Frisco, what’s really happening in your hometown?

Define shad·y /ˈSHādē/

According to the Urban Dictionary for one to be shady means they are very sneaky, suspect, sketchy, or suspicious.

The Frisco Chronicles aka The Shady Shit is here to spill the tea on what is happening in our hometown. Frisco, Texas has become known as Sports City USA—home to the Dallas Cowboys, PGA Golf, Frisco Rough Riders, and Dallas Stars. As Mayor Cheney says, we are a destination city, but at what price?

Curtains Up, Community Divided PT 2

If you thought the drama of Frisco’s so-called Future Performing Arts Center was confined to city hall meetings and backroom deals, think again. Mayor Cheney has taken the battle to the digital streets, launching an all-out social media war against anyone daring to...

Curtains Up, Community Divided

When I was a boy, I learned an important lesson on my family’s winery: if you mix the wrong barrels together, you don’t get fine wine—you get a mess. Turns out, the same principle applies to city finances, though some folks in Frisco’s leadership seem to have skipped...

Bond Ballet: A Grand Performance of Confusion, Cost, and Creative Accounting!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another dazzling performance of Frisco’s Bond Ballet! A timeless masterpiece where the city pirouettes around financial transparency, leaps over budget concerns, and performs a breathtaking grand jeté over taxpayer skepticism—all while...

Weasel Wes & The Letter

In our December blog called Fairweather Frisco Friends, we told you about how the city went on a full-frontal attack, with Bobblehead Bill leading the charge against our firefighters in the May 2024 elections.  Why would they do this?  The Frisco Fire Fighters...

Charter Changes

While we know you are pawsitively waiting for our purrfect part three to Paw Patrol we must take an intermission break for some important information.  For those who don’t know the City of Frisco is a “home rule” city, meaning it’s citizens or residents can vote...