Welcome to Frisco, Texas – a city known for its rapid growth, shiny new developments, and state-of-the-art amenities… except when it comes to an animal shelter for its four-legged residents. It is amazing how many residents here love pets and want an animal shelter. We hear about it on every town hall and often see comments online asking leaders…when, when it will be time for animal shelter? Frisco has been absolutely stellar at coming up with new and creative excuses for why that still hasn’t happened. It’s almost as if the city’s leadership has coined the term “We’ll get to it eventually” into an art form.
We have heard all the excuses, or should I say reasons – “We’re focusing on other priorities,” “We don’t have enough space,” “It’s a complicated project.” Blah, blah, blah. Because obviously, with all those new luxury apartments, multi-million-dollar sports complexes, and pristine retail centers, there’s no room for something as quaint as a place where animals can be safe and cared for. Why waste money on a shelter when you can keep building urban development centers, Performing Arts Centers, give a facelift to a soccer field, revitalize downtown into a Meca for the Mayors photo ops. Who needs compassion when you’ve got a sparkling new upscale grocery store when milk is already too costly for some households, right?

Each of our council members and Mayor has their “passion project” and the reason they ran for office! Regarding pets, Laura Rummel ran for her seat claiming to be the “passion paw patrol leader” for an animal shelter. She has been on council for a few years, but have we seen any changes? From what we can tell, no, and based on the countless emails we get from animal advocates across this city asking us to write about pets – they agree that nothing has changed.
We have been sent many things over the last two years by animal lovers since the conception of our page but because we didn’t know too much about the issue, we held of covering it until now. We know for years residents have been told that the city would prefer a public/private partnership instead of building its own animal shelter but what have they done to move the needle forward?
Rummel will argue she has started a private 501c and originally, she said it was to help raise funds for an animal shelter. However nowhere on the website for this 501c does it mention anything about an animal shelter. It says the mission is to perpetually support the City of Frisco, Texas, its citizens, and its pets by providing animal education, support low-cost veterinarian options, and help reduce the homeless pet population. We think the second half of that mission statement is great, but it is the first part that leaves us concerned.
According to the dictionary “perpetually” means ALWAYS or in a way that will never end or change. When the mission statement says they will perpetually support the City of Frisco – well that means if the city doesn’t want an animal shelter, then Laura will ALWAYS support that. Yet that is not what she continues to tell her supporters! She tells voters she is advocating regularly for pets and that we have the land and money to fund it. She is “all in” for pets but is she actually “all-in” however the city wants it?
Our question for Ms. Rummel is do you agree with Mayor Cheney and what he said at the mid-year 2024 Townhall where he essentially said Frisco has more sophisticated communication tools to handle lost pets and that the city’s position is to REHOME pets, so they never end up at the shelter? Essentially if you agree with that, you are saying to residents that if your dog gets out you don’t deserve the pet back so we will rehome it instead of taking it to a shelter.
In the second half of his comment, he says those communication tools are Facebook Community Pages and apps such as Nextdoor and those are tools that don’t exist in other communities. Would you agree Ms. Rummel since you will always perpetually support the city, and Cheney is the Mayor of our city? No other city or community in America has the sophisticated communication tools of Facebook Lost and Found pages and neighborhood groups? The Nextdoor app was created for Frisco and does not exist in other cities? I had no idea those were exclusive sophisticated communication tools for Frisco, only!
We are also curious if Ms. Rummel perpetually agrees when Cheney says the city’s approach that “WE DO NOT WANT TO RUN OUR OWN SHELTER” and we are open to a public/private partnership option only.
Most importantly we are curious if Ms. Rummel agrees with Cheney attacking Animal Advocates in a public form saying that they are a case study in how NOT to advocate for a position? He continues his rambling by schooling them publicly in the PROPER way to advocate for a position and accusing them of tearing people down and spreading misinformation.
The pet voters would like to know if you agree Ms. Rummel. Is going to a city council meeting and speaking during citizens’ input, emailing council members presentations, thoughts and asking questions the improper way to handle it? If you perpetually agree with that Ms. Rummel then it sounds like what you are saying is that they should kiss the City of Frisco’s Ring, support the click campaigns, and bow down to their agenda or else they are doing it wrong.
My wife and I follow the city very closely and we often hear them say they are “exploring options” at the council meetings, work sessions and town hall sessions. The city leadership responses are PERPETUALLY THE SAME every time. We are exploring options but have no updates. Maybe that is why when Ms. Rummel is questioned online or in the comments of her posts about the status of an animal shelter (the platform she choose to run on) she gets defensive.
In fact, recently she snapped back at one resident who comments on one of her Facebooks posts stating nothing has changed and she has not moved the needle by sending him a private message that reads, “SO YOU THINK IVE DONE NOTHING” to which he responds “NO ANIMAL SHELTER. Is there one being built that I don’t know about?” They go back and forth, and she says we have the land, we have how we’d pay for it and we are still negotiating with a potential partner.

How much does our “Regional Partnership” cost? Do they have land? Do they know how they would pay for it? And who are they negotiating with as a private partner? We know the one they were talking to in 2024 is dead in the water based on the emails we have. Stay tuned for Part 2

Rummell is a sellout. Cheney bot. Rubber stamp that both the left and the right can’t trust. Sad. She had potential. To stand up to the crazies on the right and the nut jobs on the left and govern with firm positions and take an unapologetically firm stance on the Republican values she claims to hold. Instead, she chose to become part of the machine. A cog in the wheel that doesn’t stand out. Maybe flying under the radar has served her well. Maybe it’s time to send her packing. I’ll go with #2.
Where’s the shelter Laura Cheney???
It’s pretty bad when even RINO Patterson says you’re weak. That says a lot.
You made your poor husband stand at the polls every day for this? Wow!
“We have an animal shelter. It’s located in McKinney.” Is our library in McKinney? Is our senior center in McKinney? What a dunce
Laura is a passionate advocate for not just animals but our city. Sadly she is one vote of 6 and she does not get t he support on the animal issue that is needed. Of course I remember how hard it was to get the dog park built.
A sad and misleading hit piece and there is a REALLY simple solution to ANY candidate you are not happy with, turn out the vote and put someone in their place you think will do better.
Having said that, leadership starts at the top and in 2 years Frisco will have a chance to elect a new Mayor, do you want more of the same? Or a DEI hire? Or do you want someone with a strong resume at the city, state and national levels, with the business background to help the city grow?
As for Mrs Rummel, she has my support.
Mr. Wright you are part of the City Council inner circle. Close to your fellow Vet John Keating, we have seen you constantly defend the Mayor yet we have never seen you speak up for animals. Why not voice your opinion that you support Frisco’s Pets. Just curious.
The bashing of Laura is insane. Nothing gets pushed forward unless colonel tom parker wants it. i mean mayor cheney. you want different results vote out those cheney cronies. startsc with Tammy and empty suit Keating. who will be running for mayor in 2 years as cheney 2.0. start by sending him packing and maybe he can actually get a real and city can start changing priorities.
everyone is barking and making an ass of themselves. Stop pissing on Laura. You need to focus your energy on colonel TOM PARKER aka Jeff Cheney and is allies on the council. which are Tammy, Mr. Woodard, Angelia & John K. Until you break out these mindless followers. Then Frisco will never get a animal shelter.
Tammy is focused on a arts center so we can see Mama Mia in Frisco instead of Fair Park music Hall for $MILLIONS of tax payer money to fund a center that will be enjoyed by a few. Then you have stick man Bill Woodard who is focused on what Jeff tells him to support as he is a total puppet of the Mayor. Its flat out embarrasing how he conducted himself during the election on the fire fighters request to increase staffing.. He was such a tool and a dee r in the headlights. I swear he did not believe half of what Jeff told him to say in the fox 4 news interview.
Then you have Angelia, well she is a tool of Jeff. Jeff tells her how to vote and she says sure thing. Then finally ole Jeff Keating the perfect definition of an empty suit. He has to defer to Jeff Cheney to tell him how to vote. He panders to the Developers and as we all know is not of moral character or common sense. If you want true change on the council then vote these zombies out of council.