The Financial Hot Mess Express of Dynette Davis

Dave Ramsey: You will either learn to manage money, or the lack of it will manage you!

Growing up my mom used to get a call from the headmaster at least once a week because my brother or sister would always get in trouble.   So, you can imagine my mom’s shock when the phone rang and this time it was not about my brother or sister, it was about me.  The headmaster told her I challenged one of my teachers and told them they were wrong, and her statement was stupid. It didn’t matter that I was right, and she was wrong I still got in big ole trouble.  I remember the ride home that day at first it was silent and then my mom asked me what I was thinking. I explained the teacher said wealth was about having a lot of money and I told her that she was wrong and that was a stupid way of thinking. I told her wealth is about having a lot of options.” She just looked me dead in the eyes and said son you have always been a precocious young man but my curiosity and boldness is what was going to get me into trouble one day.  All these years later, my mom was right! 

When we moved to this country my kids went to public school, which was very different from our upbringing and the type of education we had.  I quickly realized that the main function of the school boards was to provide local, citizen governance and oversight of education.   School boards were responsible for employing the superintendent, developing, and adopting policies, budgeting, and overseeing facilities.  I always wondered what the signs of an effective school board member are.  One article I read said board members should have a clear vision for the district, have good communication skills, work well as a team, and be fiscally responsible in order to adopt a school budget.  They must also be accountability driven and be a little tech data savvy nowadays.

I was a little shocked this week when a new local whistle-blower messaged us some tidbits on a candidate for the Frisco ISD school board.  We did our research, and we were able to confirm what we had been told and we believe residents have the right to know. 

Is Dynette Davis fiscally responsible, you decide.  She was sued in Collin County Courts in 2022 (case # 004-02178-2022) by Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC for “BREACH OF CONTRACT” related to the purchase of a vehicle.  It also noted that she resided in Plano, Texas.  The paperwork notes that account was charged off on October 30, 2019, and as of the filing, there remained an unpaid balance of $20,835.37.    Ms. Davis, despite being issued a demand letter has never paid on the account. 

We thought surely this is a one-off situation and we all have tough times so grace should be given.  Then upon further research, we learned that Estancia at Ridgeview Ranch filed eviction proceedings 14 times from 2013 to 2015.  While each case was dismissed eventually because she must have paid the rent, to have 14 evictions filed on you is outrageous.

We also found Ms. Davis filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in the Texas Northern Fort Worth court on February 10, 2014.  She was appointed a trustee from Dallas and the attorney was Patrick Swindell.  What is Chapter 7 Discharge it releases individual debtors from personal liability for most debts and prevents creditors owed those debts from taking any collection against the debtor.

Now my kids have been out of school for years but someone with this much of a financial hot mess probably should not be a board member with significant fiscal oversight or responsibility.  Actions like this could get you removed from some boards of directors for companies.  Why is someone who lives in Plano or has a Plano address running for the Frisco Independent School Board?   Should residents be concerned about her disaster of a financial mess dating back years?  Is this the person we want to have oversight of our kids?   I don’t know much about any of the candidates but what I do know is that anyone we elect to the ISD or city council should have the qualifications and stability needed to be in a position like that.  While I understand a financial hiccup, where there are this many one should stop and ask questions.