
Welcome to the dinner table where you thought the only thing spicy was the food.    Have you ever felt like mustard fights with mayo and ketchup hold a grudge against ranch?  You can have a classic ketchup and mustard coalition but beware the rise of the new contender: sriracha!

The reality is the table is full of a world of condiments and political debates!  The next few months will be filled with a heated political election and your condiment choices are shaping the future—of your sandwich.  So, grab your napkins, folks, because we’re about to dive into the bizarre, messy world where sauces aren’t just about flavor—they’re about power. Let the condiment campaign begin!

You’re probably wondering why we are talking about condiments!  Now we are going to confuse you a little more!  Have you ever heard of The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)?  The FERC is an independent agency, that is a part of the U.S. Department of Energy, and it regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil.  We had never heard of them until we read a yahoo finance article.  The more confusing thing about this article was the Commission ordered a company called Ketchup Caddy (Ketchup Who?) and its owner to pay about $27 million for using bogus demand response resources to make offers in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator’s capacity market.

What is Ketchup Caddy and what does the FERC have to do with Frisco, Texas?  Ketchup Caddy is a company originally created in Frisco, Texas and they sell an in-car ketchup holder invented by Phillip Mango.  On December 5th the FERC decided that the company and its owner engaged in Market Manipulation using a fraudulent device, scheme, or artifice to defraud the MISO market according to the FERC.

To do this they co-founder Todd MEINERSHAGEN, a computer programmer, registered customers using a random number generator on a website to cull data so Mango could contact them about enrolling in Ketchup Caddy’s DR program.  Meinershagen AGREED in late 2022 to pay more than $525,000, including interest, for his role in the market manipulation. According to FERC, Ketchup Caddy “regularly distributed” MISO capacity payments to Mango’s and Meinershagen’s personal bank accounts totaling more than $500,000 apiece.

Have you made the connection yet?  Todd Meinershagen is the husband of Tammy Meinershagen our city council woman who loves the arts.  Seems they both want to use other people’s money to build things!  Talk about transparency and honesty to the public.  My mom once told me, you are who you associate with and if that is true Tammy is standing by her man and that means her character is questionable.

Tammy Meinershagen is now asking citizens to Re-Elect her to office when they NEVER ELECTED HER THE FIRST TIME.  A Community Impact article from Feb 28, 2022, reads, “Tammy Meinershagen to ASSUME Place 2 on Frisco City Council; May election for city to be canceled.”  The article states that according to Mayor Jeff Cheney, Meinershagen will FILL THE SEAT of Council Member Huffman.  Cheney went on to say they are CANCELING the May 7, 2022, election since both races were uncontested.  Bobblehead Bill Woodard had no one run against him so while he assumed the seat for a 3rd term he wasn’t elected for his 3rd term.  The same for Meinershagen who was NEVER ELECTED so how can we RE-ELECT HER NOW?

The funny thing about Bobblehead Bill Woodard and Tammy Meinershagen is they both were on the front lines to say Vote No against our Frisco Fire Fighters and yet we never elected them!  It’s a little bit Ironic, don’t you think?   Frisco Residents need to get involved and have a voice.  Who do you want leading our city and who do you want to ELECT TO THE OFFICE?  It is time for change, time to have representatives who listen to the residents and don’t show up for just the photo’s ops.

Reference Articles: Yahoo Finance, RTO Insider, Utility Drive, and SP Global

Whoville of Frisco

If you were scrolling through social media over the holidays, you may have seen the holiday post from the City of Frisco.  When we saw the post we stopped in our tracks, not sure if we were enamored with it like Ralphie in The Christmas Story with the Leg Lamp, or if we were in disbelief of their brazen audacity to say FU to their naysayers.  Clearly, it was a message by our Elite Council to the Grinch naysayers who dare question them and what they do.  We decided to be like Tammy and write a poem!

The Who of Whoville by FWB

In the City of Frisco, not far from the Square, sat a Whoville of leaders in plush swivel chairs.  They believed they were the Who’s Who of Whoville and met every Tuesday to reign superior over those in the land.   

“We’ll build a new park!” said Mayor Jeff Maywho with great flair!  Thing 1 (Bobblehead Bill) stands up, Mayor Maywho, don’t forget bike lines – they’re only fair!”  Thing 2 (Cheating Keating) chimes in, “How, ‘bout we build more roads to relieve the loads!”

Just as the Whoville of Frisco was set to agree, a voice from the chamber rose and said, “Not So Fast!”  Martha May Who with a Pelham scowl, said “Have we thought this all through?  It’s a real rat race!”  The council just nodded, their eyes a blur, when Mayor Jeff Maywho called out “We’re solving it all, of that, I am sure! It will be to my liking, said the greedy and self-serving Mayor Jeff Maywho.

“Oh, Council of Frisco, so grand and wise, could you think for a moment with less compromise?  Must every decision be voted through so fast?”  Who speaks their bellowed Mayor Jeff Maywho.  The light shines upon the voice and Ozzy steps forward and says, “Lets focus on projects that are built to last!” 

Sweet little Cindy-Lou Who (Tammy) is undaunted while the Whoville of Frisco debates, talking about zoning and budgets and changing growth rates. She says although we’re not perfect (who really is?), we do our hardest to run this big biz.

Max “The Dog” Rummel stands up to pant and proposes a cheer, “Here’s to the Whoville Council of this great town, she juggles a smile, then shrugs, followed by a little frown.  Her only job is to pant, beg, and not step out of line due to loyalty or fear and every now and then Mayor Jeff Maywho will throw her a bone.

Just remember no matter WHO you are, or you celebrate the season, we will be cheering and laughing at your disgust for Whoville because Mayor Jeff Maywho will have a prosperous and joyous New Year.  The End.

In closing, when we saw the FU post, we were shocked at the audacity Mayor Jeff Cheney had to dress up as Mayor Augustus Maywho.  Here is a Mayor who has been accused of using his position to further his own financial gain and he takes center stage in a city holiday photo to dress up as a character (red sash in all), who puts on a façade to his true nature: that of a rude, greedy, arrogant, and egotistical politician who is willing to exploit anything for his own benefit. 

Look closely, the picture speaks volumes! Watch The Grinch and it will all make sense!


Goodbye, 2024, you chaotic overachiever, and hello 2025! Like every New Year, we dive in headfirst and pretend that turning the page in our calendar will suddenly fix our lives! We treat each year like a shiny new model, but are we expecting too much? Gym memberships rise, and vision boards are crafted, and plastered with our new year’s resolutions. Really those “visions” are like drunk promises we know we won’t keep.

By day three or four, we are tired of eating Kale and wish we had the holiday cookies still left in our pantry. One thing that never changes with each new year is that we know whatever promises or commitments we made in good faith will most likely never be met because they are just one of those New Year’s resolutions that fall by the wayside. Cheers to the illusion of change!

As we enter the new year one would hope our City Council members had an epiphany to put the community first over their own self-interests. Soon we will know because a new year also means a new city council election and guess what, it is right around the corner. The first day to file for a place on the ballot is January 15th and the last day to file for a place on the ballot is February 14th. Time will fly and soon it will be April 22nd, the first day to early vote. All of it will come to a close on election day which is May 3rd.

From now through election time, you can expect to hear how the candidates or incumbents will be transparent and represent you the residents. We will hear the same old tired-out slogans such as “We are the #1 this and the #1 that.” You can bet money the incumbents will talk about how “we are the #1 Safest City” and how they have a personal stakeholder position in making that happen. It leaves us wondering if residents will open their eyes to the fact that the city manipulates what we “need to know” versus the truth of what is happening around us! Remember John “Cheating” Keating (who hopes to be our next Mayor) threw the #1, #1, #1 in our face over and over during his election.

Even high-profile NFL athletes are not exempt from being the victims of crime. By now you have heard about the burglaries targeting the homes of NFL players, including Kansas City Chiefs stars Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce, along with Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow. Recently, local DFW news stations reported that on December 27th in the affluent upscale Preston Hollow neighborhood, the home of Dallas Mavericks guard Luka Doncic was broken into. Reports say the thieves got away with $30,000 worth of jewelry. The FBI has gone as far as to warn the NFL and NBA that players need to increase the security of their homes when they are away playing, and they believe they have connected these burglaries to a “transnational South American theft group.”

The good thing is we can rest easy here in Frisco! We are the #1 SAFEST CITY! That means it would never happen here, right? One might think since Frisco is known as Sports City USA, we could be a target! If something like that happened here, surely the city and Frisco PD would put out a crime alert to warn the residents of Frisco. It would have made the local news stations just like Luca Doncic home break-in. Frisco has several affluent neighborhoods, filled with high-profile players, and I am sure their neighbors would want to know if that happened in their community.

FWB received a tip over the holiday break that it did happen here! In fact, based on the police report, the home burglary took place in our very own affluent community of Stonebriar Country Club. According to one website, residents of SCC enjoy a wealth of amenities in the exclusive guard-gated community that epitomizes luxury with elegant homes and a lifestyle of unparalleled sophistication and tranquility. Residents should know they are not exempt from this kind of potential danger.

When did this happen? November 28th just after Thanksgiving, during the Dallas Cowboys game against the New York Giants at AT&T stadium. The home game started at 4:30 pm and the report states the crime was committed 11/28/24 between the times of 15:05 (3:05 pm) and 20:44 (8:44 pm). Ken Wang is listed as the case officer and the Incident Report number is 24143447. The offense code is listed as Burglary of Habitation. The Frisco Police Report states 8 watches totaling $550,000 along with 2 purses totaling $100,000 were stolen. The remarks state unknown suspect forced entry into a home and stole $700,000 worth of miscellaneous jewelry. Luca Doncic got off easy!

To protect the NFL player, we are not going to release his name or address because his family has been through enough! We can tell you we googled the address, and we were surprised to see it on Zillow, Redfin, and One would assume that Realtors who handle multi-million-dollar listings like this would remove the photos once the listing is sold. The images on the Douglas Elliman listing, show the whole home, and the location and access points of the home. Douglas Elliman is a well-known, respected real estate brokerage which is why we are a little surprised the listing agent did not remove the photos after selling it. We are curious if those images could have helped the criminals figure out how to access the home.

I asked my neighbor, a Frisco Realtor if agents usually remove high-end listing photos after a sale. He said that good Realtors are usually proactive and to protect the privacy of both parties after a sale, they request removal of the images on luxury listings. He also told us while the listing agent can request the removal of photos after a home has been sold, there is no guarantee a third-party website will take them down. I asked him how an owner could request the images be removed and he told me owners can google how to remove the pictures of your home from real estate websites and each one has step-by-step instructions on how a homeowner can remove them.

Residents of Frisco had the right to know about a burglary of a habitation where over $700,000 worth of valuables were stolen in our opinion. Frisco PD could have withheld the player’s name and address but a warning to the community. How is it, that every other high-end pro-athlete burglary made the news, and this one didn’t? Did Frisco PD ask the FBI if this could be related to the other high-end thefts? How come we never heard about this burglary on the news?

The city does not point out we are a safe city, they always say we are the #1 safest city and to be honest, it does not feel very safe here anymore. We have had more crimes, shootings, and God knows what else because leaders manipulate want, they want to share so it fits their narrative. Just like they manipulated the sales presentation of Universal Kids. After it passed, residents learned everything they promised changed from the height of rides, the traffic congestion they claim will not happen, and the times the theme park would be open. In Frisco, the NFL stands for Navigating Frisco Lies!

Kraemer vs City of Frisco

We came across this post from the Allen Fire Department and felt we needed to share it! It is evident from this video how the Allen FD is committed to helping its firefighters work through mental health challenges.   By sharing it, the City of Frisco leadership including the City Manager, Sassy Safranek in HR, and the City Council could learn something if they watch it! After you watch it catch the community follow-up Q & A session where Allen leadership answers the public questions by clicking here.

Why is the city still fighting a lawsuit with Former Assistant Fire Chief Cameron Kraemer?  If you have not heard about this case, Frisco leadership tried to deny Kraemer’s PTSD as was work-related injury.  Even after the courts confirmed that Frisco Leadership and TML were wrong, they continued to fight Kraemer!

Local Profile: Terminated Frisco Firefighter Wins PTSD Injury Claim

Dallas Morning News: Frisco firefighter fired while on medical leave wins workers’s comp case

A new lawsuit was filed on 8/2/2024 and involves Cameron Kraemer vs City of Frisco.  Filed in Collin County under Case Number 416-05201-2024, Frisco is still fighting its duty and responsibility to care for a man who served in our community for 27+ years.  It also defines how our city leadership and management will treat future firefighters when they have work-related mental illnesses. On 12/12/2024 the case was “SCHEDULED FOR TRAIL” by jury and Pre-Trial will begin on 7/24/2024 with a Jury Trial on 7/28/2025.

WHY SHOULD THIS MATTER TO YOU?  Ask yourself, how many tax dollars have been spent fighting these multiple court cases?  If the city loses the case, how much could the city payout to Kraemer in damages?

The truth is the City of Frisco and the entire leadership who stand up saying they are committed to our Public Safety Departments during elections should be ashamed of themselves for not having fixed this sooner.  They should also be embarrassed and explain why they want to continue to spend OUR tax dollars to further show their lack of support for firefighters.  By the looks of the docket, the City’s attorneys are going to try to convince a JURY that they did the right thing.  Ask yourself, you have Allen FD trying to raise awareness and Frisco leadership who continues to treat those on the front lines of our public safety departments like crap and deny their firefighters can have work-related PTSD!  What has to happen in Frisco for them to accept their responsibilities to help their firefighters???

Related Articles:

Frisco Chronicles: FAKE DOCUMENTS – Safety First Frisco PAC

Frisco Chronicles: Backdraft

Frisco Chronicles: Breaking News – Big Time Casino Payout

Fairweather Frisco Friends

We have been saying for a while that the Frisco City Council is like a group of “Fairweather Friends” meaning they are a good friend when it is easy, or they need something, and they stop being a friend when there are problems. We thought the city should have a new tagline and we came up with The City of Frisco – Home of Fairweather Friendships.  You can expect the Frisco Cabal to react swiftly to this blog and say the council members are great, amazing, and stupendous.  That is because the Frisco Cabal, The City, and the members of the Frisco City Council often project images of unity and commitment to the community. 

However, there’s a growing perception that the council members are more “fairweather friends” than steadfast leaders. Their support and engagement often seem to waver depending on public opinion, personal interests, or political convenience. The inconsistency leaves residents questioning whether council members prioritize the long-term well-being of the city or simply their own political capital.

We saw it firsthand in the May 2024 election when the current city council members turned their back on our men and woman of the Frisco Fire Department.  They went as far as standing on the corner of election locations holding “VOTE NO” to civil service and collective bargaining signs against the very men and woman who put their life on the line for the city.  The amount of lies and accusations they put out led by Bobblehead Bill Woodard were over the top.

Then after the election was over, the Council, the City Management, and FD Management including Chief Lee Glover tried to do an about-face to show “they care!”  That is why FD management began the “healing sessions” which were mandatory in-service meetings that allowed the FD to express their complaints and fears about the FD and the city.  The result was that Chief Glover was given a “counselor” to help him do his job better.  Did any of it work?  Of course not! 

The truth hurts, especially when the facts are presented: The current city council members rally around popular initiatives during election cycles, only to back away when challenges arise, or public scrutiny intensifies.  While they’re quick to attach their names to high-profile projects or programs that garner praise, their enthusiasm often wanes when those efforts require difficult decisions or sustained support. This pattern of behavior risks undermining trust and stability in local governance. Moreover, their selective advocacy for certain neighborhoods, businesses, or interest groups raises concerns about equity and fairness. The council’s tendency to show up for celebratory events or media-friendly opportunities while avoiding contentious issues is proof of their Fairweather tendencies. The lesson is simple but hard for city leadership to understand which is to build lasting confidence, Frisco’s council members must demonstrate consistent engagement, even when the skies aren’t so sunny.

UPDATE: We have updated our blog and will hold off posting on the FD motions until they are complete!
Previous Blogs & Proof of Fairweather Practices: Keating: Promises Made, Promises Broken, Humpty Dumpty, Day 12: Tangled Web Of Lies, Bill Woodard | Frisco Chronicles, 13th Stroke of the Clock