True Confessions – Mayor Cheney on Density (video)

Density is generally defined as the amount of residential development permitted on a given parcel of land. Typically measured in dwelling units per acre – the larger the number of units permitted per acre, the higher the density; the fewer units permitted, the lower the density. Smart growth can reduce air and water pollution and preserve open space. Compact development that uses land efficiently is integral to creating neighborhoods that offer convenience, value, and a high quality of life. Density has always been and will always be a hot topic in Frisco among residents. So what is Mayor Cheney’s take on density?

Let’s get in our DeLorean and take a trip back in time to 2017.

In 2017, Jeff Cheney who was running for Mayor made a video on Density. He said the maximum build out was 350,000 residents, but that is not what people moved to Frisco for. People moved to Frisco for the quality of life and in order to protect that we need to build towards the original goal of 280,000 residents. We need to build out with world class level development’s with more open space, less multi-family all over the city and an overall less dense environment. Did someone just hit with me brick? Did you say LESS MULTI-FAMILY throughout the city? What have you approved the last 6 years? Mixed use with multi-family!

Where are we in 2023 then on density in Frisco? Currently we sit with an estimated population of 227,426 residents based on the city’s website. What are the projections now based on how Mayor Cheney has been “developing” our city? The current buildout population is estimated to be 325,000 by 2040.

What happened to protecting our quality of life? What happened to less multi-family?

Now to his credit he said in 2017 we need world class developments – and we have achieved that due to many amazing people, although Jeff would like to you to believe it is all him that made it happen. He said it is primarily apolitical dog whistle used at election time for political mailers.” That must be why it appears on this his 8.5 x 11 full color Choose Cheney mailer sent out to Frisco residents last week. We immediately noticed “reduced the population projections at build out, from 450K to 325K”what happened to 280,000 and protecting the quality of life and reason people moved here?

Then he said when you educate people, what? Over the years he has said that over and over, I don’t need to be educated Mr. Mayor as I understand it quite well and probably better than you do sir. Another example is when Edgestone residents organized last year and fought the developer who was going to try and sneak in town homes as part of their neighborhood. In front of him, resident after resident said we don’t want town homes and his response was let me tell you what you want, let me educate you as to why this is good for your neighborhood. Mr. Mayor let me educate you sir, maybe LISTEN TO THE RESIDENTS. What happened to 280,000 and less multi-family? Resident after residents has stood before our mayor and council telling them what we the residents want. Local resident, Mr. Pvale said it best and we agree with him. (If you need insurance look him up, and support local business) Does it matter what “WE” the residents say? No, and that is why one might think or say our Mayor was bought by developers.

The last thing Mayor Cheney said was it was IRONIC that people who consider themselves CONSERVATIVES don’t look at the economics behind these developments and how it is driving our tax bills down. What does being a conservative have to do with any of this? Does he really think it is just conservatives who don’t understand the economics behind these developments? Mayor Cheney my tax bill has never gone down in 16+ years of living here. In fact I just got the notice from the appraiser and they went up the max 10% so please show me where this multi-family you speak of has lowered my tax bill? That is the biggest crock of shady shit ever!

So what does Mayor Cheney want to do to our city with his last term if re-elected? Just listen to him explain it himself below and remember the proof is in the pudding as my mom used to say.

Cheney has lied to us since 2017, and his talking points change as much as wind direction does in Frisco. The truth is he wants his last term to be about what it has been about for 6 years… himself! Do residents want to live in a city where we test the limits of what our city is capable of? What will we be left with? Not the 280,000 maximum density he said we should build out to in 2017. We are going to be a city of multi-family nightmares. I didn’t buy a Money Pit, but the longer I live in Frisco I feel like I am paying a money pit of taxes, and my city is being overrun by Cheney and his developer dipshits.

True Confessions of Mayor Cheney (2)

How do politicians win an election? Successful candidates must persuade voters they deserve their individual votes and garner critical votes from current friends and current followers. Every political campaign has ups and downs and sometimes they just go sideways. Locals will tell you they were surprised to see they had a choice this year for Mayor since previously Cheney ran unopposed. Others would say its a “Long Shot” but there is power in grass roots movements. Cheney said at one of the debates the reason he needs these “large donations” is to run a campaign like his it takes big bucks. Sometimes its not just about the money, it’s about the desire for change and truth that can set things in motion depending on the political climate. Cheney is right, the easier way would be to simply “buy an election!”

True Confessions of Mayor Cheney

With all the drama surrounding the city and the Frisco Fire Department, it makes you wonder what is Cheney thinking?  Cheney constantly touts we are the “Safest City” and he holds the Police Department in high esteem, which he has mentioned many times.  However, he has not said much about our Fire Department in quite a long time.  Looking back at Cheney’s words in 2017 we must ask how is this all sitting with him today?  He has been silent on defending our fire fighter first responders and that is not sitting well with me

Where There Is Smoke … Part 1

There is FIRE … Part 2

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Imagine you are a high-strung marketing executive on a business trip in New York and you just want to get home for the Thanksgiving holiday.  You get to the airport and your flight is delayed and you get seated next to a goodhearted but annoying shower curtain ring salesman who likes to talk.  Your plane gets diverted to Wichita due to a blizzard in Chicago which is your final destination.  You can’t get a room but the annoying guy next to you did and he offers to share the room with you for the night.  The next day you both get on a train which breaks down near Jefferson City leaving passengers stranded in a field.  You then travel with the  annoying companion by bus to St. Louis where you try to get a rental car by fail.  Then that annoying travel companion shows up in his rental and offer you a ride and with no other options in site you head out for a 24-hour death-defying ride.  Finally in Chicago, the new friend drops you at the L-Train (subway) and you jump on to get to your house with the hopes to just enjoy some turkey.  Now imagine how funny it would be when the travelers are played by Steve Martin and John Candy. 

Personally, I loved the movie and I think a trip full of nonsense sounds like a lot of fun. This old fart would love to be young and travel carefree like even if it was a trip from hell. Somewhere in all the crazy you find a little big of “it was worth it moments.” In our previous blog Frisco Delays PIR Request, we mentioned that a citizen reached out to us after they could not get the PIR they requested from the city.  As of today, its been 2 months are still waiting for what the city sent to AG claiming proprietary work product.  It is our opinion that the City of Frisco wanted to delay the citizen receiving the information until after the election.  Is the city with holding information that could change peoples decision on how they vote?

Mayor Cheney said more than once they (the city and council) took a trip to Universal during citizen town halls, council meetings and on social media.  It made us a little curious about the trip, was it anything like Planes, Trains, and Automobiles?  Probably not, but the Curious George in me went into overdrive.  So when we were sent the details we dove right into the deep end to start going through it.

Who went? Based on the travel documents provided to us through the citizens PIR we learned that Jeff Cheney (Mayor), Angelia Pelham, Brian Livingston, John Keating (City Council),  Wes Pierson (City Manager), Ben Brazina (Assistant City Manager), John Lettelier (Development Services Director), Marla Roe (Visit Frisco), Jason Ford (President of Frisco EDC), and Phillip Climer (Building Inspections Division. 

When was the trip?  It appears the participants had different travel dates.  Jason Ford and Marla Roe traveled 10-8-22 to 10-11-22 and the rest of the city staff went flew out on the 10-9-22 to 10-11-22.  Then Jeff Climer went in November for two days, but we are not sure what the point of that trip was.   

How much was the airfare for City Council?  Jeff Cheney, Angelia Pelham and Brian Livingston were booked for direct flights on Southwest Airlines from DFW to Orlando and the total shows $2678.88 (base fare + fee’s) and each Amex was charged $892.96.  Then we noticed a credit was issued for Brain Livingston’s ticket and a new ticket was purchased in the name of John Keating.  It was a direct Southwest Airlines flight which cost $809.96

How much was the airfare for City Staff?  John Lettellier’s direct flight on Southwest Airlines was confirmed on 09/19/2022 and it totaled $553.20Wes Pierson our new city manager confirmed his ticket 09/22/2022 on American Airlines for a total of $911.04 which included the Preferred Seat Charge of $15.71, Main Cabin Extra charge of $78.13.  Ben Brezina’s trip was confirmed 9/22/2022 on American Airlines and cost $730.20 and Phillip Climer airfare was $623.00. 

How much was the airfare for Frisco EDC and Visit Frisco?  We did not find any airfare cost for Marlo Roe so we assume she rode on the magic carpet with Aladdin.  According to Jason Fords expenditure sheet his airfare was $1284.73.

How much was the hotel cost?   Each room at the Sapphire Falls Resort was $167.63 (tax included) per night.  All together it was about $4000 for the travelers.  Now here is where it gets interesting.

Resort Details:  If you remember there was a ticket for Brian Livingston that then was credited back to the Amex.  A new ticket was purchased for Councilman Cheating John Keating.  However there is a room expense for Brian Livingston and NO room charge for John Keating.  My wife did her thing online and confirmed that Brain Livingston was in DFW during the time of the trip, so how did he have a room in Orlando Florida for $335.26.   If Livingston didn’t go, and Keating went in his place then the city should have updated the reservation with the hotel, but they didn’t.  Awe golly, maybe he stayed in some girl’s room as he is known to get around and he didn’t need a room. We feel confident that he stayed in Livingston’s room, which still leads us to ask – why did the city not change it?  Is it illegal to expense it under Livingstons name?  Did Livingston know he had an expense in his name?

What about other expenses?  There are no expense reports for Cheney, Pelham or Keating so we have no idea what they spent on food or “extras.”  Ben Brezina and John Lettellier expense reports had no food charges, and based on both men being pretty fit we just assume they don’t eat.  Both men had about $56.00 each in parking or taxi expenses.  Phillip Climer had $172.50 in food for two days.    

Who wins the award for the “HEY, BIG SPENDER” gold trophy?  Well, that would be Mr. Jason Ford, President of the Frisco EDC.  We believe his travel expense report may be inaccurate because it does not add up to what we received.  It reads his flight was $1284.73, then $116.77 in transportation charges, $439.16 for meals, $3047.89 for lodging and $15 for airplane Wi-Fi.  Let the suspense music begin because when you look at his Sapphire Falls Resort Hotel Bill his room for 3 nights was $512.04.  That means he either paid the bill for everyone’s room or something on this report is NOT RIGHT. 

We did find some of his receipts.  The evening he arrived he had a meal that included a Flatbreed Pizza, two side salads and lava cake which came to $38.34 + $7.20 tip for a total of $46.24.  Then on 10-9 Jason Ford expensed a dinner that he notes with John Keating on the receipt, and it included sliders and Mich Ultra- since when does the city pay for alcohol?  The total came to $24.50 + $5.50 tip for a grand total of $30.00.   It appears the morning of 10-10 Jason took Keating, Pierson and himself to breakfast and the total was $89.46 plus a $15.54 tip!   It appears that evening he took everyone to dinner at a Universal Sports Grill and the total was $194.64.  Before I tell you THE BIG TIP, just remember at this week’s city council meeting the city tried to hide on the consent agenda a $5 million parking garage for some collector’s cars that were donated to the city and candy store (side note Livingston removed the item from the consent agenda to post pone it).  Either way that must mean the city has a “big purse” and we have the money to spend!  As Angelia said the night of the council meeting in March where they made the big Universal Decision “money is not a bad word, it is how people use money that is troublesome.”   

DRUM ROLL PLEASE: Jason Ford left a $5.35 tip!  We thought maybe they included gratuity since it was a large party but we could not find it so unless it got cut off the page, it was $5.35. (You can’t make this shit up).

It was clear after reviewing everything that a lot of details for the traveling city representatives was missing from this PIR request.  There was not a travel expense report for each person.  Hotel room bills for people who didn’t go, and no hotel room bills for ones who went.  We are guessing the trip cost tax dollars at the minimum $10,000+ dollars.  As a taxpayer I think maybe instead of sending 9 people we could have done it with half the number of people.  Now they will argue, it will bring us millions in tax revenue over 30 years, but I am old and most likely will be 6 feet under in a few years and my kids will be arguing over their inheritance so who am I to care about 30 years from now.  I like many other taxpayers hope you had a good time on our dime. If I were not in a wheelchair I would come to the next council meeting and break out in song during citizens input and sing

The minute you walked in the joint
I could see you were people of distinction
Real big spenders
Good lookin’ so refined
Say, wouldn’t you like to know what’s goin’ on in my mind?
So let me get right to the point
I don’t pop my cork for everyone I see
Hey big spender, Spend a little money on me

Wouldn’t you like to have fun, fun, fun
How’s about a few laughs,

Hey big spender
Hey big spender
Hey big spender

Spend, a little money on me …or just help me with my property tax bill that is due since we have money to build a garage and take $10,000 dollar trips. 

Land Lies!

Growing up we always had our hands in dirt or soil when helping dad with the Vineyards.  I always complained and my Nona (grandma) would always say “oh, a little dirt never hurt anyone.”  My dad would say “to most people dirt is just dirt, but to a farmer well that dirt is called potential.” I am sure these quotes belong to someone smarter than my dad and Nona but it did make me think, have you ever asked yourself, how much is the dirt below my feet worth?   To an investor or developer dirt is like gold and depending on where it is located it can be worth a lot of money.  Bill Gates began buying up land and farm operations years ago and while he leaves the farming to the professionals he understands land = asset appreciation.  The dirt below the 2500 acres that PGA, Fields, and The Link is worth millions if not billions.  

Developers and investors are betting heavily on Frisco which is great!  With Mayor Cheney being so involved and so in love with the project I just assumed he would move out there to the greatest development of all time.  Then at the debate he said he owns two pieces of property his personal home and his rental home (previous home).  He said he does not own or have interest in any other land in Frisco. We were talking to a friend of ours who procured a lot in The Preserve, and we saw a picture he had taken of the builder’s map with written notes, and we thought, hmmm this looks interesting.  Some realtor friends had said there was a rumor Jeff Cheney was given a lot or gifted a lot in The Preserve by the developer, but it was just a rumor.

Well by the looks of the picture Cheney and Keating have a lot under “Developer Hold” and it over looks …you guessed it…the 8th hole!  It appears there is a “Friend & Family” row after all. I would love to hear from the Mayor what he plans to do with that lot next to his best friend Keating. Interestingly Cheney lives next door to Keating now in another community so I guess they are moving on up to the north side together like George & Weezy Jefferson. Cheney has to take his Florence with him which is Keating of course because you can’t leave Florence behind. Country singers Jordan Davis or Luke Bryan already said in their song “you can’t buy happiness, but you can buy dirt.”  But did they buy it?  I feel like breaking out in song since I don’t have any drums, and sing like Garth Brooks, ”Thunder rolls, And the lightnin’ strikes.”