Proposition A & B

When you get old, your routine becomes familiar which is not a bad thing.  Every morning my wife and I have coffee on the back patio with our little TV turned on to the news.  We make sure to pull out our TV trays every night before 6:30 and have dinner on our plate so we can sit down for our daily dose of Wheel of Fortune at 6:30. Lastly, the highlight for me is the weekly pilgrimage to the grocery store.  While my wife grabs a cart I stroll right on in through those electric doors to my favorite place, the bakery.  I like to look at every cake and cookie and if there are samples, well I am on cloud 9.  I am a sucker for sweet treats!

When we first heard about the Frisco Firefighters Association’s push for Proposition A & B, my wife and I were coming out of the grocery store.  A young lady approached us and asked if we would be interested in signing the petition for the firefighters.  We talked and she was very pleasant and thoroughly explained what and why they were trying to get the propositions on the ballot.  We asked if she was a firefighter in Frisco and she said yes and we learned she was at the station closest to our house.  She humored us old folks and we signed the petition because we felt if this was something they felt that strongly about, then we should at least let them bring it to the voters. 

As time played out, we were curious, I wonder what the conversations were like at city hall in regard to this push.  We filed a PIR on February 26, 2024, that read Emails, texts or handwritten correspondence between city officials, including the city manager’s office, assistant city managers, deputy city managers, city council, and department directors regarding the Frisco Fire Association Prop A & B regarding Civil Service and Collective Bargaining.” 

On March 12, 2024, we received a reply from Julie Davidson, Deputy City Secretary that, “The City of Frisco has reviewed its files, and has located documents responsive to your request. However, due to issues of confidentiality, the City has chosen to seek a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General regarding the release of the responsive documents. You will be receiving a letter from Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Hullett, PC, attorneys for the City of Frisco, informing you of the City’s decision to seek a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General. The Office of the Attorney General has up to 45 business days in which to make a ruling regarding your request.”

Were we surprised to see the city send it to the Attorney General, of course not!  We just assumed since they were so against it, they would have no issue sharing the communications they have had regarding the propositions.  However when they did say they were sending it to the AG we began to wonder, why didn’t they want to share it.  What secret conversations have they had they don’t want us the residents they claim to be so transparent with, to see.

As of now April 21, 2024, we still have no response from the AG.  Common sense would tell you if they have nothing to hide they would release the communications because it would only support their vote-no stance.  Then again the other half of our common sense says, the only reason to play the Attonrey General game is to delay what you don’t want residents to see.  They know whatever we get back will be published and they know they may get caught with their hand in the “cookie jar!” 

So we are calling on our elected officials Jeff Cheney, John Keating, and Angelia Pelham who love to claim “Accountability and Transparency”  to hold a city council meeting and vote to release the documents just like they did last year on another issue. 

Jeff Cheney was quoted in Community Impact back on October 18, 2023, in an article by Alex Reece as saying, “The resolutions were adopted because of council’s belief in transparency and residents’ legal right to call for a vote on their issues.” Mayor Cheney, if you believe in transparency and the right for residents to vote on an issue then we need to know everything before voting which starts in 24 hours.  So why not fulfill the PIR?

Then we have John Keating who says right on his website under “The Mission” tab that he has served from a place of transparency and accountability throughout his time on council and that he will continue to uphold those values.  Well, Mr. Keating here is your chance to UPHOLD THOSE VALUE and call for a full release of the PIR which ensures every action taken is legal and ethical as you write on your website. Mr. Keating will you take action or are those just words to get re-elected?

Lastly, there is Angelia Pelham who states in her campaign video that three years ago she asked us to take a blind leap of faith and vote for someone we didn’t know.  She promised us that she would represent us with “Character and Integrity” as our elected official.  Now three years later she says, “You know me!”  Well, we searched her campaign website and while it talks about diversity in and out which is great, guess what it doesn’t mention? If you said TRANSPARENCY OR ACCOUNTABILITY, then you would be correct.  Angelia we are asking you based on your character and integrity to call for a full release of the PIR requested because if you have nothing to hide and act with character and integrity it should be no problem to release, right?

Truthfully, we don’t expect any of the three to release the PIR’s because their claim of transparency is complete bull shit!  Yep, we said it and we stand by it.  If this city is as transparent as it claims, then why do you keep delaying and hiding PIRs that could change how we vote?  Ask yourself this, what is our city and elected officials hiding when it comes to Prop A & B and how did the PAC get all this information from the city that no one else can get?    

Lastly, we were asked will we hold Piland and Redmond to the same standard and the answer is yes.  If they get elected, we will hold them to the same damn standard.  However, we can’t call on them to be transparent right now because they hold no key to the kingdom of documents.  You can bet if they get elected, we will ask them the same questions and hold them to the same standards and expectations that we are asking of our current council.

Where do we stand, we feel the Frisco Fire Fighters are the only ones being honest and transparent, so we are voting For Prop A & B in our household. We hope you make the best decision for your household.


  1. Anonymous

    Voting yes is what is best for our Frisco fire fighters. I am the wife of a fire fighter from a near by department. Vote YES!

  2. Anonymous

    Everyone needs to vote yes for Prop A & B!!! Cities around us have this and there are no problems!!!! What is Frisco City Council afraid of???


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