Follow The Money!

Some of the world’s biggest titans have fallen from grace because someone took the time to simply follow the money.  If voters knew how to follow the money it would be a game changer in helping them decide how to vote.  However, voters lack understanding and confidence in numbers and finance, so they follow the leaders on social media who tell them how to vote.  While we normally don’t pay attention to Frisco ISD, when you ask for a 1-billion-dollar bond that does perk our interest.  As we have said before curiosity kills and we were curious about who is behind the PACs in this Frisco ISD Bond election.

We are starting with the Vote For Frisco ISD PAC whose campaign treasure is listed as John Hoxie. What we found should shock you!  The “TOTAL POLITCAL CONTRIBUTIONS” is listed as $116,929.00.  It lists the PAC’s “TOTAL EXPENDITURES” as $46,483.55.  As of the last day of reporting the “TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED” was $115,486.80.  That is a lot of money, so where did it all come from?  We started combing through the reports on the state website and then compared them to the Check Registers listed on the district’s website.

Now before you say we may be “barking up the wrong tree” I bet if we were to ask the Vote For PAC how they raised over 100,000 dollars so quickly, they would not offer up the tricks they have up their sleeve.  Instead, I am guessing the response would be “It ain’t about the money, but it is about the principle of why they donated!”  That means it is about the money, and they just don’t want to spill the beans and answer the question.

We immediately noticed that 95% of the donors are companies and all but one are outside of Frisco. Our first thought was that this is a repeat of the May 2024 elections when the city went to its “BIG DEVELOPERS” and pushed them to donate/fund the Vote No PAC against the Frisco Firefighters.  We looked up each company and determined they were all direct providers or subcontractors for commercial general construction companies.  It made us wonder, who is the biggest provider of general construction to the district and here is what we found:

Core Construction: $306,297,212.88

Joeris General Construction: $73,671,804.65

Crossland Construction: 45,569,957.31

Lee Lewis Construction: $39,688,799.95

Corgan Assoc: $18,591,228.20

Hellas Construction: $11,585,144.34

Then we started researching the individual donors to the Vote For Frisco ISD PAC! We pulled up the check registers from 2018 (the time of the last bond) to 2024 and made our own spreadsheet comparing the year-over-year spend with different vendors. We also checked to see if any of them were on the Frisco ISD payroll.

RLK Engineering in Allen donated $10,000, and they specialize in civil engineering consulting.  That is the least they could do when the school district has spent $197,879.57 with them over the last few years.

Acoustics & Drywall in Carrolton donated $5000.  Who is that?  The actual name of the company is Lasco ADI and according to their website they worked for the General Contractor Core Construction on Panther Creek High School.  The website also shows a the logo for Corgan & Associates.

Armko Industries in Flower Mound donated $5000. They are an Engineering Firm with Architects and Building Envelope Consultants on staff.  They specialize in the building envelope which comprises the roof and exterior walls. Armko is on the districts payroll as well, and since 2018, Frisco ISD has paid them $1,709,038.83.  If your meal ticket calls, asking you to fund the Vote For PAC that is probably a good idea when you are banking in return.

Basden Steel in Burleson donated $5000.  They are a certified steel fabrication and erection company.  On their website it shows the Frisco Public Library as one of the many projects they worked on. 

CT Excavating in Greenville donated $500. They don’t have a very lengthy website.

Cooper Excavation in Lewisville donated $1000.  They have no website we could find and also have another name C-Con Services, Inc. 

DMG Masonry in Arlington donated $5000. While they have a website it is very basic so we can only assume they too are a subcontractor for the FISD project.

EMA Engineering & Consulting, Inc donated $20,000. They provide MEP and technology design and consulting services to architects and building owners. 

Foodservice Design Professionals in The Woodlands donated $10,000.  The design state of the art food cafeterias. Not like a little old Luby’s from my day!

Greater Metroplex Interiors (GMI) in Southlake donated $5000.  According to their website they are a facility construction for essential infrastructure projects.

Hawk Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning in Fort Worth donated $3000. 

J&E Companies in Grand Prairie donated $5000.  They are a masonry, drywall, acoustical, plaster/stucco specialty subcontractor.

John Cook & Associates in Dallas donated $3333.00.  They offer HVAC solutions.

Miller Sierra Contractors in Euless donated $5000.  They are a commercial concrete company.

One Source Building Services in Plano donated $2500.  They perform commercial construction services. One Source Commercial Flooring in Plano donated $5000.  They appear to be in the same location.

Precision Demolition in Lewisville donated $2000.

Progressive Services in Phoenix, Arizona donated $5000.

Redden Concrete in Melissa donated $1000, and they are a commercial concrete contractor.

Signature Casework in Dallas donated $2500, and their website was not working.

Ramsey Landscape Architects in Frisco donated $5000.

Sizelove Construction in Euless donated $5000, and they are a leading concrete subcontractor.

Vaden’s Acoustics & Drywall in Fort Worth donated $5000, and we could not access their website.

Webb Builders Hardware in Dallas donated $1000.

Wildstone Construction in Fort Worth, Texas donated $1500.

WHAT DID WE LEARN?  We have filed a PIR with the Frisco ISD to find out if these companies are subcontractors to any of the general commercial construction companies that they have paid out over $500 Million to over the last few years.  It is clear some of them are directly on Frisco ISD’s payroll which left us with a few questions:

  1. Who in the Vote For Pac is so popular that they know someone at each of these companies and called them up and asked them to donate to a PAC that would support Frisco ISD at the end of the day?
  2. If Frisco ISD made contact with these companies or their general contractors asking for help to fund the Vote For PAC then could that or would that be electioneering?
  3. It seems random that several subcontractors with no direct link to Frisco ISD felt the need to donate out of nowhere, and out of the goodness of their little kind hearts, to a district it has no affiliation to, right? If the PAC expects us to believe that, then they think we are dumber than elephant dung. The only reason these companies would donate is if they were asked to by one of the major companies they subcontract for.
  4. Is anyone else questioning how this PAC got funded so fast?

Voltaire, one said, “When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.”  In this case, that seems to be on point! Something underhanded and possibly crossing the line of ethical or even legal happened which funded this PAC. There are some hands in some serious cookie jars on this one!


  1. Jim Harper

    Your article says “i bet if we asked the PAC” so to clarify, you did not ask them directly before trying to prove something under handed? Also, could you publish how PACs in general work and where a majority of them get their money? And also, when criticizing FISD for asking for money from tax payer, is it not important to put in context why they are under funded at this time and the money and influences working against them at the state level? This just feels a little……. Lacking.

    • friscowhistleblower

      Most people already know about the state issues and if they don’t then they need to go back to school. As for asking the PAC no we have not reached out to them, nor have we reached out to the Vote No PAC. We have filed a PIR with Frisco ISD but we don’t anticipate they will respond timely before the election ends. What is clear and easy to understand (meaning you don’t need to be Elon Musk) to understand is that when a PAC forms and can raise over $100k in a short period – all of which comes from subcontractors to the General Contractors working on Frisco ISD projects that something smell like shit in Frisco. There is not list of the subcontractors anywhere on FISD website or in articles. None of their pages state they are subcontractors so how did the PAC know? Are you asking me to believe a random Masonry company in Fort Worth cares about Frisco’s propositions?

  2. Terence V. Milholland

    It might be illuminating to see the names of the owners of these firms so we can see if any of them are related to members of Frisco ISD or Frisco city.

    • friscowhistleblower

      It was very hard for us to find what we did. If you can piece, it together we will publish it.

  3. Nancy Bojarski

    I like your R&D (Research & Divulge)! Great job on the information here. I see the majority of REAL CITIZENS on ND are all a big fat NO!

    I have broken down the published spending by FISD into a cost per item spreadsheet. Let me know if you want to review it.

  4. We need accountability

    Look at the faces of Vote for Frisco ISD and you will know who would have contacted the contractors for donation. It’s not a ‘class’ act for sure.


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