Stolen Valor at Frisco City Hall

Recently we received an email that read “I follow your page and have always wanted to speak out as a Veteran in this town. I hope you will share my thoughts on your page. I have titled it Stolen Valor at Frisco City Hall. Sincerely, a Frisco Veteran”

Hello Frisco Veteran, and of course we would be more than happy to share your thoughts with our readers. Below is the letter that was attached to this email. Nothing in the attachment has been changed or altered. Thank you for your service and for following our page. Enjoy!

The Frisco Veterans Memorial located in Frico Commons Park is a testament to the men and women who served in uniform. You can take an audio tour to learn about the Memorial and it’s meaning for veterans and the residents of Frisco. The Battlefield Cross, Wall of Honor and Gold Star Families Memorial Monument remind us of the sacrifices our men and women in uniform made in service to our country.

This struggle and sacrifice aren’t exclusive to members of the armed forces, it’s just as meaningful for our Police Officers, Firefighters and First Responders. We’ve had devastating accidents happen to our Frisco Police Officers and Firefighters in the line of duty and the effects are still being felt by the victims and their families.

Supporting those injured in the line of duty is our responsibility yet when the opportunity came for City Hall to do the right by a Firefighter, our City Manager Wes Pierson failed. Cameron Kraemer was a former Assistant Fire Chief for the City of Frisco for 27 years, yet he was fired after the City of Frisco denied his Workers Compensation claim for PTSD. In late 2023, the Texas Department of Insurance ordered the City of Frisco to pay Mr. Kraemer his back benefits via lump sum. On August 2nd, 2024, Mr. Kraemer filed a Wrongful Termination suit against the City of Frisco after the DOJ ruled that he could sue.

Frisco City Manager Wes Pierson’s actions toward Mr. Kraemer sent a terrible message to our Police Officers, Firefighters and First Responders. Mr. Pierson destroyed any credibility he had with the Police and Fire Department, to make matters worse every time the courts rules in Mr. Kraemer’s favor the distrust and resentment grows.

The City of Frisco claims to be a “Veteran Friendly City” and has multiple events that celebrate and honor our veterans. Often when people think about veterans, they think about our service members abroad. Our Police Officers and Firefighters put their life on the line, every day in service to our community and should be treated with the same level of honor and respect. Next time you see Mr. Pierson at a Veterans function or event with Police Officers or Firefighters, Never Forget his act of Stolen Valor against Mr. Kraemer.


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