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If you live in Frisco, then you should know the name Cameron Kraemer.  Kraemer, the former Assistant Fire Chief, was fired after 27+ years with the city.  During his time with the Frisco Fire Department, he served as Deputy Chief, Battalion Chief, Captain, Lieutenant, Firefighter and Paramedic.   But last year in 2023 Kraemer’s name was the subject of many headlines.  Community Impact’s headline read, “Frisco Assistant Fire Chief Kraemer fired after nearly 30 years” and The Dallas Express headline read, “Local Assistant Fire Chief Kraemer Fired.”

Why would the City of Frisco fire such a long-standing employee?  Kraemer’s history with the city goes deep, his dad Tom Kraemer, who recently passed away, worked for the city’s communications department for around 19 years.  A Facebook post by the Frisco Fire Fighters Association on May 2, 2023 read, “Regrettably, Assistant Chief Kraemer has been terminated by the City of Frisco after 27 years of service, without being given the opportunity to go through the appeals process and contested case hearings,” the post read in part.  The post went on to say that Kraemer went on leave in August 2022 for post-traumatic stress disorder.  According to the Frisco Fire Fighters Association, Kraemer filed for workers’ compensation for PTSD in December 2022, citing Section 504.019 of the Texas Labor Code. The department denied Kraemer’s claim. He is appealing the decision.  The post closed with the following remark, “It is disheartening to witness the dismissal of a Firefighter with significant tenure in this way, particularly in a city that prides itself on its care and regard for its employees.”

At Frisco Chronicles, we felt something smelled like a freshly cooking, Cowboy Cow Pile Patty, smoldering in our Texas 110-degree summer heat.  That is a nice way of saying something smelled like ShXt.   We started to dig, and we uncovered some dirty back door dealings about the city which we disclosed in our 12 days of Christmas Articles (check the archives).   We were curious what would happen next with Kraemer, and we didn’t have to wait long to find out. 

Cameron Kraemer took his workers’ compensation case before the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) claiming he was undergoing treatment for long-term post-traumatic stress when the city terminated him and denied his claims for medical coverage.  On September 21, 2023, the case went before the TDI in Dallas and the administrative law judge who heard the case ordered the City of Frisco, which is self-insured, to pay Kraemer benefits and any accrued but unpaid income benefits in a lump sum with interest as provided by law. 

On October 12, 2023, the Frisco Firefighters Association released a Press Release that was posted to their Facebook page that reads, “The state ruled that Cameron’s injury was compensable under the workers’ compensation law. We are working with the Texas State Association of Fire Fighters to review Cameron’s options for going forward.”  Attached to the post was a Press Release and it quotes Matthew Sapp, President of the Frisco Fire Fighters Association, as saying “Cameron Kraemer was undergoing treatment for LINE-OF-DUTY injuries clearly recognized by the state legislature and medical experts, but the City of Frisco CHOSE TO BREAK THE LAW, deny him insurance coverage and terminate him.”  The press release noted: The city WASTED TAXPAYER RESOURCES on this case! 

The win was also reported across local news and newspapers.  The Dallas Morning News headline reads “Frisco Firefighter fired while on medical leave WINS WORKERS’ COMP CASE.”  The article noted Kraemer was still undergoing treatment for long-term post-traumatic stress disorder.  Kraemer is quoted as saying, “They took away my job, it took away all my benefits, they took away everything, and they wanted me to retire.” Kraemer refused to retire and went through the appeals process. “I’m still young so I’m penalized for retiring before the age of 50 as a first responder. I’m only 46,” he said. “And the reality is I’ve got three teenagers, and they had to walk through this process with us.   And the amount of strain and tension and stress and anxiety that it puts on the house, you can’t even quantify it.”

While many don’t believe that PTSD is a real issue, it is! Ask yourself this, if you saw a 45-foot Frisco Fire Truck back up and pin a fellow firefighter against the wall of a city building, then after you had to clean up the blood and bodily fluids at the scene and notify the fellow firefighter’s family, COULD YOU HANDLE IT?   The incident, discussed in the DMN articles is what Cameron Kraemer and our fellow Frisco Firefighters see every day!  As a holistic person I can only imagine the impact it has on your mind, body, spirit and soul.  Do you think Sassy Lauren Safranek, the City HR Director, or any of our fellow city council members have witnessed anything like this or worse?  How about seeing it throughout your 27-year career, are you sure you could handle it?

Truthfully, my wife and I could not imagine seeing the devastation and destruction these men and woman in both our Police and Fire departments see daily.   You probably think the city did the right thing but of course they didn’t.  Instead, they sent their attack boar Bobblehead Bill Woodard on social media to pass out false information on Kraemer’s case and attack our first responders during the most recent election.  Why is a city councilman releasing personal details in an ongoing case on social media?   We are glad he did because it made our spidey little senses rise and we started investigating and will write about that in our next article.

Where is Cameron Kraemer now?  Well, he is still receiving treatment, and his case had to go before the DOJ to determine if he was able to sue the city for his wrongful termination.  Yesterday, we learned from sources inside the city that the DOJ ruled Kramer can sue and we are betting he wins big time! Meanwhile Bobblehead Bill Woodard wants you to believe our firefighters are lazy (his words during the May 2024 election), however it is not in their nature to lay down without a fight.  Kraemer is going to use the legal process to take a wrecking ball to the city in court, which he should!  Infact, the case was filed on 8/2/2024 in Collin Countys 416th District Court under case number 416-05201-2024.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU THE TAXPAYER?  That means taxpayers on top of spending money on Performing Arts Centers, downtown revitalization, and the upcoming Grand Park, will also be subject to a BIG TIME CASINO LIKE PAYOUT to Cameron Kraemer and rightfully so!  To be direct, the city who lolly gagged around, could have tried to settle this issue but choose to swing their cajónes around and now taxpayers will foot the bill for it.  NOW YOU CAN SEE WHY THEY ARE ABOUT TO ANNOUNCE THEY ARE RAISING OUR TAXES!

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    I do not understand why he is suing the city. I am retired from a N Texas city so somewhat familiar with the workings. This man is certainly entitled to a great retirement. I think most people suffer from PTSD of some sort. I have a problem with the sound of the old-fashioned ring of a telephone…that really sets me off. BUT I could always function and do my job for the city. I cannot believe people are not stronger mentally.

    As I see it, EVERY man or woman who works in a highly stressful field must suffer from PTSD. I have a granddaughter who is a pediatric resident at UT Southwestern. She suffered greatly working with abused children, but got therapy and overcame it. She considers this to be her calling now because these children need her.

    It is quite an epidemic of PTSD in this country now.

    Every cop, every firefighter, every doctor or nurse, must have PTSD to some extent. How could they not?

    If this guy felt so stressed out, why didn’t he just retire rather than go looking for a big payout? He must have a really hungry lawyer.


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