Frisco, what’s really happening in your hometown?

Define shad·y /ˈSHādē/

According to the Urban Dictionary for one to be shady means they are very sneaky, suspect, sketchy, or suspicious.

The Frisco Chronicles aka The Shady Shit is here to spill the tea on what is happening in our hometown. Frisco, Texas has become known as Sports City USA—home to the Dallas Cowboys, PGA Golf, Frisco Rough Riders, and Dallas Stars. As Mayor Cheney says, we are a destination city, but at what price?

13th Stroke of the Clock

If you have read George Orwell’s well-known dystopian novel, Nineteen Eight-Four (1984), then you may remember the opening line, “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”   Have you ever wondered, what does it mean? ...

Turn Back Time

The ticking of time is the invisible heartbeat of our lives and affects every moment of our consciousness.  Time and self are in perpetual handshake – for example, a human trapped in a completely dark cave would still be governed by the circadian rhythms of their...

Wasted Time

Did you know each new day brings us 24 hours, 1440 minutes, or 86,000 seconds.  When we were kids, my mom used to say don’t waste a damn minute of your life because each second, each minute, each hour, is loaned to us by God.  One day when you meet him, he is going to...

Guilty of Gaslighting?

The other day I was reading an article about the most common 6 phrases people say to gaslight and manipulate you.  What is gaslighting? It is a manipulation tactic often wielded by emotional disruptive abusers and is insidious in nature making it hard for a...

Stolen Valor at Frisco City Hall

Recently we received an email that read "I follow your page and have always wanted to speak out as a Veteran in this town. I hope you will share my thoughts on your page. I have titled it Stolen Valor at Frisco City Hall. Sincerely, a Frisco Veteran" Hello Frisco...

Tick-Tock: Tax Increase

Tick-tock, tick-tock sounds the clock!  Days go by, and the tick-tock never seems to stop.  Meanwhile City of Frisco leadership sits behind closed doors while we watch the clock, just tick-tock!  Precious moments fading away and citizens still are not standing up to...

You’ve Been Blocked

While we know there are a few who don’t care for Frisco Chronicles (guess who), every day our viewership and website traffic continue to grow.  We are getting more emails from fellow whistleblowers tired of the way the City of Frisco staff and leaders continue to...

It’s Official – Texas Atty General

Our team members have filed a complaint with the Texas Attorney General in regard to the City of Frisco and Public Information Requests. The city has been notified and we will see how things roll out in the coming weeks. Time after time we send requests to a city who...