Frisco, what’s really happening in your hometown?
Define shad·y /ˈSHādē/
According to the Urban Dictionary for one to be shady means they are very sneaky, suspect, sketchy, or suspicious.
The Frisco Chronicles aka The Shady Shit is here to spill the tea on what is happening in our hometown. Frisco, Texas has become known as Sports City USA—home to the Dallas Cowboys, PGA Golf, Frisco Rough Riders, and Dallas Stars. As Mayor Cheney says, we are a destination city, but at what price?

Paw Patrol or Spin Control
Frisco, Texas—where the city council somehow can ask citizens to vote on an EDC Bond for millions of dollars for a sparkling new performing arts center but can’t allow citizens to vote on a bond for an animal shelter or scrape together a dime for a much-needed animal...
Frisco’s Paw Patrol
Welcome to Frisco, Texas – a city known for its rapid growth, shiny new developments, and state-of-the-art amenities... except when it comes to an animal shelter for its four-legged residents. It is amazing how many residents here love pets and want an animal...
Welcome to the dinner table where you thought the only thing spicy was the food. Have you ever felt like mustard fights with mayo and ketchup hold a grudge against ranch? You can have a classic ketchup and mustard coalition but beware the rise of the new...
Whoville of Frisco
If you were scrolling through social media over the holidays, you may have seen the holiday post from the City of Frisco. When we saw the post we stopped in our tracks, not sure if we were enamored with it like Ralphie in The Christmas Story with the Leg Lamp,...
Goodbye, 2024, you chaotic overachiever, and hello 2025! Like every New Year, we dive in headfirst and pretend that turning the page in our calendar will suddenly fix our lives! We treat each year like a shiny new model, but are we expecting too much? Gym memberships...
Kraemer vs City of Frisco
We came across this post from the Allen Fire Department and felt we needed to share it! It is evident from this video how the Allen FD is committed to helping its firefighters work through mental health challenges. By sharing it, the City of Frisco...
Fairweather Frisco Friends
We have been saying for a while that the Frisco City Council is like a group of “Fairweather Friends” meaning they are a good friend when it is easy, or they need something, and they stop being a friend when there are problems. We thought the city should have a new...
Friday Night Fight
Tonight, my wife and I tuned in to watch the Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul fight and many were disappointed. The reality of this ring fight is that Tyson is 58 and has been out of the ring for almost 20 years. Paul’s career as a YouTube sensation amassed him more than...
Heit-end Victim Card
In less than 24 hours the “Mother of Frisco” seems to be upset by our blog “Heit-end Controls.” We received a copy of her “Victim Card Post” that went up on FRWC Facebook page about an hour ago. To say we are dumbfounded and confused is an understatement...
Heit’end Controls
Over the last two decades, social media has transformed how we communicate with family, friends, and strangers. More importantly, it has transformed how candidates approach campaigning and how issues are pushed to the people including ballot propositions. Recently a...