Jammed-Up John Keating

Every day we get emails, lots of emails!  Some are from Whistleblowers and others are from those who say we are pieces of shXt for exposing the truth of what is happening in Frisco.  The best one to date came from a man who is good friends with one of our sitting council members.  He said that no one takes us seriously, people are laughing at us, and we are a bad joke.  We laughed so hard because he was working overtime to make us think we don’t matter!  I guess he thought he would hurt our feelings and it would make us stop uncovering the Shady Shit happening.  News Flash…sticks and stones may break our bones, but your words will never hurt us.

Here is the thing, we do matter!  Want to know how we know that?  Well, it is simple.  You are reading our page, you are thinking about us, you took precious time out of your life to focus on us, and you spent the time writing us an email.   Another thing we should point out,  we alerted the public to the glaring issues of John Keatings – KeatingForFrisco.com page it magically changed! 

When we realized the next day his website changed we decided to scroll through and read the new content.  First the picture of him and his wife that he cheat on is NOW GONE!  We know Keating is narcissistic, loves himself and has an inflated idea of how good looking he believes he is, so we were not surprised to see he takes center stage on his new page. 

The “About Me” section is interesting too!  He claims to have worked on several of the important projects that brought some big-name businesses to town.   One of them was the PGA Headquarters.  To be clear, he voted yes for it, he went to the opening and took selfies, but did he help get it here?  Mayor Cheney said during the vote that a very special thank you should be made to a local resident and father of two boys, David Ovard and to then councilman Will Sowell, who worked tirelessly on the PGA project.   Funny, Cheney didn’t do a special shout out to Jammed-Up John Keating. 

In fact there is a whole article in the DMN about Mr. Ovard and his push to get the Frisco PGA here and another article in D Magazine that talks about 3 Men, Blake Rowling (TRT Holdings), David Ovard (Frisco Resident) and Mark Harrison (Executive Director of the Northern Texas PGA), who scrambled to win the PGA Headquarters.  None of the articles mentioned Jammed-Up John!  As we said, Keating was there to vote Yes for the project, but I don’t think he did the behind the scenes work that brought the PGA Frisco here.

Next we noticed a picture of him and Mayor Cheney along with two woman wearing Fire Fighters Uniforms.  We would have no issue with this if it was a social media post saying he participated in Citizens Fire Academy, but instead he used it as a political picture on his website.  It gives you the impression he supports the Fire Department – which he does not!  Next to the picture is verbiage about his goal to balance Frisco’s high level of amenities with low tax rates, talks about public-private partnerships, and corporate incentives. but he didn’t.  The picture has nothing to do with the text on the page and clearly it was a rip off of what Mayor Cheney always talks about.

How do we know Jammed-Up John does not support the Fire Fighters and how do we know he is a LIAR?  Let’s look at the Fire Fighters Association Candidate Survey he did in 2021 when he was running for re-election.  It reads The National Fire Protection Assoc, recommends adequate safe staffing levels of a minimum of 4 fire fighters on all fire suppression apparatuses.  It says he understands that the FD is currently maintaining staffing of 3 fire fighters on all fire suppression apparatuses.  It says he understands that more citizens, increasing businesses and taller buildings require safe staffing levels.  Lastly and most importantly, it says IF ELECTED TO THE OFFICE I WOULD SUPPORT REQUIRING A SAFE STAFFING LEVEL OF 4 FIRE FIGHTERS ON ALL FIRE SUPPRESSION APPARATUSES.  Signed by John P. Keating April 27, 2021


Jammed-Up John lied to the Fire Fighters Association to get an endorsement!  As we have said before his ACTIONS don’t match his WORDS.  Keating did not support Texas House Bill 471 which relates to the entitlement to and claims for benefits for certain first responders and other employees related to illness and injury.  He has not tried to get the city to reverse its decision to fire Kraemer, an almost 30 year Veteran of the Frisco FD for running out of his medical leave, who recently won his workers comp case.  He supported and shared comments by former City Manager, George Purefoy where he was calling the Fire Fighters self-serving, accused the FF of misrepresenting city staff and leadership, and saying they don’t have Frisco’s best  interest at heart.   HEY KEATING – DID YOU JUST CALL THEM OUT ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR THE SAME THING YOU SAID YOU SUPPORTED ON THE 2021 CANDIDATE SURVEY?  Who’s self-serving?  Who’s misrepresenting the facts? 

Jammed-Up John is proud of his military service which he displays on his website.  He talks about the 13 years he spent in the Army, and it is captioned with a picture of him in his Army Camo.  We thank you sir for your Service and we will always support our Veterans, but as we have said you are still accountable for your actions, choices and decisions.  What if I was running for council and I wore your Army Uniform and talked about how I support public-private partnerships, low taxes and claim to have been a part of the team who brought the PGA here.  Would you be offended if a non-service person wore your Army Uniform?  Would you be offended if it was for a political ad that mislead folks?  I don’t think the Fire Fighters want you to discredit their profession or uniform with your lies and naked body pictures, then turn around and wear their uniform in a political website ad. 

Next up his page regarding “The Mission!”  He talks about how he supports Public Safety, and he will fight to ensure the men and woman in uniform have the resources they need.  Maury said the lie detector shows, “THAT’S A LIE!”  Then he claims to support fiscal responsibility but goes on city trips that cost taxpayers thousands of dollars to look at parks, art installations and streets.   Then he says he supports creating jobs standing next to the H-E-B Red Ribbon opening.  Pretty sure H-E-B created the jobs and that all you did was Vote Yes at a city council meeting.  He says he supports Accountability and Transparency, since when?  Just look at his own website, he has not been transparent at all.  We could go on, but we have already thrown up in our mouth twice so just visit his page and look for yourself.

In closing, the haters can say we are a joke, and no one is watching or reading our site, but we know they are from our own analytics.  Oh, and because Jammed-Up John changed his website.  He stopped lying to people that he was happily married Christian man and just started lying about how he supports public safety.  Guess what is glaringly missing from his KeatingForFrisco website.  You, me, the citizens!  He never once mentions how he is here to help serve the citizens he represents.  He never says how he is here to do what is best for Frisco Residents and Taxpayers.  He proved that during the Universal Theme Park vote when he looked at a room full of residents worried about their homes and property values and said, sorry I didn’t make it out to speak to you before the vote tonight.  With his vacation red lobster peeling skin he looked at them and said,  I had this Rotator Cuff thing and had to have surgery and well needed a vacation.  Yes, he went to the beach instead of listening to THOSE HE SERVES.  Jammed-Up John is committed to one person and that is big boy Mayor Jeff Cheney, his democrat partner in crime Angelia Pelham and well…..HIMSELF!  Oh, did we mention, Keating has his Texas Real Estate License now, guess he is following his buddy down the road of Real Estate.


  1. Marmstng

    Dang Scooter! How’s that separation going?

    • friscowhistleblower

      Scooter – not following what you are trying to throw down.

    • Jake Petras

      I’ve had better times in my life. Not sure what relevance that has on my comments however. Furthermore, I’ve only met you one time, so I don’t think my personal life is any of your business.

    • friscowhistleblower

      We are not following the Scooter references.

  2. Jake Petras

    Who was the “good friend” that sent you all an email?

  3. Jake Petras

    Who was the council-members friend that sent an email to you all?

    • friscowhistleblower

      As we have said many times – we will never disclose a source or the name of someone who sends us a private message or email! Never! Plus we don’t want to give recognition to an a moron.

  4. Jake Petras

    Do you think the writers here are completely fair and unbiased? If so, I have a few stories I think would be interesting for you all to share.

    • friscowhistleblower

      Yes, we are fair and unbiased. Keating made his choices and if he is proud of them then he should have no issue with what we are writing. It’s all true! We will write about anything or anyone underhanded in Frisco.

      • Jake Petras

        Glad to hear. I have a few stories I think would be interesting for you all. More to come.

  5. D. Thomas

    For anyone on this site to claim any sort of issue with infidelity… lol! “Christian values for thee but none for me” I guess. Maybe all y’all should spend some more time with the exhortations of Hebrews 13. Hey, here’s an idea, you know what would be a good blog post here? How about lead an online Bible study for cheaters and homewreckers.

    • friscowhistleblower

      Well I have been married to my wife for 60 years and never had an eye for another woman other than her. My stick has only been one place. I think you should start a bible study for cheaters and homewreckers and make sure to invite John and his girlfriends.

  6. Anonymous

    Seems like an ill thought out political hit job to me

    • friscowhistleblower

      I could name several political hit jobs to candidates in the last several years, this is not one of them. Karma is king and what you put out eventually comes back to you.

  7. FriscoRes2007

    I would like to add some thoughts here. Keating is a big doofus and a freaking joke! You’re absolutely spot on and I think there’s more to uncover in his story. For sure he’s a libtard… That’s obvious. And not just because of his alliance with Pelham but also the socialist Gopal.

    And his statement about being an “Army Combat Veteran” from the first Gulf War…. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say he’s FOS and this could even be a stolen valor situation. Why?… because I was in the Marine Corps from 88-96 and I was in the first Gulf War. It was a cluster and there was very little real “combat” from anyone in theater except tanks, arty and fast movers. My unit was in and around Khafji and one of the few that got fired upon and nobody in my Company or its attachments fired a shot. And he says he was in Intel but never mentions his rank. Regardless Intel in Desert Storm stayed “in the rear with gear” – NOT IN COMBAT. Not even close. And for the record, the S2 shop (Intel) in Desert Storm was a colossal embarrassment.

    Regardless, somebody should ask him for his DD214 and/or his Combat Action Ribbon & Citation. I bet he can’t or won’t produce it. Because like you pointed out…. He’s a liar!! He might be a vet but he’s not a “combat vet” despite his stupid glamour shot behind that mounted 50 cal.

    Lastly, what does this guy do for a real job? What did he do before being elected to the Frisco CC? When he was elected he was unemployed which we thought was really odd. Is he still unemployed? Does he have a real job other than showing up to take pictures?

    I’m on the “Anybody but Keating” bandwagon! But sadly the uninformed will likely vote him back in and then this dipshit will try and run for Mayor since Cheney is term limited. I’m getting the hell out of Frisco as soon as possible. This place is becoming 3rd world shit hole.


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