WWE RAW: Early Voting Breakdown

To follow the elections up close, we have visited several of the polling stations this week in both Denton and Collin County.  Our goal was to talk to the candidates and those on both sides of the two propositions to get a first-hand response and reaction.  We were surprised to learn that many were being paid to be at the polls and when we asked why we should vote for the candidate many couldn’t answer that.  We also met some who were very friendly, and they spent time talking to us and explaining the reason for their support of a candidate or proposition on the ballot.  Lastly, we talked to some who came across as angry and crass like they had a chip on their shoulder.  We sometimes walked away with the feeling that they were pretending to care about people they’d never seen before, all for the sake of getting their vote. Nothing says “genuine concern” like a forced smile and a rehearsed “have a nice day” as they enter the polling station. Truly, democracy at its finest.

It was eye-opening and all done for the sake of research.  However, just like any good novel or reality TV show, there must be some drama.  First, we wanted to talk to the Vote No group, and upon arrival, the first thing we noticed was that most of them had on Keating candidate shirts. We only saw a few Pelhams holding vote no signs but that was only if there were other Pelham greeters holding Pelham signs with them. We talked to an older man holding a Vote No sign and when we asked why we should vote against the propositions, we were taken aback by his answer.  He told us the firefighters were lying to us by saying they needed more staffing and that this was about money, power, and control.  He went on to say the men in yellow shirts were not even Frisco Firefighters they were “out of towners” and if this passed it would decimate the city.  Honestly, he came across as angry and outright vengeful!  We asked about the recent arson fire, and we were shocked when he said with a flippant attitude well, they probably started it to help themselves at the polls.   It took everything in me to not whip the man upside the head with my walking cane. 

Then we met a woman wearing a “Keating” shirt at another station who repeatedly told us the Firefighters were liars and they should be ashamed of themselves for how they have tarnished the reputation of Frisco and its leaders.  She talked about how great our city leadership was and that if we voted for the propositions on the ballot, it would be our greatest regret.  She said we need to trust our officials to see that they are doing the right thing.  Her disdain for the Firefighters and her arrogant and condescending attitude didn’t help her case at all and it sure didn’t help Keating.

The last man we spoke to at the college came across with the best message.  He was calm and reasonable and gave us his side of the facts.  He had valid reasons or concerns for the propositions, and it felt as if he was truly concerned.  He made no horrible innuendos or nasty remarks about the firefighters and simply said he disagreed with them on this.  We asked which candidate he supported and because he did not have a t-shirt on for Pelham or Keating like the other ones did this week and he said they were told not to hold the Vote No signs while wearing the incumbents’ shirts because they felt it was hurting their campaigns.

Then we talked to the firefighters and surprisingly the statements were the same at each visit.  We asked why we should vote for the propositions and if it was about a power struggle.  Repeatedly we were told no, it was not a power struggle for them it was about safety, transparency, and accountability.  Several said they just wanted to make it to the end of each shift so they could go home to their families.  We heard over and over that they were very happy with their pay and benefits, and this was not about more money.  They talked about the concerns of working off-duty events, with city gear and apparatuses, yet not being covered by city benefits in case they were injured.  They talked about the concerns regarding how dismissive the city management and fire leadership is with the rank.  They talked about staffing levels and how they currently compare to other cities and how as we build out and up, they feel they take more risk. They are truly concerned there is no plan for more staffing in a city that has grown 10-fold in the last 5 to 10 years.  While they expressed concern for recent actions by the city and council, they never once personally attacked anyone calling them names.  They were personable, factual, and non-emotional about it and simply said we hope you vote for public safety. 

What did we learn from the two interactions?  The two groups took very different approaches to the polls.  One group came across as unhinged and the other came across as expressing concern for the safety of residents and themselves. The vote-no group needed more guys like the one at the college who appeared rational because all the others we spoke to were angry and hateful.  We are not the only ones who felt this way because post after post on social media residents talked about their experience at the polls and how they felt about the vote no and council members came across in a negative way.

What became very clear, is that both Keating and Pelham are rebranding the message to the public.  We thought the statement about them being told not to wear the incumbent’s t-shirts while holding a vote no sign was interesting.  If Pelham or Keating think it is the vote no sign a poll greeter is holding while wearing their shirt that is hurting their campaign, they are dead wrong.  It is how the city has violated its own “CORE VALUES” which might be the reason they are shocked come Saturday, May 4th.   Core values, like “Integrity” which reads, “Integrity is honesty, trustworthiness, ethical behavior and always doing the right thing. Integrity matters because we are entrusted with building and maintaining our community. Integrity is the foundation of all other core values.”   Better yet, maybe the core value that is called “Our Employees” states we support, develop, and reward the contribution, diversity, and talents of all employees. 

As for the candidates, most of the poll greeters on the front line had a passion for whomever they were supporting, from ISD candidates to City Council candidates.  It is clear the ISD races are not as contentious as the city council races.  All of the candidates in the ISD races took time to answer questions and greeted folks and thanked them for voting.  Much more civil across the board. 

As for the city council race, two things were quickly apparent when talking to them.  At the city council level, one group continually undercut or made negative references about their opponents while the other simply did not acknowledge the opponent and only talked about why their candidate is or was the best choice.  Secondly, it was clear some were getting paid because they could not give us one reason as to why we should vote for the candidate.  When it came to the ISD races that was very different, as each poll greeter knew their candidate and only talked about how their candidate was the best choice.  Some poll greeters could learn something from them.

The one thing we do know is soon the sign wars will be over and life will go back to boring. Recently one candidate filed a police report regarding their sign being stollen and the next day on the same corner appeared a new blue sign. The chance to drive by a fire station with people waving and wearing colorful shirts will be over! Then what happens, we will see!


  1. Anonymous

    As a former city employee – the city’ s core values are not worth the paper they are written on! The Core Value only apply to the “rank and file” not council or city management!!! They caring about their employees is a joke. The employees exist only to make them look good! Ask those disgruntled campaign workers if they would be happy if the fire fighters couldn’t get to or fight their house in an appropriate amount of time.

  2. Anonymous

    It is absolutely shocking to me that some of the poll workers only rebuttal is that the FIREFIGHTERS are lying and are power hungry. 😂 we all know that is far from the truth. Who is known for being trustworthy: firefighters or politicians. (Also, it is usually Cheneys chief of staff that I have seen be the most obnoxious when talking about the vote-no) I for one am glad Cheney is on his last term

    • friscowhistleblower

      Cheney’s Chief of Staff is a real piece of work that’s for sure! She is a snake that will slither out and zap you.


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