generalizations which ever best fits the narrative. Who do you believe?
Why are we sharing this with you? Voters must realize our elected officials are not being straightforward with us. That is all we have been trying to show and prove to you since the day we started this journey of Frisco Chronicles. Voters need to have all the information to be able to make the best decision when they cast a ballot. Next up more WWE Smackdown of In Their Own Words – Part 2.