Seal of Approval

A couple of times a year my wife and I make the drive down the tollway to attend church at The Potters House led by bishop TD Jakes and when you leave there you have a feeling of a tingle from your fingers to your toes and you know Jesus is in your soul. One of his sermons was about the three C’s. The three C’s is how you can categorize your friendships: Confidants, Constituents, and Comrades.

The confidant is a special relationship. They love you unconditionally, they are intimately intertwined in your life and stick around for better or worse. They are lifetime relationships, and they are they to make sure you reach your destiny. They can call you out when you are wrong and praise you when you are right and everything they say has merit and value that ultimately you take into consideration when making lifetime momentous decisions. TD Jakes said if you have 3 to 5 of these confidants in a lifetime you are a blessed person because the truth is you will have very few of these in your lifetime. The constituent is not into you they are into what you are for. As long as you are for what they are for they will walk with you and work with you and labor with you. Be careful, don’t fall into the trap where you think that they are there for you, because if they meet someone else who can further their agenda they will leave you and hook up with them because they were never for you! Often we mistake a constituent for a confident and they end up breaking our hearts or hurting us deeply. The comrade is not there for you nor are they for what you are for (like the constituent). The comrade is against what you are against, and they will come alongside you to fight a mutual enemy but that doesn’t mean you are for the same things. They are in your life to fulfill a purpose or until victory is accomplished and once completed you both move on. Jakes compared it to scaffolding which you use to paint a building, then when you are done painting the scaffolding is removed and goes away. When you share your dream and your comrade does not react the way you expected remember they were never really with you in the first place.

The May 2023 General Election is just around the corner, and many were under the assumption our current Mayor was so popular that no one would run against him, and he would walk into this election unopposed just like he did in 2020. Truthfully most of us were shocked to learn on Friday, February 17 a worthy opponent walked into city hall, took the elevator to the fifth floor, and dropped of his packet to officially be a candidate for the Mayoral race. Word spread like wildfire across the busy intersections of Frisco and Cheney quickly realized he was going to have to work and campaign. Soon after the mayor began asking for endorsements both on his website and Facebook page and it was not hard to notice video after video of those “endorsements” full of praise popping up for the mayor.
As always curiosity kicked in and we wanted to know more about those giving the endorsements. Albert Einstein once said “the important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has a reason for existing.” We decided to start by creating an email asking the following questions: did they meet with all three candidates personally, and did they understand their positions, views, and issues before making an endorsement? Then we emailed individuals and shockingly very few responded to us (please note our sarcasm). We also did some of our own research to see if they had any business connections with the candidates that could influence their decision. We highlighted a few below:
Cheney’s first video was from Earnest B. Morgan, and we can tell you the man serves up some amazing BBQ. Mr. Morgan is a small business owner and local pastor, and active in the local area. Mr. Morgan did respond, and we want to say THANK YOU for doing so sir! Morgan said he never reached out to any other candidate before endorsing Cheney because he and his family have supported Cheney for many years, and they believe in what he has accomplished so far. At shady shit we do believe friendship and loyalty matter, so we completely understand and respect the Morgan’s point of view. Our only question is does Morgan have business with the city or Cheney? We found a check from The City of Frisco on 2/4/21 to Earnest B. Morgan for food and provisions for a total of $216.00. We also know he has catered events for many different candidates in the past. Nothing glaring or alarming was uncovered.

The next one to respond was Jason Young. He offered to meet us in person to discuss our questions and of course we declined his invitation and said we would put him down as a no comment to which he replied that is not what he said, he would discuss it in person. A Frisco Enterprise article, quotes Jason as saying he has a host of businesses focused on providing excellent service experiences including Verona Villa, operates Eventi Venue at The Patios at the Rail and runs programming at Nack Theater in the Rail District, owns an Allstate agency. He also has served on the board of Visit Frisco since 2011 and is the newly elected board chair of Frisco Arts Foundation. In his response to our email, he wanted us to note that Verona Villa (where Cheney had his Kick-off party) has also hosted Governor Abbott, Jared Patterson, Matt Shaheen, Frederick Frazier, Van Taylor, Susan Fletcher, Brian Livingston, John Keating, Collin County Republicans and Friends of the NRA. We wanted to know has he done business directly with the city or Cheney? Yes, we found a check The City of Frisco cut on 1/30/18 to Verona Villa for food and provisions for $4235.00. He also hosted Cheney’s recent kick-off event, but we don’t know if Cheney paid for that or if he donated the space and food.

Another interesting endorsement was Donny Churchman a developer whose primary focus is redeveloping downtown. I would argue he is biased by on the fact that he does business with the city and receives economic incentives from the city. For example, on 10/29/20 the city cut Nack Patios LLC an economic incentive check for 1.5 million and another one for 101,250.00 which is labeled accrued accounts payable.

The other two we found interesting were the conservative / GOP endorsements. The first was from Judy Adams who is the owner of American Coffee & Tea , owner of Posh Peepers, and a realtor with Century 21 Judge Fite. She did not respond to our email, but from what we can tell she has not done any business directly with the city and we didn’t find business linking her to the mayor. Adams stated in her video she was Denton County GOP Precinct Chair which caught our attention because the Collin County GOP did not endorse Cheney and we don’t believe the Denton County GOP announced any official endorsements. This left us curious why one individual PC would step out of rank and do an individual endorsement. What does the GOP party think about one of their own endorsing a candidate that has openly supported and endorsed democratic candidates? From what we read on the GOP website that would go against her oath to promote the republican platform as a PC. In the past, the municipal levels of government have mostly been bipartisan but as America has splintered in half the calls for unity in parties even at the local level are in high gear. Then we saw the endorsement from Ted and Bobbie Hart. Ted is the founder and president of Frisco Lakes Conservative Coalition. The endorsement says they support him but it does not say the coalition itself endorses him. It’s a little confusing, to say the least, because we found some members of the coalition who say they don’t support the endorsement for Cheney. Again, is it a personal endorsement or did the coalition actually endorse him?

Endorsements can matter but only under the right circumstances. Do they really have power of persuasion on voters? There is no concrete research showing standard endorsements can change a voter’s mind unless it comes from a big-time celebrity. Overall, what we found interesting in our research was that many of his endorsements previously or currently hold positions on Frisco Boards and Committees, some have done business with the Cheney or the city and others are just basic endorsements by good people like Earnest Morgans. What does matter in this world is relationships and where those relationships/friendships can take you as TD Jakes said. Ask you self when looking at any endorsement do you think they are there for the candidate or for what the candidate can do for them.


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