Heit-end Victim Card

In less than 24 hours the “Mother of Frisco” seems to be upset by our blog “Heit-end Controls.”  We received a copy of her “Victim Card Post” that went up on FRWC Facebook page about an hour ago.  To say we are dumbfounded and confused is an understatement and we feel it is best to address her post paragraph by paragraph.

Heit’s 1st Paragraph: “This Facebook group, my character and my personal integrity has been attacked in an anonymously written hit piece that is now being shared as fact in other Facebook groups…including a group that pretends to be a resource for Parents of Frisco ISD students (despite the fact that several of the admin don’t live in Frisco or have kids attending Frisco ISD schools).”

Our Response:  Character is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual and Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles and moral uprightness.  If you read our article, we wrote that my wife has loved your page for many years and that we appreciate all the hard work you put into your page.  We made note of the fact that we met you at a few local events and truly believe you are a kind, polite and genuine person.   All we did was question how you choose to admin your page which disseminates information to over 20+ followers.  That is not an attack on your moral qualities or principles. 

Questioning someone is not an attack; if it is, then we are all up a creek without a paddle.  We pointed out that the admin of the page, which is you, does not allow any opposing views regarding local political posts.  That is not an attack on your moral principles or uprightness.  As for people sharing our posts, our page is public therefore, we cannot and will not stop anyone from sharing our posts to any page or group.  We also will not close comments, stop discussion, or interactive sharing of thoughts.  You share posts/articles on your FRWC page every day.  Even though your rules state no posts on political candidates, you share them as informational but don’t allow informational posts regarding the opposing candidates.  Ms. Heit, calling you impartial is not nasty and we did not refer to you using bad language. disparaging terms, or foul names.  We simply questioned how you choose to admin one of the largest Facebook pages in our community, and that is not an ATTACK on your character or integrity.

Heits 2nd Paragraph: Why am I being slandered? Well, because it is election season, and I am supporting the passage of the Frisco ISD Bond & VATRE ballot measures and the folks who are trying to defame me do not. They are online bullies—the exact type of bullies that I raise my children not to be. Many of them are in this group. I have patiently and repeatedly answered their questions and responded to their twisted facts about the school district.

Our Response:  Slander is a legal term that refers to a false, oral statement about an individual that harms his/her reputation or standing within the community.  1) To be clear everything we posted and questioned … ARE YOUR OWN WORDS OR RULES!   At the beginning of our article, we stated that you support the BOND and that as election day draws near many residents are searching social media for more information.  We never said your supporting the bond was a bad thing.   We pointed out you will not find any opposing VOTE NO position on your page.  2) We did not SLANDER or DEFAME YOU IN ANY WAY!  Several people contributed to the whistleblower, and we have not asked any one of them how they plan to vote on the issue nor would we.  We don’t care that you support the bond, we don’t care if you vote for Harris or Trump, this is America, and it is your GOD GIVEN RIGHT to support any candidate or measure you want! 

What we care about is that everyone makes an informed decision, and you have said the same thing.  When one of the largest social media community forums blocks information simply because it opposes the admin’s moral principles or moral uprightness, then the admin can’t claim in the newspapers to be impartial.  Also blocking comments and asking people if they have questions to private DM you makes me wonder, why not just answer the question in a public forum.  It feels like someone is trying to hide something and by blocking views you do not allow for educational discussion which helps members of our community to learn more.  In many of your posts you have said you want to make sure residents are INFORMED so let them be INFORMED of the good, bad and ugly and make their own decision.  You choose to post about the bond, you choose to shut off comments, you choose to layout your expertise, you choose to have these discussions in multiple social media groups, newspapers and community events.  Now when asked a question, you are choosing to play the victim card to your own posts and words. 

Heit 3rd Paragraph: For complete transparency, I have put in the work to serve on school district committees for the last 7 years and I understand what our school district is currently up against. Those slandering me for my support of the district have not put that work in and to be honest, they seem to think they know better than our entire District Instructional Support Team. Funny how that is!

Our Response:  Since you feel we somehow slighted you on your accomplishments, we’ll let us apologize for that!  HEAR YE, HEAR YE… FOR THOSE READING OUR BLOG: PLEASE SEE ALL OF MS. HEITS INCREDIBLE ACCOMPLISHMENTS THAT SHE LISTS OUT IN HER OWN WORDS from the website CheckOutDFW.com.  “After moving to Frisco in July of 2015, I led and organized a year-long community effort with the City of Frisco to find the most suitable location for a large multi-acre substation being planned along Legacy Drive. I have served on the Frisco ISD Long Range Planning Committee, the Frisco ISD Facilities and Programs Evaluation Committee and participated in the Frisco ISD Insight program. I also successfully co-chaired the 2018 PAC for the Frisco ISD Bond and TRE and have served on the marketing committee for Frisco FastPacs. I am currently serving on the Frisco ISD District Advisory Council and am a current member of the Frisco Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Frisco class. In addition, I am helping a new, soon-to-be formed 501c3 charitable organization, Pride Frisco, become established in our community.”

As for your criticism of us that “we have not put in that work” and that “we think we know better than those who have” … 1) we have never claimed to know more than anyone and 2) you have no clue what we or any resident has done or not done so please hold your privileged condemnation.  AGAIN, LIKE A BROKEN RECORD, we simply said we believe in educational dialogue to make informed decisions.  We have NOT SLANDERED the work you have done or put in with our school district, but you did just slander any voter or about (99% of our community) by saying if they have not done what you have done that, they are not good enough to have an opinion or smart enough to decide how to vote.  Some of us don’t have the privilege of Ms. Heit, meaning we do as much as we can for our community in our own way, while facing other issues in our lives.

Heit Paragraph 4 & 5: It’s ok that not everyone wants to support the public-school district’s ballot measures. That’s what freedom and democracy is about. I only ask that everyone be informed and make a decision based off fact and not hearsay or presumed facts.

But it is NOT ok to share a disparaging portrayal of my character and my commitment to spreading kindness in Frisco simply because we disagree on supporting public schools.

Our Response: We agree, vote how want on the district’s ballot measures.  Again Ms. Heit over and over calls for “everyone to be informed” yet she won’t let an opposing factual view from the VOTE NO position respond.  She implies those on the vote no side are working off hearsay and presumed facts.  How does she know that?   You are choosing to post about it so just let it play out in discussion and allow voters to make up their own mind.  Lastly, Ms. Heit is choosing to play the victim again using big words such as “disparaging portrayal of my character” when we never disparaged her character for supporting public schools.   If Ms. Heit is this upset by a single question, then Houston we have bigger underlying problems.  We support our schools and teachers, Ms. Heit, we just disagree with the measures. Yet our opinion does not matter nor does 95% of Frisco residents because we don’t have the privilege of serving our school district for 7 years via a committee or our community to your expectation for it to count.

Heit’s last few paragraphs: But regardless of the election outcome, FRWC will remain a place for Frisco residents to come and seek recommendations, ask for resources and politely discuss issues facing our community. It will never, nor has it ever been, a place that fuels divisiveness in the community.

If you do not like this group, you are free to leave. If anyone tells you that they been removed from this group, it’s either because they are a spammer, a BOT, they have aggregiously broken group rules (likely more than once) or they refused to be a Frisco Resident Who Cares and were mean and ugly towards others.

I’m sorry I had to post this in the group to begin with. It’s honestly embarrassing that grown adults act like this on social media (I can only imagine what an example they set for their own children), but despite being a passive person, I will not allow my reputation or my group’s reputation to be hijacked and taken over by social media bullies.

Our Response: Regardless of the election, we stand by our original comments that we believe she is a nice person and seemed very genuine the few times we meet her.  Our new page Frisco Texas Freedom Chatter will be open to all views.  You can discuss local issues, political issues, post community events but we will not be shutting off comments.  We have respect for both sides of the equation.

Ms. Heit, we never said FRWC fuels divisiveness, those are your words not ours!  AGAIN, we simply questioned why you will not allow for discussion on local political candidates, propositions, and ballot measures.  You post about it then shut everyone down from commenting or don’t approve oppositional posts so that is not impartial and that is all we pointed out.  Ms. Heit closing commenting does not allow for others to politely discuss issues facing the community.  Lastly, as grown adults we are not sorry about what we posted and when it comes to asking the question of how an admin can claim to be impartial when clearly, they are not, does not make it a personal attack, accusation, slander, or defamatory.  THAT IS A FACT based on your own posts, words, and decisions.

You could have chosen not to respond to our article like most do in Frisco, but we want to say thank you for taking them time to write your “victim card post!”  It happened just like we said in our blog closing, it would.  How did we know?  Whenever she feels attacked, Ms. Heit does a “poor as me post” for sympathy.  

Now it is time for FWB to set the facts straight, we did not attack you, your character, or integrity in any way, shape, or form.  However, we are a little perturbed now and ready to take a bite of the apple after you accuse us of such bad behavior!  WE SIMPLY QUESTIONED YOUR ABILITY TO BE NEUTRAL WHEN IT COMES TO LOCAL POLITICAL POSTS.  It is okay for you to do interviews with your comments about your need to be impartial, but it is slander if someone else questions you.  You choose to put yourself out there, heck you just posted several articles that talked about you in the last few weeks.  “Look at me!” 

The fact is, you are not impartial when it comes to posts about local elections, candidates, or ballot measures.  If FWB’s simple statement hurts your feelings, you have bigger issues to deal with.  Having passion for a ballot measure is not a bad thing, many others would struggle to be impartial also in the same position.  The difference is the other 99% don’t control or administer a page that goes out to 20K+ plus residents.  We like your page; we find it very informative most of the time, you do great things in our community, and you are a well-accomplished Frisco individual which is why people trust you.  That trust the residents put in you means you must be even more careful than normal to be impartial or fair.  You can’t just type “be informed” and then control the narrative, tell them you will answer questions privately via DM, turn off comments, not allow opposing views, and expect no one to question you publicly.  Your accusation that we are a bully is egregious and so is the fact you cannot spell it! You act as if we pillaged you at the center of town in our blog, but you were one of the first to laugh at our post as it went up today. Now… back to our regularly scheduled programming: “The Princess and the Pity Part Post!”


  1. Michelle Milholland

    “A person can’t heal as long as they are deflecting and blaming. One must accept responsibility for their own actions and make the shift necessary for growth.”
    — Sanjo Jendayi

    • Anonymous

      What little respect I had for you is completely gone. This whole high-school-esque “Mean Girl” charade is pathetic. Shame on you!

    • MAGA Mike

      If Jaime Hate has political aspirations, her platform of taxation, censorship and butthurt isn’t going anywhere with anybody other than the Facebook Karens.

  2. Parents of Frisco ISD is the real problem

    Michelle Milholland: The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that’s also a hypocrite. I bet you don’t last long in these comments if you can’t control the narrative. I’m sure there is some data you have to go and misinterpret or a member of your group to silence, anyway.

  3. Selection to FISD DAC is dirty

    I have a thing or two to comment on regarding the Frisco ISD District Advisory Council and how its members are selected. It’s a tight little secret that no one knows about—or maybe we all do? For Jamie to boast about being in the DAC for seven years and to question the credibility and commitment of anyone who disagrees with her support of ballots by asking, “What have you done?” raises an important question: How do you know that the people questioning Frisco ISD’s irresponsible financial undertakings never filled out the form to volunteer? Maybe they did, but the district administrators feel threatened by the accountability these individuals would bring if selected. Perhaps a Public Information Request (PIR) is in order to understand the DAC selection process better.


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