Paw Patrol or Spin Control

Frisco, Texas—where the city council somehow can ask citizens to vote on an EDC Bond for millions of dollars for a sparkling new performing arts center but can’t allow citizens to vote on a bond for an animal shelter or scrape together a dime for a much-needed animal shelter. It’s almost like the Mayor and City Council think the arts deserve a standing ovation while our four-legged friends get a pathetic round of applause… from the overcrowded parking lot outside paid for by citizens’ tax dollars. After all, who needs a haven for abandoned animals when you can have a state-of-the-art performing arts center hosting countless performances, funded city breweries, and a kid’s theme park that no one will remember in 10 years? Priorities, right?

In 2019, Community Impact did a story about how local pet advocates called Frisco’s Pet Project were advocating for Frisco to construct its own animal shelter.  The article highlighted Marla Fields, one of the original organizers of the Frisco Pet Project who is quoted saying, “She said she saw a need for a Frisco-based animal shelter while rescuing cats from local organizations.  Good Ole King Cheney (Mayor of Frisco) said, “city staffers have considered allocating funding to build an animal shelter in the past but determined the benefits of partnering with the county outweighed the negatives. We have a partnership with Collin County along with other cities to collaborate as a region to try to provide the most cost-effective services for this need.”  The article went on to say that building an animal shelter would likely be funded through bonds, but the city did not include a shelter among the projects in the 2019 bond election. 

In 2023, the citizens bond committee presented a recommendation for an animal shelter to be voted on by the residents.   A DMN article noted that Frisco animal advocates made one last push for City Council to include an animal shelter in the May 6 bond election, but they did not prevail.  The article quoted Marla Fields, founder of Frisco’s Pet Project, “It just seems like the finish line just keeps moving on us. You told us to be patient … we’ve done everything that you’ve told us to do. We followed your leadership and your advice. You said, ‘Wait for the bond. You have to speak to each member of the city council. Come to the winter sessions. Show us the data. Show us the plans. Show that you can do this with a return on investment.’ We did all that.”

The City Council’s vote on the bond package was unanimous, with council members Laura Rummel and Brian Livingston requesting a note be added to the record they support an animal shelter.  Two votes stand out from that night – Laura Rummel who claims to be the “PET ADVOCATE” and John Keating.  Laura voted for obvious reasons as she ran her campaign on animals and supported a shelter.  Why Cheating Keating?  We have a copy of an email that Councilman Keating sent to a resident where he told the citizen he would allow for it to go before the citizens if it was recommended by the citizens bond committee.   But he lied!  Are we surprised?  No, because he has lied to the Frisco Fire Association and his ex-wife.

What might be even more sad is how the city uses local publishers to sell the community on the same boring, old, tired and worn message in hopes residents will buy the bull they are selling.  After getting hit with questions at the Feb 3rd town hall regarding an animal shelter, Community Impact miraculously writes an article on February 5 titled, “Frisco identifies animal shelter site no timeline for project.”   The article stated that the City Manager, Wes Pierson, confirmed the city has been trying to find a private public partner to help bring an animal shelter inside the city limits.   “We’ve been working with a partner to try and find a model that would allow the city to have a public-private partnership for the operation of an animal shelter,” Pierson said. “We are still in the process of trying to develop that partnership.” 

For the first time the city released a potential site located in north Frisco near PGA Parkway and Preston Road on the southwest corner called Luminant Tract.  Then the city offers “another excuse” saying the animal shelter would go there once they had a partner and after they developed the North Texas Municipal Water district transfer station and commercial recycling center.  Pierson goes on to say only then can they discuss timing of the facility construction.  The hidden message we believe he is saying is delay, delay, and more delay because we don’t want an animal shelter here.

The article also states King Mayor Cheney as saying the Frisco Center for the Arts and animal shelter are unrelated.  Unrelated?  To pet advocates, they are related because for years the city has used “funding” as an excuse, but we can fund the arts with a simple vote from the public for an EDC bond.   The same could be said for an animal shelter, OH WAIT, you won’t let the public vote on that which is why you pulled it from the 2023 bond even after it was recommended by the citizens bond committee.  King Cheney only wants you to vote on what he wants!

The best comment came from the “So-Called Pet Advocate” on council Laura Rummel.  “There are things that city government is not good at or doesn’t have the expertise at,” she said. “We do not have the expertise to have an animal shelter of our own, which is why we have been searching for a partner.”  Based on our research THAT IS A NEW EXCUS and in our opinion, that was the dumbest comment we have ever heard.  Do you think the thousands of cities across America that have an animal shelter had “animal expertise” when they opened their city-run and funded shelters? Ms. Rummel, what expertise do we have in Health Clinics, Performing Arts, Code Enforcement, Engineering Services, and Parks and Rec?  None!!!  That is why you hire someone to run the department that “HAS THE EXPERTISE” just like you have done in all the other city departments. 

The article goes on to talk about “In The Meantime” the city has a partnership with Collin County Animal Services and how the city supported the November 2023 bond for CCAS to expand the animal shelter’s capacity and services by constructing a one-story, 10,000 square-foot addition to the north side of the CCAS building.  What happened after the bond was approved?   

Ask Ben Brezina one of the Assistant City Managers who led a crusade to gather other cities like Prosper, Celina, and McKinney to question “the billings statements” and how the impact fees and cost allocations were being split among the different cities.  In an email from Ben Brezina to Wes Pierson, Chief Shilson, Henry Hill, and Ryan Pitman dated October 3, 2023, Brezina stated “Regarding future payments, Collin County Administrator verbally committed to updating the cost allocation amongst the Members (population-based). So, it is unknown yet the future costs for Frisco or any other Member, Prosper and Celina have grown significantly, and they will need to pay their fair share, same as unincorporated Collin County. We will advocate for a usage-based fee.”   Frisco doesn’t want to pay their fair share based on population even though it was laid out that way from the get-go!  They want to change the name of the game.  Does that sound supportive to you?

In our final Paw Patrol blog, we are going to share with you the emails sent to us from a recent PIR filed by a resident.  They sent us everything and based on those emails it is clear Laura Rummel has not been actively involved in conversations with the city on the animal shelters so-called public-private partnership. Yet, she has continued to tell residents how involved she is.  It will also be obvious where the city stands on an animal shelter.  Lastly, it will show how dumb John Keating is that he cannot even answer a resident’s questions posed to him in an email without getting an exact word-for-word statement from city management because he is clueless. 

In closing, as Laura said we are not experts in running an animal shelter. Advocates have heard over and over the annual operating expenses are just too high year over year for an animal shelter, so it doesn’t make sense.  HOWEVER, based on the moves this week at city council, Rummel and the rest of the council (minus Livingston) believe WE ARE EXPERTS IN THE ARTS which is why they voted to put an EDC bond on the ballet in the upcoming election.  It appears we can afford the annual operating expenses for a PAC which ranges from $5 to $6 million, and we can HIRE EXPERTS TO RUN IT!    King Cheney when you say the Performing Arts Center and Animal Shelter are unrelated …. THEY ARE RELATED!  It just comes down to what YOU WANT MIGHTY KING!

Frisco’s Paw Patrol

Welcome to Frisco, Texas – a city known for its rapid growth, shiny new developments, and state-of-the-art amenities… except when it comes to an animal shelter for its four-legged residents.  It is amazing how many residents here love pets and want an animal shelter.  We hear about it on every town hall and often see comments online asking leaders…when, when it will be time for animal shelter?  Frisco has been absolutely stellar at coming up with new and creative excuses for why that still hasn’t happened. It’s almost as if the city’s leadership has coined the term “We’ll get to it eventually” into an art form.

We have heard all the excuses, or should I say reasons – “We’re focusing on other priorities,” “We don’t have enough space,” “It’s a complicated project.” Blah, blah, blah. Because obviously, with all those new luxury apartments, multi-million-dollar sports complexes, and pristine retail centers, there’s no room for something as quaint as a place where animals can be safe and cared for.  Why waste money on a shelter when you can keep building urban development centers, Performing Arts Centers, give a facelift to a soccer field, revitalize downtown into a Meca for the Mayors photo ops.  Who needs compassion when you’ve got a sparkling new upscale grocery store when milk is already too costly for some households, right? 

Each of our council members and Mayor has their “passion project” and the reason they ran for office!   Regarding pets, Laura Rummel ran for her seat claiming to be the “passion paw patrol leader” for an animal shelter.  She has been on council for a few years, but have we seen any changes?   From what we can tell, no, and based on the countless emails we get from animal advocates across this city asking us to write about pets – they agree that nothing has changed.

We have been sent many things over the last two years by animal lovers since the conception of our page but because we didn’t know too much about the issue, we held of covering it until now. We know for years residents have been told that the city would prefer a public/private partnership instead of building its own animal shelter but what have they done to move the needle forward?   

Rummel will argue she has started a private 501c and originally, she said it was to help raise funds for an animal shelter.   However nowhere on the website for this 501c does it mention anything about an animal shelter.  It says the mission is to perpetually support the City of Frisco, Texas, its citizens, and its pets by providing animal education, support low-cost veterinarian options, and help reduce the homeless pet population. We think the second half of that mission statement is great, but it is the first part that leaves us concerned.

According to the dictionary “perpetually” means ALWAYS or in a way that will never end or change.   When the mission statement says they will perpetually support the City of Frisco – well that means if the city doesn’t want an animal shelter, then Laura will ALWAYS support that.  Yet that is not what she continues to tell her supporters!  She tells voters she is advocating regularly for pets and that we have the land and money to fund it. She is “all in” for pets but is she actually “all-in” however the city wants it? 

Our question for Ms. Rummel is do you agree with Mayor Cheney and what he said at the mid-year 2024 Townhall where he essentially said Frisco has more sophisticated communication tools to handle lost pets and that the city’s position is to REHOME pets, so they never end up at the shelter?    Essentially if you agree with that, you are saying to residents that if your dog gets out you don’t deserve the pet back so we will rehome it instead of taking it to a shelter.  

In the second half of his comment, he says those communication tools are Facebook Community Pages and apps such as Nextdoor and those are tools that don’t exist in other communities.  Would you agree Ms. Rummel since you will always perpetually support the city, and Cheney is the Mayor of our city?   No other city or community in America has the sophisticated communication tools of Facebook Lost and Found pages and neighborhood groups?   The Nextdoor app was created for Frisco and does not exist in other cities?  I had no idea those were exclusive sophisticated communication tools for Frisco, only!

We are also curious if Ms. Rummel perpetually agrees when Cheney says the city’s approach that “WE DO NOT WANT TO RUN OUR OWN SHELTER” and we are open to a public/private partnership option only.  

Most importantly we are curious if Ms. Rummel agrees with Cheney attacking Animal Advocates in a public form saying that they are a case study in how NOT to advocate for a position?   He continues his rambling by schooling them publicly in the PROPER way to advocate for a position and accusing them of tearing people down and spreading misinformation. 

The pet voters would like to know if you agree Ms. Rummel.  Is going to a city council meeting and speaking during citizens’ input, emailing council members presentations, thoughts and asking questions the improper way to handle it?  If you perpetually agree with that Ms. Rummel then it sounds like what you are saying is that they should kiss the City of Frisco’s Ring, support the click campaigns, and bow down to their agenda or else they are doing it wrong.

My wife and I follow the city very closely and we often hear them say they are “exploring options” at the council meetings, work sessions and town hall sessions.  The city leadership responses are PERPETUALLY THE SAME every time.  We are exploring options but have no updates.  Maybe that is why when Ms. Rummel is questioned online or in the comments of her posts about the status of an animal shelter (the platform she choose to run on) she gets defensive. 

In fact, recently she snapped back at one resident who comments on one of her Facebooks posts stating nothing has changed and she has not moved the needle by sending him a private message that reads, “SO YOU THINK IVE DONE NOTHING” to which he responds “NO ANIMAL SHELTER. Is there one being built that I don’t know about?”  They go back and forth, and she says we have the land, we have how we’d pay for it and we are still negotiating with a potential partner.

How much does our “Regional Partnership” cost?  Do they have land?  Do they know how they would pay for it? And who are they negotiating with as a private partner?   We know the one they were talking to in 2024 is dead in the water based on the emails we have.  Stay tuned for Part 2

Magic Number

There is a magical art behind asking for something you want and then getting it!  I read an essay many years ago that talked about how culturally it was not always the norm to ask directly for what you want and when we do, we are usually bad at it.  People tend to hem and haw and often walk away from asking because we cannot clearly articulate the message.  For example, many are uncomfortable asking their boss for a raise or salary bump.

Persuasion tactics are strategies that can help you convince people to see things your way and being good using these tactics is usually an art form.  To be good, or to be great you must first know exactly what you want and what you need others to “buy in” to.   Second you must ground yourself in why you are doing it and make sure it resonates with you so you can “sell it from the heart.”  Third, you must be able to state clearly and with no confusion what you are asking for or trying to sell to the people. It must be direct, clear and specific.  Lastly, you must be selective and targeted about who you ask or when you announce it. 

In Frisco, one man is very good at Persuasion Tactics and his name is Mayor Jeff Cheney.  When he “wants” something in Cheneyville, well he gets it!  He is very good at “telling you” what you want versus “asking” residents what they want.  For example, he has put together his team and he has been gathering his clan of supporters to push for the Performing Arts Centre.  When he hit a no with the public/private partnership with the school district and Hall Group, he didn’t stop.  Nope, he just changed course and came back at it again with his little clan in toe.  Next thing you know he will get what he wants, residents will bitch, and no one knows the wiser of how we ended up here.

The talk of a Performing Arts Centre is not new, but what is new is we are curious “How much has this cost taxpayers?”   The city has spent $1.6+ million on the current Theatre Projects assessment or feasibility study, but how many others have we done in the past?  What were the costs to taxpayers in the previous studies?  Why are we doing so many studies?   When it comes to wanting studies and assessments what is the magic number of how many we will do before we say enough is enough?  We did some research, and this is what we found:

Feb 17, 2015: Under the consent agenda for the city council meeting item 17 reads, “Consider and act upon approval of publishing a RFQ for the development and implementation of a study to examine the feasibility of a performing/theatre arts facility within the corporate limits of the City of Frisco.”  We looked high and low and could not determine how much any of this cost.  We could not even find the RFQ they approved to publish.

2015: Frisco Association of the Arts commissioned a “Facility Programming Report” by Page Southerland Page.  According to the minutes for the Citizens Bond Committee on 01/26/2015, Tammy Meinershagen provided an update that a feasibility group has been identified to conduct a study for the PAC in Frisco.  She went on to say it would take about six (6) months to complete the study and has an estimated cost of $200,000 dollars.

2018: The City of Frisco commissioned a “Needs Assessment” by Webb Management Services and Parkhill Smith & Cooper (PSC).  According to a Community Impact article, the study showed there 14 performing arts groups that have 667 days of demand for performance facilities in Frisco.  According to the study, the majority of this demand—466 days—calls for a facility with 225 to 500 seats while 177 days of demand calls for a facility of 1,001 to 1,750 seats.  At the June 2018 Council Summer Work session, PSC Associate Michael Howard presented the findings and told the council there is not enough capacity in Frisco right now.  At that time Cheney told Community Impact that “it was council’s preference to use available bond funds to build a 300- to 500-seat facility to meet the current demand of community arts groups with the hope of working with a private partner to build a larger performing arts center.”  Of course, Cheney always changes his tune later!  The CI article goes on to say the Councils “Performing Arts Committee is in the middle of a feasibility study to determine the size and needs of a potential PAC.”    HOW MUCH DID IT COST – We don’t know!  We can’t find anywhere in an agenda search where this shows up from 2017 to 2019. 

August 2020: Frisco ISD commissioned a “Programming Report” by Schuler Shook.  We can’t determine how much this one cost our ISD Taxpayers either.  We have sent a PIR asking for that information.

October 2020: The City of Frisco and Frisco ISD commissioned a “Feasibility Report” by Garfield Public Private and Schuler Shook.  Well Shocker – we cannot find anywhere what this one cost taxpayers either!

September 2021: Frisco Arts Foundation commissioned a “Market & Feasibility Study” by Theatre Projects Consultants, Inc.   We cannot find out how much this one cost either.  However, we are guessing since each year the city “FUNDS” the FAA through Hotel/Motel Fund somehow Taxpayers still paid for it.

May 2022: City of Frisco, Frisco ISD, and Hall Group commissioned a “Space Analysis Narrative by Corgan + Studio Gang.  In February of 2022 the city council authorized an agreement for services in the amount of $175,000 dollars.   Remember in late June of 2021, the city and Frisco ISD entered a public-private partnership with developer Craig Hall to construct a $67 million performing arts center. The city has agreed to contribute $14 million in voter-approved bond money, while Frisco ISD will contribute $43 million from the 2018 bond package, and Hall will contribute $10 million.  Remember this is the one that “FELL APART” and truly if the city had wanted a PAC would have been the best option for everyone involved but we have learned from city insiders that “to many chiefs got involved” which caused the band to break up. 

July 2022:  Hall Group commissioned and performed a “Proposal and Outline” and we could not find out what the cost of this study was.

January 2023: The City of Frisco commissioned and executed an agreement with Theatre Projects Consultants, Inc., for consulting services related to a performing arts venue in the amount of $99,300 which was to be paid for by Bond Funds

September 2023: The City of Frisco commissioned part two of the agreement with Theatre Projects Consultants, Inc., in the amount of $1,415,500 dollars.  Recently in 2024 after some CLARITY they Upp’d that amount to $1.6 million as we told you in our last article.

We did learn a few interesting facts along this deep dive…

According to the Dallas Morning News, “Frisco leaders also launched the HEARTS Project initiative — an acronym for Hall, Education and the Arts — to crowdsource an additional $100 million in donations for auxiliary upgrades. The amenities could include a large video screen facing The Star in Frisco, box suites, a VIP arts club with membership benefits, Frisco summer musicals, and a restaurant or bistro, according to the campaign website, but would not contribute to additional seating.”  The 2021 article went on to say that “although city officials have previously said the center could host professional performances, the petition states that the limited seating capacity is too small for consideration by Touring Broadway. Experts recommend between 1,750 and 2,000 seats, according to the petition, which cited Theatre Projects’ market assessment and feasibility study for Frisco.

Next, we found it interesting just a few years ago in 2021 Frisco ISD had committed $43 million from a 2018 bond package and now they are back in 2024 asking voters to VOTE FOR the new 1-billion-dollar bond because they are broken penniless poppers!  Just a few years later, they are begging for us to vote in favor of the bonds so the Frisco Kids can have an 11,000,000-tennis center. 

We also learned Keating was a huge fan of the arts from a 2018 article in Lifestyle Frisco.  He is quoted as saying Deputy Mayor Pro Tem John Keating said, “This is our chance to blow it out of the water, Frisco style!”  Remember, Keatings motto in his last re-election we are #1 this, #1 that, #1 here, #1 there!  Now he is closing on his house in The Preserve at Fields the #1 most exclusive community in King Cheney’s Frisco.

In closing, the city has buried how much these things cost deep in agendas, under nicknames and code words, hoping that you or I will give up looking.  We did but what we can tell you with the most recent study in 2023 plus the other three we are at about $2 million alone in just “STUDIES, ASSESSMENTS, ANALYSIS” done for a Performing Arts Center.  That means we are going to keep paying money for these via the bonds, hotel/motel tax fund, or something else until King Cheney gets his Performing Arts Center.  You can bet little pretty Princess Tammy will be right next to him the whole way.  Trailing behind will be their wingman “John “The Infamous Cheating” Keating. 

Diving into all this has taken a lot more time than we expected and unless you understand the arts and all these studies it is a bunch of well-pitched jargon crap to confuse the residents of Frisco.  We will continue our deep dive into this because we know the city is about to hit us with a bond. It will be through the City or the secret weapon “THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD”.  Just wait and see…. the EDC will make the pitch because the city has been called out.

Turn Back Time

The ticking of time is the invisible heartbeat of our lives and affects every moment of our consciousness.  Time and self are in perpetual handshake – for example, a human trapped in a completely dark cave would still be governed by the circadian rhythms of their internal clocks.  There are many careers in which “time” is a critical component.  Metrologists have technology that is incredibly accurate to measure the passing of minutes, seconds.  Surgeons in an operating room live on a time clock and those who take too long could kill someone.  Professional surf boarders must be able to catch the perfect wave and football players have to make the play in a certain space of time or face penalties.  Various factors are crucial to our construction of the perception of time such as memory, concentration, emotion and the sense we have time is somehow located in space. 

When it comes to the job of a firefighter, time plays a critical component.  Imagine your house catching fire, flames coming out of the windows and roof line while you hear loud pop and bang sounds from things exploding inside.  As you watch the firefighters attack the house fire, you become almost paralyzed, and time comes to a standstill.  As you stand there seeing the chaos around you, it begins to feel like an eternity of time. For the firefighter the stress put on their body fighting your house fire can prompt their brain to speed up its internal processing which helps them face life or death situations. 

When the process began to search for a new chief, the firefighters quickly realized the city had an agenda and that former Assistant Fire Chief Lee Glover from the “Un-Happy Days” was about to be their new commanding officer and Chief.  The Frisco Firefighters Association did a survey and provided it to the City Manager and Council.  In Survey Says we told you about that survey and its results. Question 1: Do you want Interim Fire Chief Glover to be the next Fire Chief of the Frisco Fire Department?  Survey says … 92.5% said NO.  City Manager Wes Pierson and his office, along with City Council, were given the results and they chose to disregard the voice of some 200+ firefighters and make Lee Glover the new Fire Chief. 

When we were reading through the “In-Service Meeting” notes it was noted that firefighters believe it is their Chiefs job to fight for them and defend them but instead they feel Glover ignoring the staffing issues and only doing what is being asked of him by City Manager Wes Pierson.  They don’t believe their current leader and Chief supports them in any way and the result is they have no voice with city management and city officials.   One comment noted, “we are not being heard and it will take one of them dying before Glover or the city take notice of staffing issues.”

Who is responsible for hiring and firing in the city? Mayor Jeff Cheney addressed this issue in the 2023 Mayoral Campaign at the Star Patriots Candidate Forum. The Council hires the City Manager, and it is the city managers responsibility to manage and hire and fire department heads. If something goes wrong, you can bet Cheney will excuse himself from responsibility and put it all on Wes Pierson.

Another comment from the most recent notes reads, “we work under the fear of retaliation and feel we are disciplined for the simplest mistakes.”   We feel like we have heard this before – oh yeah, we have in the 2011 Climate Report when Lee Glover was the Assistant Fire Chief.  The 2011 Climate report reads “firefighters talk about getting in trouble for small things and being required to write memos on things they done (and re-writing them over and over until the Senior Officer is happy with it).”  It goes on to read “they are being threatened with their job, being moved to the day shift, being belittled, yelled and treated like children.”   Proof is in the pudding!

The “In-Service Meeting” notes also address promotions and annual evaluations.  Officers feel they meet their rankings, do their job, and then they are told they must do more than that to get to move up.  Now the promotional process is based on a “taskbook” which is a checklist that shows what a firefighter or officer understands and has been cleared in, to show they are proficient in the job they will be stepping into. It was recommended by one of the committees to implement the taskbook in 2025. The 50+ pages of notes said some complete the taskbook, but others can be prevented from completing it by the Battalion Chiefs which prevent them from testing.  One comment was the process was very “subjective” and “some are allowed to test, while and others are not allowed to test for promotions.”  We know from talking to several inside sources that just recently a handful of firefighters applied for the LT positions, and they were not allowed to test even though they qualified which matches the statements made by the firefighters at the meeting. We also learned that Fire Chief Lee Glover choose to ignore his committees (another complaint in the notes) and implement the taskbook requirement now and that did not give all the candidates time to complete it before the test.

After reading this, we honestly feel like we are on a Merry-Go-Round that is not so …merry.  We pulled up the 2011 Climate Report that reads “firefighters’ perceptions of the hiring and promotion process is that it is manipulated by the Chief and Senior Officers.”  It goes on to read “firefighters would like to see a hiring and promotion process established, published and followed that does not allow for manipulation of the data of tests and who is selected.”  So basically, what is in the 2011 Climate Report matches the feelings of the 2024 In-Service Meeting Notes and the one common denominator is … Fire Chief Lee Glover! 

We think that City Manager – Wes Pierson, Mayor Jeff Cheney, and the City Council suffer from Echolaia, which is the repetition or echoing of words that you hear someone else say.  If not Echolaia, then they suffer from insanity which is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.  If they don’t have either of those two medical conditions, well then, they suffer from just simple stupidity. Voltaire noted that the more often a stupidity is repeated, the more it appears to be wisdom. 

In a nutshell the council hopes we are “STUPID” and if they just repeat the same thing over and over, we will begin to believe it.  They are like Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ clicking together her ruby red slippers but instead of saying there is no place like home they are saying Chief Glover is the best, Chief Glover is the best!  Just look at Mayor Jeff Cheney at the Star Patriot forum in 2023 when he was running for re-election.  After seeing the FFA Survey showing a vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the new Fire Chief Lee Glover, he went to a candidate forum and directly lied to our faces talking about how great Glover was and how he was already improving things at the fire department.  LET THAT SINK IN FRISCO RESIDENTS:  MAYOR CHENEY KNOWINGLY LIED DIRECTLY TO VOTERS and thought he would never get caught.

Remember, the entire goal of the city and its leadership at all levels these past two years has been to blame Piland, blame the power grab on the “small portion of firefighters”, and to blame anyone and everyone but themselves. They have LIED…. and in the most recent election for the propositions the Frisco Fire Association even made a video pointing that out.

The only mistake the City of Frisco and Frisco City Council made was thinking people would not get tired of their BS and start to pay attention. That failure is what allowed the Whistleblowers to rise up!

Stay Tuned for Final Part 4…  

Guilty of Gaslighting?

The other day I was reading an article about the most common 6 phrases people say to gaslight and manipulate you.  What is gaslighting? It is a manipulation tactic often wielded by emotional disruptive abusers and is insidious in nature making it hard for a person to recognize the tactic is happening.  What happens when someone tries to gaslight you?

Gradually you begin to question your own judgement, memories, feelings and questioning reality.  The article quoted therapist Shannon Thomas who stated that “people who cannot authentically argue their point of view or stand behind their words turn to gaslighting as a tool.”  She went on to say ’they resort to confusion creating tactics, and that it really is a true sign of character weakness.

It made me think back to our recent elections and the mixed messaging the city tried to sell to citizens while attacking our Frisco Firefighters relentlessly while also saying they support our first responders and dedicate at least ½ our annual budget to public safety.  They also attacked and tried to destroy the reputation of Former Fire Chief, Mark Piland by saying he was the problem and the reason for the low morale.  The solution, to make Lee Glover, the new “SAVING GRACE” Fire Chief. Based on the In-Service notes we have reviewed, the city may have failed “BIG TIME” and the leader driving the bus is our very own City Manager, Wes Pierson!

After the election was over there was a large disdain between our Fire Department and the city so they planned a weeklong set of In-Service Meetings, aka “Healing Sessions” to listen to the firefighters’ concerns.  We filed a PIR for anything related to those meetings and after reading the 50+ page report of notes one thing became very clear, the city council knowingly and repeatedly lied to citizens during the election.

Example 1:  The Vote No PAC, funded by Frisco Developers, and run by Mayor Pro Tem Bill Woodard

Councilman Woodard was interviewed by Jack Fink with CBS Texas and when asked why the Fire Fighters were bringing the propositions to the ballot, he specifically said due to the “FORMER LEADERSHIP” of the department, referring to Former Fire Chief Mark Piland.  We assumed we would see some of those issues noted in this 50+ page report, however only 2 comments were made, which is one the environment is a little more relaxed now (uniforms) and that Piland may have tended to over communicate to the department. 

However, they had a lot to say about the current Fire Chief, Lee Glover.   When it comes to budgeting and purchasing new equipment, they feel the Chief Glover is out of touch with today’s firefighting tactics.  Firefighters said Glovers’ only tactic since arriving has been cost cutting measures to look good to the City Manager’s Office and council and that means he his neglecting his duty to his command.

Remember the Blood Program, otherwise known as which was carried by the Squad Unit? Refresh your memory by reading our older articles “Another One Bites The Dust” and “Make It Look Pretty.” At the time Councilman Woodard was the “city mouthpiece” across social media supporting Glover’s decision to end the Squad program and transfer the blood program to two battalion chief vehicles.  The report talks about Glover’s cost cutting measures and how the firefighters believe removing the Squad Unit and transferring the Blood Program was a huge failure as it took away two extra working people on calls and losing the expertise of the Squad members could be and will be deadly to citizens.   

What is the end result of the firefighter’s statement above about their concerns with Glover being out of touch with today’s firefighting tactics?   Chief Glover has cut valid programs, training and they believe he is purchasing the wrong equipment.  Glover has also de-incentivized training under his command, and today they have less training which is dangerous.   Courses and training are required for promotions to the next rank and other departments pay for employees to attend training, but Glover is telling his command to “put stock in your own training.”  As for equipment, Glover is buying more Quints -the big bulky fire trucks of the old days, which are hard to get around the neighborhood’s tight and crowded streets.  The firefighters prefer more engines and tillers. We are told engines are quicker and shorter in size making them a better choice. We are also told the tillers are an advantageous truck because they can go anywhere, carries more tools and is quicker to vent with 107’ ladder. 

Are we done yet?  Oh no, we are just getting started!  There is so much to go over that we are going to break it up into multiple articles this week.  Tonight, we leave you with three questions:

1. Why is the City Council and City Manager gaslighting residents into believing all of these issues are due to Former Fire Chief Piland who was endorsed by the Frisco Firefighters Assocation this year during the election?

2. Why is the City Council and City Manager gaslighting residents into thinking the problem is our Fire Association, who they called Greedy Bastards, power hungry and lazy during the election?

3. Why is the City Council and City Manager dying on a sharp sword for Fire Chief Lee Glover who in all respects to his command his nowhere to be found and neglecting his duty to his command?

We leave you with a strong remark in the In-Service notes which we stated above, “Firefighters believe Glover’s only goal is to look good to the City Manager’s Office and City Council which results in him neglecting his duty to his command.” ….. come back tomorrow for part two


Tick-Tock: Tax Increase

Tick-tock, tick-tock sounds the clock!  Days go by, and the tick-tock never seems to stop.  Meanwhile City of Frisco leadership sits behind closed doors while we watch the clock, just tick-tock!  Precious moments fading away and citizens still are not standing up to ask, is everything okay?  What happens when time runs out…?  Tick-tock they will try to approve a $300-$500 million dollar Performing Arts Center and announce they plan to raise taxes!

Back on June 18th at the Budget and Audit Committee Meeting we learned from the agenda that both the Committee Chair – Councilman Bill Woodard and Committee Members –Councilwomen Angelia Pelham and Laura Rummel were present.  They had a discussion regarding the “PRELIMINARY FY 2025 Budget” and our Chief Financial Officer, Derrick Cotton talked about potential revenue generating items.  It is the last paragraph where it says Mr. Cotton talks about the “Homestead Exemption” and presented changes in the adjusted taxable values and discussed a possible tax rate change for FY25 that had our attention.

They plan to pick up the discussion this Tuesday August 6th at 3pm at the next Budget and Audit Committee Meeting.  Then we noticed Tuesday nights city council meeting Agenda Item 32 calls for a public hearing on the FY 25 budget.  In fact, the city memo reads “Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution calling for a public hearing on the City of Frisco FY 2025 Budget, Frisco Economic Development Corporation FY 2025 Budget, and Frisco Community Development Corporation FY 2025 Budget. (Budget/TA)”

Why does a city call for a public hearing on the potential adoptions of the budget?  Well according to Texas Local Government Code, Title 4: Finances, Subtitle A – Municipal Finances, Chapter 102 – Municipal Budget (wow that’s a mouth full) there are several reasons.  Section 102.005 specifically states that if they are proposing a budget change it must be available for public inspection.

(b)  A proposed budget that will require raising more revenue from property taxes than in the previous year must contain a cover page with the following statement in 18-point or larger type:  “This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year’s budget by (insert total dollar amount of increase and percentage increase), and of that amount (insert amount computed by multiplying the proposed tax rate by the value of new property added to the roll) is tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year.”

Once they conclude that so called “PUBLIC HEARING” they can adopt a budget according to the law.  So based on what they have been discussing, based on the public hearings they have quietly posted, we can guarantee you the city is about to announce a Tax Increase!  Right now, those city leaders are just hoping you are not paying attention and all the other political distractions around the country will keep you from recognizing the destructive path they are.

Now you should say, wait a damn minute Mayor Cheney – you just ran a year ago on the fact you have lowered taxes.  Let’s not forget John Keating and Angelia making the 2024 rounds campaigning for your vote claiming they lowered taxes and plan to continue lowering taxes, but all the while they knew they were going to propose an out of this world Performing Arts Center and raise taxes.  

Didn’t this city council pull out all the stops to get votes to VOTE NO against the Fire Fighters because they claimed it “WOULD INCREASE TAXES” when they already knew they were going to do it anyways? What they were not telling you then is they planned to raise taxes but just for things they want for their own selfish reasons. Who cares what citizens actually need….

In a time when inflation is high and we are facing a presidential election these mice are running around in the clock hoping we don’t pay attention to the TICK-TOCK, TICK-TOCK of the clock.  If any one of our council members vote to raise taxes – VOTE THEM OUT!  Why are we, one of the flushest cities, according to Cheney talking about revenue generating ways for the city to make money.   It is simple, CHENEY-VILLE COSTS A LOT TO BUILD.  The old red head wants you to just do as he say’s and not ask questions ASK QUESTIONS!