One of the main reasons people choose Frisco for their home is because of the school district. Frisco ISD is often talked about and revered as one of the best districts in North Texas. The districts website even notes, “Many families choose to call Frisco ISD home due to our outstanding reputation for academic excellence, innovative programs and wealth of extracurricular opportunities and experiences.” Frisco ISD currently enrolls more than 67,000 students in 12 high schools, 18 middle schools, 1 intermediate school, 43 elementary schools and 3 special programs schools. We were curious, how great is it?
With our kids being grown, we have not paid too much attention to ISD news. To be fair, we have had several whistleblowers send in tips and information but in general it is hard to follow up on and investigate. But sometimes there is news you come across that you have to share because it is about the safety of the children and the families right to know.
My wife, like most woman, loves to scroll social media and recently she found a post from May 2022 about a Ruben Bustillos, former employee at Frisco ISD, who had been arrested after police said they found “inappropriate” images at an elementary school. He was charged with sale, distribution, or display of harmful material to a minor which is a Class A misdemeanor. In Texas, a Class A misdemeanor is the most serious type of misdemeanor offense which is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $4000 fine, or both. Types of charges include carrying a gun without a permit, second DWI offense, resisting arrest and assault causing bodily injury. At the time very few details were released about what led to the arrest and the Frisco PD nor the ISD identified which school it was found at. We were curious, what happened to the case?
Well, we decided to look up Bustillos case in Denton County which can be found under Case No. CR-2023-01499-E. It shows the case was filed on 3/7/23 in County Criminal Court #5. From the court documents, it appears that on 5/30/23 Bustillos pleaded “No Contest” to charge #1 of Sale/Distribution/Display Harmful Material to a Minor. The “disposition” meaning the outcome was “DEFERRED ADJUDICATION” which is a term that generally refers to a “PLEA BARGAIN” wherein a defendant pleads guilty or no contest to the charges against them. He was sentenced to 15 months’ probation with 80 hours of community service. Hope that community service is not done around children! The total court costs he had to pay was $692.00. Do you think that is a fair and just outcome for a man who was around Frisco ISD children?
Then in May of 2023, Kendal Augustus, a Frisco Police School Resource Officer was arrested after allegations surfaced that he had an “INAPPROPRIATE RELATIONSHIP WITH A STUDENT.” The allegations dated back to 2017-18 and involved him and a 14-year-old Frisco ISD student. When the allegations surfaced the Frisco Police Department put him on administrative leave and began an investigation. Augustus was later fired and arrested on June 14, 2023, at which time he was charged with sexual assault of a child, indecency with a child and sexual performance of a child. His bond at the time was set at $55,000. Ever wonder what happened with this case?
Well in a search of Denton County’s 367th Judicial District Court we found three case numbers: F23-5117-367, F23-5118-367, and F23-5119-367. All three charges are considered a 2nd Degree Felony in Texas. Besides Augustus trying to modify his bond conditions on 12/20/2023 a True Bill of Indictment came in on all three charges. What is a True Bill? It simply means nine grand jurors determined that there was probable cause that an offense occurred. Then on 5/31/24 it appears they appeared in court to present a plea bargain data / continuance data, but we are not really sure what that means. As of right now, it appears the case is still moving through the court system.
Then we came across a recent Facebook post from June 14th in a group about Collin County Jail Records, and we are guessing one of their teachers might need to answer some questions. It appears on 6/14/2024 Taryn Glasgow, a Newman Elementary teacher at Frisco ISD, and her husband Randy Glasgow were both booked by the Celina Police Department on 6/14/2024 for Injury to a Child, Elderly Individual or Disabled Individual. According to a jail records search, Taryn Glasgow was booked #2024-BK-07569 and Randal Glasgow was booked under #2024-BK-07568. Both had a $25,000 bond with conditions. Just from the booking photos we can tell the couple may have had one to many that night.
We had to look up the penal code because we wanted more details. The Texas Penal Code § 22.04. for Injury to a Child, Elderly Individual, or Disabled Individual reads, “(a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence, by act or intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly by omission, causes to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual: (1) serious bodily injury; (2) serious mental deficiency, impairment, or injury; or (3) bodily injury.”
It goes on to read, “(c) In this section: (1) “Child” means a person 14 years of age or younger. (2) “Elderly individual” means a person 65 years of age or older. (3) “Disabled individual” means a person with one or more of the following: (i) autism spectrum disorder; (ii) developmental disability, (iii) intellectual disability.”
As for the court case there is not much information currently. They appeared in Magistrate Court under case number DCMAG-46229-2024 and DCMAG-46228-2024 both of which appear to have been heard on 6/14/2024. According to the Collin County website “the Collin County Magistrate Court includes advising the defendants of their rights, determining probable cause, setting bond, and issuing warrants in criminal cases. The Magistrate may also issue and enforce bond conditions. A defendant is considered to be a person charged with a crime.”
We are not trying to embarrass the couple but if these charges are in any way true then parents who sent their kids to Newman have a right to know. They are serious accusations related to a potential child. As a parent I would want to know and since this has already been posted several times across social media, we felt the need to share.
Have you ever wondered if Frisco ISD is the top tier district you think it is? You can always read the Texas Education Agency Report Card. We found the 2023 Federal Report Card for Frisco ISD online and you can click here to read it. According to Frisco ISD ranks 41 out of 968 districts in Texas and has a 5-star rating. So why do we keep having issues with Frisco ISD staff? Does the district do backchecks every few years on current employees or only at the time of hiring? What is the policy of the district when it comes to reporting something like this to them? What is the policy when it comes to informing parents? Parents should be armed with all of the information when it comes to the safety of their children.
Growing up in the countryside on a working vineyard was fun, but my parents had one rule which was always to be home before dark and never go into the fields at night. As a kid I remember my mom coming into my room each night to tuck me into bed and she would open the windows to let the cool air flow through the house since we didn’t have air conditioning. The winery fields at night were a desolate and eerie place. The vines, which during the day were lush with grapes, now hung like sinister fingers in the darkness. The only sound was the rustling of leaves and the occasional hoot of an owl in the distance. The moon cast an otherworldly glow over everything, illuminating twisted shadows that seemed to dance around my little feet at the end of the bed.
One day my brothers and I were playing hide and seek, and I decided to hide out in the fields because they would never find me. It felt like I was sitting there forever waiting for them and the boredom must have set it because I fell asleep. When I woke up it was dark and immediately I was terrified and my heart was pounding in my chest. I had to get home so I stumbled through rows and rows of vines, desperately searching for a way out but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched. Suddenly, a pair of yellow glowing eyes appeared in the darkness, followed by a low growl. I froze in terror as a massive black dog stepped out from the vines, baring its teeth menacingly. I turned to run but found myself face to face with a group of shadowy figures with twisted limbs. They hissed and snarled, inching closer and closer until I could feel their hot breath on my skin. I screamed for help, but no one came and I quickly realized I was alone with these terrifying creatures. As the night grew darker and colder, my fear intensified, my small frame shivering with every step. The wind howled through the barren branches of the trees that surrounded me as if they were calling out to me in a haunting voice. With every rustling sound I heard I walked a little bit faster and that’s when I tripped over a stray root and fell face-first onto the dirt. When I looked up again, I found myself staring into two glowing red eyes that seemed to be getting closer by the second. I quickly realized it was not the scary vine creatures, but my dad and I started screaming Daddy, daddy. Next thing I knew he swept me up off the ground and carried me home. The next day I told my dad I was going to save every penny of my allowance so that one day I could leave the scary creatures behind and move to a new place. His reply was simple, “once you can pay your own way, you can move out son.”
As we become adults there are so many things we must be responsible for, and one is our finances. My dad always told me 50% of my allowance should go to my needs, then 30% to my wants, and 20% should go to Mr. Piggy (that was my bank). I have practiced that my whole life because finances are one of our biggest responsibilities in our personal life as well as in our professional life. As business owners, we must be smart, responsible, and always on top of the P&L because we are the only ones responsible for the result. We must make sure our business is sustainable even during those difficult times. Real Estate is a good example of the ups and downs and how the market can change instantly from a seller to a buyer’s market or how interest rates can change buyers’ habits. Agents must be prepared for those slow times, or they could see themselves in a financial crisis because as our next-door neighbor says you only make money when you sell a house. We would think being fiscally responsible would be a requirement for most management positions, school board positions, or even city council positions because you are overseeing large budgets. That is why we were kind of shocked about The Hot Mess with Dynette Davis when we learned she had financial issues. Let’s just say there were circumstances that could explain it and we gave her a pass; does it make it okay for her to then lie to a direct question asked of her for a news article? The same questions are asked of every candidate running for the same type of position and they all have to tell the truth. Truth and financial responsibility have a direct correlation to your character. As the weeks have passed it made me curious (here we go again), how fiscally responsible the others are who sit on the ISD Board or City Council.
We started with a simple Google search of each council member’s name and the word bankruptcy. Imagine our surprise when we found an article in the Orlando Sentinel back on April 1, 1996, that says “Dono W. Pelham and Angelia E. Pelham, also known as Just for You Cosmetics and the Make Up, in Orlando filed for Chapter 7 listing Assets: $1,245 and Debts: $343,466. The Major creditors were Community First Bank, Jacksonville, $140,000; Eric Stern, Carrollton, Texas, $35,000; Schroder Center Management Inc., Dallas, $35,000. The creditors meeting was held that year on April 24.”
We then looked at her candidate interviews – was she honest about it? Well according to the Dallas Morning News Voter Guide she was asked, “Have you ever been involved in any civil lawsuits or declared personal or professional bankruptcy? If so, please explain.” Her response was “No lawsuits. One business filing almost 30 years ago in the early 90s for a small cosmetics retail business with 2 locations that I owned when I was in my mid-twenties in Florida. Did not have the financial capital to maintain inventory in both locations. Incredible learning experience as a young entrepreneur.” The answer to the question is yes she was honest that she had a business filing. Dono and Angelia filed Chapter 7 on 03/26/96 and it was discharged on 2/27/97 – related case number 6:96-bk-01808-ABB in Florida Middle Bankruptcy Court
In the DMN Voter Guide, she was asked, “What is an example of how you led a team or group toward achieving an important goal?” Pelham noted she had 30 years of experience as an executive with companies such as Walt Disney World Company, PepsiCo, Frito-Lay, Main Event Entertainment, and Cinemark. She claims to have been responsible for setting strategic plans and fully executing them, evaluating executive compensation plans, led massive downsizing and right sizing; led countless large-scale change initiatives; supported business acquisitions, and managed multi-million-dollar budgets all through effective leadership of others. At the time she filed for Chapter 7 (1996), Angelia Pelham’s resume also states she was the Director of Human Resources for Walt Disney World in Orlando from 1989-1998. That means she has a full-time demanding job while trying to operate her own business. It begs the questions did she have a good understanding of her own business and the debt she was accumulating? Why did she open a second location if the first location was not fluid? She called it a small business but $343,466 in debts for a small business is questionable and we are pretty sure her creditors left holding the bag would agree it was not “small.”
She noted at the time it was an incredible learning experience for her, so we assume as she moved forward in life she paid more attention to her money! Why did Griffin Park Residential Association file a lien against her property in November 2006 for $2,088.90, October 2011 for $956.80, June 2013 for $1335.65, then again in July of 2020 for $1233.70. Then Wells Fargo Bank filed against Dono Pelham in 2014/15 for what looks like a $10,375 civil judgement. Also in July of 2016, Carlos Avendando, owner of Dallas Green Landscape, filed an affidavit of mechanics and materialmen’s lien on the Pelhams home for $4039.00 for unpaid work. The County of Denton sent a Notice of Les Pendens on Feb 13, 2020 to the Pelham’s letting them know a lawsuit had been filed listing the cause of action for the foreclosure of the property due to unpaid tax lien (delinquent property taxes). It appears in February of 2022, The County of Denton released the Lis Pendens against the property so they must have taken care of it.
Is Angelia the only one? Well, we do know Councilman Livingston also hit some financial issues in 2018 with his food businesses but we could not find bankruptcy records. With more research we found a statement from Livingston that he has posted publicly on social media stating “while his lawyer recommended he file for bankruptcy, he had chosen not to do that and instead he worked with those he owed on a payment plan to pay out the debts and continues to make payments today to back any creditors. Mr. Livingston has a home mortgage in the amount of $294,800 and his home’s annual taxes are around $8500 that they purchased back in 2010. At the time the Livingstons drove a 2007 Chevy Silverado and now drives a used Tahoo which makes sense if you are paying off some large debts.
What did we learn? Angelia and her husband stiffed creditors out of $343,000 dollars and it appears they continue to have issues however they live in fancy neighborhood in a house with an estimated value of $971,422 and annual taxes around $12,000 and they drive a BMW or Lincoln which are some nice cars. The question is can they afford to live the way they are living? It would be easy to do if you didn’t pay bills. Mr. Livingston appears to be taking financial responsibility for his debts, we also confirmed he has paid off a huge IRS lien and his family live on a tight budget.
Back to me, I saved every dollar since I was a kid and today am proud to have no debt. It wasn’t easy and yes there were bumps in the road, but my wife and I have no outstanding debts and have never been sued by creditors let alone our HOA. We know there can be bumps in the road, those unforeseen things like medical bills which can knock a family right out of the comfort zone financially, but you get back up and wipe off your pants and move forward. If financial issues continue to plague you then the problem is you, and your bad choices and decisions. Our point – is that we should hold those who represent our city and boards to higher standards. They are representing us! Our character is defined by the choices we make, our values and our ethics. As Dave Ramsey says, “act your wage!”
Dave Ramsey: You will either learn to manage money, or the lack of it will manage you!
Growing up my mom used to get a call from the headmaster at least once a week because my brother or sister would always get in trouble. So, you can imagine my mom’s shock when the phone rang and this time it was not about my brother or sister, it was about me. The headmaster told her I challenged one of my teachers and told them they were wrong, and her statement was stupid. It didn’t matter that I was right, and she was wrong I still got in big ole trouble. I remember the ride home that day at first it was silent and then my mom asked me what I was thinking. I explained the teacher said wealth was about having a lot of money and I told her that she was wrong and that was a stupid way of thinking. I told her wealth is about having a lot of options.” She just looked me dead in the eyes and said son you have always been a precocious young man but my curiosity and boldness is what was going to get me into trouble one day. All these years later, my mom was right!
When we moved to this country my kids went to public school, which was very different from our upbringing and the type of education we had. I quickly realized that the main function of the school boards was to provide local, citizen governance and oversight of education. School boards were responsible for employing the superintendent, developing, and adopting policies, budgeting, and overseeing facilities. I always wondered what the signs of an effective school board member are. One article I read said board members should have a clear vision for the district, have good communication skills, work well as a team, and be fiscally responsible in order to adopt a school budget. They must also be accountability driven and be a little tech data savvy nowadays.
I was a little shocked this week when a new local whistle-blower messaged us some tidbits on a candidate for the Frisco ISD school board. We did our research, and we were able to confirm what we had been told and we believe residents have the right to know.
Is Dynette Davis fiscally responsible, you decide. She was sued in Collin County Courts in 2022 (case # 004-02178-2022) by Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC for “BREACH OF CONTRACT” related to the purchase of a vehicle. It also noted that she resided in Plano, Texas. The paperwork notes that account was charged off on October 30, 2019, and as of the filing, there remained an unpaid balance of $20,835.37. Ms. Davis, despite being issued a demand letter has never paid on the account.
We thought surely this is a one-off situation and we all have tough times so grace should be given. Then upon further research, we learned that Estancia at Ridgeview Ranch filed eviction proceedings 14 times from 2013 to 2015. While each case was dismissed eventually because she must have paid the rent, to have 14 evictions filed on you is outrageous.
We also found Ms. Davis filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in the Texas Northern Fort Worth court on February 10, 2014. She was appointed a trustee from Dallas and the attorney was Patrick Swindell. What is Chapter 7 Discharge it releases individual debtors from personal liability for most debts and prevents creditors owed those debts from taking any collection against the debtor.
Now my kids have been out of school for years but someone with this much of a financial hot mess probably should not be a board member with significant fiscal oversight or responsibility. Actions like this could get you removed from some boards of directors for companies. Why is someone who lives in Plano or has a Plano address running for the Frisco Independent School Board? Should residents be concerned about her disaster of a financial mess dating back years? Is this the person we want to have oversight of our kids? I don’t know much about any of the candidates but what I do know is that anyone we elect to the ISD or city council should have the qualifications and stability needed to be in a position like that. While I understand a financial hiccup, where there are this many one should stop and ask questions.
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