Recently we noticed our Mayor Jeff Cheney took a trip to Las Vegas on taxpayer dollars. Where did he go? Las Vegas for the annual global real estate ICSC Convention which stands for International Council of Shopping Centers’ annual global real estate convention. According to the website, it is the world’s largest gathering of real estate professionals. It is a two- to three-day gathering of dealmakers and industry experts, who are driving innovation and evolution in commercial real estate. The event provides an opportunity for attendees to network, learn about the latest trends in retail real estate, and do business with thousands of exhibitors.
The website states the exhibit hall features over 1,200 exhibitors showcasing their products and services. These exhibitors include retailers, shopping center owners, developers, architects, and other vendors. Another important aspect is the networking opportunities. The event provides attendees with numerous opportunities to connect with other industry professionals, including receptions, parties, and other social events. These events allow attendees to make new contacts, share ideas, and form partnerships that can help them succeed in the retail real estate market.
Many local Frisco residents have questioned if Mayor Cheney uses his position as Mayor to help his personal business The Cheney Group, a real estate firm. Before we assumed the worst, we asked ourselves, why would he go to this convention on taxpayer dollars? What would the value to the city be? According to the expense report we found it says he went with the Frisco Economic Development Corporation.

In an email to Karla Horton, Jeff Cheney who uses his business email to conduct city business submits his receipt with a note that states to please consider the Saturday night stay and the food and beverage expenses to be personal expenses and do not file those for reimbursement. The only items for reimbursement would be the Sunday and Monday hotel room charges which comes to $1140.60.

Just looking at the expense report we have some serious questions. First, we noticed the room was in Jeff Cheney of The Retail Connection in Dallas, Texas. What is The Retail Connection? Then it states his departure date as 5/19/24 and return date as 5/20/24 but there are hotel charges on his ARIA Invoice for 5/18, 5/19, and 5/20. Why is he expensing two nights for a hotel when his report states he left on the 19th and returned on the 20th? Why not expense one night? How did he get to Las Vegas? Where is his expense for airfare?

When he travels to the city, he does have a per diem amount towards food, but he noted in his email to the city that the food expenses should not be submitted to the city as they are personal expenses. Then we noticed a charge that reads “$25 ARIA Refreshment Center charge for $25.00”. On two of the days, he was charged once for that but on 5/19 we see the charge twice. Then we noticed on 5/18 (the personal day) he hung out at the pool because there is a charge at the ARIA Pool Service Bar of $100.53. Then we noticed on he must have hung out at the pool bar on 5/19 the day he was supposed to be at the convention because there is another charge for the Pool Service Bar of $70.73. Plus, he has an additional charge on 5/19 at the ARIA Salt & Ivy Café Food for $95.11.

We are still questioning how the Frisco EDC and Mayor Cheney traveling to Las Vegas for a commercial real estate industry event would benefit the city? The website for the convention mentioned attendees can expect to meet with key decision makers from the shopping center industry, connect and network with over 34,000 attendees and 1,000 exhibitors, view the latest industry products and services that are critical to your business, take part in professional development courses, and educational opportunities for retail real estate professionals. Lastly you get to attend after parties and industry networking events and do a year’s worth of business in just three days.

The Cheney Group has a dedicated agent to the commercial real estate market so the question we continue to have, is the trip beneficial to his personal business because we can’t see what city business he would have there. What do you think?
This is so unbelievably unethical. How about we report it to the Ethics committee?? Oh wait…
I think he should not make land deals while in office and we definitely shouldn’t be footing the bill for his travel expenses. Let his reality group cover it.
This guy is a snake. I’ve known him for years and I’ve never trusted him.
Everything he does is for his own benefit. He makes deals with “for the city” if they only use him for services in real estate. He is not respected in the real estate industry. To make things happen for commercial, they have to work with him, if not, it doesn’t get approved.