
Welcome to the dinner table where you thought the only thing spicy was the food.    Have you ever felt like mustard fights with mayo and ketchup hold a grudge against ranch?  You can have a classic ketchup and mustard coalition but beware the rise of the new contender: sriracha!

The reality is the table is full of a world of condiments and political debates!  The next few months will be filled with a heated political election and your condiment choices are shaping the future—of your sandwich.  So, grab your napkins, folks, because we’re about to dive into the bizarre, messy world where sauces aren’t just about flavor—they’re about power. Let the condiment campaign begin!

You’re probably wondering why we are talking about condiments!  Now we are going to confuse you a little more!  Have you ever heard of The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)?  The FERC is an independent agency, that is a part of the U.S. Department of Energy, and it regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil.  We had never heard of them until we read a yahoo finance article.  The more confusing thing about this article was the Commission ordered a company called Ketchup Caddy (Ketchup Who?) and its owner to pay about $27 million for using bogus demand response resources to make offers in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator’s capacity market.

What is Ketchup Caddy and what does the FERC have to do with Frisco, Texas?  Ketchup Caddy is a company originally created in Frisco, Texas and they sell an in-car ketchup holder invented by Phillip Mango.  On December 5th the FERC decided that the company and its owner engaged in Market Manipulation using a fraudulent device, scheme, or artifice to defraud the MISO market according to the FERC.

To do this they co-founder Todd MEINERSHAGEN, a computer programmer, registered customers using a random number generator on a website to cull data so Mango could contact them about enrolling in Ketchup Caddy’s DR program.  Meinershagen AGREED in late 2022 to pay more than $525,000, including interest, for his role in the market manipulation. According to FERC, Ketchup Caddy “regularly distributed” MISO capacity payments to Mango’s and Meinershagen’s personal bank accounts totaling more than $500,000 apiece.

Have you made the connection yet?  Todd Meinershagen is the husband of Tammy Meinershagen our city council woman who loves the arts.  Seems they both want to use other people’s money to build things!  Talk about transparency and honesty to the public.  My mom once told me, you are who you associate with and if that is true Tammy is standing by her man and that means her character is questionable.

Tammy Meinershagen is now asking citizens to Re-Elect her to office when they NEVER ELECTED HER THE FIRST TIME.  A Community Impact article from Feb 28, 2022, reads, “Tammy Meinershagen to ASSUME Place 2 on Frisco City Council; May election for city to be canceled.”  The article states that according to Mayor Jeff Cheney, Meinershagen will FILL THE SEAT of Council Member Huffman.  Cheney went on to say they are CANCELING the May 7, 2022, election since both races were uncontested.  Bobblehead Bill Woodard had no one run against him so while he assumed the seat for a 3rd term he wasn’t elected for his 3rd term.  The same for Meinershagen who was NEVER ELECTED so how can we RE-ELECT HER NOW?

The funny thing about Bobblehead Bill Woodard and Tammy Meinershagen is they both were on the front lines to say Vote No against our Frisco Fire Fighters and yet we never elected them!  It’s a little bit Ironic, don’t you think?   Frisco Residents need to get involved and have a voice.  Who do you want leading our city and who do you want to ELECT TO THE OFFICE?  It is time for change, time to have representatives who listen to the residents and don’t show up for just the photo’s ops.

Reference Articles: Yahoo Finance, RTO Insider, Utility Drive, and SP Global


  1. Michelle

    Wow! Why on earth would city Council appoint her with ALL this deception and theft with her hubs going on??!! VERY QUESTIONABLE for council and Cheney to intermingle with criminal and associate criminals. That’s NOT what we would expect for Frisco leadership!

    • Concerned

      Because the leader of the city is the most deceptive of them all!!

  2. Vicki

    So Frisco residents need to insist on a special election and fill her seat with the person of their choice. Anyone want to run against her?

    • friscowhistleblower

      Well, she is running her for seat again in May 2025. Based on what we see online there will be other options running against her and we suggest citizens do their research and vote for some new blood on this council.

  3. Jimmy

    Interesting. It appears that Meinershagen was kept in the dark about the fraudulent scheme and paid the ill-gotten money back once he knew about it. Phil Mango, also of Frisco appears to be the self admitted mastermind and fraudster behind the entire scheme but already spent the money. He didn’t pay it back. This conjures up images of a rotten apple, telling others how great they are all while jet setting around the World spending other people’s money as a computer illegally collects other people’s money. It is going to be an ugly, long and lonely road for the Mangos. Will the FERC refer this and the daddy of Ketchup Caddy for criminal prosecution is the question of the day. While condiments might rule the day, fruad is a fruitless career path.

  4. Michelle

    The drama surrounding this scandal sounds like business as usual for politicians and city leaders. They take your hard earned cash (tax dollar) and turn it into to their gold (profits) either by lying, outright stealing or manipulating the facts. Can’t say that I’m not surprised after reading this article that another politician or their family member has engaged in criminal activities.
    If the above article is true then we need to get her out of Frisco politics and out of office for good. What does it take to run against her and put someone honest into her place in office?

  5. melanie g



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