Day 5: Christmas Gift

We had hoped to publish our timeline but after The Exit Interview and Case 64 we were surprised to receive several emails from insiders wanting to tell us about their situations and offering us more Christmas gifts. So while you sip some egg nog with your family and watch a great holiday movie we are unwrapping some holiday gifts sent to us. After we cross our T and dot our I’s it is our hope we will be back tomorrow to start rolling out our 12 Days of Christmas Special.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    You should PIR the entire hot line and what action happened on most of the complaints. Sassy has her favorites and only investigates people she doesn’t like excluding her moles she has planted throughout the city. Former HR personnel who broke the old nepotism policies by having affairs with other city employees. A blind eye to all the nepotism going back for years. You are onto to a treasure trove of hiding truths, not disclosing issues and protecting certain employees. No matter what. When she starts a witch hunt it doesn’t end until she gets her way. Ie. fire chief, asst chief, … the first step to change is to clean house in HR. Until that happens the city will continue to be exposed to bad decisions and inequalities

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