Local residents near Frisco Springs took to the city council meeting tonight to speak at citizen input regarding the new Ridgeview West Memorial Park Crematory that is currently under construction. We give them props for wanting to be heard and they probably assumed that the council gives 2 shXts about their concerns. However they quickly learned … THEY DON’T!
Texas Open Meeting Act notes that “citizen participation” period, also known as “public comment,” is a time slot set aside on the agenda for citizens to address the council on any subject not on the evenings agenda. Councils can limit the length of time any one citizen may speak based on the number of people signed up to speak. Because public comment is about items “NOT ON THE AGENDA” the governmental body MAY NOT DELIBERATE on any item that is not on the agenda. What can the governmental body do? They can (1) make a statement of fact regarding the item; (2) make a statement concerning the policy regarding the item; or (3) propose that the item be placed on a future agenda.
As usual the city council continues to break the rules and violate the law by commenting and engaging in ongoing dialogue at citizens input. Tonight they even went as far as preparing a full presentation to “school” the residents on the history of this land. Just so you know, that is there way of saying we are smarter than you! Again, this is not an agenda item so no presentation by the city should have been done, prepared or presented on a NON-AGENDA ITEM. After doing their dog and pony show for 10 minutes, they told tax paying concerned residents you only get 3 minutes to speak instead of 5 minutes. Why? Well Frisco Springs – they don’t care about you. Just like they don’t care about Cobb Hill or Rockhill Residents. Mayor Jeff Cheney has no worries because his current home overlooks the Cottonwood Creek Greenbelt and his PGA lot is a ESPN lot that overlooks the golf course.
What do Crematories do? Well according to the TCEQ they can cremate human remains, embryonic and fetal tissue remains (including umbilical cords, placentas, gestational sacs, blood or bodily fluids from the same pregnancy and appropriate containers. Crematoriums have to register so we found Ridgeview West Memorial Park on the entity search tool. You can also find out the State of Texas Health and Safety Code for Crematories here.
According to a study done by the University of Texas Health Science Center they found that close proximity to sources of mercury releases were associated with increases in learning disabilities and autism. According to the National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health asked the question, Do crematories emit harmful pollutants of public health concern? Cremation is a combustion process whereby a casket and human remains (or animal remains in pet crematoria) are incinerated at a high temperature in a closed chamber. Types of emissions include:
Organic pollutants: Compounds resulting from incomplete combustion processes or formed when organic compounds react with chlorine in materials such as plastics. These pollutants can include polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) amongst others;
Heavy metals: Mercury (Hg) arising from volatilization of Hg in dental amalgam in fillings and a small quantity of various metals in tissues of the individual, or personal memorial items included in the casket.
Do residents of Frisco Springs have the right to be concerned? Yes, of course! Even though me and the old lady plan to get cremated when we pass we had never considered the affects of that. Here is our question, the city has spent millions cleaning up the shXt from Exide near downtown so why would they not want to fight this with the residents. The land is valuable and I am sure the city could buy it and put something useful there. Heck, maybe they could make the animal people happy and put a shelter or adoption center there to help out CCAS. Do a survey of Frisco Springs Residents and ask if they would prefer (A) a crematorium that burns up dead bodies and other nasty crap or (B) a dog park or animal adoption center? My guess is they don’t want to “SEE DEAD PEOPLE!”
What is the Public Information Act and what is a Public Information Request? Well, we told you all about the act in our previous blog which you can read by clicking here PIR’s. We continue to file PIR’s and we continue to wait and we are left questioning how the City of Frisco determines the cost for certain PIR’s and what qualifications must be met for a PIR to be sent to the Attorney General.
For example, I filed a PIR requesting the following: “We would like any emails regarding the flooding that took place on 7/3/23 near 2XXX Sleepy Hollow Trail. Emails from PD, streets department, city management and city council. We would like any pictures taken by the streets department at the scene since they were called out by PD. We would like to know what caused the flood?” The response was we have sent this to AG for a ruling.
WHY WOULD THE CITY SEND A SIMPLE REQUEST LIKE THIS TO THE TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL? Is the city going to try and say how we build streets is confidential? How a sewer system operates is considered confidential? What could they possibly claim should be confidential? We are just guessing but it is our opinion and our opinion only (we have no concrete proof since they have sent it to the AG) that the city drain was clogged causing a backup that flooded a resident’s home. Either way, we will wait it out with the city to see what the AG has to say.
Second example, I went head-to-head with Mr. Bobblehead Bill Woodard and my wife filed a PIR requesting the following information he discussed on line and presented the city with images of his exact comments. We asked for the email and documentation that supported his claims and we got back a letter that it will cost $90.00. What in the heck are they doing that costs $90.00 because Bill is quoted on Facebook as saying just email him and he will send it to you. So how does something Bill is willing to email out for free and the backup documentation to support it cost $90.00?
Then my wife did another request asking for the last 5 years of emergency call logs for Fire Squad. Guess what, they didn’t send it to the AG but they do want $100.80 for the information. That surprises us because in their CAD system or 911 system that should be easy to pull and save in a PDF. Is there something they don’t want us to know? Will the numbers match the numbers Bobblehead Bill put online recently? Maybe just maybe we catch him in one of those FIBS! WHAT COSTS $100????
Third example, I filed a PIR for the expense reports and all expenses related to the Tulsa Southern Hills PGA trip that several city members went on and I am being told some of it is confidential and only available for INSPECTION AT CITY HALL. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE CONFIDENTIAL ABOUT EXPENSES REPORTS? WE HAVE ALWAYS RECEIVED THEM NO ISSUE SO WHY NOW IS SOMETHING CONFIDENTIAL AND ONLY AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION AT THE CITY?
Last example is we filed a PIR for information on the Nepotism Policy because we were curious why the city change it 2 times in less than 4 months. They provided us a few documents and sent the rest to the Texas Attorney General. WHAT COULD BE CONFIDENTIAL ABOUT THE NEPOTISM POLICY THAT IS IN THE CITY CHARTER AND ONLINE? What could Sassy Safranek in HR our the city claim is confidential about a policy that determines how city employees operate.
The Texas Public Information Act assures that government entities give citizens access to information about what the public servants are doing on their behalf. It is a way for citizens to hold their public officials accountable. It is our opinion that the city is trying to keep us from public information by continually sending it to the AG and by charging asinine prices for it. THEY DON’T WANT TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!!
I guess the BEST CITY IN THE WORLD does not have an IT department that can do a simple network search of emails and documents. Maybe it is because many of these folks use their personal email accounts to keep things away from the public. Either way we will pay for the PIR’s and we will get our information. I can assure you we have filed PIR’s with other cities and within a few days received a response and paid $10 to $15 for a whole lot of information. Just Frisco – only Frisco seems to take 10 years and PIRs cost as much as Mayor Jeff Cheney’s self driving tesla or fancy house. Ask yourself, should 2 PIR’s cost $190.00+?
Bill starts off by saying let’s get some facts straight and WE AGREE Bill – let’s get some facts straight!
Woodard claims: The blood transfusion program isn’t going away. In fact, it’s expanding with properly trained personnel. First, are you saying the personnel you have today are not properly trained? As of right now, the Squad Program is a highly technical advanced EMS critical care program and also provides additional manpower to critical incidents and structure fires and is also capable of doing blood transfusions.
Woodard claims: We use data to analyze the best use of resources. Right now, the squad sits almost all the time. We would love to see the metrics Bobblehead Bill is relying on to show its idol “almost all of the time.” We reached out to our sources, and they have in fact said that Squad is one of the busiest apparatuses in the FD. So, show us your data and metrics that you analyzed please to prove Squad sits idle. Yes as of today we filed a PIR for those metrics so we will soon have data from the city unless they again try to send it to the AG in hopes of delaying us more open records.
Woodard claims: Staffing is being divided up and assigned to the BC (Battalion Chief) vehicles, along with the blood transfusion program. This will double (from one to two) the availability of this program on every shift, and better utilize personnel and equipment. However, Bill, our sources have also confirmed that they will not be in service because the lieutenant on the squad is being turned into a captain / safety / FIT / drone pilot / chauffer for the BC’s. The squad vehicles will not be in service, and no personnel will be assigned to them. I wonder when the taxpayers paid for those specialized vehicles for us to not use them now. Well, we know the city doesn’t care what taxpayers are floating for things just look at all the trips they take! More importantly, according to the department policies an officer cannot be the acting paramedic on a fire apparatus. Is Bobblehead Bill trying to say that an officer or Battalion Chief is going to be better than a highly trained medic at giving blood?
Woodard claims: In 2024 we expect to add this program to every ambulance we have further expanding the program, which necessitates the training of everyone on those pieces of equipment. Hold up Bobblehead…do you have a written agreement with a blood bank/hospital that they are going to guarantee enough blood for us to put on every ambo at a minute’s notice? Also, how much will the training of everyone cost on those pieces of equipment and is that best use of tax dollars versus having a highly specialized Squad? We would love for Bill, Chief Lee Glover, or the city to show us the proof that this will be rolled out in every ambo in 2024. We would also love for them to show us how they plan to fund the expansion, the additional training of personnel, etc. According to our sources every Ambo will have warmers but not blood! Mr. Woodard said there was 13 calls for blood in 2023. It seems the FD Squad units did their job then just fine, so does 13 mean we should expand it to every single ambo? HERE IS THE QUESTION FOR RESIDENTS: Do you want the medic who maybe does the procedure once or twice every 3 years doing your blood transfusion? Do you want a highly skilled team who does it up to 13 times in one year to do the procedure? As Homer Simpson would say, DUH!
Woodard claims: There is a 12-page contract that he is happy to share with anyone who emails him (so we will be doing that as well as we already placed a PIR request 15 min ago for it). He then posted the “RELEVANT SECTION OF THE AGREEMENT” that he claims stands as proof that the Hospital will supply blood for the expansion. We just filed a PIR for the contract unless he wants to email it to us for free as he said he would. Our email Mr. Woodard is FriscoWhistleBlower@protonmail.com but we won’t get our hopes up you would send it.
The image reads, “Upon request by the City. Hospital shall supply to the City the Blood Products from time to time. in such quantities and types as maybe requested by the City; provided. however that due to the unpredictable nature of the demands for the Blood Products, Hospital cannot and will not guarantee the City the availability of all or any portion of the Blood Products to be supplied hereunder. Hospital does agree. however. that it will use its best efforts to supply all Blood Products ordered by the City in an expeditious fashion to the extent the Blood Products are available to the Hospital. Hospital has no reason to believe that in the absence of special circumstances it will be unable to provide any and all Blood Products required by the City during an emergency.
Well, we have a few questions about the image and wording of Woodard’s so-called proof he published. Let’s take a moment to point out the incorrect punctuation throughout the paragraph and the incorrect written sentences. For example, Upon request by the City. Hospital shall supply to the City the Blood Products from time to time. in such quantities and types as maybe requested by the City; If that is proof who the heck wrote it? Also, what does “TIME TO TIME” mean Mr. Woodard? Is it all the time? Is time to time on every ambo? What does it mean when it says, in quantities and types, “AS MAYBE REQUESTED BY THE CITY? You can say you’re expanding it but just not request the blood to actually have it on hand? It mentions the hospital CAN NOT GUARANTEE AVAILABILITY DUE TO THE UNPREDICTABLE NATURE OF THE DEMANDS FOR THE BLOOD BUT IT WILL USE BEST EFFORTS. That does not sound like a guarantee Bobblehead Bill that you will have this on every ambo in 2024 and why pay for additional training if we may not be able to get it? Lastly, it reads the hospital has no reason to believe that in the ABSENCE OF SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES it will be unable to provide any and all Blood Products required by the city during an emergency. Was COVID special circumstances? No one expected the world to shut down the last few years, but it did, is that a special circumstance? Mr. Woodard, this so-called image you posted first looks fake, second is not a guarantee as you said in your statements that it will be available for every ambo, and it is not dated so how do we know if this is a current or previous agreement signed by the city? You really expect citizens to be stupid don’t you?
Lastly Mr. Woodard claims if additional personnel are needed for a fire, we can send more apparatuses as necessary. I am quite certain we have the personnel and equipment to do that. Fires at this point represent less than 2% of total calls. He goes on to say this is not a shortage of personnel (okay sure). Any good organization will evaluate its operations and make changes when it makes sense. QUESTION FOR THE FRISCO FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION: In response to Bobblehead Bill’s statement do you agree we have enough personnel to call out for more apparatuses and still provide the same level of service? Mr. Woodard did you read the firefighters’ survey that says they have no confidence in Chief Glover? Did you still think it made sense after your evaluation of operations to make him Fire Chief? Bad leadership has bad consequences and in this case sir it can be deadly! Robert Townsend once said, “A leader is not an administrator who loves to run others, but someone who carries water for his people so they can get on with their jobs.”
Mr. Woodard likes to talk and hear himself talk, which is why he just can’t stop responding to us once he gets started. We are going to return the accusation and call Mr. Bill Woodard, Place 4 for the Frisco City Council a liar and if he is not a liar then he is misguided by facts! He asks us for proof but what proof has he published that contradicts our last blog Another One Bites The Dust? The fact is the City Manager and Council are going to double down to protect Fire Chief Lee Glover, they can’t stop now. They also are in a pissing match with the Fire Fighters Association and don’t want to give in or admit they may have been wrong so again the city will double down over and over. God forbid they just do the right thing!
The city FD is understaffed, and the Fire Fighters Association has repeatedly requested the need to hire more staff. Hell, the FFA went as far as to go to the city council meeting during citizens input and beg for them to hire more staff. The response, nothing you could hear a cricket if it chirped. While Mayor Cheney likes to break the rules of citizens input and respond to concerns when it comes to development or to defend his reputation, he can’t even crack a smile for the firefighters. Mr. Veteran John Keating won’t even fight for them! He should be ashamed of himself because if there is anyone on that council who knows what it means to serve it is Mr. Veteran Cheating Keating who sits there like a dumb puppet!
Mr. Woodard, if we are not hiring more personnel then how are we expanding the program? Can you honestly say it makes sense to consolidate Squad and the Safety Program? If you can then I hope your family never needs them and they don’t have the personnel to get to you because they have called out more apparatuses to other scenes.
Shout, Shout, let it all out. These are things I can do without
Come on, I’m talking to you …. Come on
Shout, Shout, Let it all out
If the words sound familiar but you have not yet figured it out yet, then let me help you. In 1984, Tears for Fears released their second album. Shout was a song on the album, but it did not hit the Billboard Top 100 until August of 1985. Today it remains one of their most recognizable songs. It was rumored the song was about pain, but the truth is it was a call to action, a rebellion against the established norms of the times, a call to be different.
Frisco has always prided itself on doing things better “than other cities” along with being different and being ground breakers. Being different is “The Frisco Way!” In Frisco our leaders believe we must build the best, develop the best, and offer the best services to our citizens as a standout community. With development and construction in full gear over the last 10 years you can imagine things happened along the way that helped carve out better practices and procedures for the city.
An example of that is back in February of 2018 when Francisco Palmas pant leg was caught in a trencher causing him to be dangled upside down at a local commercial construction site. The result was it nearly severed his leg and you might think he died. Frisco Firefighters reached the victim in just under five minutes, but they couldn’t free him which meant his leg would need to be amputated right there amid the dust, dirt and rocks. (Photo from Frisco Lifestyle – The Edge of Chaos)
According to a Dallas Morning News article, Frisco Deputy Fire Chief, Scott Vetterick said that the department had already started putting a plan in place for this under then Fire Chief, Mark Piland. Vetterick knew with all the development and construction, it was not about if something would happen but rather when it would happen and that made it a priority to have a plan in place. On the way to the scene, Frisco FD reached out to Dr. Gamber, an emergency room doctor at Medical City Plano. Gamber summoned trauma surgeon Al West who would arrive via a helicopter 41 minutes later with his small black medical kit and blood.
While Dr. West performed the amputation just above the right knee, Frisco Firefighters had to hold Palma’s body so he would not fall and proceeded to give him blood replacement. Along with the blood replacement they administered medications, fluids and monitored Palmas’ vital signs along with watching his airway. At the same time other teams worked to disassemble the machine. Palma survived because of the fast actions of the Frisco FD, Trauma Surgeon Al West and the replacement blood brought in that day. At the time there was a 75% chance that with a prosthetic he would walk again one day. Most importantly this man lived to see his kids grow up. In a Frisco Lifestyle article, Vetterick shares, “We had a lot of people working backchannels in order to make it happen that day. I was calling Medical City Plano’s radio room, Assistant Chief Kramer was calling Dr. Gamber, the battalion chief was coordinating the actual rescue and the disassembly of the machine, and then our medics were immediately tending to the patient.”
Deputy Chief Vetterick said at the time he believed that the response protocol put in place is the perfect example of collaborative efforts that help save lives. His hope was it would benefit more people and save more lives as Frisco continued to grow.
The official announcement of the blood replacement being carried on board with the Squad teams came in December of 2018 in a Frisco Fire Department press release. Frisco Fire Chief Mark Piland said, “Frisco Firefighters are committed to providing the highest level of care possible. This program is definitely a team effort, and I would like to thank Dr. Gamber and Medical City Plano for the hard work and assistance to get this program started.”
Dr. Mark Gamber, Frisco Fire Departments Medical Director said, “Prior to today, patients who needed blood were completely dependent on how fast we could get them to a hospital. Now, with early transfusion for severe blood loss, Frisco Fire will give critically ill patients a better chance of survival.”
The news of the new program went far and wide across the state and it was believed that it showed innovation and how Frisco was to lead the way with cutting edge services that help serve the citizens of Frisco.
What is Squad? Generally, the Squad responds to all high acuity EMS calls, and it also responds to all structure fires in a city. It is a 2-person group whose capabilities are like no other unit in the department. If you have a need for the most advanced or technical medical procedures in the field they are the team you want at your front door. For example, Squad assisted doctors with Palma’s amputation, they can give blood transfusions to trapped victims, and they perform out of the box lifesaving methods during emergency medical situations. It is the definition of the city’s motto Progress In Motion.
Safety, education, and training were a big push by Piland who lead the department at the time. It probably came from his experience serving with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as a Task Force Leader with Virginia Task Force 2 a FEMA Urban Search and Rescue Team whose job was to provide search and rescue for victims of disaster. Shortly after Piland became Chief in 2013 he implemented the Safety Officer Program that focused on the health and wellness of the fire fighters. The Captain of Safety oversaw all fire fighter injuries, the safety on scene at calls, structural concerns during fires, identified concerns such as pools that could affect how they fight a fire and more. In 2016, a request was made for two Fire Safety Incident Officers in the city’s annual budget. The goal was to implement two full-time shift personnel to staff the positions around the clock. The program made overall safety a top priority.
Fast forward to today, Frisco is a city of 225,000+ people and we have a New Fire Chief, Lee Glover. Programs like those mentioned above have major implications in saving lives. On October 27, 2023, the Frisco Fire Department released a video about the history of the program in a series called Frisco Fire Facts which was also share to the city Facebook page yesterday. It starts with Deputy Fire Chief Jake Owen of the Frisco Fire Department talking about how the program got started in 2018. It discusses the highlights of the Squad Program and the onboarding of blood replacement.
Ready for the WHOPPER of TEA? It was confirmed to us last week in an off-the-record conversation with a city employee at city hall, that FIRE CHIEF GROGGY LEE GLOVER announced the END OF THE SQUAD PROGRAM! Wait…What? It was also announced that the Safety Program was ending. People are being reassigned to drive Battalion Chiefs! Firefighters will be reassigned most likely depending on staff levels. What will be the result of losing the Squad Program, it will create the loss of two functioning paramedics for high priority EMS calls and a loss of two tactical level firefighters on structure fires. As for the Safety Program what does that mean for the safety of our firefighters? Should we be surprised, I mean the decision to name Groggy Glover the new Fire Chief was not supported by the ranks within the department.
Glover was not kidding when he said in June of 2023, “We’re going to continue to do what we’ve been doing since the day I WALKED INTO THIS FIRE DEPARTMENT.” He DISMANTLED a CRITICAL LIFE SAVING program that was highly regarded, and we are curious why? Is it because that is how modern-day fire departments operate which he probably does not understand since it doesn’t fit the antiquated days of his upbringing in the department. Did he not like the programs simply because they were instituted under the previous Fire Chief, Mark Piland?
According to yesforfrisco.org in the recent MAY 2023 BOND ELECTION – Proposition A, the city asked citizens to approve the following equipment & apparatus items: Vehicles to replace with proposed bond package: 2 Squads, 4 Engines, 8 Medics, 1 Truck, and 1 Hazmat. WHY DID THE CITY ASK CITIZENS TO PAY FOR 2 SQUAD REPLACEMENTS? With all the development of the PGA which will bring golf celebrities from around the world and a new theme park for kids would you end lifesaving programs that protect citizens, visitors, and firefighters? What about citizens of Frisco Lakes? Did the council who rely on their votes to get elected ask Frisco Lakes residents how they feel about getting rid of a blood replacement program that could save their lives? With the traffic getting worse and horrific car accidents happening more often, did anyone think about how the blood replacement program could save the lives of those in the accidents. I mean those are citizens or visitors who spend tax dollars in our city? No – they just want to build and build and claim to be about exceptional service.
On the front page, of the Frisco Fire Department the Mission Statement reads: Committed to your Health and Safety through Exceptional Service. Right under that it reads, “Public safety is among the highest priorities for city leaders, past and present.” Yeah we have heard that repeated over from city leaders. Now act like it!
We just keep asking why, why would Glover think these are good decisions? Based on the 2011/12 Climate Survey it said in order for the issues in the department to be resolved some SIGNIFICANT changes must occur. The culture of the department needs to change from a negative, hostile, retaliatory environment to one that is positive. Guess what, it was trending in the right direction but now Groggy Glover is dismantling the department bit by bit and they hope no one is paying attention. Well, maybe it is just his way of being retaliatory to those speaking out against him as that is how it has worked since he walked into the department all those years ago.
Slowly but surely our Fire Department turns back time and honestly it should scare the hell of citizens! We have heard it scares the hell out of those who put on the FD uniform on the front line every day. It leads us to our last question, the most important question, who is the “King Ding A Ling” of bad decisions? Well, that might be a tie between Groggy Lee Glover and City Manager, Pungent Wes Pierson.
Well we love a good boxing match and now we have one! Today we came across an announcement that John Redmond is running for City of Frisco – Place 3 against Angelia Pelham! He was once quoted as saying he wants to be a good civil steward here in the City of Frisco. We can’t wait to learn more about what issue or hot buttons he believes the city is facing. For now we at Frisco Chronicles can’t wait to learn more about this candidate!
OCTOBER 27, 2023 – John Redmond is announcing his candidacy for Frisco City Council. Service does not come without sacrifice. And service to others is what those that run for office are called to do. 6 years ago Redmond ran for City Council in the most contested field in Frisco history. Taking the lessons of that election while remaining engaged and active, Redmond brings deep commitment to the betterment of our community and a wealth of experience and passion for positive change. Redmond stated, “I am announcing my intent to run for Frisco City Council. As a vibrant, diverse and ever-evolving community, we will run a clean and dignified race to serve the people of Frisco. We will remind elected officials that they work for their constituents and should govern as they campaign. Together through teamwork, innovation and community engagement, we will address whatever challenges remain before us while we embrace the opportunities that lie ahead”. Redmond4Frisco will be grounded in fiscal responsibility and accountability, free enterprise and support for small businesses, law and order and the true support of public safety personnel. With a long list of potential platforms, Redmond said that a ‘listening campaign’ would begin immediately to understand all of the issues that Frisco citizens actually hold dear. “From traffic, to infrastructure, to apartments and density, the overall development (and/or re-development) of Frisco, public safety, city staff and its’ leadership, art venues, animal shelters and more…while some things change, many political topics here in Frisco remain the same”. Frisco residents are encouraged to get involved, ask questions and share ideas with Redmond as he embarks on this journey to serve the community. To learn more about John and the campaign, visit www.Redmond4Frisco.com
For media inquiries or interview requests, please contact: Chris Fields campaign@redmond4frisco.com About John Redmond: John Redmond is the Co-Founder and President of InspectIR Systems. A Frisco-based company, for the last 6 years, InspectIR has been focused on innovation and research, delivering breath-based devices and solutions to provide more equitable diagnostics and screening at or near the point of care. With more than 25 years of experience in Fortune 500 companies, John is a human capital expert in the technology and consulting industries with leadership positions in talent acquisition and diversity and inclusion. John has a BS in Business Administration/Marketing from the Gies School of Business at the University of Illinois. Married with two (2) adult children, John has been a Frisco resident for over 18 years.
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