Tick-tock, tick-tock sounds the clock! Days go by, and the tick-tock never seems to stop. Meanwhile City of Frisco leadership sits behind closed doors while we watch the clock, just tick-tock! Precious moments fading away and citizens still are not standing up to ask, is everything okay? What happens when time runs out…? Tick-tock they will try to approve a $300-$500 million dollar Performing Arts Center and announce they plan to raise taxes!
Back on June 18th at the Budget and Audit Committee Meeting we learned from the agenda that both the Committee Chair – Councilman Bill Woodard and Committee Members –Councilwomen Angelia Pelham and Laura Rummel were present. They had a discussion regarding the “PRELIMINARY FY 2025 Budget” and our Chief Financial Officer, Derrick Cotton talked about potential revenue generating items. It is the last paragraph where it says Mr. Cotton talks about the “Homestead Exemption” and presented changes in the adjusted taxable values and discussed a possible tax rate change for FY25 that had our attention.
They plan to pick up the discussion this Tuesday August 6th at 3pm at the next Budget and Audit Committee Meeting. Then we noticed Tuesday nights city council meeting Agenda Item 32 calls for a public hearing on the FY 25 budget. In fact, the city memo reads “Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution calling for a public hearing on the City of Frisco FY 2025 Budget, Frisco Economic Development Corporation FY 2025 Budget, and Frisco Community Development Corporation FY 2025 Budget. (Budget/TA)”
Why does a city call for a public hearing on the potential adoptions of the budget? Well according to Texas Local Government Code, Title 4: Finances, Subtitle A – Municipal Finances, Chapter 102 – Municipal Budget (wow that’s a mouth full) there are several reasons. Section 102.005 specifically states that if they are proposing a budget change it must be available for public inspection.
(b) A proposed budget that will require raising more revenue from property taxes than in the previous yearmust contain a cover page with the following statement in 18-point or larger type: “This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year’s budget by (insert total dollar amount of increase and percentage increase), and of that amount (insert amount computed by multiplying the proposed tax rate by the value of new property added to the roll) is tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year.”
Once they conclude that so called “PUBLIC HEARING” they can adopt a budget according to the law. So based on what they have been discussing, based on the public hearings they have quietly posted, we can guarantee you the city is about to announce a Tax Increase! Right now, those city leaders are just hoping you are not paying attention and all the other political distractions around the country will keep you from recognizing the destructive path they are.
Now you should say, wait a damn minute Mayor Cheney – you just ran a year ago on the fact you have lowered taxes. Let’s not forget John Keating and Angelia making the 2024 rounds campaigning for your vote claiming they lowered taxes and plan to continue lowering taxes, but all the while they knew they were going to propose an out of this world Performing Arts Center and raise taxes.
Didn’t this city council pull out all the stops to get votes to VOTE NO against the Fire Fighters because they claimed it “WOULD INCREASE TAXES” when they already knew they were going to do it anyways? What they were not telling you then is they planned to raise taxes but just for things they want for their own selfish reasons. Who cares what citizens actually need….
In a time when inflation is high and we are facing a presidential election these mice are running around in the clock hoping we don’t pay attention to the TICK-TOCK, TICK-TOCK of the clock. If any one of our council members vote to raise taxes – VOTE THEM OUT! Why are we, one of the flushest cities, according to Cheney talking about revenue generating ways for the city to make money. It is simple, CHENEY-VILLE COSTS A LOT TO BUILD. The old red head wants you to just do as he say’s and not ask questions ASK QUESTIONS!
We have told you before you can learn a lot about what the city is trying to do by reviewing city council meeting agendas. We noticed the Frisco City Council approved a master agreement on July 2nd with a company called FW Development LLC. The master agreement provides up to $94.5 million in “PERFORMANCE-BASED INCENTIVES” to the developer of the $660 million mixed-use development known as Fields West. The goal is to ensure the developer adheres to its intended construction timeline and scheduled opening date.
Who is FW Development, LLC or Fields West? Well, it was created by The Karahan Co. which is owned by Fehmi Karahan. According to sources we spoke to inside the city, they believe the project will help achieve the council’s directive to activate North Frisco. The Dallas Business Journal made mention of it, along with that the project is expected to bring in $400 million annually in new sales and purchases for Frisco.
We went back to watch the meeting and we learned that Mayor Jeff Cheney recused himself from the vote. We are guessing he did this because of this known relationship between The Cheney Group and the residential part of Fields (aka The Preserve). However, his little marionettes knew what to do and approved it in a 6-0 vote. After watching the vote, we are curious why John Keating participated in the vote. Remember, he recently recused himself from a Fields vote due a to “conflict” because he was going to be closing soon on a lot in The Preserve.
In the discussion of the project, Keating talked about how he remembers years ago going on a walkthrough of Legacy West with Fehmi Karahan. He remembers the attention to detail in the development from the park benches, to how the bricks were laid in the crosswalk, and how it is lit up at night so it’s safe 24/7.
We are guessing that John Keating does not remember Christina Morris, or better yet could care less to remember her because it is not about his Cowboy Fit Club. Morris went missing in August 2014 from the Legacy West parking garage. In March of 2018, it was announced that remains found in a wooded area of Anna, Texas had been identified as Morris. In March of 2022, there was a shooting of a restaurant at The Shops of Legacy? Safe is relative Mr. Keating!
Keating also noted this was a flagship project that will be great for the surrounding residential neighborhoods to enjoy. Wait, you mean Resident Keating who is about to close on his lot in The Preserve at Fields? Yeah, this is the exact reason WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE RECUSED YOURSELF ALSO!
The next question, what does a developer have to do to earn $94.5 million in “PERFORMANCE-BASED INCENTIVES?” According to the memo on the city council agenda the performance requirements require the developer to construct by a certain date, a minimum of:
350,000 square feet of upscale retail and restaurant space
320,000 square feet of Class A office space; and
1,100 multifamily residential dwelling units (not incentivized)
Where does these $94.5 million dollars come from, the city purse or personal savings account? First, the Separated Materials Sales Tax Grant will provide up to $7 million in City, Frisco Economic Development Corporation, and Frisco Community Development Corporation sales tax revenues generated by project construction material and service purchases. Secondly, the Frisco EDC Qualified Infrastructure Grant will fund up to 50 percent of the cost to construct a planned water feature (not to exceed $2.5 million in incentive value) and up to 50 percent of the cost to construct internal streets built to city standards (not to exceed $10 million in incentive value). Lastly the TIRZ #7 Funding will finance the construction of 3 public parking structures accommodating a minimum of 2,430 public parking spaces to serve the development. This debt service will be funded by TIRZ #7 property tax revenue generated by the Fields West development and supplementary sales tax revenue generated by the Fields West development.
It just leaves us wondering, how do we have all this money? Where is all this money coming from? It is like the city has a SUGAR DADDY funding it! With that said we were told during the recent election that if Proposition A & B passed it would bankrupt the city – so how is it we have money for one thing but not another? Oh wait, Cheney can’t make money or build his stature or status up on our first responders.
A conversational narcissist is someone who constantly turns a conversation toward themselves and is often uninterested in what other people have to say. In a fast-paced world, they’re eager to get their point across quickly without making true connections with others. Often a conversational narcissist has an anxious aspect to their personality which is why they talk about things familiar to them such as their business or themselves! Signs of a conversational narcissist include one-sided conversations. They have their own agenda, and they can’t move away from it long enough to engage with someone else or to hear someone else’s opinions. Conversations with them are never interpersonal or interactive, they are more of a monologue or lecture. They often feel they are the center of the universe, and they will never admit they are wrong and often interrupt. They will appear visibly uncomfortable, bored, contemptuous, or distracted when other people are talking. Lastly, they come across as arrogant when speaking to them.
Does this sound like anyone you know? Well, we think it sounds a lot like Mayor Cheney. Just look at city council meetings and often you will find Mayor Cheney “schooling” the public or other city council members. At the recent State of the City luncheon put on by the Frisco Chamber of Commerce, the Mayor also displayed traits of a conversational narcissist during his 76-slide presentation. If you want to see Mayor Jeff Cheney’s State of the City Presentation then just visit the city website.
Over our lifetime we have lived in many cities, and rarely did we hear about State of the City Luncheons until we moved to Frisco. This was our first year to attend and according to the Frisco Chamber Website you should attend because “Frisco is a city like no other! As for who attends, well it is a who’s who of Frisco for sure. Individual Tickets were $100 per person, or you could sponsor a table for $900. But if you want to be a Visionary Sponsor that is $2000 or better yet be an Innovator Sponsor for just a mere $3000.
The mayor of course took pride and time talking about the 2024 Council Top 10 Priorities. Specifically, the master planning of Grand Park, a new Performing Arts Center, World Cup 2026, and Downtown Frisco. He could not stop boasting about how great all these things would be for Frisco.
We found the slide about Foreign Direct Investments interesting which stated according to Duns & Bradstreet, there are 71 companies in Frisco owned by a parent company that is ‘OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES.”
The next interesting thing was the “developments” coming. All we could hear was cha-ching, cha-ching, and cha-ching!
Downtown Redevelopment: $70-million project
Northwest Community Park: $40-million budget
4th Street Downtown Redevelopment: $16-million budget
Grand Park Development: Budget TBD
Fire Station 10 – Spring 2025: No Budget Listed
Police Annex: No Details Given
One thing not covered in depth was the desire for a NEW PEFORMING ARTS CENTER. On the city website it states that in 2023, the City of Frisco participated in the Americans for the Arts AEP6 Study, which found the arts sector generated $21.3 million in economic activity in Frisco in 2022! Read the full report here (PDF). So that is why they are trying to find a way to get that $500 million Performing Arts Center. In fact, Cheney didn’t say we hope to have one, he said we will have one because he has wanted it since 2017. It always has been about what he wants, right? That’s it!
That is the State of the City here in Frisco according to Cheney. We only have one question; HOW CAN WE AFFORD ALL THESE PROJECTS? Yes, we have bond money set aside, but when you think about it, we are spending money like its water just going down the drain and at some point, these city leaders are going to lock us into a rock and hard place financially.
Campaigning has begun and we are excited to see how the next few months play out. We thought we should educate ourselves on the rules, so we read city’s Political Campaign Sign policy listed on the city website.
Rules 1 & 4 are pretty clear so we decided to look at the candidates social media pages and election websites.
Rule 1: Political signs cannot be placed on any City of Frisco, Community Development Corporation (CDC), or Economic Development Corporation (EDC) property or in a City of Frisco easement.
Rule 4: The City of Frisco logo cannot be used in any way for campaigning including on political signs.
John Redmond website appears to only be one page and has a short intro to who he is and his campaign logo. We could not find any social media pages for him. – Passed Inspection
Mark Piland website does not include pictures of political signs on city property, and it does not contain the official city logo. In a review of his social media, we did not see any violations either. – Passed Inspection
Angelia Pelham currently holds Place 3 and serves as Deputy Mayor Pro Tem. Her website passed inspection. However, her social media did not! On January 17th she held a filing party at city hall. She had several supporters come join her and there are numerous pictures of her and supporters holding Pelham campaign signs on city property and more so in the rotunda of city hall! That is a clear violation of Rule 1 even if it was temporary. The photos also violate Rule 4 regarding the city logo not being used for campaigning because clearly in several photos the official city logo can be spotted. It became campaigning when she turned into a filing party, had her political signs and several supporters wearing t-shirts. The photos appear on her political Facebook page as well as personal page and on Instagram.
We liked her campaign video, she looks good in red and has a catchy slogan. We are a little curious about one portion of the video which shows her standing at the back of the room with Frisco Public Safety officers from both the PD and FD. The video is tagged in the corner with her campaign logo which could give people the impression she is endorsed by either public safety group, which she is not. The picture includes Mark Piland who has announced he is running for Place 1 which made us curious how he feels his likeness in her video? Lastly, when the photo was taken we were pretty sure none of them knew down the road it would be used for campaign video. We are not sure if there is any violation here according to campaign rules or city rules, however one would think before using someone’s likeness, out of respect, you might want to ask them if they are okay with it. Many police departments have rules about offices being photographed and for the purposes they can be used for.
Lastly, we looked a John Keating’s website. He currently serves Place 1 and is the Mayor Pro Tem. We could not view his social media because has blocked us across all channels. Keating’s website is in clear violation of Rule 4. As soon as the page loads you see a picture of Keating with the slogan Promises Made Promises Kept and behind it is a watermark of the official City of Frisco Flag. Then if you scroll down, right after he asks you for your money, you can clearly see the official city logo.
On the “About John” page it shows him standing in the Frisco City Council Chamber up on the dais. This picture was taken on December 4, 2018, the night the council approved a plan for the PGA of America. The picture appears in an article for the Dallas Morning News.
The last page titled “The Mission” has a picture of Keating with the official city of Frisco Logo right behind him, which is again, a clear violation of Rule 4. Then under Public Safety he has a picture with Chief Shilson, Frisco PD which mislead residents of an endorsement that he does not have. Now the picture with Shilson may not be a violation but is misleading.
When it comes to campaigning, rules should be taken very seriously. We could understand how first-time candidates can make mistakes, but if they are running it is their responsibility to know the rules. As for the Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Angelia Pelham, and Mayor Pro Tem John Keating, they have no excuse. If they are serving in the Deputy Mayor Pro Tem and Mayor Pro Tem positions then clearly they should know the rules. Keating has been around since 2011, off and on and if he doesn’t know the rules by now then we may have bigger issues. We go back to why are there rules for thee but not for me? I can guarantee if some of the previous candidates who ran for office committed these violations we would not hear the end of it. The city should also be accountable to uphold their own rules! Email the city council and ask them to uphold to the city rules now and in the future.
Are you ready for another adventure, well let’s visit Fort Collins, Colorado. Every few years the Frisco Chamber hosts a “Leadership Event” and according to the website it’s an opportunity to build new – and strengthen existing – connections among the Frisco business and community leaders that you otherwise may not have the opportunity or time to engage with. In English they mean it is a chance for the “commoners” to spend three glorious days collaborating and partnership building with the “important people.”
The event was held September 12 to 15, 2023 in Fort Collins, Colorado. According to the Chambers website the destination “offers a blend of outdoor adventure, cultural attractions, and a thriving business community. In September, when we will be visiting, the city is particularly beautiful with its golden aspens and crisp autumn air. The downtown area is full of art galleries, independent shops, and restaurants. The city is also known for its commitment to sustainability and its collaborative spirit.”
What is the goal of these fun trips on taxpayer dollars?To help shape the “Future of Frisco.” You can be an INVESTOR at different levels. The “Innovator Investor” costs $4000 and the description reads, “Lead community enrichment as the Innovator Investor. Your investment drives program growth, offers brand exposure, and shapes our community’s future. Benefit from positive community association, visibility, and impactful connections. The “Visionary Investor” is $3000, and the description reads, “Propel community progress as a Visionary Investor. Your investment aids program growth, aligns your brand with community investment, and supports valuable experiences for community development. Enhance your brand’s image while contributing to community success. Blah, Blah, Blah…
Lastly you can just be an “Attendee” which is $3250, and it includes airfare, hotel, transportation, and most meals. A few city insiders told us in the past maybe one to 3 people from the city attended these trips. However, in recent years Mayor Cheney turned it into the “Popular Club” trip on taxpayer dollars and felt that everyone in the city should go. We were curious of course over the last few years, who went?
In 2019, Council Member Will Sowell and John Lettellier, Director of Development Services were the only 2 from the city to attend the trip. Then in 2022, that number jumped to six which included four council members and two city officials. Last year in 2023, it jumped to 12 people which included five city council members and eight city officials. It is important to note that 1 to 2 months after the 2023 trip one attendee Paul Knipple, City of Frisco – Director of Engineering, left the city and took a position at the City of Westminster, Colorado. Do the math: 12 people x $3250 = $39,000 of taxpayer dollars.
Next we have Visit Frisco, the official destination marketing organization for the City of Frisco. According to the website it is their mission to generate a positive awareness of Frisco as a premier destination for meetings, sporting events, conventions, trade shows, leisure travel, and to positively impact the economic base of the City of Frisco. In 2019, zero reps from Visit Frisco attended the Leadership Trip. In 2022, one Visit Frisco rep attended the trip. Last year in 2023, Marla Roe the Executive Director attended the trip which cost taxpayers $3250.
What about the Frisco Economic Development Corporation? Well in 2019, two EDC reps attended and in 2022, one EDC rep attended the trip. Last year in 2023, two Frisco EDC reps attended the trip which is $6500 in taxpayer dollars.
Then we have the Frisco Independent School District, wait what? In 2019, two trustees attended, and zero attend in 2022. Last year in 2023, three Board of Trustee representatives attended which include Dynette Davis – Board President, Gopal Ponangi – Vice President, and Rene Archambault – Board Secretary. First, why did any member from the ISD Board of Trustee’s need to attend these trips? Secondly, when did Financial Hot Mess Express better known as Dynette Davis become the President? That means 3 x $3250 = $9750 of taxpayer dollars – but whose counting…oh wait we are!
Now it is a Chamber Leadership event, so we would expect several representatives of the Chamber to attend. In 2019 and 2022, the same four chamber representatives went. Last year, five chamber representatives went. Two representatives from the Frisco Economic Development Corporation include Stephanie Wagoner – Director of Business Retention & Expansion, Gloria Salinas – Vice President also attended. That means 7 x $3250 = $22,750 dollars.
Then we had a few people attend that held a place on local boards or committees. For example, Donna Schmittler of the Heritage Association and Danny Mehta with the Downtown Advisory Board. We also know Jake Petras attended who at the time was on the Planning & Zoning Board, but according to the registration it shows him under a business name. We don’t know if the city paid for Schmittler or Petras, but we did receive a registration confirmation for Danny Mehta. Add another $3250 dollars
It really was a “Who’s Who of Frisco” aka “Developer Friends” of the mayor and council that attended from the business community. A few stood out on the list like Lori Medina, owner of MedinaUSA, also the Mayors Chief of Staff for several years, and his campaign manager. She is also currently helping Angelia Pelahm in her re-election bid this year. The other person to stand out is Jake Petras who went under his real estate business name but was a current member of the Planning and Zoning Board. Correction, shortly after the trip was over he was quietly removed from the P&Z board for an ”incident” that happened in Fort Collins. You probably recognize other big names like Hillwood, PGA, Hall Group, Wilks Development FireFly Park, Rollertown Beerworks, Tumbleweed TexStyles and Dallas Cowboys.
It makes sense of course because obviously there was a heavy focus on the downtown area of Fort Collins as the City of Frisco is in the middle of a multi-pronged project to redesign and improve the infrastructure of Frisco’s downtown. The trip was well documented by another attendee Audrey Henvey for Star Local Media and Frisco Enterprise. “On Sept. 13, Frisco’s city leaders, city staff, school district representatives and business community members soaked up the kaleidoscope of components that make up downtown Fort Collins, Colorado. They took in the color explosion of flower beds nestled throughout the area — a product of the city’s downtown flower project. They took note of the outdoor painted piano, the murals on transformer cabinets and the activated alleyways featuring strung lights.“ Cheney is quoted in the article as saying, ““So we need to make some very strategic decisions, truly, over the next couple of months, adding that work will also continue with Velocity Group, a consultant hired by the city to help forge a vision for the Rail District.” Wonder how much that is costing taxpayers? Lastly, Cheney is quoted as saying, “Just seeing the horticulture they do and all the flowers is just so beautiful, and it helps them create that civic pride,”
The only question we have is, why didn’t the council and city officials who have been very vocal to the Frisco Animal Advocate community, that they would only consider a public/private partnership for an animal shelter stop by NOCO Humane? Who are they? Well, they are the PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNER TO THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS to provide animal protection and control services. If they were out there on taxpayer dollars they probably should have stopped by NOCO since that has been a hot topic lately. We would love to hear from an animal advocate on how the city has progressed since they took the Animal Shelter off the CITIZENS BOND last year because they wanted to “ look into public/private partnerships” possibilities. Simple answer, they don’t give two shxts about what the very vocal animal advocates have been asking for, it simply does not fit their agenda of FRISCO. Goes to show the “citizens” at the top of the org chart are not as important as Cheney’s idea of downtown and the flowers he wants that create civic pride.
It sounds like an amazing VACATION taking in all the sights, just look at the trip agenda. Did we mention it cost TAXPAYERS OVER $65,000 and that is for one trip, and it could be more if they paid for others to go. If the goal was how to help “Shape Frisco” did we really need that many people to go look at streets, painted pianos, murals, flower projects, alleyway strung lights? Could 2 or 3 people go and bring back video and pictures to share at a work session?
Before our leaders can shape Frisco they need to figure out what Frisco is famous for. For example, Fort Collins is referred to as the Craft Beer Capital of Colorado as it has 21 breweries, and it is near one of the most beautiful reservoirs in Colorado. Colorado is naturally an outdoor enthusiast dream, from food exchange outposts, gardens and parks. That makes sense as it generally does not go over 90 in the summer. What is Frisco? What are we already known for that we can build our downtown around? Build, create and design Frisco around the history of our city instead of trying to create a history. Instead, we are creating “Cheney’s Frisco” and believe me, he could care less with what residents want as he has already proven that over and over again.
In real estate you will always hear buzz words which are words or phrases often used to impress or persuade the person reading it to act now. Location, location, location is a common mantra used in real estate and the truth is location can be key to the value of some real estate. When I was a kid we lived on the outskirts of the countryside overlooking a scenic vista of hills and vineyards. One evening I saw my dad outside sitting on the deck smoking a cigar and I went outside and asked, “why do you always sit out here?” In his deep Sean Connery voice he said, “Son, one day this will be yours if you want it. You will grow grapes that make wine on this land and that will feed your family. At night after working, you will sit here like I do watching the sunset. As you gaze across this valley and those vineyards you will realize this view is spectacular and that will remind you how damn lucky you are.” My brother still runs those vineyards today and when we get to go visit I enjoy sitting on that deck like my dad did and enjoying the view.
So, what constitutes a view? Well, depending on who you ask that varies and can mean different things. One might like a view of a lake or ocean, mountains, or city skylines. There is no doubt that a view will cost you more to buy but it is for your enjoyment or future investment. If you asked Jerry Jones what he likes about his office at The Star I am pretty sure he will say it is the view of the new training facility and practice fields. If you asked Jerry what he likes about his view from his suite at AT&T stadium we are pretty sure you will get a different answer. What if you found out that your tax dollars were paying for a room with a view?
Before we answer that, let’s discuss The Development Corporation Act of 1979 which gives cities the ability to finance new and expand business enterprises in their local communities through Economic Development Corporations (EDCs). Based on the Texas Comptrollers website, “Type A EDCs are typically created to fund industrial development projects such as business infrastructure, manufacturing, and research and development. The Type B sales tax may be used for any project eligible under Type A rules and several other project types, including quality-of-life improvements like parks, museums, sports facilities, and affordable housing. Type B corporations may pay for land, buildings, equipment, facilities, targeted infrastructure, and improvements. One of the best things EDCs can do is increase tax revenues, add additional jobs to a community and supply opportunities for residents, and promote sustainable growth. The Frisco EDC website says, “Frisco is Innovation Focused” and it says Frisco’s public-private partnerships exemplify why the city excels on every level of economic development and is highly competitive with major markets across the country and around the globe. Its mission is the creation of jobs, increasing economic opportunities, and improving the quality of life for all Frisco residents and their families.
Simply put you must spend tax dollars to make money which brings important things to a city. As a resident, I am okay with the concept to a point, but I was shocked when a reader sent us a link to a CBS 11 news article from 2015 that mentions city leaders were enjoying the lap of luxury in a season-long suite at AT&T stadium. The article asks if city officials are taking advantage of the Cowboy’s relationship for personal enjoyment and how it is a slap in the face to taxpayers. The article quotes Frisco resident Bret Sanders who said, “This is our money that they’re spending, and it doesn’t seem like they have any regard for how they are spending it.” Then Frisco EDC President, Jim Gandy said, “It is our job to promote Frisco,” and “It was used for business prospects and allies that we work with on a regular basis.” The article mentions it was sold as a recruiting tool but how was the suite a recruiting tool for businesses when AT&T Stadium is in Arlington?
What do you think the Frisco EDC would pay for a room with a view? The answer is 160,000.00! The suite benefits per the license agreement states the licensee shall receive 18 admission tickets for the seats in the suite. It also allows them to purchase 8 standing room tickets in the suite and it came with 5 parking passes for a preferred parking lot. The license agreement also states that the licensee will be provided with $1500 “hospitality allowance” towards food and beverage. Yes, “We The Taxpayers” paid $160,000 for a suite for 8 games which means we spent $20,000 a game to wine and dine, I mean recruit business. With the city contributing $130 Million to the construction of the new Dallas Cowboys headquarters in Frisco couldn’t Jerry have thrown in a suite.
So who enjoyed the “Lap of Luxury” on the tax payers dime? Well game 1 against the New York Giants included Dan Bollner and his wife (FEDC Board Member), County Commissioner Hugh Coleman and his wife, Steve Bahl (Gearbox CEO/CFO) and his wife, Jim Gandy (FEDC Staff) and his wife, Dave Quinn (FEDC Staff), Gary Carley (FEDC Staff) and his wife, Tim Nelligan (The Hartford) and his wife and two guests. It shows they enjoyed Texas Barbecue, peach blackberry cobbler, Deja Blue bottled water, soda and Unsweetened Iced Tea.
Game 2 against the Atlanta Falcons included Jim Gandy (FEDC staff) and his wife, John Bonnot (FEDC staff) and his wife, City Councilmen Bob Allen canceled but his guest Geneva attended and brought a plus one, Marla Roe (Visit Frisco) and her husband, Steve Ewing (Edge Realty) and his wife, George Galloway (Next Realty Mid Atlantic) and his wife, Amanda Kronk (SWA) and her husband, and Bennett Bark (Retail Connection) and his wife. There are some special notes that Kevin Case with Thomas Land Development was sent 8 tickets and 2 parking passes for him to share with his clients. While enjoying the game they dined on the Tex Mex Combo and the same drinks as in game 1.
Game 3 against New England Patriots included Bob Allen (City Council) and his wife, Victor Almeida (President Interceramic – Prospect) and a guest, Jesse Pruitt (Somervell Commercial Realty), Chris Grottenthaler (True Health Diag) and his wife, John Harkey (CEO of CRO – Prospect), James Snell (EVP of CRO – Prospect and two guests, Jim Gandy (FEDC staff) and his wife, and David Quinn (FEDC staff) and his wife. They dined on the Gridiron packaged.
Game 4 against the Seattle Seahawks included Jim Gandy & Dave Quinn (both FEDC staff) and their spouses, Bryan Dodson (FEDC staff) and his guest, Ed & Melina Cimler (Adaptive Biotechnologis), Zenobia Adi (WorldLink), Barjis Ghadially (WorldLink) and his wife, Bill and Brenda Sims (UNT), and J. Casey Wehr (CEO – PVP Live) and his wife. The enjoyed the fine Texas BBQ and peach blackberry cobbler and drinks like game 1.
Game 5 against the Philadelphia Eagles included Jim Gandy (FEDC staff) and his wife, Marla Roe (Visit Frisco) and her spouse, Project Turtle had 8 tickets, but no names listed, Rick Fletcher (FEDC staff) and his wife, Jason Young (Visit Frisco Board Member) and his wife, and Councilman Jeff Cheney and his wife. They duplicated the game 2 Tex-Mex package for eats and treats.
Game 6 against the Carolina Panthers included Jim Gandy (FEDC staff) and his wife, Mark Thompson (Foundry Club) and his wife, 10 people from the Japan-American Society, and Taylor McQuestion, Shawn McQuestion, Caden McQuestion, and Quinn McQuestion (all listed with Schneider Optical). They dined on assorted cheeses, veggie crudité, party mix, popcorn, artichoke ranch dip and seven-layer dip, sirloin beef sliders, apple pie, and beverages.
Game 7 included Harry Whalen (FEDC staff) and his guest, Paul Sheldon (FEDC Board) and his guest, Maureen Gutierrez (CVB Sales Manager) and her guest, Anne Keough, MPS and Andre Mathews with the Catholic Diocese, Terry Young (Dir of Mktg with Catalyst Corp Federal CU) and his wife Mike Williams (Pres & CEO Summit Conferences) and a guest, Jim Breitenfeld and Dan Spika (Brokers with Henry S Miller) and a guest, Carlo Morando (Mktg Mgr with Ace Hardware) and two guests. The Texas BBQ and peach blackberry cobbler were up for eats and treats this time.
Game 8 against the Washington Redskins included Jim Gandy (FEDC staff) and a guest, Harry Whalen (FEDC staff) and guest, Jim Riggert (NGKF – Prospect) plus 3 guests, and Moon Management (4 tickets) and Scott Lark (Prospect no company name)
Do you agree with the city spending $160,000 for a room with a view? How much is too much? Based on what Jim Gandy, President of Frisco EDC said in the article this was to recruit prospects or to retain important businesses that are considering leaving our city. It appears we courted a lot of commercial real estate folks and some non-profits. We also wined and dined Chris Grottenthaler the founder of True Health Diagnostics who was later one of the 21 charged in connection with multistate healthcare kickback fraud. I have no issue spending $160,000 a year ($20,000 a game) for a suite on America’s Team if we are recruiting the likes of Amazon, Costco, Cigna, XTO Energy, Home Depot, Target, or any other Fortune 500 company. That is not what happened here, I mean Jim Gandy, President of the Frisco EDC, and his wife enjoyed almost every game. When you’re spending tax dollars and you are “working” as you call it then why are you bringing your spouse? Why are we inviting county commissioners, do they pay sales tax in Frisco? Why are we inviting non-profits and churches when they are exempt from franchise and sales taxes? When it comes to citizens’ tax dollars I question a lot of what this city does when it comes to spending and incentives. These are glaring red flags that citizens should be up and arms about but residents have given in to they have no say in our city. I guess this is Frisco Innovation Focused at work.
Yes - elections are coming up and vote out the cabal (meaning Cheney's friends and confidants) so he can't rubber…
You would think but most will just sit on their couch and not care. If I were the community of…
Chris thanks your response! would you prefer we call it prostitution because clearly the websites that have these listings are…
One just popped up off smotherman / 423 next to the new Indian market. Looked sketchy to me from day…
What I have read in this article is a massage parlor with a possible shady side. With a lot of…