Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another dazzling performance of Frisco’s Bond Ballet! A timeless masterpiece where the city pirouettes around financial transparency, leaps over budget concerns, and performs a breathtaking grand jeté over taxpayer skepticism—all while insisting, with a straight face, that no new taxes will be needed.
Every year, like clockwork, Frisco’s leadership takes center stage to pitch the latest and greatest “must-have” project—this time, a performing arts center. And just like in previous acts, the audience (a.k.a. the taxpayers) ask the same question: Where is the money coming from? But fear not! The City assures us that through the magic of bonds, reallocated funds, and a sprinkle of creative accounting, the show can continue without anyone noticing an increase in their tax bill. Bravo!
But why does this ballet feel so… familiar? Perhaps because it’s a revival of past performances—new costumes, same choreography. Whether it was the stadium, the library, or the latest infrastructure project, the script remains unchanged: Big dreams, vague funding plans, and a promise that it will all work out in the end. They city just wants you to grab your playbill (or financial statement, if you dare) and settle in for another encore performance of Frisco’s Bond Ballet—where the numbers may not always add up, but the show must go on!
To understand HOW THEY PLAN TO FUND the Performing Arts Center you must first understand what the Frisco Community Development Corporation and the Frisco Economic Development Corporation do and what their funds are for! Per the City of Frisco website, “Type A (EDC) and Type B (CDC) corporations were created by Texas law to help local municipalities encourage economic development. An Economic Development Corporation (EDC) is a nonprofit entity created to finance new and expanded business enterprises, subject to authorization under Texas law. Texas law defines what authorized projects EDC may participate in and allows for the adoption of sales and use tax to fund those projects.
Type A EDCs are authorized under Texas law to fund, among other things, manufacturing and industrial development projects and the provision of land, buildings, equipment, facilities, expenditures, targeted infrastructure and improvements that are for the creation or retention of primary jobs for projects such as manufacturing and industrial facilities, research and development facilities, military facilities, recycling facilities, distribution centers, small warehouse facilities, primary job training facilities for use by institutions of higher education, and regional or national corporate headquarters facilities, and certain infrastructural improvements to promote or develop new or expanded business enterprises.”
Type B (CDC) corporations, also funded via a sales and use tax, are authorized under Texas law to fund, among other things, the development of recreational and community facilities, including parks, museums, sports facilities, auditoriums, amphitheaters, and concert halls, in addition to all projects eligible for Type A funding or other participation.
Now that you understand the basics of EDC and CDC funding, let’s focus on what Frisco’s Bond Ballet! City leaders are trying to PITCH a state of the art performing arts center that will bring Broadway Shows. To get your “BUY-IN” they are using a grand performance of confusion when it comes to the actual cost and how they plan to use creative accounting to pay for it – so you think “IT’S FREE!”
The City of Frisco leadership and the Frisco EDC Bond Propositions are pushing to rewrite the rules of the game allowing them to reroute sales tax revenues meant for Type A (Economic Development Corporation) Funds for Type B (Community Development Corporation) Purposes. Citizens already voted in the past on how this money should be allocated to both the EDC and CDC so why are they trying to change it now? IT IS THE ONLY WAY KING CHENEY, TONE DEAF TAMMY, BOBBLEHEAD BILL, and the rest of the council and city leadership can get a Performing Arts Center because they know you “the voter” won’t approve a property tax increase.
Instead of using EDC money that is meant to keep FRISCO COMPETITIVE and stimulate local economic growth and attract businesses that bring good quality paying careers the city leadership and city council want to use it as their own personal piggy bank to fund their dreams and desires. City officials are interpreting the local government code broadly, arguing that the performing arts center qualifies as an economic development project.
Let’s pretend a PAC qualifies economic development as the code is written today – then why is the city asking us to vote on Proposition A and B? When you read both props look at the words we highlighted in BOLD and ask yourself why would they need me to vote on this?
Proposition A reads “The Frisco Economic Development Corporation is authorized to use proceeds of its sales and use tax, including all amounts previously authorized and collected, for projects related to the proposed center for the arts project, including but not limited to, land, buildings, equipment, facilities and improvements found by the Frisco Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors to be required or suitable for use for the proposed Center for the Arts Project in accordance with section 505.152 of the Texas Local Government Code.”
Proposition B reads, “The issuance of bonds in the maximum amount of $160,000,000 for a City-owned Center for the Arts Project, and levying taxes sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds.”
By bringing Prop A & B the city can tell you…. IT’S FREE! When you hear Smart Frisco tell you it’s FREE – it’s NOT! It is your Sales & Use Tax that funds the budget for the EDC. That means for every dollar you spend in Frisco, buying gas, groceries, or visit local businesses, a portion of the sales tax and use tax YOU PAY is GOING TO THE EDC! While tourists spend money, trust me residents spend more here so clearly, we are paying for it! While it may not be a property tax increase when you spend money in Frisco you are FUNDING THE EDC. The city is asking residents to be the Sugar Daddy for this project.
The latest act by the city, city leadership and the Frisco’s Economic Development Corporation (EDC) starts with taking artistic liberties—not in the theater, but in the way it’s justifying the use of taxpayer dollars. The city sees this as an open invitation to bankroll the arts center, citing potential economic benefits such as increased tourism and commercial activity.
We would argue that this is a classic case of bait and switch or mission creep—where funds originally intended to boost Frisco’s business landscape are now underwriting a cultural project that primarily benefits a select group. Truth is we have done very well for ourselves in life, and we live comfortably, but Frisco is getting more and more expensive to live each day! The city leadership and council care more about Tourism instead of those who live here. Tourism is important but IT IS NOT EVERYTHING! What happened to Cheney Version 2017 where in his political video he talked about the quality of life for residents?
Before you vote YES to either of these propositions ask yourself, “If I get laid off and look for another job locally near me could I afford to live on what a Theater Attendant gets paid? What about a Park Attendant at Universal?” Face it young kids are not working anymore, and current businesses are struggling to find labor and now we are going to add more hourly labor – how is that creating good quality careers?
The question remains: Is this a wise and proper use of EDC funds, or is it just a budgetary sleight of hand to avoid putting the full burden on taxpayers? Either way, Frisco residents should be paying close attention. What starts as a reallocation for the arts today could and would set a precedent for future creative interpretations of economic development spending. After all, if a performing arts center is “economic development,” what’s next? A taxpayer-funded roller disco in the name of tourism? Stay tuned—this show is just getting started.
In our 15 to 20+ years living here in Frisco, this is the worst smelling project we have ever seen. They can smell the Shit Stink in Celina, Prosper and probably up to Oklahoma. The level of dirt our politicians use to cover up key details for this Performing Arts Center project from the public is unconscionable. In our next blog, we talk about what the city is not telling you! If it is city-owned who pays to operate it? Have they inked a deal for a venue operator? Over the years as the performance hall ages, who is responsible for the UPKEEP and how will we pay for it as it is a city-owned facility? The 50 to 60 million they plan to raise from donors and corporate sponsors – have any of these deals been locked in? If now, how do they know we won’t need to bring more money to the table? How will the local arts community have use of this facility, can they even afford the rental fees to host events there? How much time will we have on stage if we share it with Prosper ISD? How does this benefit our local theater group if Broadway shows are always on stage? Where do those funds come from? They keep talking about Broadway Shows yet have they inked a deal with Broadway Across America? Why would you vote to change how funding buckets are used when the truth is THE CITY IS WITH HOLDING DETERMINENTAL FACTS THAT COULD AFFECT YOUR DECISION ON HOW YOU VOTE FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS.
Welcome to the Greatest Show in Frisco—Starring Your Wallet! Ladies and gentlemen, step right up! Frisco has unveiled its latest act in the grand circus of civic spending—a $300+ million performing arts center! That’s right, folks, for the low, low price of just hundreds of millions of your hard-earned tax dollars, we, the citizens of Frisco, can enjoy the privilege of funding a shiny new venue for performances most of us will probably never attend.
And who’s leading this blockbuster production? The front line “sales pitch artists” include The City of Frisco and a company called Theatre Project Consultants Inc. Of course, they are using their friends at Community Impact to deliver messages to mailboxes of 30,000+ residents. But wait, there is more! Enter, SMART FRISCO, the newest political action committee in town, whose idea of “smart” appears to be convincing taxpayers that we absolutely, positively must have this arts center—or else the arts police will revoke our cultural credentials, and the ghost of Shakespeare will haunt City Hall!
Who is Smart Frisco? The website says it is a citizen-driven political action committee dedicated to informing and educating our community about the Center for the Arts Bond Initiative and its role in driving economic development. We went to the city’s website and looked up campaign finance reports and we found the Campaign Treasurer Report filing which lists Heather Eastburn as the treasurer and their HQ office is a UPS store in Frisco. Sound familiar? Just last year Bill Woodard (current council member) set up the Safety-First Frisco PAC against the Frisco Firefighters also HQ at a UPS store?
We looked up the Smart Frisco PAC on the Texas Ethics Commission website. First, we searched by the treasure’s name and found NOTHING! Then we searched by Smart Frisco and found NOTHING! Then we looked under Active Campaign Filer Lists for political committees with appointed treasures and NOTHING! Why is it so hard to find out who is behind the PAC and who is financing the PAC?
Smart Frisco recently just posted to their Facebook Page an eye-catching graphic showing a set of tickets that read “COSTS NOTHING CHANGES EVERYTHING!” The website has the same stylish, eye-catching “PRO-PROPAGANDA” wanting you to “VOTE YES” and telling you “IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING!” They want you to believe this project would be “By Frisco, For Frisco, and most importantly, IN Frisco!”
The post elicited several responses and questions like who will be paying the annual $6 million cost for theater operations? Newsflash Frisconians, there’s no such thing as a free lunch! Ever heard the quote, “one man’s ‘free’ is another man’s tax increase?” One thing we know for sure is compliments are free, but this arts center sure isn’t!
Smart Frisco refers to a Community Impact graphic on one post which states the city believes they can raise $50 to $60 million in individual gifts and another $50 to $60 million in corporate gifts. Then in May they are asking you to vote on a BOND which they claim pending approval, will be for no more than $160 million. Lastly Prosper ISD has committed $100 million to the project.
Prosper ISD? What about Frisco ISD? Frisco ISD, who is facing a budget crunch, is building their own Performing Arts Center using $43 million earmarked from the approved 2018 Bond. Remember in 2021, The City of Frisco, Frisco ISD and developer Hall Group entered a partnership to build a “JOINT” PAC at Hall Park. In August 2022, the city and school district announce they were parting ways and canceling the “JOINT PROJECT PLANS!”
FRISCO ISD is facing a BUDGET SHORTFALL, which they blame solely on the Frisco voters who did not vote to approve the last bond. Yet they, too, can justify the need to build a $50 million performing arts theater that belongs solely to Frisco ISD even though they are cutting some arts programs. They are blind to the fact that residents are demanding financial transparency on how they have already spent hundreds of millions of previous bond money on things other than what they promised it would go for at the time. That is a tangent for another blog!
Back to the question: Who is Smart Frisco? Honestly, we don’t know! We know the treasure has a mug shot, but we are not sure if that is relevant. I bet we will learn exactly who Smart Frisco is when they have to file their first campaign finance report. Remember, you can’t fill a gas tank for free! The purse must be filled to fund a PAC, so we believe the donor’s list will speak volumes on who is holding the marionette strings of the dancing dolls.
There is a magical art behind asking for something you want and then getting it! I read an essay many years ago that talked about how culturally it was not always the norm to ask directly for what you want and when we do, we are usually bad at it. People tend to hem and haw and often walk away from asking because we cannot clearly articulate the message. For example, many are uncomfortable asking their boss for a raise or salary bump.
Persuasion tactics are strategies that can help you convince people to see things your way and being good using these tactics is usually an art form. To be good, or to be great you must first know exactly what you want and what you need others to “buy in” to. Second you must ground yourself in why you are doing it and make sure it resonates with you so you can “sell it from the heart.” Third, you must be able to state clearly and with no confusion what you are asking for or trying to sell to the people. It must be direct, clear and specific. Lastly, you must be selective and targeted about who you ask or when you announce it.
In Frisco, one man is very good at Persuasion Tactics and his name is Mayor Jeff Cheney. When he “wants” something in Cheneyville, well he gets it! He is very good at “telling you” what you want versus “asking” residents what they want. For example, he has put together his team and he has been gathering his clan of supporters to push for the Performing Arts Centre. When he hit a no with the public/private partnership with the school district and Hall Group, he didn’t stop. Nope, he just changed course and came back at it again with his little clan in toe. Next thing you know he will get what he wants, residents will bitch, and no one knows the wiser of how we ended up here.
The talk of a Performing Arts Centre is not new, but what is new is we are curious “How much has this cost taxpayers?” The city has spent $1.6+ million on the current Theatre Projects assessment or feasibility study, but how many others have we done in the past? What were the costs to taxpayers in the previous studies? Why are we doing so many studies? When it comes to wanting studies and assessments what is the magic number of how many we will do before we say enough is enough? We did some research, and this is what we found:
Feb 17, 2015: Under the consent agenda for the city council meeting item 17 reads, “Consider and act upon approval of publishing a RFQ for the development and implementation of a study to examine the feasibility of a performing/theatre arts facility within the corporate limits of the City of Frisco.” We looked high and low and could not determine how much any of this cost. We could not even find the RFQ they approved to publish.
2015: Frisco Association of the Arts commissioned a “Facility Programming Report” by Page Southerland Page. According to the minutes for the Citizens Bond Committee on 01/26/2015, Tammy Meinershagen provided an update that a feasibility group has been identified to conduct a study for the PAC in Frisco. She went on to say it would take about six (6) months to complete the study and has an estimated cost of $200,000 dollars.
2018: The City of Frisco commissioned a “Needs Assessment” by Webb Management Services and Parkhill Smith & Cooper (PSC). According to a Community Impact article, the study showed there 14 performing arts groups that have 667 days of demand for performance facilities in Frisco. According to the study, the majority of this demand—466 days—calls for a facility with 225 to 500 seats while 177 days of demand calls for a facility of 1,001 to 1,750 seats. At the June 2018 Council Summer Work session, PSC Associate Michael Howard presented the findings and told the council there is not enough capacity in Frisco right now. At that time Cheney told Community Impact that “it was council’s preference to use available bond funds to build a 300- to 500-seat facility to meet the current demand of community arts groups with the hope of working with a private partner to build a larger performing arts center.” Of course, Cheney always changes his tune later! The CI article goes on to say the Councils “Performing Arts Committee is in the middle of a feasibility study to determine the size and needs of a potential PAC.” HOW MUCH DID IT COST – We don’t know! We can’t find anywhere in an agenda search where this shows up from 2017 to 2019.
August 2020: Frisco ISD commissioned a “Programming Report” by Schuler Shook. We can’t determine how much this one cost our ISD Taxpayers either. We have sent a PIR asking for that information.
October 2020: The City of Frisco and Frisco ISD commissioned a “Feasibility Report” by Garfield Public Private and Schuler Shook. Well Shocker – we cannot find anywhere what this one cost taxpayers either!
September 2021: Frisco Arts Foundation commissioned a “Market & Feasibility Study” by Theatre Projects Consultants, Inc. We cannot find out how much this one cost either. However, we are guessing since each year the city “FUNDS” the FAA through Hotel/Motel Fund somehow Taxpayers still paid for it.
May 2022: City of Frisco, Frisco ISD, and Hall Group commissioned a “Space Analysis Narrative by Corgan + Studio Gang. In February of 2022 the city council authorized an agreement for services in the amount of $175,000 dollars. Remember in late June of 2021, the city and Frisco ISD entered a public-private partnership with developer Craig Hall to construct a $67 million performing arts center. The city has agreed to contribute $14 million in voter-approved bond money, while Frisco ISD will contribute $43 million from the 2018 bond package, and Hall will contribute $10 million. Remember this is the one that “FELL APART” and truly if the city had wanted a PAC would have been the best option for everyone involved but we have learned from city insiders that “to many chiefs got involved” which caused the band to break up.
July 2022: Hall Group commissioned and performed a “Proposal and Outline” and we could not find out what the cost of this study was.
January 2023: The City of Frisco commissioned and executed an agreement with Theatre Projects Consultants, Inc., for consulting services related to a performing arts venue in the amount of $99,300 which was to be paid for by Bond Funds
September 2023: The City of Frisco commissioned part two of the agreement with Theatre Projects Consultants, Inc., in the amount of $1,415,500 dollars. Recently in 2024 after some CLARITY they Upp’d that amount to $1.6 million as we told you in our last article.
We did learn a few interesting facts along this deep dive…
According to the Dallas Morning News, “Frisco leaders also launched the HEARTS Project initiative — an acronym for Hall, Education and the Arts — to crowdsource an additional $100 million in donations for auxiliary upgrades. The amenities could include a large video screen facing The Star in Frisco, box suites, a VIP arts club with membership benefits, Frisco summer musicals, and a restaurant or bistro, according to the campaign website, but would not contribute to additional seating.” The 2021 article went on to say that “although city officials have previously said the center could host professional performances, the petition states that the limited seating capacity is too small for consideration by Touring Broadway. Experts recommend between 1,750 and 2,000 seats, according to the petition, which cited Theatre Projects’ market assessment and feasibility study for Frisco.
Next, we found it interesting just a few years ago in 2021 Frisco ISD had committed $43 million from a 2018 bond package and now they are back in 2024 asking voters to VOTE FOR the new 1-billion-dollar bond because they are broken penniless poppers! Just a few years later, they are begging for us to vote in favor of the bonds so the Frisco Kids can have an 11,000,000-tennis center.
We also learned Keating was a huge fan of the arts from a 2018 article in Lifestyle Frisco. He is quoted as saying Deputy Mayor Pro Tem John Keating said, “This is our chance to blow it out of the water, Frisco style!” Remember, Keatings motto in his last re-election we are #1 this, #1 that, #1 here, #1 there! Now he is closing on his house in The Preserve at Fields the #1 most exclusive community in King Cheney’s Frisco.
In closing, the city has buried how much these things cost deep in agendas, under nicknames and code words, hoping that you or I will give up looking. We did but what we can tell you with the most recent study in 2023 plus the other three we are at about $2 million alone in just “STUDIES, ASSESSMENTS, ANALYSIS” done for a Performing Arts Center. That means we are going to keep paying money for these via the bonds, hotel/motel tax fund, or something else until King Cheney gets his Performing Arts Center. You can bet little pretty Princess Tammy will be right next to him the whole way. Trailing behind will be their wingman “John “The Infamous Cheating” Keating.
Diving into all this has taken a lot more time than we expected and unless you understand the arts and all these studies it is a bunch of well-pitched jargon crap to confuse the residents of Frisco. We will continue our deep dive into this because we know the city is about to hit us with a bond. It will be through the City or the secret weapon “THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD”. Just wait and see…. the EDC will make the pitch because the city has been called out.
Anytime you travel, you generally pick the destination for a purpose. For example, if you want to clearly see The Northen Lights or Glacier Bay National Park you head to Alaska. If you want to see the Grand Canyon, you head to Arizona. If you have kids who love Disney, you are packing up to go to California or Florida. Each place has is “draw” that brings in visitors and I highly recommend if you are every in Colorado Springs you visit the Garden of the Gods, a national natural landmark.
If you love country music you probably hit up Nashville, Tennessee and drop by Memphis to hit Elvis Graceland while you are at it. If you love politics then Washington D.C. will fill your cup with historical museums, monuments and The White House. When you think of Texas you probably think of LBJ Space Center in Houston, The Riverwalk in San Antonio, The School Book Depository Building where Oswald Shot Kennedy or the Dallas Botanical Gardens in Dallas, and of course the Fort Worth’s “Stockyards!”
My wife is a lover of the ARTS and when she wants to see something of substance you can bet, she is dragging me on the next flight to a city that never sleeps. That means west to Las Vegas or east to New York, New York, and we can all agree neither disappoints. Both cities have amazing nighttime activities including light shows, theaters, concerts, and anything else your heart desires. Last time we went to New York, my wife and I saw 3 Broadway shows on our short holiday and we collected the “Playbills” for each one. What made it one of the best trips ever, was the “whole experience” and not just the building where the show was held. It is not about the whole atmosphere of the city, the food, and the walk along Broadway in a city that never sleeps and that is something you will never find in Texas. When you want to see a Broadway show and have “The Theatre” experience, you will not say “hey babe, book us two tickets to Frisco, Texas!
That is the mindset that Mayor Jeff Cheney and his sidekicks “The Council Amigos” want you to believe is in Frisco’s future which is why they are pushing for this Performing Arts Center. On September 17th the city council tried to sneak into the “Consent Agenda” item 16 which reads, “Consider and act upon authoring the City Manager to finalize and execute the First Amendment to the Agreement with Theatre Projects Consultants, Inc., for consulting services related to a performing arts venue.” What does that mean?
In September 2023, the council approved $1,415,500 for a professional agreement with Theatre Projects to include “exploration, development, costing, and preliminary design for the proposed performing arts venue.” Other elements include multiple costing studies, site analysis, comprehensive community engagement, economic impact assessment, design concept facilitation, capital stack/funding study, and refinement of a final business plan.
Fast forward to September 2024, the council has approved another $214,350 taxpayer dollars because “As this study has progressed, there is more clarity for the upcoming Phase Two scope of services, resulting in this requested First Amendment.” Clarity? Who knew “CLARITY” cost so much? What is the CLARITY going to get us?
The First Amendment will address an extension to the Phase One service through October 1, 2024. The added cost for the Phase 1 extension services and related direct expenses is $49,850.
The Phase Two services have been refined with a duration of 10 months anticipated, from October 2024 to the end of July 2025. Key elements include concept design team selection, facility concept design coordination, project management, and partnership program development. The updated Phase Two fee is estimated at $628,000 (inclusive of travel). DID YOU MISS IT…the keyword ESTIMATED….
All these expenses mean the council has to revise the original contract which results in an increase of $214,350 from the original contract. That means the city has spent a total of $1,629,850 in Tax Payer Dollars aka BOND FUNDS.
One of the elements mentioned above talked about “comprehensive community engagement” and we were curious in such an apathetic town like Frisco where we can’t even get people to show up and vote – how did they conduct this COMPREHENSIVE ENGAGEMENT? According to the website they had 2 in-person open house sessions on May 15, an online survey for almost two weeks, and a virtual open house via Zoom on May 29th. We received an email from one of the zoom participants who said there were not more than 10 to 15 people in attendance, which included representatives of Theatre Consultants. That sounds REALLY COMPREHENSIVE for a town of 200,000 plus people who will be footing the bill for this project.
What is even more interesting is we filed a PIR for all of the studies done over the last 10+ years and of course, you would think the city would want to be TRANSPARENT as they plan to bring a request for a bond through the Economic Development Corporation before the citizens but nope – they felt the need to provide some documents and send some to the Attorney General. Yep, they fought us from getting everything we asked for which begs the question, WHAT ARE THEY HIDING FROM US?
Why is any of this important? Remember, Craig Hall has pulled out and is no longer offering to be a private partner or land donor for this project. For such a large project, why won’t the council answer basic questions such as where might the PAC go? How much will it cost taxpayers? Do you plan to try sliding it through the EDC? It is time for Intermission Break so until next time….
Click Here: To visit the landing page for the Frisco Center For The Arts Planning Updated 09/17/24
The City of Frisco is asking taxpayers to consider a new Performing Arts Center that has a rumored will cost taxpayers a rumored price tag of $300 Million up to $600 Million+ dollars. The city has started a “Sell It to the Public” campaign with a company called Theatre Projects on social media which begins with residents taking a survey to gather feedback on the grand idea. They announced plans to host open house sessions at City Hall, talk to local arts organizations, and will host listening sessions for the public.
We received an email this week from one reader who attended their “Zoom Session” and guess how many residents participated? Maybe 15 plus the representatives from Theater Projects who is doing all the dog and pony work for the city. I guess the small attendance still counts towards feedback but compared to a city of 220,000 people it does not like seem a great sample to us. The email also said how they are currently looking at two properties to potentially house this Performing Arts Center which we find very interesting.
The website which has been set up talks about the Project History and how the city has been studying the possibility of a new performing arts center for over 6 years. It refers to several studies and assessments done to support the future planning of the “critical Frisco asset” for our community. It also has a link to the 45-page 2023 Business Plan put together by Theatre Projects. Even though the 2023 Business Plan put together by Theatre Projects shows the Hall Group vision, our inside source says Hall Group is out! They will not be a part of this theatre project in any way shape or form, and they are not offering up the land for it any longer. Hence why on the “zoom” we mentioned earlier, they stated they were “eyeing two different potential sites for this PAC.
They are using every avenue to make sure we know how great and grand this project is and to show us how badly we need it. The city’s friends at Frisco Enterprise, the paper in their back pocket, wrote an article and it states that “Back in September, the Frisco City Council approved a $1.4 million professional services agreement with consultant Theatre Projects.” Part of that agreement is that the city leadership and the team from Theatre Projects would do venue tours to gather data and talk to venue operators. We “the taxpayers” are paying for all this travel, plus we are paying for the additional travel cost for the Theatre Projects team to attend. In case you are wondering that additional expense is not included in the $1.4 million agreement we have with them for consulting services.
According to the Frisco Enterprise, the visits included the Steven Tanger Center for the Performing Arts in Greensboro, North Carolina, the Denver Performing Arts Complex, the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts in Orlando, Florida; the Straz Center for the Performing Arts in Tampa, Florida; the Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences in Lubbock, Texas and the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.
We figured since they were on this whole “Sell It to The Public” Road Show, we would file a Public Information Request for more information. We asked for the complete copies of the performing arts center studies and any associated documents related to the reports including those from consulting groups or 3rd parties like Frisco ISD or Hall Group. We asked for all 6 of the previous studies they have done that we were able to find in meeting minutes.
We assumed that it would be no issue getting any documentation because of how badly they want to “Sell It Like a Cheap Cheney Piece of Real Estate” to Frisco taxpayers. Imagine our surprise after paying $16.74 yesterday and today the status changed to “SENT TO AG FOR A RULING.” The did release the 7 studies to us, but the “other supporting documents” are subject to copyright and will be available in the City Secretary’s Office for viewing only. Who wants to go review the documents for us and report back what is in them? Email us at
What did they send to the AG for review? How much are they withholding from US, THE TAXPAYERS, whom they are going to pitch a tax increase to soon so they can spend hundreds of millions of dollars for a performing arts center which will be city owned and operated. Then we always hear them quote “copyright” as a reason to withhold things. We are just confused, when does copyright matter to the city? They made it clear during the recent political election when council members were using the “copyrighted” city logo in their campaign materials they did not care and in fact they said they could not do anything about it. Strange because the city websites states in black and white they CAN NOT USE THE CITY LOGO for political campaigning so why have a rule you can’t enforce about a copyrighted logo? Now when it comes to documents related to the Performing Arts Center, they want to say copyright matters. It seems they use that word copyright when it is convenient to withhold information, they don’t want you or me to see.
The way we see it is simple! The city is spending millions of bond approved tax dollars on studies for a PAC, then they want to claim copyright to withhold those details from those of us who are paying for it! Just release all the documents and stop trying to play games because it is getting really old.
Oh, one last thing, Frisco ISD got tired of the games a year or so ago, and they are currently building their own Performing Arts Center because outside influences kept delaying the project. That means you, the taxpayers will be paying for multiple Performing Arts Center. Feels like an episode of Oprah, where she yells “You get an arts center, you get an arts center, and you get an arts center!”
I wonder how many Frisco Voters actually understand the real truth about how the Financings of the City work? When…
Sands wants to do a casino in Irving. There are many hurdles that would have to be met for casino…
So is this strong arm push for Frisco Center for the Arts really just phase 1 for something else? I'm…
Gaslighted again. And the beat goes on.