It’s Official – Texas Atty General

Our team members have filed a complaint with the Texas Attorney General in regard to the City of Frisco and Public Information Requests. The city has been notified and we will see how things roll out in the coming weeks.

Time after time we send requests to a city who likes to claim they are TRANSPARENT when really, they are using every avenue to withhold information from the public. We are hopeful the Texas AG will see that the City of Frisco is using their office to weaponize and withhold public information.

Let truth be told!


  1. Corliss Hopkins

    The last place to trust is a government employee. They are of no care for anybody . Frisco love to keep secrets. They need to stop hiding what all taxpayers need to knoe

  2. Anonymous

    Thank goodness and about time!

  3. Mr. Frisco

    Kamala is isn’t our Attorney General so we have a chance for fairness.

    Why is the majority of posts about the Fire Department? Without the water department they fail. Public works is just as valuable, but often forgotten. They too are suffering from the massive hiring failures of the new regime, and HR department.

    • friscowhistleblower

      No Kamala is not our Attorney General. As for the posts itself we write about what we can confirm. We have had whistleblowers in the past report the other departments however through PIRs we cannot document all of the information we have received. Every department in our city is valuable and anyone, at any time can email us and all whistleblowing is kept confidential.


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