Economic Interest at The Preserve

Unless you are Cheech & Chong who smoke too much weed or ate one too many gummies, then you know when you hear the words Fields Frisco it is referring to Fehmi Karahans development on the Northwest side of Frisco next to the Frisco PGA.  According to the Fields Frisco website, Fields is built on the big idea that when you build something so different, so magical and so enticing, they will come.  Built on the big idea that pure and simple architecture is elegant, fresh and true to its core. Built on the big idea that the great outdoors is equally as important as the great indoors. So, we’re making both great.

We initially thought that Fehmi Karahan must have liked the movie Field of Dreams.  Then we thought, maybe he read our blog Field of Dreams where we told you about a 2019 email involving Mayor Jeff Cheney and the “UNOFFICIAL VIP LOT LIST” he was pitching at fancy dinners.  Either way, Fields Frisco is already known for its steep slopes, breathtaking views, and the winding creeks and trails soon to come.  Of course, it is also known for being the development with the most exclusive new neighborhood being built called “The Preserve” aka the ESPN lots, that will look over the new PGA Frisco golf courses.


We have been following this development very closely and written several blogs on questionable business relationships that have come from it and “expanded” some political pockets in town.  We have also called out our current leadership and their need to recuse them self from certain votes due to potential conflicts of interest we felt existed.  You also know we follow the city council meetings closely and review the agendas when they are released looking for hidden agenda items. 

When the agenda came out for the January 16, 2024, City Council meeting we reviewed it as normal, and nothing really stood out.  Then while watching the council meeting, we were surprised after the reading of Agenda Item #60 when out of nowhere Mayor Cheney and John Keating announced they would be recusing themselves from the vote and discussion on the agenda item.  The agenda item reads, “Consider and act upon approval of proposed modifications to Table 4-1 as permitted by Planned Development-280. Zoned Planned Development-280. Neighborhood #3, #52, and #53. Applicant: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.”  Seems pretty generic right?

What is Agenda Item 60 about?  The Preserve at Fields Frisco!  We decided to file a PIR for the recusal paperwork to learn more.  At the meeting, Mayor Cheney announced he had clients who purchased in The Preserve.  The recusal paperwork states he had a conflict with the agenda item as it could have a benefit of ECONOMIC INTERESTS for 1) myself and/or one of more persons related to me or 2) my client or customer.  Economic Interest refers to a legal or equitable interest in real property, personal property or contractual rights with a value of more than $50,000.

Then we noticed an asterisk that says for the purpose of Section C of this Affidavit, a “person related to me” refers to a person within the second degree of consanguinity (parent or child, sibling, grandparent) or the second degree of affinity (spouse or in-law).    Now this has got our attention because we have said for almost two years that Jeff Cheney had a lot in The Preserve right next door to his best buddy John Keating.  We wrote about it in our blog The Preserve Lots and showed you the plat map photo taken from a builder’s office.  Cheney has repeatedly denied to the public, the Dallas Morning News, to other outlets about owning any property in The Preserve.

We know Cheney and his brokerage have sold lots in The Preserve which has not stopped him in the past from speaking on agenda items or overseeing council votes on the issue.  So why now?  Why is Mayor and Real Estate Mogul Jeff Cheney RECUSING himself and claiming ECONOMIC INTEREST now?  We are interested in what you think.  Do you think Cheney owns a lot in The Preserve?  Do you think he could have bought a lot for “some clients” meaning he put in a family member’s name?  He knows if we find a lot in his name it will show him as a liar, especially if it is one of those great ESPN lots on the bluff over the 8 hole that sold out rather quickly on the street nicknamed “Billionaires Row.” 

Next, we looked at John Keatings recusal paperwork from the same meeting and same agenda item.  Remember he announced he had purchased a lot and while the lot was still in the builders name, he would be closing on it in the coming months, so he needed to recuse himself.  Keating checked the Real Property option which states, I and/or one or more person’s related to me have an interest in real property with a fair market value of $2500 or more that is involved in the agenda item, or located within 200 feet of that property, and it is reasonably foreseeable that action on the item will have a special economic effect on the value of the property.  It then denotes with an asterisk that a “person related to me” refers to a person within the 1st degree meaning a parent, child or spouse. 

Our questions for Keating are obvious, he has openly declared on financial forms he was a “househusband” while married to his former wife.  After being a stay-at-home dad and cheating on his wife of 20+ years who filed for divorce, he either A) got a lofty divorce settlement to buy a home in the most prestigious new gated community in Frisco or B) won the lottery.  While Mr. Keating does have his REAL ESTATE LICENSE NOW, we cannot find any listings he has sold to show he made an income in the last year.  We also don’t think military benefits are enough for a home in the new most “exclusive Frisco neighborhood” The Preserve. 

Now fast forward to May 7, 2024, and the Consent Agenda Item #16 that reads “Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to execute a Third Amendment to the Second Development Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and the following Delaware limited partnerships: FHQ Development Partners LP F/K/A FHQ Holdings LP, Fields Preserve Investment Partners LP, Fields Midtown West Investment Partners LP, Fields Point West Investment Partners LP, Fields Midtown East Investment Partners LP, Fields East Village Investment Partners LP, Fields Point East Investment Partners LP, North Fields Investment Partners, LP, and Fields University Village Investment Partners LP. (CMO/MD)”

Item 16 is a development agreement, between the City and Developer, related to the public infrastructure construction and assessments dated February 10, 2021.   In a nutshell, the Developer is responsible for the delivery of certain defined roadways, hike and bike trails and related infrastructure called “Developer Improvements” for the Fields project.  We would assume those “Developer Improvements” would have a direct correlation to the value of the properties Cheney’s clients and Keating purchased which means they pulled the item from the consent agenda to recuse themselves from the vote on the item correct?  No, they did not and in fact it was Mayor Pro-Tem John Keating who moved to approve the Consent Agenda item with Angelia Pelham seconding his motion.   Why did they not pull the item and recuse themselves this time?

Then just two weeks later at the May 21, 2024, council meeting we found Agenda Item 21 on the Consent Agenda which states, “Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to modify the Deed of Trust as security in lieu of physical improvements for final acceptance.”  We learned the agenda item is also about The Preserve Phase 1 and 2 private gated subdivisions currently under construction. The developer was requesting final acceptance on both phases prior to final completion. The acceptance is for landscaping (including screening; hardscape; plantings of trees, shrubs, sod, plants, etc.; soils; and fine grading), irrigation improvements, sidewalks, barrier-free ramps, pavers, permanent signage, and all other appurtenances and improvements related thereto. A Deed of Trust was approved by Council as a part of the Fields Second Development Agreement. 

We can only assume that landscaping and the so-called improvements listed above would also have a direct correlation to the value of the properties Cheney’s clients and John Keating purchased.  They obviously pulled the item from the Consent Agenda and then recused themselves, right?  Nope!  John Keating was the first to recommend passing the consent agenda as is.  Should he have voted on this project as it directly affects the “REAL PROPERTY” he now is closing on in The Preserve?

In closing, we would love for you to comment on this blog and answer the following questions.  Do you believe Jeff Cheney owns a lot in The Preserve under his name or a relative’s name?  Do you think they should have to recuse themself from any item on the agenda that is related to Fields Development?  Why do you think after all these years Mayor Jeff Cheney and Real Estate Mogul Cheney is now claiming the need to recuse himself when has had clients buy in this community since it was announced?  Agents within his brokerage, that he owns, have sold homes in this community which means he got paid as the broker. Why is there just now a CONFLICT OF INTEREST?   Last question, why do you think the city intentionally hides the development names on the Agenda Item? Do you think the agenda’s need to be more forthcoming so citizens can clearly see what is coming before the council?


  1. J Aidan Gray

    Something is rotten in Denmark, so to speak. Keating and Cheney also campaigned for the hundreds of millions of bond money that is being used to improve the Fields land and surrounding area as well as for the generous economic incentives for the PGA. They also oppose the adoption of any meaningful ethics reform which would prohibit gifts like these lots.

    • friscowhistleblower

      Ding, Ding Ding!

  2. Citizen of Texas born & raised

    Those 2 douche bags as soon as they are out of office in a few years will conviently and quietly move into their new preserve lots they got as a weet heart deal be best of buddies and neighbors.


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