13th Stroke of the Clock

If you have read George Orwell’s well-known dystopian novel, Nineteen Eight-Four (1984), then you may remember the opening line, “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”   Have you ever wondered, what does it mean?   If you thought it referred to military time, you are incorrect.  References to a thirteenth stroke of the clock indicate that some event or discovery calls into questions everything previously believed.  In other words, the thirteenth stroke of the clock calls in question not only the credibility of itself but the previous twelve strokes.

For Orwell the key was “clocks” referring to more than one, so we must believe he was referring to all the clocks in the world.  It was Orwell subtle way to tell the reader that statements of truth in a fictional society should always be called into question.  The proverb puts forth the notion that if just one of someone’s proclamations or statements is wrong, or something in a process is wrong, then the correctness, accuracy and truth of all the previous proclamations, statements and steps in a process need to be called into question.

What does the “Thirteenth Stroke of the Clock” have to do with Frisco Fire Department?  In a 13 Stroke attempt the city wants you to believe Glover is just the phenomenal department head who has transitioned all the negative out of the FD and things are just peachy now.  In their own attempt at the “Thirteenth Storke of the Clock,” on video in their own words, we have Mayor Jeff Cheney – lying, Butt Hurt Bill Woodard – lying, Angelia Pelham – lying, and Mr. Valor John Cheating Keating – lying!   

The most recent In-Service Meeting notes are no different than the 2011 Climate Report and all of that falls on the city, former city manager George Purefoy, the mayor and council and our newest tool – Wes Pierson.  You might think “that can’t be that much more left,” to uncover, but you would be wrong! In 2012 when the city went outside the department to hire (Mark Piland) that was a thorn in Lee Glovers’ side because in his mind he was always the successor to Mack Borchardt.  For ten years Glover had to watch a new Fire Chief, who could have cleaned house and fired him – but didn’t do the job he felt he was owed and deserved. 

In fact, the In-Service notes state that repeatedly “Glover would talk shit about the department at lunch, would brag about retiring, and not caring about the job,” but now he is the new Fire Chief.  The notes also say that some of the firefighters feel that they have seen their former Fire Chief Mark Piland more since he retired than they have Glover, since he took the position as the new Fire Chief. The most damming statement of all in the report, “We have managers and leaders.  Leaders we would follow to the end of our career.  The Fire Chief (Lee Glover) is NOT a leader!”

During the recent election cycles, the Mayor and City Council members all talked about how they valued our firefighters, as they treated them crap calling them lazy, greedy, and master manipulators / liars.  What do you think the result of that election was?  Well according to the notes “The PAC (run by Bill Woodard, funded by Cheney’s big developer friends) drug the name of the Frisco FD through the mud, damaging their image and trust with citizens.”  It goes on to say the secretly backed by the city PAC, “made poor judgement decisions using social media, and they crossed the line making attacks extremely personal and not about the issues. The city blurred the lines of politics by backdoor financing the political PAC, and the FD has lost complete trust in City Hall and the Council.”  Even further manipulation was when the Frisco Chamber of Commerce, who likes to play they are independent, but receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from the city, cut off the voices of the firefighters at their forum has left the FD with a very bad taste and lack of trust.  “We don’t trust them, and they don’t trust us!” 

When it comes to the City Manager, Wes Pierson the in-service notes said they don’t trust him or his judgement. Goes on to say since taking over in this city he has been dismissive, divisive, flat our ignored them, refuses to meet with them, and has been condescending to members of the FD fracturing a future relationship

The city wants you to believe they have done everything, given everything, spend ½ the annual budget for public safety and that the firefighters are just lazy!  Yet the city is running out of people to blame it on, and we have caught them boldly lying about Glover which means we now have to question everything else they have said in the past. The lies are on tape! Actual video evidence in their own words, LYING to citizens. We fully understand now why the FD has a lack of trust with the FD management, City Manager and Mayor + council.

Staffing is the biggest issue that was brought up over-and-over from the 2011 Climate Report to today.  This is the biggest tipping point: 3-person truck or 4-person truck. It makes me wonder why firefighters would be fighting so hard for staffing if it was not a problem.  We found a 5-year Strategic Staffing plan in one of the PIR’s that we filed.  It was done by Former Chief Mark Piland, and according to a city hall staffer this is what the Fire Chief turns into their boss – the city manager.  It stats the following:

FY 2018             Add 7 Positions                             Total FD Personal: 260

FY 2019               Add 8 Positions

FY 2020               Add 27 Positions

FY 2021               Add 13 Positions

FY 2022            Add 24 Positions                           Total FD Personal: 332        

Full Copy of 5-Year Strategic Plan written by Mark Piland:      

Based on that strategic plan – how many do you think we hired?  We have filed a PIR asking just that question.  We did pull up the FY 2023 Budget which has the Fire Department clearly listed by department area.  We wanted to focus on the “Tactical” personnel because when you call 911 that is the group that shows up at your front door.  On the “tactical personnel” side it shows they went from 230 in FY 2021 to 239 in FY 2023.  Yep 9 people! 

The strategic 5-year plan that Cheney talked about in the 2023 election is what city goes by, shows by FY 2023 we should have had 281 “tactical” positions.  Now the city council has been telling citizens we are staffed just fine at 239.  It really hit home for us when we looked at it visually on the organizational chart.  Frisco’s current population is 225,007 people, which makes us the 101 largest cities in the US and growing every day.  The actual FY 2023 budget for the FD covers 279 personnel across different areas of the department from administrative, fleet, tactical and more.   

If you look at the 5 Year Strategic plan Piland wrote in 2018 it shows for FY 2023 that we should have 332 personnel across the different areas of our fire department.  That is a difference of 53 personnel – most of those positions are on the “tactical side.”  Why did the city not meet the Strategic Plan in place?  We posted the video of Mayor Cheney in our last blog, and he is talking about how the city has a “strategic plan,” they go by, so why do the numbers not match the plan MAYOR?  Now I understand why the firefighters are so passionate about the staffing issues – it makes sense.  If staffing was an in issue in 2011 and then per the strategic plan for 2018 – 2023 we are short staffed that means we are WAY BEHIND THE 8 BALL.

Then we remembered, during the election at the Stonebriar Forum, Angelia Pelham said she liked to look at FACTS aka DATA.  She said in 5 years 57% of the Fire Department will be eligible for retirement.  Hold up, wait a minute!   As a resident that should concern you if you care about the welfare of your family.  While it is not likely, let’s pretend all 57% of our those eligible in our fire department decided to take retirement in 5 years because they are sick of “The Frisco Way” and if the city does not go along with the current strategic plan (which we have filed a PIR for) for the next 5 years, it could decimate our department. 

Let’s look at this another way.  It takes about 1 to 2 years to train a Firefighter with class and hands on experience. We also know through PIRs in Frisco and other cities that when it comes to candidate testing for new firefighters – they are not coming to Frisco.  They are going to other cities with a more favorable view of the fire department.  Let’s assume we were already short-staffed in 2011. Then the city has been short staffing the fire department against the advice of the Fire Chief for the last ten years, plus it fails to follow the current 5-year plan to hire 55 new firefighters, and then you add on 57% of our Fire Department chose to retire in 5 years when they hit eligibility, what does that mean?

It means we will face a catastrophic shortfall of well-trained experienced firefighters.  Our tenured firefighters have already been retiring and then going to other departments because they are not done working, they just don’t want to work in FRISCO anymore.  The best training comes from experience and the “tenured firefighters” give real life saving mentorship to new firefighters who have yet to go down a 10-to-15-year career.  If 57% leave in 5 years when eligible and the city which is already short staffed doesn’t follow the plan or hire more immediately than there will be no tenure in the department and that is a LIFE-OR-DEATH matter to firefighters, citizens and the council’s favorite…tourists. 

We reiterate, Mayor Cheney, Angelia Pelham, John Keating, Bill Woodard, and Laura Rummel (Livingston has remained quiet), have all talked about the increase of staffing when we open the new Fire Stations 10 & 11.  We wrote in depth about the Fire Department and Bonds in our blogpost 007 and if you have not read it, you should!  Voters approved Station 10 in the 2015 bond, and in 2019 they asked Voters to approve Station 11. 

Funny thing is they asked voters in 2023 to approve Fire Station 11 AGAIN along with a remodel of Station 4.  You paid for STATION 11 – 2 TIMES!  

Here is where we need you to buckle your seat belt. According to a leaked email we received, Station 11 has been scraped and put on an indefinite hold with no plan in the next several years to build it. YOUR COUNCIL MEMBERS RUNNING FOR OFFICE LIED TO YOUR FACE WHEN THEY SAID IT WAS IN THE WORKS AND ALREADY PLANNED OUT!   Remember every single one of the council members above said we will hire to staff the two new stations but in the 13th Stroke of the Clock there will be No Station 11 = NO HIRING OF FIREFIGHTERS.  We filed a PIR Friday for the status of Station 11 and all documents, notes, emails, and plans for it to confirm the email we have so let’s see if they turn it over. 

Our city council continues to lie to us, and we continue to take it with a grain of salt.  They probably sit in their executive sessions and laugh at how stupid we are because they continue to have the 13th Stroke of the Clock ring out and no one is putting 2 + 2 together.  Tick Tock, Tick Tock….

Turn Back Time

The ticking of time is the invisible heartbeat of our lives and affects every moment of our consciousness.  Time and self are in perpetual handshake – for example, a human trapped in a completely dark cave would still be governed by the circadian rhythms of their internal clocks.  There are many careers in which “time” is a critical component.  Metrologists have technology that is incredibly accurate to measure the passing of minutes, seconds.  Surgeons in an operating room live on a time clock and those who take too long could kill someone.  Professional surf boarders must be able to catch the perfect wave and football players have to make the play in a certain space of time or face penalties.  Various factors are crucial to our construction of the perception of time such as memory, concentration, emotion and the sense we have time is somehow located in space. 

When it comes to the job of a firefighter, time plays a critical component.  Imagine your house catching fire, flames coming out of the windows and roof line while you hear loud pop and bang sounds from things exploding inside.  As you watch the firefighters attack the house fire, you become almost paralyzed, and time comes to a standstill.  As you stand there seeing the chaos around you, it begins to feel like an eternity of time. For the firefighter the stress put on their body fighting your house fire can prompt their brain to speed up its internal processing which helps them face life or death situations. 

When the process began to search for a new chief, the firefighters quickly realized the city had an agenda and that former Assistant Fire Chief Lee Glover from the “Un-Happy Days” was about to be their new commanding officer and Chief.  The Frisco Firefighters Association did a survey and provided it to the City Manager and Council.  In Survey Says we told you about that survey and its results. Question 1: Do you want Interim Fire Chief Glover to be the next Fire Chief of the Frisco Fire Department?  Survey says … 92.5% said NO.  City Manager Wes Pierson and his office, along with City Council, were given the results and they chose to disregard the voice of some 200+ firefighters and make Lee Glover the new Fire Chief. 

When we were reading through the “In-Service Meeting” notes it was noted that firefighters believe it is their Chiefs job to fight for them and defend them but instead they feel Glover ignoring the staffing issues and only doing what is being asked of him by City Manager Wes Pierson.  They don’t believe their current leader and Chief supports them in any way and the result is they have no voice with city management and city officials.   One comment noted, “we are not being heard and it will take one of them dying before Glover or the city take notice of staffing issues.”

Who is responsible for hiring and firing in the city? Mayor Jeff Cheney addressed this issue in the 2023 Mayoral Campaign at the Star Patriots Candidate Forum. The Council hires the City Manager, and it is the city managers responsibility to manage and hire and fire department heads. If something goes wrong, you can bet Cheney will excuse himself from responsibility and put it all on Wes Pierson.

Another comment from the most recent notes reads, “we work under the fear of retaliation and feel we are disciplined for the simplest mistakes.”   We feel like we have heard this before – oh yeah, we have in the 2011 Climate Report when Lee Glover was the Assistant Fire Chief.  The 2011 Climate report reads “firefighters talk about getting in trouble for small things and being required to write memos on things they done (and re-writing them over and over until the Senior Officer is happy with it).”  It goes on to read “they are being threatened with their job, being moved to the day shift, being belittled, yelled and treated like children.”   Proof is in the pudding!

The “In-Service Meeting” notes also address promotions and annual evaluations.  Officers feel they meet their rankings, do their job, and then they are told they must do more than that to get to move up.  Now the promotional process is based on a “taskbook” which is a checklist that shows what a firefighter or officer understands and has been cleared in, to show they are proficient in the job they will be stepping into. It was recommended by one of the committees to implement the taskbook in 2025. The 50+ pages of notes said some complete the taskbook, but others can be prevented from completing it by the Battalion Chiefs which prevent them from testing.  One comment was the process was very “subjective” and “some are allowed to test, while and others are not allowed to test for promotions.”  We know from talking to several inside sources that just recently a handful of firefighters applied for the LT positions, and they were not allowed to test even though they qualified which matches the statements made by the firefighters at the meeting. We also learned that Fire Chief Lee Glover choose to ignore his committees (another complaint in the notes) and implement the taskbook requirement now and that did not give all the candidates time to complete it before the test.

After reading this, we honestly feel like we are on a Merry-Go-Round that is not so …merry.  We pulled up the 2011 Climate Report that reads “firefighters’ perceptions of the hiring and promotion process is that it is manipulated by the Chief and Senior Officers.”  It goes on to read “firefighters would like to see a hiring and promotion process established, published and followed that does not allow for manipulation of the data of tests and who is selected.”  So basically, what is in the 2011 Climate Report matches the feelings of the 2024 In-Service Meeting Notes and the one common denominator is … Fire Chief Lee Glover! 

We think that City Manager – Wes Pierson, Mayor Jeff Cheney, and the City Council suffer from Echolaia, which is the repetition or echoing of words that you hear someone else say.  If not Echolaia, then they suffer from insanity which is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.  If they don’t have either of those two medical conditions, well then, they suffer from just simple stupidity. Voltaire noted that the more often a stupidity is repeated, the more it appears to be wisdom. 

In a nutshell the council hopes we are “STUPID” and if they just repeat the same thing over and over, we will begin to believe it.  They are like Dorothy in the Wizard of OZ clicking together her ruby red slippers but instead of saying there is no place like home they are saying Chief Glover is the best, Chief Glover is the best!  Just look at Mayor Jeff Cheney at the Star Patriot forum in 2023 when he was running for re-election.  After seeing the FFA Survey showing a vote of NO CONFIDENCE in the new Fire Chief Lee Glover, he went to a candidate forum and directly lied to our faces talking about how great Glover was and how he was already improving things at the fire department.  LET THAT SINK IN FRISCO RESIDENTS:  MAYOR CHENEY KNOWINGLY LIED DIRECTLY TO VOTERS and thought he would never get caught.

Remember, the entire goal of the city and its leadership at all levels these past two years has been to blame Piland, blame the power grab on the “small portion of firefighters”, and to blame anyone and everyone but themselves. They have LIED…. and in the most recent election for the propositions the Frisco Fire Association even made a video pointing that out.

The only mistake the City of Frisco and Frisco City Council made was thinking people would not get tired of their BS and start to pay attention. That failure is what allowed the Whistleblowers to rise up!

Stay Tuned for Final Part 4…  

Wasted Time

Did you know each new day brings us 24 hours, 1440 minutes, or 86,000 seconds.  When we were kids, my mom used to say don’t waste a damn minute of your life because each second, each minute, each hour, is loaned to us by God.  One day when you meet him, he is going to ask you how effectively you used that time.  I developed the same fascination with time and when my kids were growing up, they would always say, “dad, do you have a minute?”  I would reply with a poem I heard or learned (can’t remember where or who wrote it).

I have only just a minute, only 60 seconds in it;

forced upon me; can’t refuse it;

didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it.

But it’s up to me just how I use it.

I must suffer if I lose it, give account if I abuse it.

Just a tiny little minute, but eternity is in it.

When you waste time on a useless task, activity or endeavor you are essentially choosing to squander 24 hours, 1440 minutes, or 86,000 seconds.  Now you are probably wondering why we are writing about time, well lately we have been pondering how much wasted time it will take our City Manager – Wes Pierson, Mayor Jeff Cheney, Bill Woodard, Angelia Pelham, John Keating and the rest of the council to “man up.” 

During the most recent election for council John Keating knowingly spread false accusations about his opponent from any microphone handed to him.  We were curious after knowingly spreading false lies and false accusations saying Retired Fire Chief Mark Piland was fired and the cause of the problem in the Fire Department, will he “MAN UP” now and publicly apologize after reading the 50+ page In-Service notes?  I mean he has the 2011 Climate Report and now 50+ pages of In-Service notes all pointing to the same person – Chief Lee Glover! According to his own soap box moment he should step up and do the right thing for our firefighters and former city employees because in a few years he is going to ask us to vote for him for MAYOR! 

In the world of a firefighter seconds and minutes in a fire fight are very important and as they are risking their life. That is why reviewing these 50+ pages of notes from the mandatory June In-Service Meeting are so important. For them to do the job well they need to understand the training and vision for the department.  According to the most recent in-service notes, the most alarming statement made was that the firefighters still have no idea of Glovers “vision” for the department outside of the Strategic Plan. 

Communication or should we say the lack of communication was the next big topic.  Firefighters have concerns over the lack of visibility and communications from Chief Glover.  It was noted that Chief Glover does not even take the time to send an e-mail to motivate the department after catastrophic events.   They also don’t believe Glover listens or consults with his committees which could help him build relationships with those under his command.

After reading the part about communication I thought back to a recent story on the news about the storms hitting Fire Fighter Row in Celina.  Imagine you are a firefighter enjoying a nice sleep and you awake to alarms and the sound of wind pushing in the walls of your home.  You quickly realize your entire street is in the eye of a tornado and when it is all over, several neighbors who are also firefighters in the same department have their homes destroyed and your normal life just became chaotic in minutes. Would you expect a phone call from your Chief asking how you and your family were doing?  Would you expect an email to go out from the Chief asking the command staff and front-line members to pray and donate their time to help with the clean up or whatever needs to be done? As the Chief, would you grab your clothes and tools and head out the door to support your brotherhood in person? The Frisco Firefighter’s Association showed up, raised money for the families, spent countless days cleaning up and lending hands. How long do you think it took Chief Lee Glover to do any of these things? Tick Tock, Tick Tock the seconds and minutes pass and the hands just go around the clock!

The firefighters feel they are on a path with the Fire Chief and City Manager of do more with less which the In-Service notes say is destroying morale.  The frontline feels they are falling behind and going backwards.  One comment was the firefighters have been left to drowned and the emotional and mental beat down is affecting the whole department.

What will it take for City Manager -Wes Pierson to drop his arrogant attitude, “MAN UP” and simply do his job?  What will it take for the Mayor and City Council to admit the problem was never Fire Chief Mark Piland but a problem of their own doing that was 1000% avoidable?  Rewind the clock and go back to the 2011 Climate Report that we talked about in our article Humpty Dumpty, which stated that then Fire Chief, Mack Borchardt and upper management command staff had run the department into the ground. That report led to the city council demanding he be “let go” but his good ole buddy City Manager, George Purefoy got him a nice and rather large retirement package. Then Purefoy gives him a golden parachute job in the City Manager’s office so the two best buddies could be together forever. Well, Purefoy retired but Borchardt is still with the city, in the same job today, making 6 figures and has a city vehicle? 

The 2011 Climate Report also named Assistant Chief Lee Glover at the time as part of the problem which is why he was not named Chief in 2012, and the city brought it in Mark Piland. Now they want to you to believe Piland is the problem – yet the Association did not go for Civil Service under Piland. There are no 50+ page reports of Piland’s bad leadership and his yearly EVAL’s have him top notch. We are not saying things were perfect nothing ever is but it does seem the department was making changes and progress in the right direction. Now the City Manager and Council want you to believe Piland is a disgruntled employee and the “cancer” that plagued the department, because they had to hide that HR falsified documents. Even though they knew Glover’s past and previous issues (of which there are many) they choose to make him the new Fire Chief. Now that the bubble has burst and the public knows the systemic problems of 2011 followed Glover (old dogs don’t develop new habits) into his role as the current Fire Chief, they want you to believe a new story. Now everything is the fault of the Frisco Firefighter’s Association because they want more personnel to do their job safely and better workman’s comp benefits.

Here is where we are hung up, why, in what world or universe, did the City Manager Wes Pierson or the Frisco City Council think making Lee Glover the new Fire Chief was a good idea?  A wise man once said if you repeat the mistakes of the past don’t expect a different outcome! After slowly making progress and change the last 10 years, in a department filled with trust issues, today our fire department is back in 2011. They are unhappy, the days of fear and lack of trust have resurfaced, have a City Manager who could not give two shXts and a City Council who blames the issues on the men and woman of the association, which is almost our whole department for the problem.

IT IS TIME FOR A COME TO JESUS as my mother used to say with the belt in her hand. Every single member on our city council, minus Brian Livingston have spoken against the men and woman in our Fire Department. Our City Manager has an ego bigger than the State of Texas and according to insiders in several departments, his arrogance is destroying the city from the inside out and he turns his nose up to the concerns of the Fire Department. At this point they will all have to pull a rabbit out of hat to blame next because we are pretty sure they are running out of employees to blame it on as they clean house to cover things up. Want the STEVE AUSTIN “COLD HARD TRUTH” …. The CITY COUNCIL IS THE PROBLEM; THE CITY MANAGER IS THE PROBLEM AND THE CURRENT FIRE CHIEF LEE GLOVER IS THE PROBLEM! Until citizens “wake up ” we will just let the clock go “Tick Tock, Tick Tock!”

Stay Tuned for Part 3…

Guilty of Gaslighting?

The other day I was reading an article about the most common 6 phrases people say to gaslight and manipulate you.  What is gaslighting? It is a manipulation tactic often wielded by emotional disruptive abusers and is insidious in nature making it hard for a person to recognize the tactic is happening.  What happens when someone tries to gaslight you?

Gradually you begin to question your own judgement, memories, feelings and questioning reality.  The article quoted therapist Shannon Thomas who stated that “people who cannot authentically argue their point of view or stand behind their words turn to gaslighting as a tool.”  She went on to say ’they resort to confusion creating tactics, and that it really is a true sign of character weakness.

It made me think back to our recent elections and the mixed messaging the city tried to sell to citizens while attacking our Frisco Firefighters relentlessly while also saying they support our first responders and dedicate at least ½ our annual budget to public safety.  They also attacked and tried to destroy the reputation of Former Fire Chief, Mark Piland by saying he was the problem and the reason for the low morale.  The solution, to make Lee Glover, the new “SAVING GRACE” Fire Chief. Based on the In-Service notes we have reviewed, the city may have failed “BIG TIME” and the leader driving the bus is our very own City Manager, Wes Pierson!

After the election was over there was a large disdain between our Fire Department and the city so they planned a weeklong set of In-Service Meetings, aka “Healing Sessions” to listen to the firefighters’ concerns.  We filed a PIR for anything related to those meetings and after reading the 50+ page report of notes one thing became very clear, the city council knowingly and repeatedly lied to citizens during the election.

Example 1:  The Vote No PAC, funded by Frisco Developers, and run by Mayor Pro Tem Bill Woodard

Councilman Woodard was interviewed by Jack Fink with CBS Texas and when asked why the Fire Fighters were bringing the propositions to the ballot, he specifically said due to the “FORMER LEADERSHIP” of the department, referring to Former Fire Chief Mark Piland.  We assumed we would see some of those issues noted in this 50+ page report, however only 2 comments were made, which is one the environment is a little more relaxed now (uniforms) and that Piland may have tended to over communicate to the department. 

However, they had a lot to say about the current Fire Chief, Lee Glover.   When it comes to budgeting and purchasing new equipment, they feel the Chief Glover is out of touch with today’s firefighting tactics.  Firefighters said Glovers’ only tactic since arriving has been cost cutting measures to look good to the City Manager’s Office and council and that means he his neglecting his duty to his command.

Remember the Blood Program, otherwise known as which was carried by the Squad Unit? Refresh your memory by reading our older articles “Another One Bites The Dust” and “Make It Look Pretty.” At the time Councilman Woodard was the “city mouthpiece” across social media supporting Glover’s decision to end the Squad program and transfer the blood program to two battalion chief vehicles.  The report talks about Glover’s cost cutting measures and how the firefighters believe removing the Squad Unit and transferring the Blood Program was a huge failure as it took away two extra working people on calls and losing the expertise of the Squad members could be and will be deadly to citizens.   

What is the end result of the firefighter’s statement above about their concerns with Glover being out of touch with today’s firefighting tactics?   Chief Glover has cut valid programs, training and they believe he is purchasing the wrong equipment.  Glover has also de-incentivized training under his command, and today they have less training which is dangerous.   Courses and training are required for promotions to the next rank and other departments pay for employees to attend training, but Glover is telling his command to “put stock in your own training.”  As for equipment, Glover is buying more Quints -the big bulky fire trucks of the old days, which are hard to get around the neighborhood’s tight and crowded streets.  The firefighters prefer more engines and tillers. We are told engines are quicker and shorter in size making them a better choice. We are also told the tillers are an advantageous truck because they can go anywhere, carries more tools and is quicker to vent with 107’ ladder. 

Are we done yet?  Oh no, we are just getting started!  There is so much to go over that we are going to break it up into multiple articles this week.  Tonight, we leave you with three questions:

1. Why is the City Council and City Manager gaslighting residents into believing all of these issues are due to Former Fire Chief Piland who was endorsed by the Frisco Firefighters Assocation this year during the election?

2. Why is the City Council and City Manager gaslighting residents into thinking the problem is our Fire Association, who they called Greedy Bastards, power hungry and lazy during the election?

3. Why is the City Council and City Manager dying on a sharp sword for Fire Chief Lee Glover who in all respects to his command his nowhere to be found and neglecting his duty to his command?

We leave you with a strong remark in the In-Service notes which we stated above, “Firefighters believe Glover’s only goal is to look good to the City Manager’s Office and City Council which results in him neglecting his duty to his command.” ….. come back tomorrow for part two


Stolen Valor at Frisco City Hall

Recently we received an email that read “I follow your page and have always wanted to speak out as a Veteran in this town. I hope you will share my thoughts on your page. I have titled it Stolen Valor at Frisco City Hall. Sincerely, a Frisco Veteran”

Hello Frisco Veteran, and of course we would be more than happy to share your thoughts with our readers. Below is the letter that was attached to this email. Nothing in the attachment has been changed or altered. Thank you for your service and for following our page. Enjoy!

The Frisco Veterans Memorial located in Frico Commons Park is a testament to the men and women who served in uniform. You can take an audio tour to learn about the Memorial and it’s meaning for veterans and the residents of Frisco. The Battlefield Cross, Wall of Honor and Gold Star Families Memorial Monument remind us of the sacrifices our men and women in uniform made in service to our country.

This struggle and sacrifice aren’t exclusive to members of the armed forces, it’s just as meaningful for our Police Officers, Firefighters and First Responders. We’ve had devastating accidents happen to our Frisco Police Officers and Firefighters in the line of duty and the effects are still being felt by the victims and their families.

Supporting those injured in the line of duty is our responsibility yet when the opportunity came for City Hall to do the right by a Firefighter, our City Manager Wes Pierson failed. Cameron Kraemer was a former Assistant Fire Chief for the City of Frisco for 27 years, yet he was fired after the City of Frisco denied his Workers Compensation claim for PTSD. In late 2023, the Texas Department of Insurance ordered the City of Frisco to pay Mr. Kraemer his back benefits via lump sum. On August 2nd, 2024, Mr. Kraemer filed a Wrongful Termination suit against the City of Frisco after the DOJ ruled that he could sue.

Frisco City Manager Wes Pierson’s actions toward Mr. Kraemer sent a terrible message to our Police Officers, Firefighters and First Responders. Mr. Pierson destroyed any credibility he had with the Police and Fire Department, to make matters worse every time the courts rules in Mr. Kraemer’s favor the distrust and resentment grows.

The City of Frisco claims to be a “Veteran Friendly City” and has multiple events that celebrate and honor our veterans. Often when people think about veterans, they think about our service members abroad. Our Police Officers and Firefighters put their life on the line, every day in service to our community and should be treated with the same level of honor and respect. Next time you see Mr. Pierson at a Veterans function or event with Police Officers or Firefighters, Never Forget his act of Stolen Valor against Mr. Kraemer.

Breaking News: Big Time Casino Payout

If you live in Frisco, then you should know the name Cameron Kraemer.  Kraemer, the former Assistant Fire Chief, was fired after 27+ years with the city.  During his time with the Frisco Fire Department, he served as Deputy Chief, Battalion Chief, Captain, Lieutenant, Firefighter and Paramedic.   But last year in 2023 Kraemer’s name was the subject of many headlines.  Community Impact’s headline read, “Frisco Assistant Fire Chief Kraemer fired after nearly 30 years” and The Dallas Express headline read, “Local Assistant Fire Chief Kraemer Fired.”

Why would the City of Frisco fire such a long-standing employee?  Kraemer’s history with the city goes deep, his dad Tom Kraemer, who recently passed away, worked for the city’s communications department for around 19 years.  A Facebook post by the Frisco Fire Fighters Association on May 2, 2023 read, “Regrettably, Assistant Chief Kraemer has been terminated by the City of Frisco after 27 years of service, without being given the opportunity to go through the appeals process and contested case hearings,” the post read in part.  The post went on to say that Kraemer went on leave in August 2022 for post-traumatic stress disorder.  According to the Frisco Fire Fighters Association, Kraemer filed for workers’ compensation for PTSD in December 2022, citing Section 504.019 of the Texas Labor Code. The department denied Kraemer’s claim. He is appealing the decision.  The post closed with the following remark, “It is disheartening to witness the dismissal of a Firefighter with significant tenure in this way, particularly in a city that prides itself on its care and regard for its employees.”

At Frisco Chronicles, we felt something smelled like a freshly cooking, Cowboy Cow Pile Patty, smoldering in our Texas 110-degree summer heat.  That is a nice way of saying something smelled like ShXt.   We started to dig, and we uncovered some dirty back door dealings about the city which we disclosed in our 12 days of Christmas Articles (check the archives).   We were curious what would happen next with Kraemer, and we didn’t have to wait long to find out. 

Cameron Kraemer took his workers’ compensation case before the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) claiming he was undergoing treatment for long-term post-traumatic stress when the city terminated him and denied his claims for medical coverage.  On September 21, 2023, the case went before the TDI in Dallas and the administrative law judge who heard the case ordered the City of Frisco, which is self-insured, to pay Kraemer benefits and any accrued but unpaid income benefits in a lump sum with interest as provided by law. 

On October 12, 2023, the Frisco Firefighters Association released a Press Release that was posted to their Facebook page that reads, “The state ruled that Cameron’s injury was compensable under the workers’ compensation law. We are working with the Texas State Association of Fire Fighters to review Cameron’s options for going forward.”  Attached to the post was a Press Release and it quotes Matthew Sapp, President of the Frisco Fire Fighters Association, as saying “Cameron Kraemer was undergoing treatment for LINE-OF-DUTY injuries clearly recognized by the state legislature and medical experts, but the City of Frisco CHOSE TO BREAK THE LAW, deny him insurance coverage and terminate him.”  The press release noted: The city WASTED TAXPAYER RESOURCES on this case! 

The win was also reported across local news and newspapers.  The Dallas Morning News headline reads “Frisco Firefighter fired while on medical leave WINS WORKERS’ COMP CASE.”  The article noted Kraemer was still undergoing treatment for long-term post-traumatic stress disorder.  Kraemer is quoted as saying, “They took away my job, it took away all my benefits, they took away everything, and they wanted me to retire.” Kraemer refused to retire and went through the appeals process. “I’m still young so I’m penalized for retiring before the age of 50 as a first responder. I’m only 46,” he said. “And the reality is I’ve got three teenagers, and they had to walk through this process with us.   And the amount of strain and tension and stress and anxiety that it puts on the house, you can’t even quantify it.”

While many don’t believe that PTSD is a real issue, it is! Ask yourself this, if you saw a 45-foot Frisco Fire Truck back up and pin a fellow firefighter against the wall of a city building, then after you had to clean up the blood and bodily fluids at the scene and notify the fellow firefighter’s family, COULD YOU HANDLE IT?   The incident, discussed in the DMN articles is what Cameron Kraemer and our fellow Frisco Firefighters see every day!  As a holistic person I can only imagine the impact it has on your mind, body, spirit and soul.  Do you think Sassy Lauren Safranek, the City HR Director, or any of our fellow city council members have witnessed anything like this or worse?  How about seeing it throughout your 27-year career, are you sure you could handle it?

Truthfully, my wife and I could not imagine seeing the devastation and destruction these men and woman in both our Police and Fire departments see daily.   You probably think the city did the right thing but of course they didn’t.  Instead, they sent their attack boar Bobblehead Bill Woodard on social media to pass out false information on Kraemer’s case and attack our first responders during the most recent election.  Why is a city councilman releasing personal details in an ongoing case on social media?   We are glad he did because it made our spidey little senses rise and we started investigating and will write about that in our next article.

Where is Cameron Kraemer now?  Well, he is still receiving treatment, and his case had to go before the DOJ to determine if he was able to sue the city for his wrongful termination.  Yesterday, we learned from sources inside the city that the DOJ ruled Kramer can sue and we are betting he wins big time! Meanwhile Bobblehead Bill Woodard wants you to believe our firefighters are lazy (his words during the May 2024 election), however it is not in their nature to lay down without a fight.  Kraemer is going to use the legal process to take a wrecking ball to the city in court, which he should!  Infact, the case was filed on 8/2/2024 in Collin Countys 416th District Court under case number 416-05201-2024.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU THE TAXPAYER?  That means taxpayers on top of spending money on Performing Arts Centers, downtown revitalization, and the upcoming Grand Park, will also be subject to a BIG TIME CASINO LIKE PAYOUT to Cameron Kraemer and rightfully so!  To be direct, the city who lolly gagged around, could have tried to settle this issue but choose to swing their cajónes around and now taxpayers will foot the bill for it.  NOW YOU CAN SEE WHY THEY ARE ABOUT TO ANNOUNCE THEY ARE RAISING OUR TAXES!

Tick-Tock: Tax Increase

Tick-tock, tick-tock sounds the clock!  Days go by, and the tick-tock never seems to stop.  Meanwhile City of Frisco leadership sits behind closed doors while we watch the clock, just tick-tock!  Precious moments fading away and citizens still are not standing up to ask, is everything okay?  What happens when time runs out…?  Tick-tock they will try to approve a $300-$500 million dollar Performing Arts Center and announce they plan to raise taxes!

Back on June 18th at the Budget and Audit Committee Meeting we learned from the agenda that both the Committee Chair – Councilman Bill Woodard and Committee Members –Councilwomen Angelia Pelham and Laura Rummel were present.  They had a discussion regarding the “PRELIMINARY FY 2025 Budget” and our Chief Financial Officer, Derrick Cotton talked about potential revenue generating items.  It is the last paragraph where it says Mr. Cotton talks about the “Homestead Exemption” and presented changes in the adjusted taxable values and discussed a possible tax rate change for FY25 that had our attention.

They plan to pick up the discussion this Tuesday August 6th at 3pm at the next Budget and Audit Committee Meeting.  Then we noticed Tuesday nights city council meeting Agenda Item 32 calls for a public hearing on the FY 25 budget.  In fact, the city memo reads “Consider and act upon adoption of a Resolution calling for a public hearing on the City of Frisco FY 2025 Budget, Frisco Economic Development Corporation FY 2025 Budget, and Frisco Community Development Corporation FY 2025 Budget. (Budget/TA)”

Why does a city call for a public hearing on the potential adoptions of the budget?  Well according to Texas Local Government Code, Title 4: Finances, Subtitle A – Municipal Finances, Chapter 102 – Municipal Budget (wow that’s a mouth full) there are several reasons.  Section 102.005 specifically states that if they are proposing a budget change it must be available for public inspection.

(b)  A proposed budget that will require raising more revenue from property taxes than in the previous year must contain a cover page with the following statement in 18-point or larger type:  “This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year’s budget by (insert total dollar amount of increase and percentage increase), and of that amount (insert amount computed by multiplying the proposed tax rate by the value of new property added to the roll) is tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year.”

Once they conclude that so called “PUBLIC HEARING” they can adopt a budget according to the law.  So based on what they have been discussing, based on the public hearings they have quietly posted, we can guarantee you the city is about to announce a Tax Increase!  Right now, those city leaders are just hoping you are not paying attention and all the other political distractions around the country will keep you from recognizing the destructive path they are.

Now you should say, wait a damn minute Mayor Cheney – you just ran a year ago on the fact you have lowered taxes.  Let’s not forget John Keating and Angelia making the 2024 rounds campaigning for your vote claiming they lowered taxes and plan to continue lowering taxes, but all the while they knew they were going to propose an out of this world Performing Arts Center and raise taxes.  

Didn’t this city council pull out all the stops to get votes to VOTE NO against the Fire Fighters because they claimed it “WOULD INCREASE TAXES” when they already knew they were going to do it anyways? What they were not telling you then is they planned to raise taxes but just for things they want for their own selfish reasons. Who cares what citizens actually need….

In a time when inflation is high and we are facing a presidential election these mice are running around in the clock hoping we don’t pay attention to the TICK-TOCK, TICK-TOCK of the clock.  If any one of our council members vote to raise taxes – VOTE THEM OUT!  Why are we, one of the flushest cities, according to Cheney talking about revenue generating ways for the city to make money.   It is simple, CHENEY-VILLE COSTS A LOT TO BUILD.  The old red head wants you to just do as he say’s and not ask questions ASK QUESTIONS!

You’ve Been Blocked

While we know there are a few who don’t care for Frisco Chronicles (guess who), every day our viewership and website traffic continue to grow.  We are getting more emails from fellow whistleblowers tired of the way the City of Frisco staff and leaders continue to operate behind closed doors.  Obviously with our popularity growth you can imagine some leaders don’t like the attention and decided to block us from their official and unofficial social media pages so we 1) can not comment, call them out, or ask questions and 2) because they think that it will stop us from finding out what they are doing. 

According to the ACLU, one of the core purposes of the First Amendment is to allow people, regardless of their views, to hold the government accountable through expressions.  That means if an elected representative has an official Facebook page where they invite comments, they cannot block you from the social media page.  In 2019, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the interactive portion of a public official’s Facebook page is a “public forum,” so an official cannot block people from it because of the opinions they hold.  However, in recent years the question of blocking or deleting comments has gone back to the Supreme Court for further review.  

In March 2024, the issue again was before the U.S. Supreme Court that ruled public officials who post about topics relating to their work on their personal social media accounts are acting on behalf of the government, and therefore can be held liable for violating the First Amendment when they block their critics, only when they have the power to speak on behalf of the state and are actually exercising that power.   The key is in bold lettering “when they have the power to speak on behalf of the state (or city).   Jeff Cheney can block us from his personal page or business page claiming that he is not speaking on behalf of the city, and it is his personal comments.  If you ask us, he uses both his personal and business page to post at the mayor which is clear from just two recent posts in 2024.

On an official page it becomes a very slippery slope.  Can he block us from his official Mayor Jeff Cheney page – we would argue no because he is clearly using that to speak from his position as Mayor on behalf of the city.  The city has not told the council to shut their OFFICIAL PAGES down because they have no authority to speak on behalf of the city and communicate city information.  So technically by them allowing them to have official pages they are in essence approving each one of them as a spokesman for the city.

We decided to file a PIR this year on May 11th that reads, “Copy of the list of “BLOCKED USERS” which can be found under Settings & Privacy, then “Blocking” related to the city council’s official “Social Media” pages or personal pages used for political purposes or posts: Any pages in which they communicate any official city business or city news. For Example: Brian Livingston For Frisco, Official FB Page for Angelia Pelham, Frisco City Council Place 3, and her page Angelia Pelham Official Page for Mayor Jeff Cheney Official FB Page and personal page Jeff Cheney, Bill Woodard serves in Place 4 on the Frisco City Council Tammy Meinershagen Official FB Page, John Keating For Frisco Official Page and John Keating personal page Laura Rummel, Frisco City Council Place 5 and personal page Laura Rummell.

The city then waited until May 24th to send us a message asking for “CLARIFICATION” of our request.  They always wait out the 10 days to respond to delay PIRs.  On May 30th we wrote back and attached a clarification letter that reads:  Per your letter “requesting” clarification we hope this helps: 1. Platform: Facebook 2. Accounts: Any FACEBOOK account that a current City Council Member or Mayor has where they post topics related to their work (on city council or for the city) that are effectively communicating or acting on behalf of city government as that one would assume the information presented is being done so by a representative for the council.  For example, Mayor Jeff CheneyAngelia Pelham, John Keating for Frisco, Laura Rummell, Bill Woodard, Brian Livingston and Tammy Meinershagen.   Then we provided instructions on how to find the “blocked list” of users on their pages so they would not have to search for it. 

Well as you can imagine our CITY and CITY LEADERS who claim to listen to their constituents, be transparent, and work on our behalf and not their own selfish interests turned over the blocked list for each of their pages with no issue!  JUST KIDDING!  Of course they didn’t turn them over.  Instead, we got the following note back from the City Secretary that reads, “Following a request for clarification, the scope of the request was narrowed to Facebook platform only. The City of Frisco has reviewed your request and has determined that the information you are seeking does not fall within the definition of public information as defined by the Public Information Act.  As a result, there are NO DOCUMENTS responsive to your request.”

To be fair we didn’t expect they would turn over anything from their personal Facebook pages, but we were hopeful they would be transparent and turn over the blocked list from the official pages of council members. Ask yourself, why would City Council leaders block any constituent or resident they represent?  Why would they block Frisco Chronicles?  Why would they block anyone who spends money in Frisco which is tax revenue for them?  Direct from the horse’s mouth “Jeff Cheney” we heard over the last two elections “we listen to our residents, and we are totally transparent” yet he has blocked numerous people from his official mayoral page.  In fact, he has blocked almost everyone who disagrees with him or calls him out.   Residents should be asking if you are really working hard for us, then WHY WOULD YOU BLOCK ANYONE?  They block those who disagree or want to speak out against something like the upcoming Performing Arts Center that they plan to shove down our throats for $500 million dollars.  They don’t want you to see those who disagree or argue that what they are doing is wrong.   If that does not concern you, it should! 

We believe it is very humorous that city leaders have blocked Frisco Chronicles aka Whistleblower because in their private comments to other city leaders and citizens, they say Frisco Chronicles is no big deal, they are not worried about us, we are not important, no one is reading and following along with our reports.  Truth is they are scared to death, and they are questioning every day who they can trust.  Newsflash folks … people in the inner circle are singing like canary’s.  Have something to say reach out to us by email FriscoWhistleBlower@protonmail.com – we protect all sources and never reveal identities.

It’s Official – Texas Atty General

Our team members have filed a complaint with the Texas Attorney General in regard to the City of Frisco and Public Information Requests. The city has been notified and we will see how things roll out in the coming weeks.

Time after time we send requests to a city who likes to claim they are TRANSPARENT when really, they are using every avenue to withhold information from the public. We are hopeful the Texas AG will see that the City of Frisco is using their office to weaponize and withhold public information.

Let truth be told!

Cheney & Commercial Real Estate

Recently we noticed our Mayor Jeff Cheney took a trip to Las Vegas on taxpayer dollars.  Where did he go?  Las Vegas for the annual global real estate ICSC Convention which stands for International Council of Shopping Centers’ annual global real estate convention.  According to the website, it is the world’s largest gathering of real estate professionals.  It is a two- to three-day gathering of dealmakers and industry experts, who are driving innovation and evolution in commercial real estate.  The event provides an opportunity for attendees to network, learn about the latest trends in retail real estate, and do business with thousands of exhibitors.

The website states the exhibit hall features over 1,200 exhibitors showcasing their products and services. These exhibitors include retailers, shopping center owners, developers, architects, and other vendors.  Another important aspect is the networking opportunities. The event provides attendees with numerous opportunities to connect with other industry professionals, including receptions, parties, and other social events. These events allow attendees to make new contacts, share ideas, and form partnerships that can help them succeed in the retail real estate market.

Many local Frisco residents have questioned if Mayor Cheney uses his position as Mayor to help his personal business The Cheney Group, a real estate firm. Before we assumed the worst, we asked ourselves, why would he go to this convention on taxpayer dollars?  What would the value to the city be? According to the expense report we found it says he went with the Frisco Economic Development Corporation. 

In an email to Karla Horton, Jeff Cheney who uses his business email to conduct city business submits his receipt with a note that states to please consider the Saturday night stay and the food and beverage expenses to be personal expenses and do not file those for reimbursement.  The only items for reimbursement would be the Sunday and Monday hotel room charges which comes to $1140.60. 

Just looking at the expense report we have some serious questions.  First, we noticed the room was in Jeff Cheney of The Retail Connection in Dallas, Texas. What is The Retail Connection? Then it states his departure date as 5/19/24 and return date as 5/20/24 but there are hotel charges on his ARIA Invoice for 5/18, 5/19, and 5/20.  Why is he expensing two nights for a hotel when his report states he left on the 19th and returned on the 20th?  Why not expense one night?  How did he get to Las Vegas?  Where is his expense for airfare? 

When he travels to the city, he does have a per diem amount towards food, but he noted in his email to the city that the food expenses should not be submitted to the city as they are personal expenses.   Then we noticed a charge that reads “$25 ARIA Refreshment Center charge for $25.00”.  On two of the days, he was charged once for that but on 5/19 we see the charge twice.  Then we noticed on 5/18 (the personal day) he hung out at the pool because there is a charge at the ARIA Pool Service Bar of $100.53.   Then we noticed on he must have hung out at the pool bar on 5/19 the day he was supposed to be at the convention because there is another charge for the Pool Service Bar of $70.73.  Plus, he has an additional charge on 5/19 at the ARIA Salt & Ivy Café Food for $95.11. 

We are still questioning how the Frisco EDC and Mayor Cheney traveling to Las Vegas for a commercial real estate industry event would benefit the city?  The website for the convention mentioned attendees can expect to meet with key decision makers from the shopping center industry, connect and network with over 34,000 attendees and 1,000 exhibitors, view the latest industry products and services that are critical to your business, take part in professional development courses, and educational opportunities for retail real estate professionals.   Lastly you get to attend after parties and industry networking events and do a year’s worth of business in just three days.

The Cheney Group has a dedicated agent to the commercial real estate market so the question we continue to have, is the trip beneficial to his personal business because we can’t see what city business he would have there. What do you think?

$100,000 Question

Do you love Amazon?  It is hard to believe that there is one website where you could literally scroll and find anything and everything you want.  Half the time, you can find items to buy that you did not even know you need, until low and behold your eyes see it!   The dangers of scrolling can hit the pocketbook.  We like to look at how the city spends our tax dollars, and it is kind of like Amazon. They spend money like they are shopping on Amazon, adding items to the cart and when they are bored they just look for something that tickles their fancy.

Imagine our surprise when scrolling through the city agendas, we found another interesting item from the July 2nd City Council Meeting related to purchasing authority.  Daniel Ford, Director of Administrative Services sent a memo to the Mayor, Members of the Frisco City Council, and cc’d in Wes Pierson – City Manager and E.A. Hoppe – Assistant City Manager asking them to consider a change to the ordinance granting purchasing authority to the City Manager or his/her designee for all budgeted items not exceeding $100,000.

In 2017, the City Council approved a threshold increase from $25,000 to $50,000.  Why are they now wanting to change it to $100,000?   The memo states the request is being made to streamline the contract approval process, expedite routine non-controversial purchases, and to reduce the administrative burden on staff, while maintaining compliance and transparency.    The word transparency made us laugh!

The memo goes on to read that in 2018 the purchasing of items on the consent agenda was 117 for the full year.  Now they claim it has gone up to 245 for the full year and this change would reduce the administrative and processing time for putting council items together by almost two weeks.  It also states the increase would allow more flexibility and efficiency to handle these agreements.  HOW DOES MAINTAINING TRANSPARENCY AND FLEXIBILITY GO TOGETHER?  

Would you be surprised to learn that Agenda Item #30 passed and was APPROVED 6 – 0.  The new ORDINANCE 2024-07-32 basically allows the city to spend more with less oversight.  How is that transparent?  Who determines what is a ROUTINE AND NON-CONTROVERSIAL purchase?  Oh yeah, the city determines that that!  If one of the council members knocked on your door and said I need 100,000, don’t ask questions, just trust me, would you? The staff is asking to reduce the administrative burden they face so they want to be paid the same but have their workload made easier or do less work. 

Does anyone besides us see an issue with this Ordinance?  Interesting how they threw it on the agenda before the Summer Vacation break, don’t you think?  Why does the city always claim they are taking steps to be more TRANSPARENT, yet they send almost every single PIR to the Attorney General and hide information from the public?  If you think this is a bad change then you should email your city council and city manager. Now they claim in this memo they want to spend more with less oversight to be more transparent. 

Performance-Based Incentives

We have told you before you can learn a lot about what the city is trying to do by reviewing city council meeting agendas.  We noticed the Frisco City Council approved a master agreement on July 2nd with a company called FW Development LLC.   The master agreement provides up to $94.5 million in “PERFORMANCE-BASED INCENTIVES” to the developer of the $660 million mixed-use development known as Fields West.  The goal is to ensure the developer adheres to its intended construction timeline and scheduled opening date.

Who is FW Development, LLC or Fields West?  Well, it was created by The Karahan Co. which is owned by Fehmi Karahan.  According to sources we spoke to inside the city, they believe the project will help achieve the council’s directive to activate North Frisco.   The Dallas Business Journal made mention of it, along with that the project is expected to bring in $400 million annually in new sales and purchases for Frisco.

We went back to watch the meeting and we learned that Mayor Jeff Cheney recused himself from the vote.  We are guessing he did this because of this known relationship between The Cheney Group and the residential part of Fields (aka The Preserve).  However, his little marionettes knew what to do and approved it in a 6-0 vote.   After watching the vote, we are curious why John Keating participated in the vote.  Remember, he recently recused himself from a Fields vote due a to “conflict” because he was going to be closing soon on a lot in The Preserve.    

In the discussion of the project, Keating talked about how he remembers years ago going on a walkthrough of Legacy West with Fehmi Karahan.  He remembers the attention to detail in the development from the park benches, to how the bricks were laid in the crosswalk, and how it is lit up at night so it’s safe 24/7.   

We are guessing that John Keating does not remember Christina Morris, or better yet could care less to remember her because it is not about his Cowboy Fit Club.  Morris went missing in August 2014 from the Legacy West parking garage.  In March of 2018, it was announced that remains found in a wooded area of Anna, Texas had been identified as Morris.  In March of 2022, there was a shooting of a restaurant at The Shops of Legacy?  Safe is relative Mr. Keating!

Keating also noted this was a flagship project that will be great for the surrounding residential neighborhoods to enjoy.  Wait, you mean Resident Keating who is about to close on his lot in The Preserve at Fields?   Yeah, this is the exact reason WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE RECUSED YOURSELF ALSO!

The next question, what does a developer have to do to earn $94.5 million in “PERFORMANCE-BASED INCENTIVES?”  According to the memo on the city council agenda the performance requirements require the developer to construct by a certain date, a minimum of:

  • 350,000 square feet of upscale retail and restaurant space
  • 320,000 square feet of Class A office space; and
  • 1,100 multifamily residential dwelling units (not incentivized)

Where does these $94.5 million dollars come from, the city purse or personal savings account?  First, the Separated Materials Sales Tax Grant will provide up to $7 million in City, Frisco Economic Development Corporation, and Frisco Community Development Corporation sales tax revenues generated by project construction material and service purchases.    Secondly, the Frisco EDC Qualified Infrastructure Grant will fund up to 50 percent of the cost to construct a planned water feature (not to exceed $2.5 million in incentive value) and up to 50 percent of the cost to construct internal streets built to city standards (not to exceed $10 million in incentive value).  Lastly the TIRZ #7 Funding will finance the construction of 3 public parking structures accommodating a minimum of 2,430 public parking spaces to serve the development.  This debt service will be funded by TIRZ #7 property tax revenue generated by the Fields West development and supplementary sales tax revenue generated by the Fields West development.

It just leaves us wondering, how do we have all this money?  Where is all this money coming from?  It is like the city has a SUGAR DADDY funding it!   With that said we were told during the recent election that if Proposition A & B passed it would bankrupt the city – so how is it we have money for one thing but not another?  Oh wait, Cheney can’t make money or build his stature or status up on our first responders.

The State of The City

A conversational narcissist is someone who constantly turns a conversation toward themselves and is often uninterested in what other people have to say.  In a fast-paced world, they’re eager to get their point across quickly without making true connections with others.  Often a conversational narcissist has an anxious aspect to their personality which is why they talk about things familiar to them such as their business or themselves!  Signs of a conversational narcissist include one-sided conversations.  They have their own agenda, and they can’t move away from it long enough to engage with someone else or to hear someone else’s opinions.  Conversations with them are never interpersonal or interactive, they are more of a monologue or lecture.   They often feel they are the center of the universe, and they will never admit they are wrong and often interrupt.  They will appear visibly uncomfortable, bored, contemptuous, or distracted when other people are talking.  Lastly, they come across as arrogant when speaking to them.

Does this sound like anyone you know?   Well, we think it sounds a lot like Mayor Cheney.  Just look at city council meetings and often you will find Mayor Cheney “schooling” the public or other city council members.  At the recent State of the City luncheon put on by the Frisco Chamber of Commerce, the Mayor also displayed traits of a conversational narcissist during his 76-slide presentation.  If you want to see Mayor Jeff Cheney’s State of the City Presentation then just visit the city website.

Over our lifetime we have lived in many cities, and rarely did we hear about State of the City Luncheons until we moved to Frisco.  This was our first year to attend and according to the Frisco Chamber Website you should attend because “Frisco is a city like no other!  As for who attends, well it is a who’s who of Frisco for sure.  Individual Tickets were $100 per person, or you could sponsor a table for $900.  But if you want to be a Visionary Sponsor that is $2000 or better yet be an Innovator Sponsor for just a mere $3000.

The mayor of course took pride and time talking about the 2024 Council Top 10 Priorities.  Specifically, the master planning of Grand Park, a new Performing Arts Center, World Cup 2026, and Downtown Frisco.  He could not stop boasting about how great all these things would be for Frisco.

We found the slide about Foreign Direct Investments interesting which stated according to Duns & Bradstreet, there are 71 companies in Frisco owned by a parent company that is ‘OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES.” 

The next interesting thing was the “developments” coming.  All we could hear was cha-ching, cha-ching, and cha-ching! 

Downtown Redevelopment: $70-million project

Northwest Community Park: $40-million budget

4th Street Downtown Redevelopment: $16-million budget

Grand Park Development:  Budget TBD

Fire Station 10 – Spring 2025:  No Budget Listed

Police Annex: No Details Given

One thing not covered in depth was the desire for a NEW PEFORMING ARTS CENTER.  On the city website it states that in 2023, the City of Frisco participated in the Americans for the Arts AEP6 Study, which found the arts sector generated $21.3 million in economic activity in Frisco in 2022Read the full report here (PDF).   So that is why they are trying to find a way to get that $500 million Performing Arts Center.   In fact, Cheney didn’t say we hope to have one, he said we will have one because he has wanted it since 2017.  It always has been about what he wants, right? That’s it! 

That is the State of the City here in Frisco according to Cheney.  We only have one question; HOW CAN WE AFFORD ALL THESE PROJECTS?  Yes, we have bond money set aside, but when you think about it, we are spending money like its water just going down the drain and at some point, these city leaders are going to lock us into a rock and hard place financially.

East Vs West

If you are from the DFW area you may recognize the name Robert Tilton, an American Televangelist and the former pastor of the Word of Faith Family Church in Farmers Branch.  His ministry peaked in the early 90’s and it has been reported his infomercial style church program aired in some 225+ American television markets.  It has been reported that Tilton brought in $70 to $80 million dollars per year.  The message he pushed upon viewers was the importance of “vows” aka financial commitments to the Tilton ministry.  The minimum vow was $1000 but if you wanted to receive a personal “word of knowledge” from Tilton you had to “vow” anywhere from $5k to $10,000 dollars.  If you sent a prayer request with a vow, then Tilton claimed to lay on top of the prayer request to heal the weak.

Tilton’s demise came in 1991 when word got out that he may be a fraud or over promising “blessings” to viewers.  Some “garbologists” who worked for ABC’s Primetime Live spent over a month dumpster diving outside of Tilton’s many offices and what they found was shocking.  Over 10,000 lbs. of prayer request letters cut along the edge with the vow removed and the prayer request still inside the envelope, untouched and discarded in dumpsters.  Lawsuits commenced by followers, the Tilton’s headed to divorce court and many felt it was an attempt to protect their assets.  Now, why am I reminding you of this Tilton character?  Well, he was full of it, kind of like our city council.

For years, our city leadership has made grand promises when it comes to some projects, but then they vanish into a cosmic void, much like matter falling into a black hole.  The city has been talking about Grand Park since before most of us were born.  Well after several municipal bonds, environmental studies, we have a walking trail, but no grand park (remember like Central Park in NY) or lake as promised.  Then there is Wade Park which later become known as Lake Lebanon which sat for years after the developer went belly up. It later became known as The Mix, which we have heard about for the last two years and yet…still nothing but a fence around the property.  Then we had the Frisco Theater, a grand place for plays and as of late now Broadway style shows.  Well 5 to 7 studies later over 8 years, still nothing!  Oh wait, now they want us to buy into a $500+ million theater run by the city on taxpayer dollars.  My point is, they council is much like Robert Tilton and his “Word of Faith” ministry who make grand gestures and promises, ask us to pass more bonds, potentially increase our taxes and yet nothing seems to actually be coming together.

Picture of Lake Lebanon (formerly Wade Park) before it rained and filled up with water. Note it is now supposed to be The Mix. Side note we had a lake here it was just not in Grand Park like they promised. Picture by Dallas Morning News

Another example, the city has been talking about the revitalization of Frisco’s Downtown area as far back as 2016-2018.  Well, after spending at least $50 to $75,000 visiting different cities to “study their downtown areas” we finally broke ground to fix downtown.  The city has dragged its feet since 2016, spending money on tours and trips but only now that FIFA is coming in 2026 is there a push for this project to be done in time so we can look good for the many “visitors” it will bring downtown. 

The sad part is we have had Frisco locals take interest and invest in our downtown area way before this city or the council have done anything.  While we may not always agree with Donny Churchman, he is one man who has had a passion for downtown and the Frisco Rail District.  In a 2018 interview with Lifestyle Frisco, he notes the downtown area has been ignored during all the development.  He talked about the name change of downtown Frisco to the Rail District has a lot to do with Frisco’s history and the BNSF railroad and we could not agree more with him on that. 

He started investing years ago in the downtown area with The Patio at the Rails and Tower at the Rail, then came the Nack Theater.  His overall goal is to “restore downtown Frisco” and it is a passion for him. We are curious how Churchman feels today, with the city bending over backwards offering tax incentives for Rollertown Beerworks, a venue that features a two-level taproom and 4,320 sq ft outdoor beer garden. Did the city break their back for Churchman’s investments. We don’t know but would be curious to find out more.

Along with Churchman, many residents who own historic homes downtown have spent time and money to meticulously renovate and update them while keeping that 1900s charm about them.  All this local money and passion bringing life in to downtown, and yet our city has sat on it since 2016.  Many of these locals have advocated for something to happen downtown for the last ten years as everything seemed to develop around it.  If they can do it then why did it take FIFA coming here for the City of Frisco to finally do something.  

The June 2024 announcement of the new grand downtown plan made us wonder, if we went back 5 to 10 years what “priorities” did the city have and which ones have been completed.  We found a town hall video discussing the 2018 Top Ten Priorities, which include the following:

1) Implement Traffic Innovation

2) Increase Capital Expenditure Fund

3) Performing Arts Center

4) Downtown revitalization & finish the master plan

5) Grow and expand our Economic Development Corp to go after fortune 500 companies

6) Lower property taxes

7) Development of the North 380 Corridor & its Growth,

8) New facility expansion options like city hall or the library

9) Final master plan for our future parks

10) Legislative Plan to Protect Frisco

Awe, the dreaded word in this town…Traffic!  Cheney said the first priority was Traffic Innovation because we have become more congested (DUH!!).   The priority aims to use new technologies to help relieve that congestion such as adaptive signal control systems which communicate with cars and autonomous, or self-driving, buses in Frisco by this year, used in the private sector.   Seven years later, if you drive Frisco – TRAFFIC SUCKS!  Not sure the signal control systems are working, and we don’t have autonomous self-driving buses in Frisco but guess what we do have…ROUND-A-BOUTS and TRAFFIC! If we were grading the city on this priority, they would get a big fat F!

One of the other 2018 Priorities was the Performing Arts Center Strategy.  Cheney told Community Impact in 2018 that he would like to see it as a public-private partnership.  The article also said they were in the middle of a feasibility study to determine the size and needs of a potential PAC.  Well in 2024, we are on our 6th or 7th study, they are proposing a city owned theater at the taxpayer expense, but they hope down the road could be a public-private partnership, and several discussions over the years for a PAC have failed and fallen flat.  We would give this a priority a big fat F as well!

The 2018 Priority for finishing the downtown master plan started with them approving a contract with a consulting firm to update the 20-year-old downtown master plan.  Cheney told Community Impact at the time that the council and city official plan to continue to work with the private market to explore old downtown Frisco options.  Remember, the cool market with a beer garden that Frisco Market developers promised? Well, we have the market but no beer garden and downtown has not changed that much except for the private development by Churchman and residents. 

What has the city done downtown? Not much, but now that FIFA is coming, we have a $70 million dollar renovation downtown happening and you can bet it will be finished in time for the visitors to come.  We give them a big F for this too. Just look at what they finally say they will commit to in 2024.

The next big priority was the Northern Corridor and creating an identity for it.  Cheney told Community Impact that their plan for 2018 was to attract more business and residential developments to the area.  Well, they must have known something we didn’t, we are referring to the December 2018 announcement that the PGA of America was relocating its headquarters to the “Northern Corridor” of Frisco.  This was a good win for Frisco, and we gave them an A+ for it!  However, they get an F for the shady business dealings, friendships, and conflicts of interest that came from some of the development around the new PGA for Cheney and some council members.  

As for the expansion of city facilities, we have a new 65-million-dollar library, new court building, city hall in 2023 started an expansion inside and facilities just opened a new building in the last year.   As for the masterplan of parks well you can bet Bobblehead Bill got his bikes and trikes trails.  As for Grand Park, well that is still…not Grand at all but if you want to see a butterfly you can walk the trail they put in.

Back to Robert Tilton, he was about big words, fancy clothes, and was about “putting on the show” to get your vow.  He promised to pray for his flock, but he failed when money took over. What we have learned is that the importance of a project in the City of Frisco is determined by a select few who sit on council.  We have also learned they love to talk about things and promise things for many years but the truth is they are failing us as residents.  When those sitting on our city council run for office, they each run for their own purpose or passion project.  That is okay but they should be representing all of us and the truth is our council only represents the WEST SIDE, which is where you have seen all the investment in the last 5 to 8 years.   Why do we say that?  Well just ask our council members where they live. 

Not one person sitting on our council today lives on the East Side of the tollway or the Collin County side, maybe that has something to do with where all the money is going. They all live in the Denton County side of Frisco which is WEST of the tollway.  That’s right folks, Tammy Meinershagen, Laura Rummel, John Keating, Jeff Cheney, Angelia Pelham, Brian Livingston and Bill Woodard all live on the WEST SIDE OF THE TOLLWAY.  Maybe that is why they get the PGA and the Frisco Star, and the East Side is getting Universal and Business Warehouses Developments along PGA Parkway.  

Troubled Waters @ Frisco ISD

One of the main reasons people choose Frisco for their home is because of the school district.  Frisco ISD is often talked about and revered as one of the best districts in North Texas.  The districts website even notes, “Many families choose to call Frisco ISD home due to our outstanding reputation for academic excellence, innovative programs and wealth of extracurricular opportunities and experiences.”  Frisco ISD currently enrolls more than 67,000 students in 12 high schools, 18 middle schools, 1 intermediate school, 43 elementary schools and 3 special programs schools.  We were curious, how great is it? 

With our kids being grown, we have not paid too much attention to ISD news.  To be fair, we have had several whistleblowers send in tips and information but in general it is hard to follow up on and investigate.  But sometimes there is news you come across that you have to share because it is about the safety of the children and the families right to know. 

My wife, like most woman, loves to scroll social media and recently she found a post from May 2022 about a Ruben Bustillos, former employee at Frisco ISD, who had been arrested after police said they found “inappropriate” images at an elementary school.  He was charged with sale, distribution, or display of harmful material to a minor which is a Class A misdemeanor.  In Texas, a Class A misdemeanor is the most serious type of misdemeanor offense which is punishable by up to one year in jail and up to a $4000 fine, or both.  Types of charges include carrying a gun without a permit, second DWI offense, resisting arrest and assault causing bodily injury.  At the time very few details were released about what led to the arrest and the Frisco PD nor the ISD identified which school it was found at.  We were curious, what happened to the case?

Well, we decided to look up Bustillos case in Denton County which can be found under Case No. CR-2023-01499-E.  It shows the case was filed on 3/7/23 in County Criminal Court #5.  From the court documents, it appears that on 5/30/23 Bustillos pleaded “No Contest” to charge #1 of Sale/Distribution/Display Harmful Material to a Minor. The “disposition” meaning the outcome was “DEFERRED ADJUDICATION” which is a term that generally refers to a “PLEA BARGAIN” wherein a defendant pleads guilty or no contest to the charges against them.  He was sentenced to 15 months’ probation with 80 hours of community service.  Hope that community service is not done around children! The total court costs he had to pay was $692.00.  Do you think that is a fair and just outcome for a man who was around Frisco ISD children?

Then in May of 2023, Kendal Augustus, a Frisco Police School Resource Officer was arrested after allegations surfaced that he had an “INAPPROPRIATE RELATIONSHIP WITH A STUDENT.”  The allegations dated back to 2017-18 and involved him and a 14-year-old Frisco ISD student.  When the allegations surfaced the Frisco Police Department put him on administrative leave and began an investigation.  Augustus was later fired and arrested on June 14, 2023, at which time he was charged with sexual assault of a child, indecency with a child and sexual performance of a child.  His bond at the time was set at $55,000.  Ever wonder what happened with this case?

Well in a search of Denton County’s 367th Judicial District Court we found three case numbers: F23-5117-367, F23-5118-367, and F23-5119-367. All three charges are considered a 2nd Degree Felony in Texas. Besides Augustus trying to modify his bond conditions on 12/20/2023 a True Bill of Indictment came in on all three charges.  What is a True Bill?  It simply means nine grand jurors determined that there was probable cause that an offense occurred.  Then on 5/31/24 it appears they appeared in court to present a plea bargain data / continuance data, but we are not really sure what that means.  As of right now, it appears the case is still moving through the court system.

Then we came across a recent Facebook post from June 14th in a group about Collin County Jail Records, and we are guessing one of their teachers might need to answer some questions. It appears on 6/14/2024 Taryn Glasgow, a Newman Elementary teacher at Frisco ISD, and her husband Randy Glasgow were both booked by the Celina Police Department on 6/14/2024 for Injury to a Child, Elderly Individual or Disabled Individual.   According to a jail records search, Taryn Glasgow was booked #2024-BK-07569 and Randal Glasgow was booked under #2024-BK-07568.  Both had a $25,000 bond with conditions.  Just from the booking photos we can tell the couple may have had one to many that night.  

We had to look up the penal code because we wanted more details. The Texas Penal Code § 22.04. for Injury to a Child, Elderly Individual, or Disabled Individual reads, “(a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence, by act or intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly by omission, causes to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual: (1) serious bodily injury; (2) serious mental deficiency, impairment, or injury;  or (3) bodily injury.” 

It goes on to read, “(c) In this section: (1) “Child” means a person 14 years of age or younger.  (2) “Elderly individual” means a person 65 years of age or older.  (3) “Disabled individual” means a person with one or more of the following: (i) autism spectrum disorder; (ii) developmental disability, (iii) intellectual disability.”

As for the court case there is not much information currently.  They appeared in Magistrate Court under case number DCMAG-46229-2024 and DCMAG-46228-2024 both of which appear to have been heard on 6/14/2024.  According to the Collin County website “the Collin County Magistrate Court includes advising the defendants of their rights, determining probable cause, setting bond, and issuing warrants in criminal cases. The Magistrate may also issue and enforce bond conditions. A defendant is considered to be a person charged with a crime.”

We are not trying to embarrass the couple but if these charges are in any way true then parents who sent their kids to Newman have a right to know.  They are serious accusations related to a potential child.  As a parent I would want to know and since this has already been posted several times across social media, we felt the need to share. 

Have you ever wondered if Frisco ISD is the top tier district you think it is?  You can always read the Texas Education Agency Report Card.  We found the 2023 Federal Report Card for Frisco ISD online and you can click here to read it.  According to SchoolDigger.com Frisco ISD ranks 41 out of 968 districts in Texas and has a 5-star rating.  So why do we keep having issues with Frisco ISD staff?   Does the district do backchecks every few years on current employees or only at the time of hiring?  What is the policy of the district when it comes to reporting something like this to them?   What is the policy when it comes to informing parents?    Parents should be armed with all of the information when it comes to the safety of their children. 

Economic Interest at The Preserve

Unless you are Cheech & Chong who smoke too much weed or ate one too many gummies, then you know when you hear the words Fields Frisco it is referring to Fehmi Karahans development on the Northwest side of Frisco next to the Frisco PGA.  According to the Fields Frisco website, Fields is built on the big idea that when you build something so different, so magical and so enticing, they will come.  Built on the big idea that pure and simple architecture is elegant, fresh and true to its core. Built on the big idea that the great outdoors is equally as important as the great indoors. So, we’re making both great.

We initially thought that Fehmi Karahan must have liked the movie Field of Dreams.  Then we thought, maybe he read our blog Field of Dreams where we told you about a 2019 email involving Mayor Jeff Cheney and the “UNOFFICIAL VIP LOT LIST” he was pitching at fancy dinners.  Either way, Fields Frisco is already known for its steep slopes, breathtaking views, and the winding creeks and trails soon to come.  Of course, it is also known for being the development with the most exclusive new neighborhood being built called “The Preserve” aka the ESPN lots, that will look over the new PGA Frisco golf courses.


We have been following this development very closely and written several blogs on questionable business relationships that have come from it and “expanded” some political pockets in town.  We have also called out our current leadership and their need to recuse them self from certain votes due to potential conflicts of interest we felt existed.  You also know we follow the city council meetings closely and review the agendas when they are released looking for hidden agenda items. 

When the agenda came out for the January 16, 2024, City Council meeting we reviewed it as normal, and nothing really stood out.  Then while watching the council meeting, we were surprised after the reading of Agenda Item #60 when out of nowhere Mayor Cheney and John Keating announced they would be recusing themselves from the vote and discussion on the agenda item.  The agenda item reads, “Consider and act upon approval of proposed modifications to Table 4-1 as permitted by Planned Development-280. Zoned Planned Development-280. Neighborhood #3, #52, and #53. Applicant: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.”  Seems pretty generic right?

What is Agenda Item 60 about?  The Preserve at Fields Frisco!  We decided to file a PIR for the recusal paperwork to learn more.  At the meeting, Mayor Cheney announced he had clients who purchased in The Preserve.  The recusal paperwork states he had a conflict with the agenda item as it could have a benefit of ECONOMIC INTERESTS for 1) myself and/or one of more persons related to me or 2) my client or customer.  Economic Interest refers to a legal or equitable interest in real property, personal property or contractual rights with a value of more than $50,000.

Then we noticed an asterisk that says for the purpose of Section C of this Affidavit, a “person related to me” refers to a person within the second degree of consanguinity (parent or child, sibling, grandparent) or the second degree of affinity (spouse or in-law).    Now this has got our attention because we have said for almost two years that Jeff Cheney had a lot in The Preserve right next door to his best buddy John Keating.  We wrote about it in our blog The Preserve Lots and showed you the plat map photo taken from a builder’s office.  Cheney has repeatedly denied to the public, the Dallas Morning News, to other outlets about owning any property in The Preserve.

We know Cheney and his brokerage have sold lots in The Preserve which has not stopped him in the past from speaking on agenda items or overseeing council votes on the issue.  So why now?  Why is Mayor and Real Estate Mogul Jeff Cheney RECUSING himself and claiming ECONOMIC INTEREST now?  We are interested in what you think.  Do you think Cheney owns a lot in The Preserve?  Do you think he could have bought a lot for “some clients” meaning he put in a family member’s name?  He knows if we find a lot in his name it will show him as a liar, especially if it is one of those great ESPN lots on the bluff over the 8 hole that sold out rather quickly on the street nicknamed “Billionaires Row.” 

Next, we looked at John Keatings recusal paperwork from the same meeting and same agenda item.  Remember he announced he had purchased a lot and while the lot was still in the builders name, he would be closing on it in the coming months, so he needed to recuse himself.  Keating checked the Real Property option which states, I and/or one or more person’s related to me have an interest in real property with a fair market value of $2500 or more that is involved in the agenda item, or located within 200 feet of that property, and it is reasonably foreseeable that action on the item will have a special economic effect on the value of the property.  It then denotes with an asterisk that a “person related to me” refers to a person within the 1st degree meaning a parent, child or spouse. 

Our questions for Keating are obvious, he has openly declared on financial forms he was a “househusband” while married to his former wife.  After being a stay-at-home dad and cheating on his wife of 20+ years who filed for divorce, he either A) got a lofty divorce settlement to buy a home in the most prestigious new gated community in Frisco or B) won the lottery.  While Mr. Keating does have his REAL ESTATE LICENSE NOW, we cannot find any listings he has sold to show he made an income in the last year.  We also don’t think military benefits are enough for a home in the new most “exclusive Frisco neighborhood” The Preserve. 

Now fast forward to May 7, 2024, and the Consent Agenda Item #16 that reads “Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to execute a Third Amendment to the Second Development Agreement by and between the City of Frisco and the following Delaware limited partnerships: FHQ Development Partners LP F/K/A FHQ Holdings LP, Fields Preserve Investment Partners LP, Fields Midtown West Investment Partners LP, Fields Point West Investment Partners LP, Fields Midtown East Investment Partners LP, Fields East Village Investment Partners LP, Fields Point East Investment Partners LP, North Fields Investment Partners, LP, and Fields University Village Investment Partners LP. (CMO/MD)”

Item 16 is a development agreement, between the City and Developer, related to the public infrastructure construction and assessments dated February 10, 2021.   In a nutshell, the Developer is responsible for the delivery of certain defined roadways, hike and bike trails and related infrastructure called “Developer Improvements” for the Fields project.  We would assume those “Developer Improvements” would have a direct correlation to the value of the properties Cheney’s clients and Keating purchased which means they pulled the item from the consent agenda to recuse themselves from the vote on the item correct?  No, they did not and in fact it was Mayor Pro-Tem John Keating who moved to approve the Consent Agenda item with Angelia Pelham seconding his motion.   Why did they not pull the item and recuse themselves this time?

Then just two weeks later at the May 21, 2024, council meeting we found Agenda Item 21 on the Consent Agenda which states, “Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to modify the Deed of Trust as security in lieu of physical improvements for final acceptance.”  We learned the agenda item is also about The Preserve Phase 1 and 2 private gated subdivisions currently under construction. The developer was requesting final acceptance on both phases prior to final completion. The acceptance is for landscaping (including screening; hardscape; plantings of trees, shrubs, sod, plants, etc.; soils; and fine grading), irrigation improvements, sidewalks, barrier-free ramps, pavers, permanent signage, and all other appurtenances and improvements related thereto. A Deed of Trust was approved by Council as a part of the Fields Second Development Agreement. 

We can only assume that landscaping and the so-called improvements listed above would also have a direct correlation to the value of the properties Cheney’s clients and John Keating purchased.  They obviously pulled the item from the Consent Agenda and then recused themselves, right?  Nope!  John Keating was the first to recommend passing the consent agenda as is.  Should he have voted on this project as it directly affects the “REAL PROPERTY” he now is closing on in The Preserve?

In closing, we would love for you to comment on this blog and answer the following questions.  Do you believe Jeff Cheney owns a lot in The Preserve under his name or a relative’s name?  Do you think they should have to recuse themself from any item on the agenda that is related to Fields Development?  Why do you think after all these years Mayor Jeff Cheney and Real Estate Mogul Cheney is now claiming the need to recuse himself when has had clients buy in this community since it was announced?  Agents within his brokerage, that he owns, have sold homes in this community which means he got paid as the broker. Why is there just now a CONFLICT OF INTEREST?   Last question, why do you think the city intentionally hides the development names on the Agenda Item? Do you think the agenda’s need to be more forthcoming so citizens can clearly see what is coming before the council?

Secrets of the Performing Arts Center

The City of Frisco is asking taxpayers to consider a new Performing Arts Center that has a rumored will cost taxpayers a rumored price tag of $300 Million up to $600 Million+ dollars.  The city has started a “Sell It to the Public” campaign with a company called Theatre Projects on social media which begins with residents taking a survey to gather feedback on the grand idea.  They announced plans to host open house sessions at City Hall, talk to local arts organizations, and will host listening sessions for the public. 

We received an email this week from one reader who attended their “Zoom Session” and guess how many residents participated?  Maybe 15 plus the representatives from Theater Projects who is doing all the dog and pony work for the city. I guess the small attendance still counts towards feedback but compared to a city of 220,000 people it does not like seem a great sample to us.  The email also said how they are currently looking at two properties to potentially house this Performing Arts Center which we find very interesting.

The website which has been set up talks about the Project History and how the city has been studying the possibility of a new performing arts center for over 6 years.  It refers to several studies and assessments done to support the future planning of the “critical Frisco asset” for our community.  It also has a link to the 45-page 2023 Business Plan put together by Theatre Projects.  Even though the 2023 Business Plan put together by Theatre Projects shows the Hall Group vision, our inside source says Hall Group is out! They will not be a part of this theatre project in any way shape or form, and they are not offering up the land for it any longer. Hence why on the “zoom” we mentioned earlier, they stated they were “eyeing two different potential sites for this PAC.

They are using every avenue to make sure we know how great and grand this project is and to show us how badly we need it.  The city’s friends at Frisco Enterprise, the paper in their back pocket, wrote an article and it states that “Back in September, the Frisco City Council approved a $1.4 million professional services agreement with consultant Theatre Projects.”  Part of that agreement is that the city leadership and the team from Theatre Projects would do venue tours to gather data and talk to venue operators. We “the taxpayers” are paying for all this travel, plus we are paying for the additional travel cost for the Theatre Projects team to attend.  In case you are wondering that additional expense is not included in the $1.4 million agreement we have with them for consulting services.

According to the Frisco Enterprise, the visits included the Steven Tanger Center for the Performing Arts in Greensboro, North Carolina, the Denver Performing Arts Complex, the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts in Orlando, Florida; the Straz Center for the Performing Arts in Tampa, Florida; the Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences in Lubbock, Texas and the Blumenthal Performing Arts Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.

We figured since they were on this whole “Sell It to The Public” Road Show, we would file a Public Information Request for more information.  We asked for the complete copies of the performing arts center studies and any associated documents related to the reports including those from consulting groups or 3rd parties like Frisco ISD or Hall Group.  We asked for all 6 of the previous studies they have done that we were able to find in meeting minutes.

We assumed that it would be no issue getting any documentation because of how badly they want to “Sell It Like a Cheap Cheney Piece of Real Estate” to Frisco taxpayers.  Imagine our surprise after paying $16.74 yesterday and today the status changed to “SENT TO AG FOR A RULING.”  The did release the 7 studies to us, but the “other supporting documents” are subject to copyright and will be available in the City Secretary’s Office for viewing only.  Who wants to go review the documents for us and report back what is in them?  Email us at FriscoWhistleBlower@protonmail.com

What did they send to the AG for review?  How much are they withholding from US, THE TAXPAYERS, whom they are going to pitch a tax increase to soon so they can spend hundreds of millions of dollars for a performing arts center which will be city owned and operated.  Then we always hear them quote “copyright” as a reason to withhold things.   We are just confused, when does copyright matter to the city?  They made it clear during the recent political election when council members were using the “copyrighted” city logo in their campaign materials they did not care and in fact they said they could not do anything about it.  Strange because the city websites states in black and white they CAN NOT USE THE CITY LOGO for political campaigning so why have a rule you can’t enforce about a copyrighted logo?  Now when it comes to documents related to the Performing Arts Center, they want to say copyright matters. It seems they use that word copyright when it is convenient to withhold information, they don’t want you or me to see. 

The way we see it is simple!  The city is spending millions of bond approved tax dollars on studies for a PAC, then they want to claim copyright to withhold those details from those of us who are paying for it!  Just release all the documents and stop trying to play games because it is getting really old.

Oh, one last thing, Frisco ISD got tired of the games a year or so ago, and they are currently building their own Performing Arts Center because outside influences kept delaying the project. That means you, the taxpayers will be paying for multiple Performing Arts Center. Feels like an episode of Oprah, where she yells “You get an arts center, you get an arts center, and you get an arts center!”

Transparency Failures

Wouldn’t the world be such a simple place if someone’s nose really grew when they told a lie?  Think about it for a moment, we wouldn’t have to spend so much time trying to determine if someone is telling the truth or a lie.  It is much easier in person through verbal and non-verbal ques to tell if someone is lying or withholding the truth from you than it is through filing a Public Information Request.  However, PIR’s are all we have here at Frisco Chronicles to get to the truth.

Recently we filed several PIR’s based on leads we received from “whistleblowers” to see if the city would disclose “The Truth” to us through PIR requests.  One of the PIR requests read, We would like the list of the complaints made about political signs to code enforcement or the city secretary for the period of 1/1/2024 to present.  We would like a copy of any complaint made about electioneering at the election polls from April 20th to May 5th.”  It is a very simple request and after we paid the $6.30 we thought we would get a handful of responses.  Instead, we found that the city left a lot of complaints out of our request.  We know this because many folks sent us copies of their complaints to the city and they are not in the disclosed information given to us even though it fits the criteria of the request.

The first email we received a copy of was from Councilman John Keating, sent to Kristi Morrow on May 4th, Election Day.  It states “poll greeters are playing loud music at FS 8 (they turn it down, then turn it back up).  Also, this truck passed through the parking lot several times.  Within 30 minutes of receiving the email Kristi Morrow forwarded it to Amy Moore in Code Enforcement who made her way out to Fire Station 8.  This is the incident we reported about in our blog Election Playbook: Code Enforcement

The interesting thing about this email is that John Keating failed to mention to the City Secretary his own team including himself, The Cheney’s, and his friends were electioneering in the parking lot for almost four hours that morning.  It is documented with pictures in our blog and proves our point that it is okay for John Keating to break the rules, but others can’t.  Just “PAR FOR THE COURSE” in the city council world.

The next email we received in our PIR was about “Illegal Signs” that was sent by Judy Adams on May 3 to City Secretary, Kristi Morrow.  It states, “These signs are placed by polling stations all over the city.  It is in violation since there are no disclaimers.  Very sad that ‘these people’ are claiming to uphold the law and order but are breaking the law by doing the things they accuse others of.  I believe they should be removed immediately.”  The picture just barely shows the corner of a sign, but we did recognize it.

Why did we recognize the sign?  It is a Frisco Chronicles sign!  Now to be clear we did not buy these signs, we did not put them out, and we have no clue who did.  With that said we do love them, and they gave us a good laugh!  We received an anonymous email from a whistleblower that they put them out to spread the word of our site.  They did confirm they were all placed on private property and none of them were placed on city property or at any fire station.  Lastly, it is not a political action committee, it does not support a candidate, so it does not need a disclaimer. 

Judy, think about carpet cleaner signs or we buy ugly houses signs, do they need disclaimers?  We suggest Judy Adams focus on what she does best which is blowing people aka blo me!  Now get your mind out of the gutter! We are referring to her focusing on her new Blo Bar she just opened for those who need a good blow, or maybe her real estate career, or her closed coffee bar instead of silly illegal signs on private property. Better yet maybe she should make her own BLO ME signs with a phone number to make an appointment, if she does, we will make sure to have readers call them in for being illegal signs.

The third email we received was from April 22 from Jeff Cheney to City Secretary, Kristi Morrow.  It is important to note the email was sent from JCheney@friscotexas.gov so clearly, he wrote this as the “Mayor of Frisco” and not as an individual resident.  It states, “Pretty clear this is not in compliance with the maximum size of 10×10” referring to the Firefighters tent at Station 7.   Kristi Morrow sent the email to Amy Moore in Code Enforcement and Amy replied Justin was on his way to the station.  Then Kristi Morrow replied and asked Amy to call her when she gets a chance.  Wonder what they talked about?

The next email we received was on April 25th, from Councilman John Keating (JKeating@friscotexas.gov) to City Secretary Kristi Morrow and Assistant City Manager, Henry Hill. He questions if “these are allowed as they are showing up at polling stations.  He specifically notes the one at Fire Station 7 in the picture he submitted.  He is referring to a Voter Guide Stand that is put out at every election by a political conservative group called Red Wave.  You can see at the bottom of the voter guide it says Pol Ad Paid For Red Wave Texas. 

Why does Keating not like the voter guide stand?  Oh, that is because it has listed for Place 1 Mark Piland and for Place 3 John Redmond.  We want to know how often John Keating votes in elections.  These have been at polling sites during several election cycles.  If he is just now seeing it, then we are curious if he has been doing his civic duty to vote?  Maybe he just didn’t like it because it was not his name on the guide!

Lastly, we received an excel spreadsheet of complaints.  Not sure what to make of it!

Here is the problem, our request was very simple and straightforward which states, “We would like the list of the complaints made about political signs to code enforcement or the city secretary for the period of 1/1/2024 to present.  We would like a copy of any complaint made about electioneering at the election polls from April 20th to May 5th.”  We have several emails sent to us which reported about in our blog, Breaking All The Rules related to John Keating, Angelia Pelham and the Safety-First Frisco PAC putting up signs at 9am on Sunday April 21st which was 6 to 9+ hours earlier than they were allowed.   We have several emails about the 4 x 4 political signs at Station 7 and questioning if they are on city property that were sent to us.

We also have several emails sent to the city secretary regarding electioneering occurring at the polls, some even documented with videos and pictures.

Yet none of these emails and others we have were given to us in our Public Information Request.  They fit the issue, time frame and criteria of the request we made so why don’t we have them from the city.  What other emails have they withheld that we don’t know about?  Readers and have sent them in but our own city will not be forthcoming and turn them over in a Public Information Request.  We have proof the city HAS WITHELD PUBLIC RECORDS…AGAIN!   The city claims TRANSPARENCY, yet they can’t even be honest with a public information request and fulfill it as they should.  WHY DOES THE CITY LIE AND HIDE INFORMATION FROM TAXPAYERS? 

We have a PIR out right now for the body cam footage from the Code Enforcement cameras worn during the election, but they have sent that to the Attorney General.  Why do they not want us to hear the conversations they had at the polls with the political candidates or the firefighters regarding code enforcement complaints called in? 

Most concerning is how our Mayor and Councilman Keating act like winey children when it is something they don’t like so they use their city emails and position to make complaints which are acted upon immediately by the city.  However, the numerous complaints about the signs being put out early at the fire stations by these same folks had no action or fines taken against them for clearly violating the rules.  Rules that they should know as they are sitting active council members.  Remember John Keating has 16 years on council so if he does not know the rules by now, then he truly is dumber than a bag of rocks.  In fact, those complaints are not even documented apparently, or they would have been in our public information request.   This is Frisco folks!  Rules for thee but not for me! 

Yellow Brick Road to the Texas AG

While the election may be over, the desire to learn more about it, is not.  The Safety First Frisco PAC Facebook page has been deleted and the website removed, literally overnight.  However our curiosity about a few things has not faded and over 2 months ago we filed two PIR’s that today “have been sent to the AG for a ruling”.  We would love to say the City of Frisco surprises us, but truly they don’t. 

The first PIR was filed on 2/26/2024 and was very simple in nature.  We asked for a copy of any PIR requests and the corresponding documents made from the following: Bill Woodard, Mike Simpson, Dick Peasley, and the Safety-First Frisco PAC from 1/1/2022 to Present. 

The second PIR was filed on the same day.  We asked for emails, texts, or handwritten correspondence between city officials, including the city manager’s office, assistant city managers, deputy city managers, city council, and department directors regarding the Frisco Fire Association Prop A & B regarding Civil Service and Collective Bargaining.  Including emails or communications marked as confidential or with a code name for Prop A & B from 1/1/2022 to Present.

The response to both The City of Frisco has reviewed its files and has located documents responsive to your request. However, due to issues of confidentiality, the City has chosen to seek a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General regarding the release of the responsive documents. You will be receiving a letter from Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Hullett, PC, attorneys for the City of Frisco, informing you of the City’s decision to seek a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General. The Office of the Attorney General has up to 45 business days in which to make a ruling regarding your request.

Ask yourself, why would the city be holding this information from the public?   If the city had correspondence with the PAC in any way, would that be considered electioneering?  It is interesting to us that two separate PIRs are being held back but the Mayor hosted a Sheryl Sculley who spoke against the measure.  Councilman Bill Woodard went on the news and did a full interview with Channel 11 as his title in that broadcast was not Bill Woodard (citizen) it reads “Councilman Bill Woodard” and he specifically talked about how the measures could hurt the city.  Technically if you ask us, he was speaking on from his experience on the council and using his knowledge acquired as a councilman so therefore he was representing the city talking against measures on the ballot.  Is that against the city’s own Code of Conduct? 

The city and the council want to claim they are transparent, and residents can trust them, but if they expect us to believe that then they need to release the PIRs sent to the Texas Attorney General.  Better yet vote on it at a council meeting to release it like you did a in 2023. We strongly feel something underhanded has happened here and we are considering filing our own complaint with the AG. They can’t use city information to fight propositions then say its confidential later when the citizens ask to see it.

Furnishing Emerald City

Did you think we were done talking about the upcoming City Council meeting and the published agenda?  Think again, it is time to continue our journey down the yellow brick road.  The consent agenda is often used to streamline the approval process for items considered routine or non-controversial.  Consent agenda items are typically approved without individual discussion unless a council person requests to pull an item for discussion.  This means important matters may be approved with little to no public discussion or debate and we would argue it can be used to obscure or hide certain matters from public scrutiny. 

We identified another item on the upcoming consent agenda for the Frisco City Council Meeting on May 21, 2024.  Under the consent agenda we noticed Item 22 which is to execute a proposal from GL Seaman and Co to provide and install furniture worth $140,999 for Fire Station #10.  It said funds are available through “BONDS” related to this project.  We will come back to this.

A little history, since 2006 over the course of 4 bond elections (2006, 2015, 2019, and 2023) the city has asked residents to approve $258,900,000 for public safety.  We detailed out the Bond information our previous blog Bond, Frisco Bond! 007.  If you have not read it, then you should because you will be surprised you paid for some items twice.

Typically, bonds are used for large expensive and long-lived capital improvements & projects such as road or street improvements, parks, water treatment facilities, and building of new facilities or updates to public buildings (libraries, police stations, fire stations).  Investors who buy municipal bonds are lending money to the issuer in exchange for interest payments and the return of the principal at maturity. 

According to a 2023 report in Munichain, the City of Frisco, Texas, sold almost $233 million in bonds to fund municipal improvements. The bonds will finance improvements to Frisco’s roads, waterworks, parks, and municipal center, as well as the construction of a new garage in the city’s downtown area, among other projects. The city issued the bonds in three series.

  1. The Series 2023 bonds, consisting of $161.5 million, mature between 2024 and 2043, yielding between 2.8% and 4.14%. 
  2. The Series 2023A bonds, consisting of $18.5 million, also mature between 2024 and 2043, yielding between 2.85% and 4.15%.
  3. The Series 2023B bonds, which are taxable, mature between 2026 and 2038, yielding between 4.35% and 4.875%. 

Using these bonds responsibly is important because the money was subject to voter approval and must align with legal requirements for municipal bonds.  Bond funds are generally intended for long-term capital improvements, so we asked ourselves, is furniture a capital improvement?  We pulled up the purchase order and compared it to the actual Knoll Omnia Partners contract referenced in the agenda memo.  Technically if it is a permanent structural change then it would be considered acceptable but surprisingly several of the items listed on the purchase order are “Freestanding” furniture items on casters. The items on the po that are “system furniture” are those you see in most offices around the country, of course could be paid for by capital improvements as they permanent furniture systems. 

Why are we pointing this out?  Well, we support using bond money to build a new fire station for our hard-working men in the FD.  It is a place where many of them spend holidays away from their families while we enjoy the comfort of home.  We have no problem with top-of-the-line amenities for our PD and FD.  We just want to know why we would use bond money for movable furniture over the city’s general fund.  Why would we pay interest for years for movable furniture which could be replaced before the bond ever hits the maturity date.   

Do you think is furniture a good use of bond money or not?  Leave us your opinion in the comments.

There’s no place like home!

The other night our grandkids were over, and we thought we should introduce them to the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz.  In The Wizard of Oz, when Dorothy found the man behind the curtain, pretending to be the great Wizard of Oz, the spell of the Wizard was broken. The great and powerful wizard was exposed. He was simply an ordinary man, who was just able to perform some clever tricks. The trouble with fantasy is that, for some, the line between delusion and reality is blurred for those people who simply don’t deal in the truth. I am talking about those people with fantastical perceptions of themselves that are so great, that after a while, their fantasies become their reality.

After the movie was over, we played a game of Jenga.  We told them, you must be careful because the game looks easy, but the truth is you must have patience as you carefully remove pieces of wood while hoping the tower does not topple over.  I told them the game requires observation, strategic thinking, and sometimes a bit of intuition.  Seeing young kids hold their breath while each piece of wood comes out, then mesmerized in the moment to see if the tower will topple is greatness.

As we played, I continued to think about the movie the Wizard of OZ and how it describes our city council.  Mayor Cheney is the man behind the curtain, the great Wizard of Oz.  While people in Frisco put him on a pedal stool, he is really an ordinary man who can pull some clever tricks past the residents.  As you continue to read you will find each council member fits a character’s persona.  As we played Jenga I realized we use the same skills in the game of Jenga every other week as we look over the upcoming agenda for the Frisco City Council meetings.  We often find behind every agenda, there is a “hidden agenda”, but you will not find it unless you delicately navigate through the list of items and understand their implications.  We find ourselves asking what is the underlying motive or objective behind certain proposals, discussions, or agenda items?  Much like in the game of Jenga, if you are not careful you may miss some things that could be very important for the tower to continue to stand.

The next morning, we sat down to look over the upcoming agenda for Frisco City Council meeting.  We first noticed under “Individual Items” that both John Keating and Angelia Pelham will take the Oath of Office for their elected places.  Then we noticed right after that they plan to nominate the new Mayor Pro-Tem and Deputy Mayor Pro-Tem.  In our opinion, the political clique who are like characters in the Wizard of OZ, will probably nominate to keep positions the same.  That means Pelham, or Glinda the Good Witch and Keating, who is obviously the Brain-Seeking Scarecrow, will retain their titles since they are the two top Wizard of Oz Enforcers. 

As to why the others would not be nominated, well that’s easy.  They hate Brian Livingston who they treat like the Wicked Witch of the West, since he supported candidates outside the political clique in the last two elections.  Laura Rummell, or the Cowardly Lion, is known as the go along to get along girl and she won’t fight any nomination for fear of getting on the bad side of the political clique.  Tammy Meinershagen who is the prefect Dorothy, is too busy writing a poem for why we need a $300 million dollar performing arts center.  Lastly, Bill Woodard, the heartless Tin Man, just pulled out all the stops to create a larger divide between the city and the Frisco Firefighters.  Probably would not be a good choice if they wanted to “find healing” as Pelham would say with the rank and file of the Fire Department.  

After the May General Election every year, appointments to the City Council committees are brought to the City Council for review. City Council members may be appointed and reappointed to the various committees at the discretion of the Mayor and City Council.  That is why the regular agenda item 34 stood out which is consider and act upon appointments to City Council Committees.  If you remember last year, Brian Livingston was stripped and removed from every committee he served on by the great Wizard of Oz, Mayor Cheney. It was a punishment for going outside of the political clique we told you about above. 

The current appointments to each committee are:

Budget and Audit Committee: Deputy Mayor Pro-Tem Angelia Pelham & Council Member Laura Rummel.

Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition: Mayor Pro-Tem John Keating.

Frisco Square Management District (FSMD) Board is composed of three (3) City Council members and two (2) representatives from the developer per the Local Government Code. The board members currently serving are Mayor Jeff Cheney, Council Member Bill Woodard, and Mayor Pro-Tem John Keating.

Governance Committee: Council Member Bill Woodard, Council Member Tammy Meinershagen, & Deputy Mayor Pro-Tem Angelia Pelham.

Legislative Committee: Council Member Laura Rummel, Council Member Tammy Meinershagen, & Mayor Pro-Tem John Keating.

North Central Texas Council of Governments Emergency Preparedness Planning Committee: Council Member Tammy Meinershagen with Council Member Laura Rummel as her alternate.

North Central Texas (NCT) 911 Project: Council Member Tammy Meinershagen with Council Member Laura Rummel as her alternate.

North Texas Commission is represented by Mayor Jeff Cheney.

Park and Trail Naming Committee is represented by Council Member Bill Woodard.

Regional Transportation Council is represented by Mayor Pro-Tem John Keating.

Animal Advisory Committee is represented by Council Member Laura Rummel.

Frisco Veterans Advisory Committee: Mayor Pro-Tem John Keating, Council Member Laura Rummel, & Council Member Tammy Meinershagen

On Tuesday, the city council can do one of two things.  First, they could choose not to appoint or reappoint current appointees. Secondly, they can review it and make new nominations to the committees “IF THEY CHOOSE.”  What do you think they will they choose to do?  Will they do the right thing and put Mr. Livingston back on the committees or continue this petty behavior?  Is Brian Livingston still considered the Wicked Witch of the West by his fellow council members for having independent thought? 

If they shun Mr. Livingston again who ran unopposed for his seat in May 2023, then they are essentially telling the 14,282 voters that came out to vote for him “YOUR OPINION DOESN’T MATTER!” Just for a point of reference, that is 2922 more votes than Mayor Cheney received the same year. It is also telling the 41,128 residents who voted for Livingston in 2020 that their opinion doesn’t matter.  In 2020, Livingston faced two opponents, if you add together the votes of those 2 opponents, they still were 11, 192 votes short of Livingston. Now compare that to the other seat on the ballot in 2020 which Laura Rummell ran for. He had 24,773 more votes than her.

Lastly on the agenda we noticed items 23 – 26 which have to do with the Boards and Commissions.  Apparently, they are changing the names of some of the committees. The Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) will now be the Hike-and-Bike Advisory Committee.  Bill Woodard, the heartless Tin Man, must be so excited over the change since he is known as the Hike-Trike-&-Bike guy. Then the Frisco Arts Board and Public Arts Program will be renamed to the Frisco Arts and Culture Advisory Committee.  We suspect this may have something to do with the “new performing arts center” the city is trying to sell residents. Item 25 will modify certain provisions governing the Parks & Recreation Board. Lastly, the Urban Forestry Board will be changed to the Frisco Natural Resources Advisory Committee. It’s no big deal they are changing the names we just find it the timing interesting that’s all.

It is time for us to click the heels of our red shoes and chant “There’s no place like home!”  We encourage you to look at the agendas and enjoy the game of Jenga the city plays with us. The city hopes we are not paying attention to the pieces of wood they are moving around but the Whistleblower Team is always paying attention.  It will be interesting to see if Pelham and Keating keep the Mayor Pro-Tem and Deputy Pro-Tem titles. 

It is clear Cheney is setting up the path for Angelia Pelham to be our next Mayor at the end of his term.  I wonder how Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion, the Brain-Seeking Scarecrow, or the Heartless Tin Man feel about that?  We would encourage the other council members (minus Cheney) to think about that fact that Brian Livingston is a pretty popular councilman to his base that elected him.  None of them have come close to the accumulated votes he has received over the years so it will be interesting to see what path they all take on the yellow brick road Tuesday night.

Putting out the Political Flames

We are glad the municipal election season is over, and life is getting back to normal, or as normal as it can be.  Proposition A which was for Civil Service was, came down to a difference of 665 votes.  That is not a landslide win, and it should speak volumes to the Frisco City Council and City Management to do better.  On Proposition B, which was for Collective Bargaining, it came down to a difference of 2,383 votes.  City leaders and the Safety Frisco First PAC did a good job of scaring voters that if it passed our Firefighters would become a group of “Greedy Bastards” and bankrupt the city.

Residents spoke and while most conveyed their support to the Firefighters, they didn’t feel Civil Service and Collective Bargaining were the right way to go about it.  According to several voters we talked to, they believe the residents need to help fight for change at city hall and demand more from our city leaders.  WHERE ARE THOSE RESIDENTS NOW?  Did any of those who came out to vote, go home, and take the time to email the city leadership?  Probably not!   Did anyone write an email to city leaders expressing concern about the City Manager who is the reason we ended voting on these issues.  Probably not!  

We still continue to think about the call for “more staffing” and wonder do we have a staffing issue? Did you know that over the last four years the city applied for several grants related to staffing? 

What is a SAFER Grant?  The Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants (SAFER) was created to provide funding directly to fire departments and volunteer firefighter interest organizations to help them increase or maintain the number of trained, “front line” firefighters available in their communities.  The goal of SAFER is to enhance the local fire departments’ abilities to comply with staffing, response and operational standards established by the NFPA which stands for the National Fire Protection Association’s codes and standards.

At the 01/18/2022 council meeting the council voted on an agenda item #21 authorizing the City Manager to submit a SAFER grant application in the amount of $5,420,500 over a three-year performance period for STAFFING that would help fund 15 Firefighter/Paramedic positions needed to staff a fourth Truck Company assigned to Fire Station 9.  The memo we found was from Mark Piland to then City Manager George Purefoy, Deputy City Manager Henry Hill and the entire council.  The resolution says duly passed and approved on the 18th day of January 2022.   

The application states “Due to this rapid growth, the City’s ability to build and staff new fire stations and apparatus is limited. The City has committed to building a new fire station, Fire Station #10 and additional apparatus, such as a fourth Truck and additional Medic, but needs federal assistance to on-board additional firefighters to staff this apparatus. Without this funding, it takes our fire crews longer to establish effective response forces according to NFPA 1710 standards which increases the likelihood of property damage and risk to the fire crews. Without this funding, our response times will increase due to the first due truck not being within close proximity to the rapid areas of development that would need an aerial ladder response.

It goes on to say, “During 2020, the city began construction on 13 multifamily housing and completed 7 multifamily housing units that were already under construction for a grand total of over 26,000 units. The City houses 22 specialty care facilities to include nursing homes, free standing nursing facilities and adult living communities. Within the last 2 years, we have had 6 new high rises completed and we have 3 high rise buildings currently under construction. This additional funding will allow for a fourth fire truck to be put into service which will increase our NFPA 1710 standards for response to a high-risk structure to include multifamily housing, specialty risk structures and high-rise buildings. NFPA 1710 recommends that an agency place 42 or 43 personnel on a fire at a high-rise structure. The department is currently staffed to respond with 34 personnel.”

Yet the City Council and City Management Say, “We don’t have a staffing issue.”

We were also surprised to see at the 04/04/2023 council meeting the council voted on an agenda item #23 authorizing the City Manager to submit a SAFER grant application in the amount of $8,894,880 for a three-year grant performance period for STAFFING.  The memo written by Interim Fire Chief, Lee Glover goes on to say, “if awarded, the FY22 SAFER Grant Program would provide funding for 24 Firefighter/Paramedic positions consistent with the Fire Department’s current five-year staffing plan.”

We pulled up the application and pulled some highlights.  The first one states, “Over the past year, our department has seen the 90th percentile response times for first arriving fire/EMS apparatus in these areas increase to nearly ten minutes and NFPA 1710 single-family dwelling full alarm assembly time increase to over 20 minutes, well beyond the NFPA 1710 recommendations.”   The second highlight states, Without the assistance the city will likely be unable to simultaneously bear the cost of constructing two new fire stations and staffing/equipping firefighters, which would negatively impact Frisco FD’s ability to provide appropriate and timely emergency response and assembly of the recommended effective response force.”

The application goes on to say, “The Frisco Fire Department continues to experience increasing call volume and faces new risks.  The total call volume for the department has increased by 76.7% since 2015.”  It continues, “The Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) of America relocated to Frisco in 2022. While Frisco has experience with large special events, these attendance numbers are more than double the size of current venues in Frisco. In addition, Universal Parks and Resorts recently announced the opening of a new theme park scheduled to open in 2026. A new 2,500-acre development in northern Frisco is underway, with 14,000 homes and apartments planned, as well as commercial and retail development. These developments, events, and venues are new risks for the Frisco Fire Department in an area not close to an existing fire station which have resulted in significantly increased response times over the past few years.”  

Fire Chief Lee Glover now says, “we don’t have a staffing issue.” 

On a side note, we hope all the developers who donated $10,000 to fight the firefighters now realize the city is not prepared, they flat our said so in a federal grant.

As a resident, why do I feel like I need a shower and we are being blatantly lied too somehow!  During the election Mark Piland said as the former Fire Chief he advocated over and over for staffing.  Then we see this application by Lee Glover in 2023 which talks about how all the new development has put new risk for the FD and resulted in “SIGNIFICANTLY” increased call times.  Most glaring is his statement “we have seen NFPA 1710 single-family dwelling full alarm assembly time increase to over 20 minutes, well beyond the NFPA 1710 recommendations.”  Less than a year later we are hearing the complete opposite from Chief Lee Glover and every single member sitting perched up on the city pulpit.  

For the last few weeks, we watched the Safety-First Frisco PAC scorch any ground left between the city and the firefighters. They implied they were Greedy Bastards, basically attacked their character, willingness to work, called them lazy, liars and power hungry.  It was a nuclear response to an already tense relationship.  Meanwhile over at the police department, Chief Shilson’s wife Jana Shilson is advocating with the PAC on social media.  At the Fire Department, Chief Lee Glover’s wife Jamie Glover is also advocating with the PAC on social media.

On the other hand, the firefighters are scared they will suffer repercussions for being on the front lines of this fight for the propositions. The firefighter’s message has never changed which centers around staffing and the fact they have no confidence in city leadership or their Chief to do what is right.  City leaders continue to try and blame this on former leadership which has nothing to do with it. The former leadership fought with them and for them at the polls, right next to them. Come May 5th, the firefighters said win or lose, if you the resident calls, we your Frisco Firefighters will answer that call and risk our own lives to make sure you the citizen is safe.”  We ask again, what’s next?   Where do we go from here?

A starting point is every resident should be asking the following questions of our City Leadership: The City Council, The Mayor Jeff Cheney, City Manager Wes Pierson and his staff and Fire Chief Lee Glover:

If we don’t have a staffing issue, then why did you “THE CITY” apply for several SAFER FEMA grants specifically for STAFFING? 

Were you honest on the FEMA Safer Grants?  If yes, then you have been lying to residents.

Were you honest to residents and lie on the FEMA Safer Grant?  If yes, who thought it would be a good idea to lie on a federal grant application?

The 2023 SAFER grant says without assistance the city will likely be unable to simultaneously bear the cost of constructing two new fire stations and staffing/equipping firefighters, which would negatively impact Frisco FD’s ability to provide appropriate and timely emergency response and assembly of the recommended effective response force.” If that is the case, then why does the city continue to offer developers incentives to do business here, why did we build a 60+million-dollar library, and why are we considering a performing arts center? It sounds like we are broke or destitute.

The fact is only after the grants were denied did the city say we are fully staffed, trust us everything is okay, just trust your city leadership.  Well, I don’t trust you….AT ALL!  Will residents really get involved and express their concern to city leadership about what is happening in our city and demand they find a resolution to these issues or will we see the Fire and Police Association back on the ballot in two years fighting for Civil Service, again!

“Let no man’s ghost return to say his leadership and training let him down.”  – A Firefighter

Election Playbook: Code Enforcement

Do you know what the “Golden Rule” is in politics? It is rules for thee but not for me, which we have told you about many times. Common folks are expected to abide by the laws and ordinances like obedient little sheep. In the meantime, our politicians roam the pasture of power with the freedom of a rebellious teenager. They preach about transparency while hiding behind closed doors in executive session like hermits guarding their precious secrets. The concept of accountability is elusive like a mirage in the desert and the tragic outcome is voters losing faith in the system. In politics, only one thing is consistent and that is the double standard.

Ordinance No. 2020-10-69 which goes along with the Texas Election Code authorizes the City Council to enact reasonable regulations concerning the time, place, and manner of electioneering on a public premises used as a polling location. In the ordinance it states a “voting period” shall mean the period beginning the hour the polls open for early voting and ending when the polls close or the last voter has voted on election day (whichever is later).

The voting period is important because the ordinance states it is an “OFFENSE” for any person to leave electioneering signs on City-owned or controlled property that is used as a polling location before 6:00 p.m. before the “voting period” begins and to have them up (24) hours after the voting period ends. According to the ordinance any person, firm, corporation, or business entity violating this Ordinance, could be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and possibly face a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00).

The first email we received said that they knew of several people who made complaints to the City Secretary or Code Enforcement about signs being put out on April 21st, at least 6 hours before the allowed time frame. Who was the offender in this case? Glad you asked, it was John Keating, Angelia Pelham and Safety-First Frisco Vote No PAC who violated the rules. Did the city send out someone to confirm the violation? No. Did the city fine someone for the indisputable violation? No!

The email continued and said since it happened on a Sunday when Code Enforcement is off duty, they were not able to confirm or prove the violation. Why didn’t Code Enforcement ask the city to pull the security footage at each fire station, as they are surrounded by cameras? Did they receive time stamped photos with any of the complaints? This is how they “brush it under the rug.”

Even if they had been working, would you want to write a ticket or citation to a sitting council member? How could a code enforcement officer be comfortable with that? The CE Officer knows the council members could make one phone call, that will go down the chains of command, leaving the CE officer vulnerable. If they had been caught, Keating, Pelham, and the Safety-First Frisco PAC would have just blamed it on the “contractor” who put out the signs. Fred Lusk is the contractor, and he has done if for years, just look at the campaign finance reports. Mr. Lusk knows the rules! How about we call it what it is, Special Treatment! It goes directly to rules for thee but not for me!

This year the battle for the ballot votes was a heated one. So much so, that the following weekend after the original sign violation Code Enforcement was on the clock. Did they approve overtime for Code Enforcement for Saturday and Sunday April 27th and 28th? According to witnesses they did make an appearance at the open polling stations over the weekend. Based on conversations with some regular poll greeters who work every election, they have never seen code enforcement, especially not on weekends. What was special about his election, that code enforcement needed to work weekends?

Code Enforcement played a critical role in this election. In fact, we received another email that stated Code Enforcement showed up wearing “Body Cameras” like a police officer. Now according to the election code, Section 61.014 election officials recommend police officers turn off body cameras when within 100 feet of a voting station. That applies to officers on or off duty. The reason, it helps to maintain voter privacy while voters are voting at polling stations, standing in line to vote, or walking in and out of voting stations. Why did Code Enforcement need body cameras? Did they turn their body cameras off or violate someone’s privacy near the polls? Have they ever had to wear body cams before?

Another email stated it felt like Code Enforcement was hassling or targeting the Frisco Firefighters. For example, the ordinance states you are allowed to have a tent, canopy or similar covering that does not exceed 10 feet by 10 feet in size. The firefighters were not aware of the size restriction and had a 10 x 20 tent at Station 7. They were told the tent was in violation and had to come down immediately. The firefighters complied without issue.

Then the code enforcement officer pointed out that it was also an offense for them to attach, place or otherwise affix any electioneering sign, literature, material, tent or other device to any building, tree, shrub, pole or other improvement on City-owned or controlled property used as a polling location. He told them the new vinyl banner made for the propositions had to come down from the tent. The firefighters complied without issue.

The firefighters got created and used their vehicle at another polling site and again they were told they could not affix signs to their truck that was outside the 100ft electioneering marker. Based on the verbiage above we would argue the truck which is owned by a firefighter is not a building, tree, shrub pole or other improvement on city-owned property. If that is electioneering, then why were candidates allowed to put signs in the windows of their cars at stations all over the city that were parked on city-owned property?

Next, he pointed out that any sign on the premises could not exceed four (4) square feet and could not exceed more than (4) feet in height including any supporting poles. The firefighter’s response was to cut up the banner to meet the guidelines. If felt like the next day, we saw new signs and confirmed they had printed new signs that were 2 x 2 and 4 x 1. According to the email, Code Enforcement was not amused by the new signs when they returned and apparently measured each one of them at each station to make sure they were within ordinance size requirements.

Now, we know Code Enforcement is just doing their job, but we were curious were their actions based on a complaint called in or were they simply doing a polling site inspection when they noticed these violations? Did everyone at the polls receive the same attention as the firefighters? We will know as soon as we get the PIR back from the city.

Another email stated, Code Enforcement came out to check the roadway political signs at polling stations. Apparently at Station 7 a “John Keating” 4 x 6 roadway sign popped up before early voting began. Code Enforcement arrived with two officers who walked over to the roadway signs at the edge of city property. The email stated they glanced at the Keating sign then walked right past it to 2 other signs that belong to John Redmond and Mark Piland. The officers talked and looked at the iPad they were carrying. That is when they noticed a person walking towards them who appeared to be from one of the campaign teams. When the campaign rep returned, they asked them was going on now? The campaign person replied, “I guess there was a sign complaint.” She said she was just checking to make sure there were no issues with her candidate’s signs because she was concerned with how they were looking at them. She said then they pointed out to her where the city property line was, and the Keating roadway sign was right on the line.

The email stated they were concerned by what they heard because just weeks before her brother (a sign contractor) had several roadway political signs go missing from the same spot. He thought it was because they were on city property, but it turns out it was private property and the landlord from the shopping center had taken them down. At that time code enforcement pointed to the Angelia Pelham and John Keating signs located next to the sidewalk (which you can see in the picture right next to the Vote NO sign). The Code Enforcement officer them at that time those signs were right on the city property line which lines up with the bush on the opposite side facing the private property. Keatings new sign was at least 2 ft in from the back side of the bush so it should have been on city property. So, where is the city property line? Maybe the city should disclose that so people can follow the rules better.

The last email we received referred to the violations happening at Station 8 on Election Day by none other than John Keating, his poll greeters, and the Cheney’s. The email stated that for several of the morning hours Keating’s poll greeters were walking into the parking lot to greet people exiting from their cars. They would talk to them about how they need to go in and vote for Keating and against the propositions then come outside and take a picture “with the candidate or Mayor.”

Unsure if that was allowed, a poll greeter emailed Collin County Elections to ask the rules about being in the parking lot outside of the 100 ft marker point. Elections emailed back it was okay, so a poll greeter for another candidate went out to the parking lot stood on the grassy median and did the same thing Keatings poll greeters had done all morning. It was at that moment, when Jeff and Dana Cheney yelled out, “you can’t do that, you can’t do that!” Then she said a voice from the side said, “well you have been doing it all morning and told them elections confirmed they can do it.” That is when Mayor Cheney said Frisco has an ordinance against doing that and Dana Cheney yells out, I can just file a complaint; I will call right now and file a complaint.

Next, they saw the poll greeter come back up to the sidewalk and one of the poll greeters emailed the City of Frisco to file a complaint against Keating and his poll greeters, and Cheney’s. The email included videos and pictures of the violations (which we received also). Within 20 minutes, Code Enforcement showed up at Fire Station 8 and told everyone they had a complaint with pictures of poll greeters electioneering in the parking lots and reminded them they cannot enter the parking lots or driveways. They told the poll greeters if they had to come back, they would be writing tickets.

Mayor Jeff Cheney was referring to Section 54-213 of Ordinance No. 2020-10-69 which states, “It is an offense for any person to engage in electioneering on driveways or parking areas on the premises of a polling location or in such areas that the fire chief or his/her designee determines to be unsafe for electioneering or determines will interfere with patrons or city employees and staff who use the areas other than for election purposes. This restriction shall not apply to electioneering signs, literature or materials that are attached to vehicles lawfully parked at the premises of a polling location.”

In closing, say it with us, “Rules For Thee But Not For Me!” Clearly the Cheney’s and Keating know the ordinances so why did their own team break them all morning long? Keating stood on the sidewalk and watched his poll greeters go after car after car in the parking lot all morning. Why didn’t Keating or the Cheney’s correct the electioneering offense happening then by his own poll greeters? Dana said she could go in the parking lot because she did not have any clothes on supporting a candidate, but that is not true because before she stepped into the parking lot, she was holding a candidates sign on the nearby sidewalk, so it was clear she was poll greeting regardless of what she was wearing. It is just another example of how the rules don’t apply to the Elite who sit on our council. We can understand giving a warning for violations but not when it’s the City Council and the Mayor whose signatures is on the ordinance. Maybe Cinderella Cheney needs to hold herself, her husband, her adult son, and their friends on council accountable for their actions.

Election Playbook: The Infiltrator

In the intricate dance of politics, strategic maneuvering often extends beyond conventional means. Employing a political infiltrator to gain an advantage over opponents is akin to deploying a subtle, yet potent weapon in the arena of power.  You are maybe thinking this does not happen in Frisco, right? We received several emails from readers and insiders saying it did.  The Infiltrator Playbook can unearth secrets about your opponent’s campaign.  The result can make a candidate alter their political narrative and potentially shape the very fabric of political dynamics.

We received an email about how the Frisco Safety First PAC (aka the city) sent insiders to a private event held by a Stonebriar resident for John Redmond, Mark Piland, and the Frisco Firefighters Association.  It was like a meet and greet but at the country club open to residents who lived within the community interested in meeting the candidates.  According to the sender, former Frisco Mayor Michael Simpson and former Frisco City Manager, George Purefoy showed up.  Other guests included Dick Peasley whose name appears on the PAC paperwork and represents the city on the North Texas Municipal Water District for the last 10 years.  Steve Trent attended who serves on the Visit Frisco Board. Next, you had representatives from the Pelham campaign including Linda & Ed Kelley and Ann Harris.  Linda serves as Angelia Pelham’s current campaign manager and Ann served as her campaign manager in 2021.   That is quite a list of the Who’s Who of Frisco! 

Simpson, Harris, and the Kellys, qualified per the invite we received a copy of because they reside in the community.  We were puzzled, why would they want to go to a meet and greet when they support Keating, Pelham, and Safety Frisco First PAC?  Then you have Peasley and Trent who live in Frisco Lakes, and Purefoy who lives across the tollway who did not qualify per the invite.  Peasley is on the Safety-First Frisco PAC paperwork and that is why we are confused.  Call me stupid, but WHY WOULD YOU GO TO AN EVENT FOR CANDIDATES THAT YOU DON’T SUPPORT AND COULD CARE LESS TO GET TO KNOW?

According to the email someone from the club asked Purefoy, Peasley, and Trent to leave because it was a private event.  The person close by heard one of them say, “We are with Mike Simpson and want to offer an opposing view.”  I asked my wife if she would want to sit through a meet and greet for candidates, she had no intention of voting for?  Her answer was short and to the point, “hell no!”  Then she asked me if the party crashers invited the opposing FOR view to their meet and greets.  She has a valid point. 

We keep going back to WHY DID THEY COME?  The only clear answer is to spy with their own little eyes, cause trouble, or infiltrate the event to hear what the other candidates had to say and to disrupt it with the opposing view which we find to be rude and classless. If they felt strongly about hearing the opposing view on the propositions, why didn’t the same people insist that the Frisco Chamber of Commerce invite the Frisco Firefighters Association to the Chamber community forum?

Next up we heard about the Frisco Firefighters Association holding an event at a local restaurant and they invited the community to come out and talk to them.  My wife and I went to eat and check things out.  As we sat there, I said to my wife, don’t those guys look familiar?  We pulled up the email sent to us, and there were some familiar faces, Dick Peasley and his Vote No Friends. 

We thought it was so nice of them to show up and offer so much support for the Frisco Firefighters (just kidding), but they were there to watch and listen to what was happening at the FFFA Meet and Greet.  We are guessing they paid close attention so they could report back to Frisco Star Enterprise.  Now it is a public restaurant, but it was no accident Dick Peasley and his friends showed up and kept trying to engage with firefighters.  If we had to guess, they probably were recording them and everything they said to try and use against them later in the campaign. 

If we were to ask Dick, why are you here?  My guess is we would be told to make sure the “opposing” side was represented.  How many times do you think the Frisco Firefighters, Piland, or Redmond showed up at their private events?  Just a guess, but we would say zero!  It was clear they would attend every event they could based on their orders from Frisco Star Enterprise.  WHY WOULD YOU GO TO AN EVENT FOR CANDIDATES THAT YOU DON’T SUPPORT AND COULD CARE LESS TO GET TO KNOW?

The best one, we saved for last!  We received an email tip that Keating may have put a plant into the firefighter’s campaign station at the polls.  At first, this was a stretch even for us, but we kept reading.  The email stated they had been at the Fire Station to do a few hours of poll greeting and noticed an older lady sitting with the firefighters.  They stopped to say hi to them and asked if the stranger was one of their mothers out to help for the day.  They responded no, she just came over and sat down with them and said something about she would not hold a Vote No sign and wanted to support the firefighters. 

When their time was done, they went about the day when she realized one of her earrings was missing.  She wanted to backtrack her steps and ended up going back to the fire station.  She pulled into the parking lot and noticed it was empty except for two cars across the way from her.  She recognized the “older woman” from earlier that day sitting with the firefighters and already knew who the man was from seeing him at the polls. 

Well, who was it?  Jason Zelovics, owner of Mustang Strategies LLC, a political consultant and guess who he represents, John Keating!  In fact, Keating has paid Mustang Strategies over $85,446.50 from October 2023 to April 2024 for political consulting, mailers, signs, digital media, flyers, and polling expenses.  Why was this woman talking and being so friendly with Zelovics, who DOES NOT support the firefighters?  The email said, something felt off, so she started taking pictures and videos of them in the parking lot.  She saw them exchange a little “black thing” and then after about 30 minutes they said goodbye and drove out of the parking lot. 

Flustered, she forgot about her earring and drove home.  Later that evening her husband shows her the new Safety-First Frisco post which talks about yellow firefighter shirts, and it has a close-up photo of the so called “union” logo.  The next day when she went to complete her two hours at the polls and noticed the same woman wearing a “KEATING T-SHIRT” and holding a Re-Elect Keating sign.  As she walked by the firefighters, she said hi and stopped to tell them what she saw, and they said they knew something was off by the questions she asked and because she wanted a shirt so badly.  They seemed to blow it off, the writer said. 

After reading her email and looking at the pics we thought, this woman was not crazy.  That leaves us with one very important question.  Did Keatings “political consultant” put a mole in with the firefighters to try to get a shirt, take pictures and record them?  Did they use the little bit of info they obtained to adjust their communication talk track?  The lady came back every day until election day, never talked to the firefighters again and held a Keating sign every time.   

In closing, it was clear the Safety-First Frisco PAC, Keating and Pelham’s people were going to go to any lengths to win.  There was a lot of “Fields Developer Money” at stake and expectations to pull off a win.  We should all be asking the following questions:  Why did Dick Peasley and his buddies show up over and over at both private and public events held by the “other side?”  Why did Dick Peasley feel the need to berate the firefighters at the polls telling them they are overpaid and under worked?  What level of desperation did you feel that you had to send a 70-year-old mole into sitting with the FFFA at the polls to gain intel?  Is Keating proud of his Cheating (in many ways apparently)?  We would also like to know if Keating will release the itemized bill from Mustang Strategies. Why, well something does not add up that he spent $85,446.50 more than any other recent local and even some state-run elections.

The coward must abandon his dignity before he abandons the field of battle – James B. Donovan

Election Playbook Breakdown PT 1

Ah, the City of Frisco elections, where candidates pop up like mischievous moles in a game of whack-a-mole.  The battle in the whack-a-mole arena begins and the candidates are ready to take their swing at the other.  It starts with the Whack-a-mole Forums, where they take a stance and tightly grip their mallet waiting for the right opportunity to smack down the opposing candidate.  To everyone’s surprise, candidates just keep popping up somewhere else.  It is a constant battle through the political season as you whack and jostle for position, each promising to fix the potholes, and lower property taxes while dodging the inevitable accusations of shady dealings.  As early voting begins, you wonder if you’ve nailed down your opponent enough that they will surrender and retreat to the darkness of their hole.  They surprise you and pop back up and are ready to battle to the very end.  As election day draws to a close so does the delightful game of whack-a-politician and soon a winner will be given the gold mallet.  If only it were that easy!

Now that the recent election is over, we want to look at the “Election Playbook” or tactics used because you may be surprised by some of the underhanded measures that involved active and former city officials. Then again maybe not!  The first tool in the election playbook is the power of social media.  The Safety-First PAC, run by an ACTIVE SITTING CITY COUNCIL MEMBER BILL WOODARD, took the “take no prisoners” rhetoric approach which means victory or supremacy at all costs without any regard to consequences.

One post talked about how when there’s a fire in the city, they don’t want to see the Frisco Firefighters sitting on the sidelines campaigning and playing politics. “Don’t claim the department is understaffed when 6-7 firefighters are sitting at each of the polls every day doing the Union’s bidding” the post said.

Residents were quick to respond that the post was appalling, arrogant, and ignorant.  City Councilman, Brian Livingston responded to the post and said he was pretty sure firefighters get days off and if called upon would have been happy to assist.  He specifically pointed out we can disagree on the props without personally attacking them.  Sapp, President of the Frisco Firefighters Assoc was also quick to respond.  He said, “to insinuate that our OFF-DUTY engagement in exercising our First Amendment rights suggests we don’t care about our department or our brother and sister firefighters facing a fire is GARBAGE!  He continued, if the city had called for help, he could guarantee the polls would have been empty and every OFF-DUTY firefighter would have shown up.” 

We quickly noticed each time a negative comment was made, the PAC just hid or deleted it, and then they swiftly blocked residents from the page to control negative opposition.  These were the actions of councilman, Bill Woodard, and his city sidekicks.  Wait, are you telling me the Safety-First Frisco PAC (aka the city) which fought so hard and nasty against the firefighters don’t believe in FREE SPEECH? You know your FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT!   Ultimately the post was removed from the page probably because burning down the house (figure of speech) was not the best idea.

Another post called the firefighters association “soldiers without a war, and they follow a playbook of confusion, fear, and intimidation.” After talking to residents, we are sure the VOTE NO PAC put out the confusion, created fear, and used intimidation tactics with the DEVELOPER MONEY they had in their pockets.  Over the next several posts they released several takeaways from Mayor Jeff Cheney’s conversation with Sheryl Sculley regarding the “big bad Unions!”  

In the first video Mayor Jeff Cheney called his “BIG AHA MOMENT” related to the playbook of unions and how they operate.  The first was that Associations/Unions try to pit citizens against their elected officials, city manager, and city government.  

Then he goes on to say they intentionally put out misleading information.  For example, the signs across town say Frisco Firefighters “really big,” and the “association” is very small. What we find interesting is that Mayor Cheney had no issue with the Frisco Firefighters’ signs when they endorsed him and put it on a billboard.  We found this on social media, that says Frisco Fighters REALLY BIG, and where is the word association?  Ouch, it hurts to look like a crybaby!

The next post was about the Cockroach Theory.  We must assume since the video was posted that the Safety-First Frisco Vote No PAC agreed or endorsed Sculley’s comments.  It starts with her claiming that the San Antonio unions during elections would tell candidates to give them what they want, or they won’t support them and will run someone against you.  

What we find humorous is that Bill Woodard, Jeff Cheney, Laura Rummell, Brian Livingston, and John Keating have all WILLING APPLIED AND ACCEPTED the endorsements from the Association (OH SORRY, UNION), over the years.  Since they supported another candidate other than the incumbent, we are now we are supposed to believe they are in a power struggle and blackmailing people.

She then goes on to say the machine of the Union has to keep the “PRESSURE ON” the council members, and once they have them under their shoe like a cockroach, they had to apply pressure and change their tactics to keep them reeling until the Union’s goal is achieved. 

We see this very differently because it was the city’s Vote No PAC that sent multiple mailers with different messages, multiple text messages with different verbiage, and talked about higher taxes and outsiders. At one point we felt like if we voted FOR the proposition “outsiders” being Aliens might abduct us in our sleep and take us to their leader to brainwash us and intimidate us into voting NO.

The next post was a video of Sculley and Cheney talking about how you can love your firefighters and disagree about having a union in your community.  We could not agree more with Mr. Cheney. You can disagree civilly, however, that is not what you, the council, city and former city officials, and the Vote NO PAC funded by your friends choose to do.  

Would you like examples? Angelia Pelham personally attacked the Frisco Firefighters Association board members at a forum and threatened to oust the firefighters who spoke to her in private. Then the Chamber did not allow the firefighters to present at an educational community forum. Lorie Medina, your former Chief of Staff, and campaign manager repeatedly shouted that our firefighters were liars at the polls.  Mr. Dick Peasley verbally berated them saying they were overpaid and underworked.  Friends of the council in a large social media group then accused firefighters of setting the fire in Chappel Creek to help their cause for the propositions. The Vote No PAC constantly attacked the character, integrity, and qualifications of the Frisco Firefighters.  It was “NASTY” Mr. Cheney but it was one sided and the choice was yours, the councils and the Vote No PAC on how that played out. 

In closing, social media has serious fire power when it comes to getting out a message. Maybe that is why the social media appears to be scrubbed and cleaned up. We could not find any of the previous posts from Safety First Pac who deleted their page, or photos of the council holding the VOTE NO signs at the polls.

While residents were shocked by some of the posts, employees and former employees of the city were not, according to insiders who emailed us.  One said, “That type of behavior is standard operating procedure for the city from the departments to the king of the hill better known as City Manager, Wes Pierson.”  Another insider email said, “The only difference is now the residents are seeing what happens behind closed doors at all levels of the city.”  They concluded by asking us not to use their name for fear of losing our jobs at city hall.  Fear of losing their jobs is something we hear often from City of Frisco employees. 

Influencing the Desi Vote

Diversity refers to the presence of a variety of people, cultures, races, religions, and more that make up a local community. Growing up in another country we traveled to many destinations and that allowed us to learn about diversity and different cultures in our early developmental years. It was eye-opening and breathtaking, and little did we know it was exposing us to the diversity in those local communities.  My dad loved talking to the locals, eating local foods, and doing what the locals did.  Those are some of the best memories that I carry with me today.

Now as a dad and granddad, I try to expose them to the same blessings bestowed upon me by my father.  A few years ago, my grandkids said, Papa can we go to the event where they throw colors all around and get dirty?  I explained to them that Holi or the Festival of Colors, was a religious Hindu event to mark spring’s arrival and the triumph of good over evil.  I explained to them it was rooted in ancient traditions, and that it is one of the most prominent Hindu celebrations next to Diwali, the Festival of Lights.  The kids were excited to learn more and understand it better and now we take them every year.  By attending the event they had fun, made new friends, and learned that diversity in a community is a great thing.  

Frisco is growing so much that in 2017, Mayor Cheney created an ad hoc committee on fostering communication between the city’s Asian Indian community and city leadership.  The Frisco Indian Affairs Committee defined its mission through four pillars: community outreach, civic engagement, philanthropy, and events.  At the time it was created, the Indian community was made up of about 35,000 residents and that has only increased with rapid growth in our region. With the rapid growth of the Indian American community comes a significant political constituency.  An online survey conducted in September 2020 showed that while holding relatively liberal views when it comes to US politics, Indian Americans are conservative when it comes to issues back in India. 

Over the last few months, we have received several emails from different followers living in our Indian American community here in Frisco.  Surprisingly, they shared the same sentiment of concern over whether their community understands the effect of their voting power and how to choose the candidate who will best represent or include their community.  They explained that the “leaders” of the community with a substantial presence generally “guide others” on who to vote for.  They are concerned some leaders have ulterior motives and may not be doing what is best for the community, but what is best for them.  So, we decided to investigate one.

One leader in the Indian American Community is Gopal Ponangi who currently sits on the Frisco Independent School Board.  We pulled up his campaign finance reports for the period covering 01/01/2021 to 06/30/2021, expecting to see lots of donors but there were only three and each one donated $5000.00.  The donors were Venu Bhagyanagar, Anand Chillappa, and Pavan Nellutla. Then one more donation for $500 from Dustin Paschal. 

We pulled up his second campaign finance report from 07/01/2021 to 12/31/2021 and has a $200 donation from Angelia Pelham (current councilwoman), and $1000 from John Keating (current councilman).  Under pledged contributions, you have Venu Bhagyanagar, Anand Chillappa, and Pavan Nellutla for $5000 each.  Then there are several more from other individuals ranging from $50 to $1500.

Then we looked at his more recent campaign finance report for the period 7/1/22 through 12/31/22.  We saw the same three names under pledged contributions: Venu Bhagyanagar, Anand Chillappa, Pavan Nellutla and each gave $5000 dollars.

 At first glance, we notice several of his donations are from current or former members of city boards and commissions including Chinasatyam Veernapu – Parks and Recreation Board, Venu Bhagyanagar – Former Frisco Parks Recreation Board 2021, Pavan Raj Nellutla – Urban Forestry Board, Hitesh Naidu – Board of Adjustments / Construction Board of Appeals, and Venkat Mulukutla – Social Services & Housing Board.  The other concern is the donations from Angelia Pelham and $1000 from John Keating. 

Gopal appears to have a very vested interest in who he supports. Our question is, did Gopal Ponangi encourage his community to vote for the best candidates or the ones who donated to him? It also makes you wonder if his largest contributors sit on City boards and commissions, could that influence who he supports?  Could it be a conflict if he wanted to endorse another candidate instead of the current sitting council members?   Obviously, Gopal is not going to bite the hand that feeds his campaign contributions list.

Gopal was out at the polls on election day with Keating and he kept pulling people over and telling them how to vote.  Then he had them take pictures with Mayor Cheney, which he later posted on his social media pages.  We will talk more about that in another blog.  More importantly, do these leaders show up throughout the year, or only annual events, and during election season? 

FAKE DOCUMENTS: Safety First Frisco PAC

When I was a kid, my dad used to say “listen to your 5 senses” because they will protect you.  As a kid, I had no idea what he meant but as an adult, I understand the information collected by our five primary senses helps detect danger and allows our brains to understand and react to our surroundings.  Personally, I always thought it was my bull shit meter, you know the internal gauge for detecting deception, insincerity, or exaggerated claims that made me smart.  I think my wife got it right because she tells me the reason, I am such a good detective is due to the marriage of my “spidey senses” and my bull shit meter.  She hit the nail on the head! 

When we first heard in May 2023 that the City of Frisco fired 27-year veteran, Cameron Kraemer from the Fire Department over a work-related illness, we knew there had to be more to the story.  Immediately our team started reaching out to sources within the city and it was a game of silence from all sides.  Then we heard Mr. Kraemer might speak at citizens’ input, and we wanted to make sure we watched the meeting.  First person to speak was Matt Sapp, President of the Firefighters Assoc and watching it today, it explains so much why our FD is fighting for Prop A & B during this election cycle.

Then we watched Mr. Kraemer speak at the city council meeting and it was enough to break anyone’s heart.  A man poured out his soul and admitted to the public he had PTSD, a mental health issue, and the city should be ashamed of how they have treated him and the response from the council…nothing. We have a video with some highlights, but you can see the full video by clicking the link.

At the end of citizens’ input, we were caught off guard when Mr. Wes Pierson, our new city manager leaned forward and announced he had something to say regarding Cameron Kraemer.  This is the man who through the whole meeting sits back with a smug look on his face, swaying in his chair with an overall arrogance about him.  We listened to him, and his words were so cold, so impersonal, and then we thought how did he have this whole speech prepared and ready to go that night?  Had he heard that Kraemer maybe attending the meeting, or did he write it on the fly?  Either way, alarm bells were ringing in my head.

My spidey sense bull shit meter went through the roof, and I was sure we were on to something, but what?  Time went by and we followed the case.  Kraemer and the Fire Association fought the city on whether his illness (PTSD) was work related and he won.  Simply put, the city should hire him back or offer him a path back to work.  However, the city is choosing to dig in their heels and skirt responsibility so Kraemer will likely end up suing the city which will cost the taxpayers.  Because it is under wraps it is hard to follow the case and we thought our research was over.

Then fast forward to election time, where a new PAC is created called Safety Frisco First. We told you about this PAC in our blog The Secret PAC.  We quickly noticed that Bill Woodard and City Shady Bunch running the PAC were putting out a lot of details and documents and none of them went to fighting the purpose. This raised our curiosity because the documents seemed more personal in nature and directed at a few specific individuals to malign and attack their character.  It felt like the page was being used by the city to say the things they want to say but cannot say.  

We filed two PIRs with the City.  The first was for copies of any PIR requests and the corresponding documents made from Bill Woodard, Mike Simpson, Dick or Richard Peasley, Safety First Frisco PAC from 1/1/22 to Present.  As you can guess the city has sent that to Texas AG in order to delay releasing the documents.  What do you think they are hiding?

Then we filed another PIR for any emails, text, or handwritten correspondence between city officials regarding the Frisco Fire Association Prop A & B.  Guess what…they sent it to the Texas AG to delay releasing the documents.  What do you think they are trying to hide until after the election is over?

The PAC website has a document called “Letter from Weston Fire Chief regarding Asst Chief Kraemer,” but what does that have to do with fighting civil service or collective bargaining?  The letter was a clear attack on a 27-year First Responder who worked for the City of Frisco, to discredit him.  We kept asking ourselves, what does this letter have to do with the PACs purpose?  Time to find some answers. 

Our first question is, how did the PAC get these documents?  Well of course they would have to go through the formal process like us and file a PIR, right?   On 2/26/24 we filed a PIR that reads, “We recently visited the Safety-First Frisco PAC website, and we noticed a section called Resources that has the following documents which we listed out.  All of these documents would have to have been obtained through a PIR or a series of PIRs so we would like to see the specific PIR(s) requests for the following information above.”

We got an email back on 3/8/24 and a few things piqued our interest in the city’s response.  It said the Presentation to City Council regarding Salary Adjustments was NOT a PIR release.  The document was released at the November 21, 2023, Budget and Audit Committee Meeting.  Then they said the Letter from Western Fire Chief re Asst Chief Kraemer was NOT a PIR release.  Lastly the Report on Residential Fire – 4 on a Truck was NOT a PIR release.  HELLO, how did SFF get three documents, one appearing to being related to an HR file without filing a PIR and how would they know such a letter exists like that if it is in an HR file?  Councilman Bill Woodard must have known about these documents due to his position which he is now using for political purposes for a PAC that he heads up.  Ethical?

Next, we filed PIRs with the City of Weston and asked for a copy of any PIRs, and corresponding documents made by Bill Woodard or representatives from the City of Frisco.  The response, “The City of Weston has not received any PIR request from Bill Woodard or any requests from the City of Frisco.”  We also did a search of Weston’s agendas for the last few years, and you won’t believe what we found. 

Guess who the City Attorney is for the City of Weston? Richard Abernathy (same as the City of Frisco)

Guess who the City of Weston hired as a city manager consultant?  George Purefoy (former city manager for the City of Frisco)

Guess who the City of Weston hired as a fire consultant?  Mack Borchardt, who CURRENTLY WORKS FOR THE CITY OF FRISCO AS SPECIAL CONSULTANT FOR THE CITY MANAGER.  Wait, so we taxpayers are paying Borchardt, and he is allowed to work for other cities and make money at the same time? 

Next, we went to Weston Fire and Rescue and filed a PIR and we asked for four things, response from Weston F&R are in bold;

  1.  I would like a copy of any PIR request and the corresponding documents returned in the PIR request from the City of Frisco relating to Cameron Kraemer and his time volunteering, serving as Captain, or working in the last three years.  The PIR or request could have been done by text, email, or handwritten (formal or informal).  WFR has no documentation.
  2. I would like a copy of any PIR or request (formal or informal) from consultants named Mack Borchardt and/or George Purefoy (who are also consultants for The City of Weston) relating to Cameron Kraemer and his time volunteering, consulting, or working with the Weston FD in the last three years. WFR has no documentation.
  3. I would like a copy of the letter from Kevin Deal (Former Fire Chief) supplied to the City of Frisco regarding Cameron Kraemer and the time he spent with Weston FD, and I would like to know if anyone else has requested this letter in the last two years.  Attached and only you requested it

We could not believe our eyes!  They attached the letter and right there in front of us we started to compare the letter supplied to the City of Frisco.  We about fell over because the letters don’t MATCH! 

What are the differences:

Weston F&R:  No Date vs The Safety-First Frisco PAC:  The letter is dated

Weston F&R: To Whom It May Concern vs The Safety-First Frisco PAC: addressed to whom it may concern and Attn: Wes Pierson

Weston F&R: Signature vs The Safety-First Frisco PAC: Signature = TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT SIGNATURES! 

We would love it if the City of Frisco and/or The Safety-First Frisco PAC tell us how we have 2 totally different letters.  While the body is the same nothing else is and that is alarming.  It very clearly looks like the letter was forged or is a fake.  Now we have so much more to this investigation to come but ask yourself, why does the City of Frisco want you to believe former Fire Chief Mark Piland was this horrible Fire Chief but according to his EVAL and his employment history he has NEVER been written up in 40-year career.  Yet when he comes to work for Frisco, they want us to believe with perfect EVALS that he was such a bad leader?   Now we have the Assistant Fire Chief whom they want us to believe is this horrible person even though he was only written up once in 27 years for bringing a smoker trailer on the property.  They provide a letter that looks nothing like the original sent to the city and somehow the PAC gets it to post on their website.  This letter just happens to show up to help the city’s case and they have 3 people contracting with the city with ties to The City of Frisco. We would think that this letter would be a part of someone’s personal or HR file, so how did the PAC get it? If you released it to the PAC, then does that mean we can go back to the Texas AG to review previous requests of HR files to reopen where you made a claim, they were confidential?  

We have so much more on this to peel apart and will blog again soon. Ask yourself does this look like a targeted campaign to destroy two men’s lives and reputations? It does to us, and the question is for what?  It all goes back to Sassy Lauren Safranek the HR DIRECTOR who falsified records.  Also ask yourself if The VOTE NO PAC is willing to post a forged letter what else have they lied to you about? Lastly, did any of our current council including the two running for re-election know the letter had been modified before posted to the PAC site? What we do know for sure, is something smells like Shit in Frisco, and we are curious what part Bobblehead Bill Woodard is involved in?

WWE Raw – In Their Own Words (Pt. 2)

Oh, isn’t it just delightful how those oh-so-wise words we toss around like confetti have a remarkable talent for circling back and sinking their teeth into our proverbial posteriors?  Leaders must know that every quote and comment can suddenly boomerang back with the precision of a guided missile, leaving them with nothing but a bruised ego and a newfound appreciation for silence. Ah, the sweet symphony of irony, where every syllable becomes a potential landmine in the minefield of conversation.

Over and over in this election, we have heard about the “Turnover Rate” in the Frisco Fire Department.  We wanted to research it but without the data from the city, it is hard to tell how many good men and women have come and gone.  What we do know is what is being told to us by our city leaders, but we were curious why the numbers keep changing.  Angelia likes to throw out percentage rates when she talks, for example, the turnover rate in our FD is only 2%.   

We are curious if that is 2% compared to other departments in the city.  Is that 2% compared to other Fire Departments?  Is that 2% compared to some other data?  We don’t know!  Then we received a text from the Vote No PAC, you know the one that is run by active Councilman Bill Woodard. As we started reading through the text, we saw the words union, union, union which is an obvious attempt to create fear as we said in our last blog.  Then we get to the last sentence which states “Frisco Firefighters have a 1% turnover rate.  Don’t be misled by Union lies and fear tactics!”

First, who is trying to mislead us?  It is the city offering up different numbers to the same argument, not the firefighters.  It is the city offering up a playbook of confusion as they like to call it, not the firefighters.  We ask you, who do you believe?

We continued our journey going through weeks of material online that we could find when we came across this little nugget.  At the SLAN Community Forum, a firefighter asked our current council members, now that the firefighters have asked several times for a “meet & confer” when the last time or how many times have you visited or stopped by a fire station.  According to someone we emailed back and forth with who attended the event, they told us when the question was asked it changed the whole feeling in the ballroom, you heard a few oohs and aahs, and the audience waited on pins and needles for Keating and Pelham’s response.

Before we go any further, remember at the Frisco Chamber Forum Keating said true leaders admit to their mistakes (keep that in your back pocket).  Keating starts to answer the question and he tells a story about the FD saving someone’s life recently, and then he talks about how if they hold events sometimes, they drop off the leftover food at the closest station.   Then he said in the spirit of the question he would say probably…probably…probably (watch the video).  PROBABLY MR. KEATING?

Then he goes on to say what could I do better, and talks about grocery stores, and how we get people from other cities who love to come here and think it’s remarkable the community is behind them.  Keating continued to go on and it was painful for everyone, I am sure.  At some point all we heard was Blah, Blah, Blah, and after it was over realized that was the most painful yet comical 2:15 minutes to listen to.  To say Keating was anything other than a bumbling idiot would be a lie.

Next to the microphone was Angelia Pelham who quickly said she stopped by Station 6 to ask the question why they wanted to unionize.  She said she didn’t get a lot of responses because “PEOPLE WERE NOT VERY COMFORTABLE GIVING DETAILS.”  Well first, that is probably true since they don’t trust the leadership of which she is a part.  Second, THEY CAN’T TALK TO YOU IN UNIFORM MS. PELHAM ABOUT POLITICS, and you as a councilwoman should have known that.  Then her voice goes up a few octaves and in somewhat of a scolding manner she says I have talked to your brothers and sisters at Mochas and Javas or Starbucks across the street asking them when this is over how do we move forward.  Then she threatened to “IF I HAVE TO CALL THEM OUT I WILL” which immediately told me everything.  That is why the firefighters are afraid of retaliation for talking or using it against them when convenient for your political playbook. 

Here is what residents should be concerned about, first her arrogant and cocky attitude.  When you lose on May 4th what happens on May 5th?  Can you foresee the future Ms. Pelham until the polls close and votes are cast for you to assume they are going to lose makes an ass of you.  Then she says, “YOU WANT WHAT YOU WANT” and no one is willing to budge and someone in the room must be the adult to get past this.  Ms. Pelham, it sounds like you want what you want.  Do you even realize it came across as you were scolding a group of 15 to 20 grown men and woman firefighters in the open public of a ballroom shaking your hand or fist?  Lastly, you stated if you want to talk to me, I will meet with you at Mochas and Javas after you just threatened to call them out.  Why would anyone ever want to come to you?  Why would any of our first responders ever think they can trust you? 

In the race between Pelham and Redmond, we believe Redmond won the forum in one statement.

What our leaders need to remember is the practice of the “Golden Rule” which is treating others as you’d like to be treated.  It is a powerful tool for anyone seeking to understand the essence of empathetic and respectful interactions.  When you apply the principle, you pave the way for open, judgment-free communication, fostering a space where everyone feels valued and heard.  Right now, I don’t think the employees or the residents of this city feel they have conversations grounded in mutual understanding and kindness with any of our city leaders.  Now we will see if Pelham’s crystal ball works or if she will need to return it for a new one on Saturday, May 4th.


If you attend a council meeting, town hall, or local event all you hear is Frisco is the #1 Safest City.  It is drilled into us over and over that the city spends 50% of the budget on public safety and that is why we have #1 this and #1 that.  The Frisco EDC has an entire list on their website of all the accolades the city has received going back to 2017. 

We are curious, IS FRISCO THE SAFEST CITY?  Well, it depends on who you ask!  According to a study done by SmartAsset we were ranked #1 Safest City In America in 2022 and 2023.  Yet the page does not show we are ranked #1 in 2024.  According to Safewise in 2024 we are not the safest city.  We are not even in the top 10, top 20, top 30, and top 40 of Texas Safest Cities.  Drum roll please, according to Safewise, we are NOT IN THE TOP 50 SAFEST CITIES IN TEXAS.  The study said all of the top ten cities reported zero murders.  Eight of the top 10 cities reported zero robberies. 

What North Texas cities made the TOP 50 Safest City List?  Well, #1 is Melissa, #5 is Colleyville followed by Fate, Heath, Sachse, and Trophy Club to finish in the top 10.  Wylie comes in #12, Murphy #13, Flower Mound #15, Prosper #27, and so on.  What you won’t find is Frisco anywhere in that Top 50 list.

Recently we received a campaign mailer by TREPAC for Angelia Pelham and John Keating that states across the top Two No-Nonsense Leaders “Putting Our Safety” First.  It also states they have stood with local law enforcement and firefighters, but the Frisco Police Officers Association and the Frisco Fire Fighters Association have endorsed Mark Piland.

Keating continues to advertise the #1 status of Frisco on his Facebook post which says again #1 Safest City in America.  Another mailer he sent out says #1 Safest City in America right across the top.  Why is the city not publishing our ranking by Safewise?  Maybe BECAUSE WE ARE NOT EVEN THE TOP 50!

The Vote No PAC which is bought and paid for by developers tells you on their mailers public safety is always a top priority.  Fifty percent of your property taxes go to public safety.  If that is true, our city leaders have failed the residents because we are NOT EVEN IN THE TOP 50 SAFEST CITIES IN TEXAS. 

Who do you believe our council, SmartAssest, or Safewise? 


We have told you over and over how Frisco is “For Sale” to the highest bidder, and while some scoff at the notion, we hold steadfast that for a price a developer can have whatever they want in Frisco, Texas.  Leading the helm of that “pay for play” practice is Mayor Jeff Cheney, who along the way went from broke (his comment to a local newspaper) to one of the largest Real Estate Moguls in Frisco.  Guess he is not penny-less now!  With the vote of the council members locked in, each bit of Frisco is for sale piece by piece.

Today we were sent an email from a reader who was upset that they received an email from their BUILDER LANDON HOMES telling them to vote no against the firefighters.  They felt it was a violation of their privacy, and because it was political and had nothing to do with new homes or their home it crossed the line.  That’s right, a builder LANDON HOMES used their sales list and client list to email everyone who bought a home from them and tell them to VOTE NO in our local election. 

According to their privacy policy online Landon Homes respects your privacy and is committed to treating information about you responsibly. It clearly states they collect your information to give you superior service and to provide you with convenient access to a wide range of products and services and customer service surveys. No where in the written privacy policy does it say they will use one’s email for political purposes or to basically electioneer in their best interest.

The irony is the same builders ask the Fire Department to come out to their events and do “community engagement” events but they don’t want to support them back.

Why is it okay for builders to dictate how “WE, TAX PAYING RESIDENTS VOTE?” 

While Landon Homes clients probably agreed to get marketing emails from them for things such as new homes or developments, did they agree to become recipients of political messages?  Is that outside the scope of marketing?

How do you feel about a local builder being ANTI-FIREFIGHTER AND FIRST RESPONDERS?  Would you buy a home from them now? 

Do you think it is IRONIC that the same builders ask the Fire Department to come out to their events and do “community engagement” but then they don’t want to support them back? 

It is no secret that John Landon, owner of Landon Homes has been a donor to certain members of the city council over the years:

Jeff Cheney                      Jan 2020            $2500

John Keating                   April 2024          $1500

Safety First Frisco         April 2024          $10,000              

We have no issue with Landon’s donating to the ANTI PAC as that is their right as an individual.  However, they crossed the line went they entered their business into our political election and told home buyers how to vote!  Ask yourself, what other developers have sent out this same message during this election cycle?  How deep does this corruption go with our builders and city council? 

VOTE FOR CHANGE!  It is time for the residents to take back our city and to have a voice! Don’t be fooled by big-money developers with self-personal interests. Go out and support your Firefighters and first responders Saturday.  Send an email to Landon Homes and let them know to stay out of our elections at onlinesales@landonhomes.com

WWE RAW: In Their Own Words

The art of political rhetoric is where promises flow like honey from the lips of our esteemed leaders, only to be swiftly forgotten once the ink dries and the votes are counted on election day.  It is a delightful game of “he said, she said,” politicians masterfully navigate the treacherous waters between sincerity and self-interest, leaving behind a trail of broken vows and conveniently misplaced principles.  We want you to embark on a whimsical journey through the whimsical world of political doublespeak, where words are but mere tools in the grand symphony of deception!

For months now we have heard the political rhetoric about the “Big Bad Unions” coming to town from our city leaders who run the Vote No PAC which is funded by developers of the Fields project.  Keating & Pelham, in their own words, have openly said at forum after forum residents should vote “NO TO UNIONS” and the propositions on the ballot.  

Keating’s political rhetoric via campaign mailers on the other hand has changed and the new approach is to claim he was pro-public safety and that he has been a champion for the police and fire departments.  Was lying to the residents at the forums or is he lying to residents via mailers now?  Now he is trying to change his message at the polls so he has instructed his poll greeters not to hold the “Vote No” signs because he thinks it might be hurting him at the polls.   We think Keating is a typical politician who will spew whatever political rhetoric he wants depending on how the wind blows and that his word is no better than a grain of salt. 

Meanwhile, Matt Sapp, President of the Frisco Firefighters Association, and several Frisco Firemen and women we spoke to told us over and over “Unions are not legal in Texas” and that is by Texas Law called an Association.   If you ask any city leader, they are going to give the big bad union story, but Keating “In His Own Words” admitted that it is regulated by Texas Law and it is an “Association.”  Why are Keating, Pelham, Cheney, Woodard, and Rummel then misleading the people of Frisco with the scary term Union when they know it is an Association?  Well, it better fits their narrative and creates fear in residents which is what they want. 

Pelham has claimed the push for the propositions is because someone wants POWER and CONTROL.  In her own words, she said this is not about the whole fire department, it is about a select few called the Fire Association. 

Well, that “select few” is over 90% of the association made up of 200 or more firefighters according to Matt Sapp.  That leaves us wondering who wants the power and control in question.  At certain times Pelham is about “data” and at other times she is about generalizations which ever best fits the narrative.  Who do you believe?

Why are we sharing this with you?  Voters must realize our elected officials are not being straightforward with us.  That is all we have been trying to show and prove to you since the day we started this journey of Frisco Chronicles.  Voters need to have all the information to be able to make the best decision when they cast a ballot.  Next up more WWE Smackdown of In Their Own Words – Part 2.

WWE RAW: Early Voting Breakdown

To follow the elections up close, we have visited several of the polling stations this week in both Denton and Collin County.  Our goal was to talk to the candidates and those on both sides of the two propositions to get a first-hand response and reaction.  We were surprised to learn that many were being paid to be at the polls and when we asked why we should vote for the candidate many couldn’t answer that.  We also met some who were very friendly, and they spent time talking to us and explaining the reason for their support of a candidate or proposition on the ballot.  Lastly, we talked to some who came across as angry and crass like they had a chip on their shoulder.  We sometimes walked away with the feeling that they were pretending to care about people they’d never seen before, all for the sake of getting their vote. Nothing says “genuine concern” like a forced smile and a rehearsed “have a nice day” as they enter the polling station. Truly, democracy at its finest.

It was eye-opening and all done for the sake of research.  However, just like any good novel or reality TV show, there must be some drama.  First, we wanted to talk to the Vote No group, and upon arrival, the first thing we noticed was that most of them had on Keating candidate shirts. We only saw a few Pelhams holding vote no signs but that was only if there were other Pelham greeters holding Pelham signs with them. We talked to an older man holding a Vote No sign and when we asked why we should vote against the propositions, we were taken aback by his answer.  He told us the firefighters were lying to us by saying they needed more staffing and that this was about money, power, and control.  He went on to say the men in yellow shirts were not even Frisco Firefighters they were “out of towners” and if this passed it would decimate the city.  Honestly, he came across as angry and outright vengeful!  We asked about the recent arson fire, and we were shocked when he said with a flippant attitude well, they probably started it to help themselves at the polls.   It took everything in me to not whip the man upside the head with my walking cane. 

Then we met a woman wearing a “Keating” shirt at another station who repeatedly told us the Firefighters were liars and they should be ashamed of themselves for how they have tarnished the reputation of Frisco and its leaders.  She talked about how great our city leadership was and that if we voted for the propositions on the ballot, it would be our greatest regret.  She said we need to trust our officials to see that they are doing the right thing.  Her disdain for the Firefighters and her arrogant and condescending attitude didn’t help her case at all and it sure didn’t help Keating.

The last man we spoke to at the college came across with the best message.  He was calm and reasonable and gave us his side of the facts.  He had valid reasons or concerns for the propositions, and it felt as if he was truly concerned.  He made no horrible innuendos or nasty remarks about the firefighters and simply said he disagreed with them on this.  We asked which candidate he supported and because he did not have a t-shirt on for Pelham or Keating like the other ones did this week and he said they were told not to hold the Vote No signs while wearing the incumbents’ shirts because they felt it was hurting their campaigns.

Then we talked to the firefighters and surprisingly the statements were the same at each visit.  We asked why we should vote for the propositions and if it was about a power struggle.  Repeatedly we were told no, it was not a power struggle for them it was about safety, transparency, and accountability.  Several said they just wanted to make it to the end of each shift so they could go home to their families.  We heard over and over that they were very happy with their pay and benefits, and this was not about more money.  They talked about the concerns of working off-duty events, with city gear and apparatuses, yet not being covered by city benefits in case they were injured.  They talked about the concerns regarding how dismissive the city management and fire leadership is with the rank.  They talked about staffing levels and how they currently compare to other cities and how as we build out and up, they feel they take more risk. They are truly concerned there is no plan for more staffing in a city that has grown 10-fold in the last 5 to 10 years.  While they expressed concern for recent actions by the city and council, they never once personally attacked anyone calling them names.  They were personable, factual, and non-emotional about it and simply said we hope you vote for public safety. 

What did we learn from the two interactions?  The two groups took very different approaches to the polls.  One group came across as unhinged and the other came across as expressing concern for the safety of residents and themselves. The vote-no group needed more guys like the one at the college who appeared rational because all the others we spoke to were angry and hateful.  We are not the only ones who felt this way because post after post on social media residents talked about their experience at the polls and how they felt about the vote no and council members came across in a negative way.

What became very clear, is that both Keating and Pelham are rebranding the message to the public.  We thought the statement about them being told not to wear the incumbent’s t-shirts while holding a vote no sign was interesting.  If Pelham or Keating think it is the vote no sign a poll greeter is holding while wearing their shirt that is hurting their campaign, they are dead wrong.  It is how the city has violated its own “CORE VALUES” which might be the reason they are shocked come Saturday, May 4th.   Core values, like “Integrity” which reads, “Integrity is honesty, trustworthiness, ethical behavior and always doing the right thing. Integrity matters because we are entrusted with building and maintaining our community. Integrity is the foundation of all other core values.”   Better yet, maybe the core value that is called “Our Employees” states we support, develop, and reward the contribution, diversity, and talents of all employees. 

As for the candidates, most of the poll greeters on the front line had a passion for whomever they were supporting, from ISD candidates to City Council candidates.  It is clear the ISD races are not as contentious as the city council races.  All of the candidates in the ISD races took time to answer questions and greeted folks and thanked them for voting.  Much more civil across the board. 

As for the city council race, two things were quickly apparent when talking to them.  At the city council level, one group continually undercut or made negative references about their opponents while the other simply did not acknowledge the opponent and only talked about why their candidate is or was the best choice.  Secondly, it was clear some were getting paid because they could not give us one reason as to why we should vote for the candidate.  When it came to the ISD races that was very different, as each poll greeter knew their candidate and only talked about how their candidate was the best choice.  Some poll greeters could learn something from them.

The one thing we do know is soon the sign wars will be over and life will go back to boring. Recently one candidate filed a police report regarding their sign being stollen and the next day on the same corner appeared a new blue sign. The chance to drive by a fire station with people waving and wearing colorful shirts will be over! Then what happens, we will see!

In BED with the Developers

The second wave of campaign finance reports came out and if you have been following us now for a while then you know what we are about to tell you! John Keating and The Vote No PAC must be busy in bed DEVELOPERS IN FRISCO.

John “Cheating” Keating who called out his opponent at a recent forum for having the “largest single donation” in campaign history from one person must apologize for his inaccurate words. When Mark Piland ran for Mayor, he had two (2), $10,000 donations from a neighbor in a community where he has lived for years. However, John Keating’s current campaign finance report shows he accepted $20,000 in one BIG OLE PAYMENT from Ronald Feferman who owns Primary Media a digital billboard company who apparently works with the VisitFrisco.com group according to their website. Then Keating took $1500 form John Landon of Landon Homes, $2000 from Trey Sibley of Rudco, LLC (aka Hillwood / Fields).

As for Keatings claim that Piland took the largest single donation in campaign history, that is FALSE. He also has not taken money from people actively under investigation for fraud by the federal government to the tune of 2.5 million or more. He also does not have a history of accepting shady money from people with legal problems but guess what …. John Keating does!

Then we looked at the Safety-First Frisco Vote No PAC campaign finance report, and guess what we found … John Landon of Landon Homes who has active projects in Frisco must be playing Santa Claus because he donated $10,000 to the PAC. Let’s just add that $10k to the other money they took from DEVELOPERS with ACTIVE PROJECTS that we reported about in our blog, Bought and Paid For.

Where, oh where, did the previous monetary contributions on the last campaign finance report come from:

Mario Sinacola & Sons Exc, Inc: $10,000 (they have active contracts with developers & the City of Frisco)

K-N Ventures (aka Fehmi Karahan of Fields Development): $10,000

Columbus Realty Partners (aka, Staubach, Richard Reupke, Robert Shaw & Fields Development): $10,000

Rudco Land, LLC (aka Trey Sibley III or Hillwood Properties – Fields Development): $10,000

Hunt Funding Group (aka Hunt – Fields Development): $10,000

CrossTie Capital (aka Philip Rose – Fields): $10,000        *click the name to read our last blog.

Chief Partners III, LP (aka William Vanderstraaten – Fields): $10,000

It is important to note that any of the names above that are underlined, DON’T LIVE IN FRISCO.  Yes, they have a development here, but they are not Frisco Residents.   

If you live in Frisco, then this should upset you our local elections are being determined by BIG MONEY FROM DEVELOPERS, who don’t even reside in our city. Oprah and her sled missed my front door when hanging our free developer money, did she make it to yours. She was too busy yelling, “You get Cheney’s Friends Developer Money, you get Cheney’s Friends Developer Money and you … well you get nothing!

Stolen Voices: The Political Sign Snatcher

Ah, the scenic drive through Frisco during election season, where the streets are a colorful mosaic of political fervor. Each corner proudly displays a candidate’s political sign, as if competing for the most eye-catching display of democracy in action. You can’t help but marvel at the sheer dedication to plastering every available inch of space with campaign paraphernalia. And just when you think you’ve had your fill, you reach the sanctuary of your neighborhood, only to find it transformed into a battleground of conflicting endorsements.

The other day driving home from H-E-B, my wife and I were commenting on all the signs, and she mentioned how we had received emails from several people about a possible “Political Sign Snatcher” among us.  Then she started humming a tune and I silently thought to myself, what song is that?  Then it hit me, talk about a flash back to the past, it was Ace of Base- The Sign.

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign
Life is demanding without understanding
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

I saw the sign and it opened up my mind.
And I am happy now.

When we reached home, I raced to the lazy boy, opened the laptop, and started to read our emails.  I was shocked to learn that a “Political Sign Snatcher” had stolen hundreds of signs that were found in a sewer drain.   We received an anonymous tip that hundreds of “Fire Association Signs’ were found in a local sewer drain.  That’s right, stuffed down deep in a city sewer drain off a neighborhood road.  We reached out to a city insider who told us they received a complaint and the next morning both the Fire Fighters Association and the Police or Streets Department went to the location and guess what?  All the signs were gone! 

Hundreds of signs in a drain now missing and we are guessing the value of those signs is easily over $1000.00 and residents should be concerned about it.

We have so many questions and so should you!  If a resident called in a complaint, and the signs went missing by the next morning, who took them?   How would the political sign snatcher know they need to come back and get the signs out of the sewer before getting caught?   Someone would have had to tip them off that someone had filed a complaint which could lead to them getting caught.  Who has access to the complaint made by the citizen?  If someone in the city did “WARN” the sign snatcher that could put the city in very hot water. 

We are curious, did any homes nearby have cameras and did the city streets and sewer team notify the police?  If so, is there now an open investigation?

What do you think?  Tell us in the comments!

Keating Rebranding or Lying?

In the last week or so there has been a rush for some elected politicians to “REBRAND” their message because they realize it is not hitting well with residents who turn up to vote.  If you are not paying attention, you might not catch the subtle “rebranding of the message” or what we simply call lying.  Political messaging is a delicate dance.  Mailers hit your mailbox with words that dance gracefully around some inconvenient truths.  A candidate’s message is supposed to be consistent but in Frisco, politicians transform blatant contradictions into poetic ambiguity, crafting messages so elusive that even Sherlock Holmes would throw in the towel trying to understand. Candidates are the maestros who have turned gaslighting into an art form and when caught on camera they politically rebrand the message making deception look like a masterpiece.

Let’s look at Keating’s first mailer which reads “Leadership. Experience. KEATING.”   He says his mission is to keep Frisco the #1 city in America by protecting our quality of life and ensuring it remains the best place in Texas to build a business and raise a family.  On the back of the flyer, Keating points out his priorities to keep taxes low, support police and fire, and again mentions protecting our quality of life.  Then in a bid red banner, it reads “Frisco Under Keatings Leadership” and is #1 Safest City In America according to Smart Asset 2023, #1 Best Place To Live according to Money Magazine 2018, #1 Best City To Do Business in Texas according to Better Homes and Gardens 2020 and #1 Suburb in North Texas according to Livability 2023. 

If you ask the residents of Cobb Hill whose backyard now faces a future theme park if Keating and the council protected their quality of life, my guess is they would say no! On March 3, 2023, he admitted the night of the vote at the city council meeting that he did not meet with residents of Cobb Hill and instead chose to go on vacation and protect his quality of life.  This proves Keating’s priorities are Keating, not the residents.  He then said we do fully expect to be held accountable. He continued, “Accountability & Transparency is part of the Frisco City Council’s DNA,” and goes on to talk about how he says that with conviction.  On May 4, 2024, we will know if the residents hold him accountable for his decisions.

Updating The Message or Spreading the Lies:  Keating’s new social media ads have a bolder look with a blue background and bright yellow text that read “His Record” as being all the same #1 labels, but this time he leaves the dates off of the publication for the rankings.  Why is that?  We guess that people don’t care how we ranked in 2018 they care how rank today in 2024.  A report in U.S. News listed the top 25 places considered the best places to live for families in the U.S. in 2023-24 and Frisco did not make that list.  The same magazine has the top 150 most popular areas to live in 2023-24 ranking and Frisco did not make that either unless we fall under #113 DFW. What Keating has failed to realize is just because he says it is true does not mean that it is true.  Many things have changed in 6 years but his Forest Gump brain still believes we are #1.

Changing Tunes on Public Safety and Proposition A & B:  Keating was proud to jump at the forums this year and announce he supports the Vote No PAC which is bought and paid for by Frisco developers.  He is also proud to be endorsed by Mayor Cheney and former Mayor Mike Simpson, both of whom are huge proponents of the Vote No PAC.  He also had his friends and fellow council members out at the polls with him encouraging citizens to vote NO against the Firefighters.  Yet in just the last 24 to 48 hours that message has started to shift.  A poll greater for Keating emailed us and said they were told not to hold a Vote No sign if wearing the blue Keating t-shirt anymore. Wonder why a shift in political messaging?

In our opinion, double speaking is not a good political message.  For years Keating has said he is an advocate for our first responders.  In fact, in a video 3 years ago he stated that his personal goals were to provide first responders with the tools and training they need to stay safe.  Keating also filed for an endorsement in the last election which we wrote about in our blog Jammed Up John Keating, and one of the questions was, “he supported four firefighters for ALL TRUCK COMPANIES” and that we have to grow accordingly to the population growth.

Fast forward to today, and now Keating says we have adequate staffing (which has not changed since the last election), and that this is a power play for those who serve themselves and do not have the best interests of Frisco at heart.  Is Keating calling our first responders “self-serving?’  Keating has also filled out the Association’s (aka the bad Union they are trying to sell us today) required questionnaire for an endorsement which comes with money in each election.  He had no issue with the Association (aka bad union) and the money they fed his campaign all these years.  Honestly, we think he is hacked off that he did not get either public safety group’s endorsement this year and why would he expect to after how he has talked about them and attacked them as evil ogres of our city?   The fact is Keating sold out our first responders for big-money developers and a house in the prestigious PGA Preserve community, and he has to live with that. 

As we said now Keating has begun to update his message on public safety.  His new mailer has red and blue emergency lights on the front and reads “In 2022 and 2023, Frisco was named #1 Safest City In America.   Then a big bold yellow banner along the bottom reads “John Keating Kept Us Safe.  Let’s Keep John Keating.”  News flash Mr. Keating, when my house was broken into it was not you who showed up at my door to keep me safe, it was our Frisco Police Officers.  When my wife had a medical emergency, it was not you who came to our home and provided that, it was our Frisco Fire Squad.  Maybe we missed your get-well card in the mail, but I am pretty sure you never “KEPT US SAFE!”  Quite frankly, the front of your postcard shows your arrogance and narcissistic personality.

The back of the newest mailer has a bright red banner that reads “John Keating Gives Police, Fire, and First Responders the Tools They Need to Keep Us Safe.”  It goes on to say our safety is not just a promise it is a priority, but we don’t believe you.  Then he says under his leadership Frisco has added 85 new police and fire personnel, which sounds great.  Can you tell us what the breakdown of that is between the two departments?  If you list that number out it might now look so good for the promises you are offering.  As for supporting the bond for Fire Station 10, who cares?  Let’s say we have a new shiny building, if you don’t staff it, what is the point?  According to city hall insiders you only plan to have one truck there and no medical which in my tax-paying opinion seems like a damn waste.

Lastly, the mailer talks about Keating Public Safety Priorities which means, “Can you smell the ShXt Keating is selling.”  Don’t defend the police – defend the police?  How will that play with the Democrat vote you are trying to win?  Support our police officers and firefighters by “advocating for maintaining adequate staffing levels WITHIN THE POLICE FORCE TO ENSURE RAPID EMERGENCY RESPONSE TIMES?  Hmmm, read that again, “within the police force!”  Guess he just forgot the Fire Department.  Wait, he has promised to advocate for years on that issue and has not done anything and still claims HE IS THE TRUE LEADER FOR OUR CITY?

Can we just lay it out for you?  Keating’s rebranding is like a symphony of semantics, where promises are whispered like sweet nothings and lies are wrapped in the velvet cloak of confusing rhetoric. He is dumber than Forest Gump and so is his political consultant Mustang Strategies.  One might even say Keating’s campaign consultant spins their web of propaganda making the narrative so tangled that even Charlotte the spider might blush with envy.

He has sold out the frontline who have supported and endorsed him for developer money and the hopes of being Mayor Cheney’s Best Friend Forever.  Keating loves to talk but his actions or food but then goes against everything he claims to stand for.  We are ashamed of those who support him because it tells us a lot about their lack of morals, honesty, and integrity.  Keating’s mailers are woven tapestries of half-truths, lies, and promises, painting a picture so vivid that even Picasso would envy their creativity.   

Winston Churchill: ‘Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.’

India Association of North TX

Frisco has experienced rapid growth in recent years, fueled by its reputation as one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States. The city website which estimates our current population as of April 2024 is about 233,211 people.  It also breaks down the economic statistics showing the median household income is around $145,914, the median family income of around $175,969, and the average median home value is $571,671.  All of this shows that Frisco is growing and prosperity is still good here. 

The other thing you notice in Frisco is that we are becoming more diverse each day and we think that is a good thing.  Living in a community with an eclectic diverse culture makes for a vibrant community to live in and enjoy.   As of 2023, the city website reports Frisco is 48.1% white, 26.7% Asian, 12.4% have two or more races, 9.3% are Black, 3.5% other, 0.5% are American Indian/Alaskan and 0.06% are Pacific Islander/Hawaiian and 14.5% is made of Hispanics (any race). 

Recently we heard about the Frisco Indian American Families City Council Forum.  We could not make it to the forum, but we did see video clips of it online.  We thought the dialog was good and the moderator did a good job, but we were disappointed two of the candidates (the active city council members) were unable to attend.  It did have some important faces like Texas House Representative Jared Patterson, Tony Singh from Little Elm District 2, and Burt Thakur a former Congressional Candidate and it was held at Rotate Bar & Kitchen which is an Indian-owned business.  It is events like this that show our diverse populations that they have an important voice and need to be involved. 

We wanted to dive deeper into the Indian community which is an important voting group here in Frisco.  We started looking at social media and immediately noticed there are several “social influencers” right here in our own backyard and local community.  Then we came across a post that said it is a beautiful day to be out to complete your civic duty and vote.  It tagged the Indian Association of North Texas (IANT) whose website states its primary purpose is to serve the cultural and educational needs of the North Texas Indian community.  It listed IANT as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian organization, established in 1962 and incorporated in 1976. 

Non-political?  The posts sure don’t seem “non-political” as it said to go vote and had several photos with folks holding signs for John Keating.  We also came across another post from the same influencer that details 3 candidates to vote for and is an endorsement that tagged the IANT.  It is confusing because it was not one post but multiple posts where the IANT was tagged for a political purpose. We were curious, why is the IANT involved in local elections in the City of Frisco, Texas?  Are they under pressure or being forced to get political? Why is one of its directors tagging the IANT in a clearly political post? Maybe this was the influencer’s endorsement, which is fine, but since they hold a position of influence with the IANT, should they be tagging a non-political organization? 

We could not find anything on their website that talked about how they endorse candidates, so we emailed them to ask what the process is for choosing a candidate to endorse.  We did see social media posts by the IANT encouraging people to vote but not for any one specific candidate. Do they require them to fill out questionnaires, and get interviewed by the board or a selection committee?   If they don’t endorse, and this is one person’s they should probably be clear on that to not influence others’ opinions.  Is the IANT under pressure or being forced to endorse candidates.

We want to see more voting here in Frisco and the Indian American population needs to understand the power they have as individuals by casting their vote.  The issues facing our local community as well as the state and national level make every vote that much more important.  We think holding educational political awareness events, meet-the-candidate events, and forums is fantastic.  We have trust in our leaders and influencers and if they want to endorse candidates then the public who follows them needs to know they have done their due diligence to determine who they are going to support.  Voting is crucial to changing the world in so many ways and we just want to make sure the message is fair and representative of everyone in the community not just one person’s sole endorsement.  We will let you know what we hear back from the IANT now that we have reached out to them.

Breaking All the Rules

Driving around our city today, we were very upset to find that Angelia Pelham, John Keating and the Vote NO PAC thought it was okay for them to just break all the rules. We passed our first fire station at Cotten Gin to see political signs out at 9am, then around 10:30 we passed our second fire station at the Denton Government Center, to see more signs displayed. Why is this a problem? The signs according to the rules should not be displayed until 6pm the night before the poles open.

Pelham, Keating and Bill Woodard who runs the Vote No Pac know the rules and they JUST DON’T CARE! It is an absolute slap in the face and show of blatant disrespect for the rules. It is a behavior that happens over and over because our council members feel entitled and special and as if the rules were made for the peons not the elite.

Angelia’s campaign slogan is “YOU KNOW ME!” Yes, Angelia we do! You expect us to follow the rules, but you are exempt from them. Neither you or your campaign team are naive campaigning and the rules around it, which means there is no excuse.

Keating claims “Promises Made, Promises Kept!” If that is true, then he read the campaign booklet you get when running for office which states the rules. He also signed off on that he understood those rules and agreed to adhere to them. After 13 years on our council and multiple elections if Keating does not know the rules by now, then he is A) an idiot, or B) entitled and thinks he is exempt from the following the rules because he is THE JOHN CHEATING KEATING! Well, you made a promise when you signed off you understood the rules and guess what, YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE, AGAIN!

Now, we would bet money their response would be “oh our sign guy didn’t realize the rules and we are so sorry.” We would believe that but, the sign guy is Fred “The Lawbreaker” Lusk, and he has been doing this for years and been through many elections. HE KNOWS THE RULES INSIDE AND OUT but obviously does not care! The worst part is our council approves of “The Lawbreaker Lusks” ways and methods and use him over and over for the elections.

As we go into tomorrow, the first day of early voting, we hope residents realize that these people who claim credibility, integrity, transparency, and accountability yet they are lying to you right to you. The rules apply to you and me, but let’s be clear they do not apply to Jeff Cheney, Angelia Pelham, and John Keating. They are literally showing you they think they are above the law, so open your eyes and realize enough is enough. It is time to change Frisco!

Proposition A & B

When you get old, your routine becomes familiar which is not a bad thing.  Every morning my wife and I have coffee on the back patio with our little TV turned on to the news.  We make sure to pull out our TV trays every night before 6:30 and have dinner on our plate so we can sit down for our daily dose of Wheel of Fortune at 6:30. Lastly, the highlight for me is the weekly pilgrimage to the grocery store.  While my wife grabs a cart I stroll right on in through those electric doors to my favorite place, the bakery.  I like to look at every cake and cookie and if there are samples, well I am on cloud 9.  I am a sucker for sweet treats!

When we first heard about the Frisco Firefighters Association’s push for Proposition A & B, my wife and I were coming out of the grocery store.  A young lady approached us and asked if we would be interested in signing the petition for the firefighters.  We talked and she was very pleasant and thoroughly explained what and why they were trying to get the propositions on the ballot.  We asked if she was a firefighter in Frisco and she said yes and we learned she was at the station closest to our house.  She humored us old folks and we signed the petition because we felt if this was something they felt that strongly about, then we should at least let them bring it to the voters. 

As time played out, we were curious, I wonder what the conversations were like at city hall in regard to this push.  We filed a PIR on February 26, 2024, that read Emails, texts or handwritten correspondence between city officials, including the city manager’s office, assistant city managers, deputy city managers, city council, and department directors regarding the Frisco Fire Association Prop A & B regarding Civil Service and Collective Bargaining.” 

On March 12, 2024, we received a reply from Julie Davidson, Deputy City Secretary that, “The City of Frisco has reviewed its files, and has located documents responsive to your request. However, due to issues of confidentiality, the City has chosen to seek a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General regarding the release of the responsive documents. You will be receiving a letter from Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Hullett, PC, attorneys for the City of Frisco, informing you of the City’s decision to seek a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General. The Office of the Attorney General has up to 45 business days in which to make a ruling regarding your request.”

Were we surprised to see the city send it to the Attorney General, of course not!  We just assumed since they were so against it, they would have no issue sharing the communications they have had regarding the propositions.  However when they did say they were sending it to the AG we began to wonder, why didn’t they want to share it.  What secret conversations have they had they don’t want us the residents they claim to be so transparent with, to see.

As of now April 21, 2024, we still have no response from the AG.  Common sense would tell you if they have nothing to hide they would release the communications because it would only support their vote-no stance.  Then again the other half of our common sense says, the only reason to play the Attonrey General game is to delay what you don’t want residents to see.  They know whatever we get back will be published and they know they may get caught with their hand in the “cookie jar!” 

So we are calling on our elected officials Jeff Cheney, John Keating, and Angelia Pelham who love to claim “Accountability and Transparency”  to hold a city council meeting and vote to release the documents just like they did last year on another issue. 

Jeff Cheney was quoted in Community Impact back on October 18, 2023, in an article by Alex Reece as saying, “The resolutions were adopted because of council’s belief in transparency and residents’ legal right to call for a vote on their issues.” Mayor Cheney, if you believe in transparency and the right for residents to vote on an issue then we need to know everything before voting which starts in 24 hours.  So why not fulfill the PIR?

Then we have John Keating who says right on his website under “The Mission” tab that he has served from a place of transparency and accountability throughout his time on council and that he will continue to uphold those values.  Well, Mr. Keating here is your chance to UPHOLD THOSE VALUE and call for a full release of the PIR which ensures every action taken is legal and ethical as you write on your website. Mr. Keating will you take action or are those just words to get re-elected?

Lastly, there is Angelia Pelham who states in her campaign video that three years ago she asked us to take a blind leap of faith and vote for someone we didn’t know.  She promised us that she would represent us with “Character and Integrity” as our elected official.  Now three years later she says, “You know me!”  Well, we searched her campaign website and while it talks about diversity in and out which is great, guess what it doesn’t mention? If you said TRANSPARENCY OR ACCOUNTABILITY, then you would be correct.  Angelia we are asking you based on your character and integrity to call for a full release of the PIR requested because if you have nothing to hide and act with character and integrity it should be no problem to release, right?

Truthfully, we don’t expect any of the three to release the PIR’s because their claim of transparency is complete bull shit!  Yep, we said it and we stand by it.  If this city is as transparent as it claims, then why do you keep delaying and hiding PIRs that could change how we vote?  Ask yourself this, what is our city and elected officials hiding when it comes to Prop A & B and how did the PAC get all this information from the city that no one else can get?    

Lastly, we were asked will we hold Piland and Redmond to the same standard and the answer is yes.  If they get elected, we will hold them to the same damn standard.  However, we can’t call on them to be transparent right now because they hold no key to the kingdom of documents.  You can bet if they get elected, we will ask them the same questions and hold them to the same standards and expectations that we are asking of our current council.

Where do we stand, we feel the Frisco Fire Fighters are the only ones being honest and transparent, so we are voting For Prop A & B in our household. We hope you make the best decision for your household.

Keg Chugger Cheney Loses His Marbles

Tonight, has been a roller derby of twists and turns in the Frisco political world.  One political candidate did a post, and then the Mayor of Frisco, who tonight we will call Keg Chugger Cheney, lost his marbles and shared the post to his personal Jeff Cheney and Mayor Jeff Cheney’s Facebook page.  In doing so we believe he broke the law by committing slander and defamation of character. To put a cherry on it, the mayor who should be a Statesman for Frisco discussed a former employee’s HR record and was also misleading in doing so.    

The post from Mark For Frisco City Council Place 1 said in 2020, that Mark Piland received a Mayor’s Award as the Fire Chief for the City of Frisco.  The post went on to say Mayor Cheney said the award was voted on by the entire city council and that it describes “the city employee we think exemplifies that more than anyone” and “there are no two greater people that walked the walk.”  Then it asks who could be better to be Frisco City Councilman for Place 1.

Fact 1:  The post is accurate!  Each year, Mayor Jeff Cheney gives out a Mayor’s Award.  He discussed this in a 2020 after-the-council live video that was posted to the City of Frisco’s Facebook page.  Cheney stated while it has his name on it, the entire City Council votes on it in regard to who in the city is leading with innovation, thinking about their job differently, and moving their departments forward.  Then he says in 2020 the award was given to two people because it has been a challenging year for public safety.  Then he mentions how public safety is the number one priority for the city and this year it came to the forefront with COVID-19 so they gave two awards to both Fire Chief Mark Piland and Police Chief Shilson.   He is quoted as saying they are a “well-deserved list of accomplishments this year that helped keep our community safe.”  Then he let Cheating Keating speak and he said, “he thinks they’ve done a fantastic job through the Covid-19 pandemic and then in their day-to-day work they had to do.”  It can also be seen at the 23:00 mark in the October 6, 2020 council meeting.  It is item 5 on the Agenda under Reports, and you can watch it for yourself, there is nothing inaccurately quoted in the Mark Piland Post.

After Keg Chugger Cheney shared the post to his Facebook pages Cheney wrote, “There is literally no better post to understand Mark Piland than this one. He was given the option to be terminated or accept a parachute severance package at massive taxpayer expense to retire peacefully because he falsified documents, lied under oath, and was untrusted by city management.  Great leaders give credit to others and accept responsibility for their faults.  Mark Piland would still be our fire Chief if he took responsibility for his failures. Him and Chief Shilson were awarded the Mayor’s Award on behalf of all of hundreds of local public safety officials and health workers that did amazing work during Covid. To use the efforts of others now as a political move is well on brand for him, disappointing and not representative of the people that lead this community. Please join me in supporting John Keating, Frisco City Council, Place 1. A true humble servant that gives credit to others during our biggest wins and takes responsibility for losses in the face of criticism.” 

Well, in Keg Chugger Cheneys own words, there is literally no better post to understand the ARROGANCE OF JEFF CHENEY, than this one.   His statements regarding Mark Piland being terminated are false, as we have pulled every EVAL for Former Chief Piland, we have pulled all of his exit paperwork from the city, and we have pulled and reviewed the entire Mayday Report which they claim he falsified.  Nowhere in any of the EVAL’s was Piland ever given a negative review.  Nowhere does it state that he ever “lied under oath.”  Nowhere in all of his exit paperwork from the city does it ever say the word terminated, or that he was offered a parachute severance package. 

We dug deeper and went back to the beginning and pulled PIRs from Piland’s’ other jobs and guess what, he has NEVER HAD A BAD EVAL, NEVER BEEN SUSPENDED, NEVER BEEN ACCUSED OF ANTYING ILLEGAL IN A 40+ YEAR CAREER BASED ON WHAT WAS TURNED OVER TO US.  That made us curious, how could a man with a stellar career come to Frisco, and all of a sudden after calling out the HR director for falsifying his signature, did he become a horrible employee, violate the law, lie under oath, etc.?   Also, if he committed such unlawful acts why would the city even give HIM THE OPTION TO RETIRE PEACEFULLY?  Why not JUST FIRE HIM?  I would be livid as a taxpayer to find out if someone committed these heinous acts that our city leaders offered him money to go away peacefully.

As for Keg Chugger Cheney’s statement that “Great Leaders give credit to others and accept responsibility for their faults,” is the pot calling the kettle black. Go back to October 6, 2020, and I do believe Fire Chief Mark Piland said this award was about his whole team and not just him and did give credit to the entire FD team.  In case you have had too many cocktails Mayor Cheney, it is on tape!  Second, you talk about faults, have you taken responsibility for your faults?  I can think of a few words here, Keg Party, lying to the Dallas Morning News, real estate agent, and the residents of Frisco about your “exclusive” deals in Fields.  What about how you bully people?  We have received at least 50 stories from real estate agents where you have used your power, name, and position to bully them or flat-out threaten them. 

MAYOR KEG CHUGGER CHENEY – YOU LIED AND COMMITTED SLANDER in your final statement!  I watched your speech, over and over.  Nowhere in your presentation or the after-the-meeting Facebook post did you say this award was on behalf of all hundreds of local public safety officials and health workers who did amazing work during COVID-19?  You talked specifically about their leadership and by the way, both Shilson and Piland stood on that stage and said it was about their whole department.  Not you!  Your accusation that he used the efforts of others now as a political move describes you and your best friend John Keating.  If sharing the fact that you won an award is a political move, then what would you call sharing the fact that you won the 2023 Chamber Executive of The Year across social media… vain or a political move?

Now, let’s look at the man you called “A true humble servant that gives credit to others during our biggest wins and takes responsibility for losses in the face of criticism.”  Well at a recent forum, he accused Piland of being fired, and Maury Povich would tell you that is a lie!  He also accused Piland of being a cheater, and Maury would tell you that it was a lie.  I do believe it was that so-called humble servant Cheating Keating who stepped out on his wife, on a holiday weekend, in a PUBLIC COMMUNITY POOL, where any man, woman, or child could have walked in on them and had sex with a woman served on a Frisco Board, right? Curious, you said leaders accept responsibility, so has John Keating ever apologized to the public for his offensive behavior done in a public pool? Has he ever apologized for his lapse in judgment with the Get Naked photo? Has he ever apologized to the community, whose public pool he got caught in?

I also believe that same humble servant, Cheating Keating has claimed on the campaign trail that he made Frisco the #1 Safest City, #1 Best Place to Live, #1 Best City to Do Business, and the #1 Suburb in North Texas.  Didn’t you just publish tonight that “Great Leaders give credit to others and accept responsibility for their faults?”  On the campaign trail he has said over and over he is a true leader and that he made Frisco great under his leadership and because of his leadership today, we are all these #1 things.  Where was the credit for the hundreds of police and firefighters who made this the safest city in this speech he gives over and over for “POLITICAL PURPOSES?”  Maybe that is why the Frisco Firefighters Association and Frisco Police Officers Association endorsed him, OH WAIT, THEY DIDN’T ENDORSE HIM!!! THEY ENDORSED MARK PILAND, the one you claim is so awful.  

To be factual, we were the #1 Best Place to Live in 2018 and a lot can change in SIX YEARS.  As for #1 Best City to Do Business in Texas, that was awarded to us in 2020 and a lot can change in FOUR YEARS.  In his recent mailer that arrived in mailboxes across the city this week, he said he wants to protect our quality of life with more roads, quality infrastructure, and less traffic.   He has served this city for 13 years, so why has he not done that the last 13 years and phased in growth better, so we don’t have the problem today?   He also said in the same mailer he wants to support our Police and Fire, yet clearly, they don’t feel that support or they would not have endorsed his opponent, right?  Lastly, look at his website, he never gives credit to the great team that helped make this city great. All of his statements are I did this, I did that. 

Lastly, we have pointed out over and over that the citizens want a voice, you know those who live here and pay tax dollars who are often ignored.  They are tired of outside developers owning this city and our council, but John Keating the humble servant disagrees.  His website says, “Business leaders who invest in Frisco know they have a voice at city hall with John Keating.”  No wonder the developers give him so much money – his vote is for sale.  Maybe that is how he could afford a house in The Preserve, Frisco’s most prestigious new neighborhood when his campaign finance reports list him as retired or a house husband.   

Keg Chugger Cheney, tonight with your post you crossed a line that we are pretty sure you will get sued for.  You also look like a bully, with a bad attitude, stomping his feet and kicking rocks on the playground because you didn’t get your way.  Speaking of accountability, did you ever step up and apologize for your laundry list of things like a keg party, selling lots on a secret VIP list stated in a 2019 email, or admit that you have a lot in The Preserve that was gifted to you by your developer buddies? Maybe lay off the late-night vino drinking Mayor!

Safety First: Smoke & Mirrors

If you live in Frisco and have not yet heard about the heated debate between the so-called leaders for The City of Frisco and Frisco Firefighters, then you need to come out from under the rock.  On the May 4th ballot, we the residents, will see two propositions: Prop A: Civil Service and Prop B: Collective Bargaining and before you vote you need to ask yourself, why would the fire fighters be going for something like this unless they really needed to?

In our previous blog, we told you about “The PAC” formed by active Councilman Bobblehead Bill Woodard, which is being used to disgrace our fire fighters all while they keep a smile and say “we love our first responders.”  We also told you how the Frisco Chamber of Commerce used their platform to advocate instead of educate, on behalf of businesses against the fire fighters.  Then we told you how city leaders called in their favors with developers who helped the PAC raise over $100,000 which is how the PAC was bought and paid for. All if it could not be shadier!

Now what?  Let’s talk about misinformation and how they city plans to use Sheryl Sculley, the former City Manager for the City of San Antonio to scare residents by telling how she successfully fought off the “Association” from “virtually bankrupting the city.”  In fact, they are going tell residents she was so successful that she even wrote a book titled “Greedy Bastards” but is that really the truth?  Here at whistleblower, we like to dig deeper.  We want to introduce you to The Real Sheryl Sculley aka Sherylton.

In an article we found in SA Current, it stated that before arriving in San Antonio, Sculley came from Phoenix, Arizona, where she earned $173,000 per year.  While in Phoenix she headed up the effort to expand Phoenix’s convention center in the late 90’s and made some big promises.  She stressed the convention center expansion would involve “NO NEW TAXES” and instead could be paid for with existing visitor taxes and a potential $300 million commitment from the state of Arizona. 

The article reported that Sculley pitched the expansion herself to the Arizona Legislature in a 2002 presentation that stressed “There is No Status Quo!”  At stake were $32 million in annual state tax revenues and 12,000 jobs, which proved to be enough for the state who committed $300 million to the project.  Now you can’t have a convention center without a hotel next door.  Sculley failed in getting a private developer to build the new hotel, so Phoenix financed it and built it!  The article reports that everyone bought into Sculley’s idea the city would be poised to emerge as the next great convention destination.  Guess what, that didn’t happen!

The article reports in 2003 that an Earnest & Young study forecasted the new grand center would welcome 375,000 annual convention delegates.  Sounds great considering in the past it was around 166,000 in 1996 and 193,000 in 1997.  However, at the end of the fiscal year in 2011 the attendees were just about 156,000 and in 2012 about 233,000.  With no boom, the new Sheraton hotel the city finananced dubbed the “Sherlyton” by city staffers struggled to pay off its debt and required continuing tax revenue support from the city.  In 2017, the City of Phoenix sold off the Sherlyton to a private company and suffered a significant financial loss.

When Sulley became the new City Manager of San Antonio in 2005 it came with a hefty price tag of $265,000 and a large promise to turn San Antonio around.  She admitted to inheriting a disorganized mess and in her first year or two she hired a new police chief, a new convention-bureau director, and two deputy city managers. She reshuffled the finance department, had the municipal courts redone, and restructured the management at the convention center and Alamodome.  She also overhauled Development Services which had long been the focus of complaints from the local “development” community. By 2016 her base salary was $450,000 and she leveraged a $100,000 bonus making her total compensation $550,000 making her the highest paid city manager in Texas.   That is a lot of money for a city whose median household annual income is around $58,829.

SA Current reported at the end of 2006, they were already calling Sculley out for her lack of transparency saying she gives the appearance of citizen participation but it just that appearanceSound familiar?   Sculley proposed the three largest bonds programs in city history in San Antonio totaling over $2 Billion dollars.  Under Sculley, the city’s debt burden jumped 78 percent between fiscal years 2005 and 2017, reaching $3 billion. Those borrowings include general obligation bonds, which voters approved, and tax notes and certificates of obligation, for which voters didn’t have a say.

Maybe instead of fighting the Police and Fire Associations for years she should have worked productively with them to fight crime.  Did she expect to fight and not have them fight back?  In 2018, when Sculley left, several online reports said violent crime was up, calls to 911 were up, and it was reported it would take 341 new officers with no retirements or attrition to be near full staffing. 

Sculley announced her retirement in 2018 and within hours San Antonio dropped its lawsuits against the Fire Union according to SA Current.  According to media reports, The City of San Antonio has dropped its lawsuit challenging the evergreen clause in the contract of its firefighters’ union, potentially hitting restart for negotiations for a new labor deal. In 2024, the San Antonio Fire Association President said, we are looking forward to city and union leaders working together with a more polite dialogue this time around.”  Funny thing, that is exactly what Frisco Firefighters Association Matt Sapp has said, they just want to have a seat at the table and have dialogue.

In the end, the truth is Sculley set the tone for her tenure as City Manager and the associations responded to that tone.  Sound familiar?  Don’t misunderstand, Sculley did some great things during her tenure in San Antonio to change the city into what is today. We can’t take away her successes but it sure does not mean she didn’t have any failures during the same tenure. She left San Antonio with some positive attributes and like other city has some not-so-great attributes. In the end, Sculley walked away from San Antonio with over $10 million dollars in pay over the years.   I guess her salary didn’t hurt the city economics just the needs of the fire fighters and police officers, or at least that is what she wants you to believe. Maybe that is why there is a Facebook page dedicated to her titled Removed City Manager Sheryl Sculley

However, any good left behind does not take away the tone she set with first responders.  Remember she sued 5 times and lost 5 times. Think about it, Sculley’s new book is called Greedy Bastards, that alone speaks volumes as to how she sees first responders and public servants.  IS THAT WHAT THE CITY OF FRISCO IS PROMOTING HERE?  Does the city want us to think our first responders are greedy bastards, I would hope not. While the City of Frisco would like you to believe these propositions would devastate the city, the firefighters are not looking to bankrupt the city, hell they want a paycheck. We have to believe our Firefighters have commonsense, and that means they know you can’t really get a paycheck and benefits from a city with a diluted bank account.  

The City of Frisco has set the tone with our Fire and Police Associations, and it is like an abusive relationship. The city has verbally berated them, scolded them, and told them what they don’t deserve, in a nutshell how much of a POS they are.  Think of the narrative, just look pretty like a trophy wife, and stand there, don’t talk, or have an opinion.  Then we can shout from our pulpit as the city council leaders that we give almost ½ the city budget to public safety so that proves we love our men and woman who serve. Now, please pat us on the back and tell us how amazing we are as a council. 

Bobble Head Bill is making the most noise in this, why?  He is termed out and cannot run again, so who cares if he burns the house down as he leaves.  I truly hope those who are not termed out like Bobble Head Bill, understand that when this is over, you can’t just apologize with a cocktail or some red roses. That will be for Cheney, Meinershagen, Rummel, and the two other folks elected this year to fix.  We end this one question for you to answer.


Political Affiliation: According to TransparencyUSA.org, since leaving San Antonio, it appears Sculley has become a consultant for Strategic Partnerships and in 2022 she donated $15,000 to Act Blue Texas and Beto O’Rourke.

Published Reports, Disappearing?

Ah, the riveting world of campaign finance reports – where every local candidate in Frisco must parade their fiscal acumen before the discerning eyes of the public. It’s like Christmas for political sleuths, unwrapping the financial mysteries behind each contender’s bid for office. Because, let’s be honest, nothing screams “transparency” like the stress-induced wrinkles of trying to get those reports done on time. In Frisco, Campaign Finance Reports must be filed by local municipal politicians or political candidates seeking office and they must be filed with the City Secretary, Kristi Morrow. 

We give each candidate the benefit of the doubt and assume from time to time there may be a mistake on the reports.  If a candidate finds a report has a mistake they can file to correct the report.   A candidate must file using a correction affidavit and make sure the pages of the report being corrected are attached.  Easy, Peasy!

January of 2024, we download the semi-annual report or the annual report of unexpended contributions for each candidate for the time of July 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023.  We were surprised to see on page 4 of Angelia Pelham’s report she had a donation of $1000 dated 12/26/23 that had the name of the Contributor and the address redacted.  You cannot redact the field of the contributor as that is a public record.  At the time the report was released, we of course saved it and filed it away with all the others.

On March 7th we noticed Angelia Pelham had filed a Correction/Amendment Affidavit for Candidates with the City Secretary.  It noted she neglected to include an In-Kind amount in the total contribution.  She attached the updated “totals” sheet, and the update changed her total political contributions from $3,630.00 to $8630.00 which is a difference of $5000.  We were curious about what the In-Kind donation was and what it was for.  We went back to the website and looked at the original report filed, and the contribution dated 11/1/23 was from Scott Ellis for $5000.  The description stated it was for web design and hosting. 

As we began to scroll back up through the report, we immediately noticed something was different than the first time we reviewed the report.  That item from 12/26/23 reporting a donation of $1000 that had been completely redacted now showed the name of the donor.  It was the very own Dono and Angelia Pelham who donated to herself.  We thought for a minute, are we crazy we were pretty sure when we looked at this report in January that it was completely redacted.  Luckily, we saved the report back in January, and thank goodness it confirmed we were not crazy!

Now is this life shattering or ending – no of course not.  But when did Pelham or the city “un-redact” the report?  Why did they not file a correction or make a note of the change on the report that the redaction was incorrect and updated?  What it does do is build mistrust, because now we have no idea when the redaction was corrected.  If we file a PIR to find out, they will probably send it to the attorney general to avoid answering our question.   

If someone made a mistake (ok, no problem) but now it feels like they tried to change out the reports and hoped no one would notice the mistake.  It feels shady that there would not even be a note that it was incorrectly redacted, and the new one was updated.  Sound familiar?  It should. Remember Sassy Safranek, the City HR Director, who edited a job description for the Fire Department that ultimately affected the pay of firefighters.  You can read all about it in our Twelve Days of Christmas stories.   

Why was it a big deal what Sassy Safranek did?  She lied when caught back in the day and continues to lie today.  She said Piland was aware of the change and that she didn’t feel it was a big deal to remove one word and not get an updated signature from the Chief.  Based on emails from a PIR it was clear Piland had no clue the change had been made.  The City of Frisco requires each department head to sign off on each job description.  Sassy Safranek, THE HR DIRECTOR, knows that. If you change anything on a document that requires a signature, you get A NEW SIGNATURE!  Imagine Fire Chief Mark Piland’s surprise when one of his firefighters inquired about the change and that is how he found out about the Sassy “Cover Up!”

Our point, if you upload a report to the public and you need to change something like a redaction there should be a note as to why, when, and who made the changes.  It is simply a note in the ledger or the report.  Are we surprised the city tried to change out documents and withhold the change from the public?  No, it is a standard practice apparently for both internal and external documents. 

Sassy Safranek: Case 64 HR Complaint Against her

Sassy Safranek: Case 64 & HR Malfeasance

Keating & Pelham: Legal Logo Woes

In our blog Legal Logo Woes, we told you how the city website clearly states you cannot use the City of Frisco logo in any way for campaigning purposes.  Multiple residents complained to the city secretary regarding the obvious infractions by the candidates using the city logo while campaigning, we were shocked the response from the city was it is not their problem.  Morrow said, the city does not own the logo, BNSF Railway does.  She went on to say the license agreement the City of Frisco has does not address the use of the logo by candidates in city or other elections.  Then she ended the city does not have any jurisdiction in the matter.

Makes you wonder why if the city has no jurisdiction and the license agreement the city has does not address the use of the logo by candidates, why would they put a rule on their website and in the candidate packs that clearly states the logo is not legally available for your use during the campaign.  The city documents and website 1000% imply the use of the city logo is not allowed.  If they can’t enforce the rule why have the rule? 

We reached out to BNSF Railway for a comment regarding the complaints.  On February 6 we received a note back from them that they had forwarded the issue to their legal department to see what the next steps were for them.  Then on February 8, we received an email from Kendall Kirkham Sloan, Director of External Communications that said “BNSF does not endorse political candidates. We are working with the city on the use of the logo.”

We decided to check back to see if BNSF Railway, The City of Frisco, or Wes Pierson, the City Manager would make sure his current sitting council members followed the rules.  Attending a city event is fine but “the purpose of campaigning” is when you cross into dangerous territory.  For example, the Keating For Frisco website is being used FOR CAMPAIGNING and the point of the site is to get him reelected which is why it is on every campaign printed piece of material.  “Learn more at Keating For Frisco” or just click the QR code which takes you to his website.  Even though we pointed out the RULE VIOLATIONS back in early February, imagine our surprise to learn Keating still has the City Logo in two different places on his website as of today.  Just another way Keating is giving the middle finger to the rules that apply while campaigning.

Then we learned about a Private Meet & Greet held by none other than our first family, Jeff and Dana Cheney.  The invite states it is a Mix and Mingle Happy Hour, not the same as a Keg Party, for candidates John Keating, Angelia Pelham and the Safety-First Frisco Vote No PAC.  To us, this is a campaigning invite since they are using the “Re-Election” logos that belong to the candidates and the logo telling citizens how to vote for propositions.  Surely, we will not see the City of Frisco logo here, right?  Wrong!

Several pictures have been posted across social media of the event and it is CLEAR, Angelia Pelham is breaking the rules of the use of the city logo while campaigning.  She is wearing her City Council Member Badge with the city logo.  Now many would say this is no big deal, but it is because if anyone knows ‘THE RULES’ it is our current city council members who have already been through a campaign in the past.  We can prove Angelia knows the rules, just look at previous events like the Frisco Chamber Forum or SLAN Forum, she is wearing her Re-Elect Angelia Pelham badge.  

We plan to reach out to BNSF Railway again because their last email to us said they were working with the city regarding the proper use of the logo, so either A) they endorse the candidates or B) they don’t, and they make them stop using a trademark logo that the city does not own while campaigning.  It is simple folks, follow the rules, not sometimes, but all the time.

Election Fix: Frisco Chamber’s Biggest Failure

Election time comes and night after night there is a new forum to attend.  They are great because you can learn a lot about the candidates and issues.  We like to go to the Frisco Chamber of Commerce Forum because we assumed it would be the most neutral so to speak when it comes to candidates and issues. 

According to the website, the Frisco Chamber of Commerce plays a vital role in the local business community. Their mission is to protect and promote commerce through advocacy, resources, and connections.  If you click on the “ADVOCACY” link it takes you to the government affairs mission statement which is to inform, educate, engage, and advocate for the business community regarding relevant public policy.  It goes on to say, “In order to fulfill the Chamber’s mission statement “to protect and promote commerce,” the Frisco Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs division, along with the Board of Directors, takes a strong and proactive stance on governmental issues.”

We were surprised when several readers who own local businesses sent us a copy of some email blasts, they received put out by the Frisco Chamber.  One resident said, “It was disheartening to see the Chamber involve themselves in an issue that should be decided by citizens.”  Another resident said, “If the Chamber receives money from the city would this be considered electioneering?”  Then we looked over social media and found a post by resident James Nunn that reads, “The Frisco Chamber of Commerce just sent an e-blast to their membership advocating a “no” vote on a local issue relating to the workforce of the City of Frisco.  This is another example of the Chamber pandering to elected (and formerly elected) officials in Frisco.  This action alienates part of the membership and effectively removes the Chamber as an independent voice on local issues.”

We agree 1000% with Mr. Nunn.  It was not just about the TWO e-blasts, one in March and one in April, that concerned us.  On their website, it states after hearing presentations from both sides they are recommending voting no, but did the Frisco Fire Fighters Association ever really have a chance of getting endorsed by the Chamber?  What they didn’t tell you is that the Vote No PAC received money from the Hall Grup and others tied to the Board of Directors before the presentations were ever made.  Plus they had folks from the city, city boards and commissions sitting in on this presentation.  CAN YOU HONESTLY TELL ME THIS WAS A DECISION BEST FOR BUSINESS OWNERS?  CAN THE CHAMBER TODAY SAY THE FIX WAS NOT IN, BECAUSE IT SURE LOOKS LIKE IT.

What if we told you from 2017 to 2024 the City of Frisco has paid the Chamber $393,590.21 for items listed as promotional marketing, dues & subscriptions, travel/meals/lodging, and food & provisions, would that seem like a conflict to you?  Most of that money is for “promotional marketing” of course.   We tried to find out if the Frisco Fire Fighters Association ever paid the Chamber, but we have not heard back at this time.  Even in the remote chance they had, I am guessing they never paid almost $400k.  So of course, the chamber formulated a decision that sides with the city.  It is called ‘MONEY HONEY!’

Even more disturbing is that at the Chamber Forum, we have heard they are giving the Vote No group 10 minutes to speak, but they have not invited the Fire Association.   So that is a DIRECT VIOLATION of three of their “FOUR PILLARS” to INFORM, EDUCATE, ENGAGE, AND ADVOCATE.  In this case, they advocated for one side, not educating the public to make their own decision. Does the Frisco Chamber think business owners and residents are stupid and can’t make informed decisions if given the information?   

We are back to the same old thing, and it is called Money!  The PAC has raised over $100k in two months, the Frisco Chamber is in bed and paid lots of money by the city.  Where in the hell do you draw the line as a resident of what is acceptable behavior from our city and its associates like the Frisco EDC, Frisco CDC, and Frisco Chamber? Did we mention the 2023 Executive of the Year at the recent Frisco Chamber Gala was no other than Mayor Real Estate Mogul Jeff Cheney?  To top it off Admin Professional of the Year went to his own Dolly Chatterjee who works for …. CHENEY GROUP!  

Frisco: Bought & Paid For

We have wondered for years how these political endorsements and donations work in the City of Frisco.  We have pointed out that council members donate to each other, that they take rather large donations from developers, and that it all gives off the wrong appearance to the public.  We have been met with such resistance to the suggestion that this city is bought and paid for, and the victims are the residents, just living their lives paying taxes.  All we have wanted is for the residents to have a voice and a right to vote for what they want in this city, something that terrifies our council and city management.  So how are things bought and paid for, well grab some popcorn because we are about to tell you.

Let’s start with Safety First Frisco, a PAC, set up to oppose Proposition A & B for Civil Service and Collective Bargaining put forth by the men and women who serve our city in the Fire Department every day. The PAC was set up by members of our city council (Bobblehead Bill Woodard), Former City Manager George Purefoy and Mike Simpson, Dick Peasley, and many more of the Cheney klan. Then add to that our current council members (minus Brian Livingston) who are out block walking, holding community events, and taking to social media to oppose the propositions and take jabs at our firefighters while trying to tell us how to vote.  Yes, I know they will say we are crazy!

Well, this morning we pulled down the Safety First Frisco campaign finance report which was filed 3 DAYS LATE.  What we saw was chilling, appalling, disturbing, and intimidating.   We talked about how the PAC was set up in our earlier blog, The Secret PAC. Today’s campaign finance report shows that from 1/1/2024 to 3/25/2024 the PAC took in $105,201.32 which breaks down to $22,950 in monetary political contributions, $12,251.32 in non-monetary contributions (in-kind), and $70,000 in monetary contributions from CORPORATIONS OR LABOR ORGANIZATIONS.  Stop and read that again and let it percolate that in 2 months a PAC took in $105,201.32.

Where, oh where, did the monetary political contributions come from:

Bill Woodard For Frisco: $1000.00

Craig and Kathryn Hall (Hall Group – Developers): $10,000

Jeff Brawner and R.J. Grogan (Law Partners): $500 each

Kyle Wilks – President Wilks Development of Firefly Park Project: $10,000

Where, oh where, did the non-monetary (in-kind) contributions come from:

George Purefoy, former City Manager: $4000 for Polling Expense

Bill For Frisco Campaign: $8000 for Polling Expenses, and $54.92 for Printing Expenses, $39.50 for Website Expenses, $206.22 for Printing Expenses, and $59.53 for Website Expenses.

Where, oh where, did the monetary contributions from a CORPORATION OR LABOR ORGANIZATION come from:

Mario Sinacola & Sons Exc, Inc: $10,000 (they have active contracts with developers & the City of Frisco)

K-N Ventures (aka Fehmi Karahan of Fields Development): $10,000

Columbus Realty Partners (aka, Staubach, Richard Reupke, Robert Shaw & Fields Development): $10,000

Rudco Land, LLC (aka Trey Sibley III or Hillwood Properties – Fields Development): $10,000

Hunt Funding Group (aka Hunt – Fields Development): $10,000

CrossTie Capital (aka Philip Rose – Fields): $10,000        *click the name to read our last blog.

Chief Partners III, LP (aka William Vanderstraaten – Fields): $10,000

It is important to note that any of the names above that are underlined, DON’T LIVE IN FRISCO.  Yes, they have a development here, but they are not Frisco Residents.   

What does all this money mean?  It means Frisco was bought and paid for by DEVELOPERS!!!!  These same people who run the same corporations have donated to almost every one of our council members, some more than others (meaning Cheney).  Just look at Keating and Pelham’s current campaign finance reports, the same names appear across the board. 

Ask yourself, why are current council members so OPPOSED to the Frisco Fire Fighters Association, which has been around since 1997, but they all took ENDORSEMENTS & MONEY OR IN-KIND DONATIONS from them when running for office?  The firefighters spent about $10,000 on Bill Woodard and about $8,000 on Laura Rummell.  They have paid for signs and billboards for the candidates they have endorsed.  Now, they want you to believe the Frisco Fire Fighters and the ASSOCIATION are trying to RUIN AND DESTROY FRISCO? 

We have been to a few events now and the message from the Fire Fighters has been consistent at each one.  If you don’t like Prop B, then don’t vote for it, but please understand why they are pushing for Prop A and consider voting Yes for Prop A.  They also have said that come May 5th when the election is over, they will still show up at your door and be here to service the citizens of Frisco the same way they have all these years.  That begs the question, how is our City Council serving the citizens?  Wait, they don’t care about what citizens want.  Yet when you follow the Safety-First Frisco website or Facebook page all they have done is attack with absolute hate and anger our firefighters, our former Fire Chief, and yet they claim they love them.  It feels very personal, to be honest.

They are serving themselves!  Bobblehead Bill wants his bikes, trikes, and trails.  Tammy wants her performing arts center.  Keating stands up for Veterans which we respect but outside of that he is just there for the photo opp and to be a cool kid.  Laura Rummell claims to be the pet advocate, yet she has done nothing.  Brian maintains his concerns about density and resident welfare.  Lastly, for years, rumors have followed Mayor Jeff Cheney or should we say Real Estate Broker Jeff Cheney that he has used his position as Mayor to further his own business and personal wealth.  For years, Jeff Cheney has denied over and over any wrongdoing, favoritism, or personal benefits from his relationships.  All his loyal subjects fall in line and defend him and say it is just a COINCIDENCE.

In closing, we saw a post from Brian Livingston earlier about how he is not very confident that his discussion regarding lobbying restrictions will pick up any traction, well duh!  He is not sure why the transparency of money movement between lobbyists, clients, and politicians is a concern for some people.  We assume that “some people” he is referring to is the Frisco City Council and City Management. The same council member who when he endorsed Mark Piland for Mayor in 2022, was later removed from all committees as well as his campaign manager.  Revenge or just COINCIDENCE.

Ask yourself one question, who is the real bad guy here?

The Election Fix: Politicians’ Pocket Change

When you open a campaign finance report the first thing you see is a list of donors supporting a campaign.  But beyond the pages, if you dig and go back far enough you find a treasure chest that shows you the politicians’ political expenditures.  It is the section where politicians showcase their exceptional talent for creative accounting! It is truly a treasure trove of clandestine expenditures that should make any commonsense reader wonder if they’re funding a campaign or planning a covert mission to Mars. From “strategic consulting fees” to “research expenses” it’s a riveting read for anyone interested in the fine art of obfuscation. Who needs transparency when you can have a thrilling game of financial hide-and-seek?

On John Keating’s report there is one name, Mustang Strategies LLC that appears 7 times.  We were curious how one politician in less than two and half months can spend $18,655.50 with one company.  We looked up the company on OpenCorporates.com and the agent’s name of record is Jason Zelovics and its office is right here in Frisco. It appears the certificate of formation is dated 08/27/2019.  He also has another company called Round Table Strategies.  We looked at Angelia Pelham’s report and it appears she paid $0.00 to a “consultant”, so again why has Keating spent so much?

The next item is Hope Floats Creative LLC, for whom he made two payments each for $975 on 3/1/24 and 3/20/24.  According to their website they are the official publication for Frisco Lakes Community Association, Inc.  Makes sense!

In January, Keating donated $2500 to Linking Cultures of Frisco for the 2024 MLK Gala.  We were curious to know who runs Linking Cultures of Frisco?  We visited the organizations website and according to the MLK Gala invite if you would like to be a sponsor email AngeliaPelham@LinkingCulturesOfFrisco.org.  Ding, Ding Ding!  Here we go again one council person donating to another council person or their organization.  It leaves us asking how can Angelia ever claim to be impartial with Keating when it comes to a vote or if he were ever charged with an ethics complaint? 

The last two expenditures are the most interesting and got us thinking.  The first was for $2500 to Collin County Republican Party on 1/24/24 for there 2024 Lincoln Day Dinner fundraiser.  Turns out he has donated a lot to them over the years and that makes us wonder, can that affect an endorsement?  If up against another candidate, are they going to go with Keating just because he has given money to the GOP?   On a side note, OpenSecrets.org has John Keatings occupation listed as “househusband.”

The next is $475 to the Frisco Chamber for Membership fees paid on 1/2/24 and has donated or paid fee’s several times to them.  It begs the question, in the upcoming forum being held April 11, 2024, will the Chamber show “BIAS” towards a new candidate.  They did last year so we can only assume they will this year.  Which makes us believe any new candidate who has not paid a group may have a harder time than candidate who has paid that same group.

In the end, we cannot get the math to add up on Keating’s reports.  Can you?

Carried Over from Last Reporting Period: $9207.27 + Political Contributions $35,125.00 = $44,332.27

Total of Last Report and Contributions = $44,332.27 + Loan $50,000.00 = Total $94,332.27

Total $94,332.27 – Political Expenditures $31,345.83 = Total $62,986.44

Yet his Totals Page has $66,691.66 which is a difference of $3705.22.  Either he can’t do math, his campaign finance person can’t do math, or something smells like a German man’s armpit.  That leaves us asking, who is checking these reports and where are the checks and balances?  The other concern we have is how much some of these “Consulting” companies are being paid, but that is a whole other issue to go down the rabbit hole with. One thing is clear, these practices can raise concerns about the integrity of the electoral process and the fairness of decision-making in local government.

Election Fix: Developer Dreams & Dollars

This land is Frisco’s land, this land is Developer’s Land

From the PGA to Stonebriar Centre

From the Toyota Stadium to the Cowboy Star

This land was never made for you or me!

For some time now we have questioned the campaign finance reports of local leaders.  Back in February of 2023 we wrote about Dark Money where we laid out how individuals associated with the PGA, The Link, or Fields projects donated to our current sitting city council members.  If you haven’t read it, you should because it is alarming.  Then just two months ago we asked the question, did Keating and Pelham accept “DIRTY FUNDS?”  We are talking about the $10,000 Keating took and $5000 Pelham took in 2021 from Veton Krasniqi, a man who appears to owe the school district $24,093.47 in back taxes.  How did we learn about this, a campaign finance report.  As we said they can be Shakespearean sonnets of bureaucratic paperwork.

The influence of money, particularly from developers or other vested interests, in local Frisco elections is a well-known issue.  In local elections, where the scale is smaller and the issues can be more directly related to specific projects or zoning decisions, developer money can have a significant impact. Developers may contribute to election campaigns of candidates who are perceived as more favorable to their interests, such as those who may be more likely to approve zoning changes or development projects. 

Sometimes things are as simple as they appear, developer donations have a direct correlation to the influence of policy decisions in FriscoElected officials will always support policies or projects favored by developers who have supported their campaigns financially.  That is why Keating’s most current campaign finance report filed 4/4/2024 should shock any resident with common sense. 

When you look at Keating’s campaign finance report you quickly notice that many are developers, several don’t live here, and he is quick to spend a lot of money with consultants.   To understand the first set of donors you need to understand the developer relationships at the PGA, The Link, and Fields.

Todd Armstrong, EVP and his partner Philip Rose at Cross Tie Capital each donated $1000.  A DMN article listed Cross Tie Capital, based in Grapevine, as a family-owned real estate, oil and gas, and investment company.   On the Republic Property Group website, it states, “The Frisco mega-development is being built with Hunt Realty, Karahan Cos., Republic Property Group, Chief Partners LP and Cross Tie Capital Ltd. and could be valued more than $10 billion.” 

We are curious why the Cross Tie Capital website says it is “not secure” and appears to be inactive.  Then we checked OpenCorporates and noticed the company has (2) Texas TIN numbers.  Under both TIN numbers, the status is listed as “Forfeited Existence”, and the Dissolution Date is the same which is 02/23/2024.  Things that make you go hmmm, that is the same day Todd Armstrong made his $1000 and Rose made his on 2/25/24.  Suspicious?

Next, we have the one and only, Fehmi Karahan of the Karahan Companies.  He is the mastermind behind Legacy West and the key player in the Fields development.  A campaign finance report would not be complete without a $2500 donation from Fehmi.  We almost feel badly for Keating because he obviously is not as valuable as Cheney who took in over $30k from him between cash and in-kind donations.  Fehmi’s attorneys also donated.  Jeff Brawner and RJ Grogan each donated $500, and they are partners at Grogan & Brawner PLC.  According to one of the many city council meetings during the planning phase of this 10-billion-dollar deal, the City of Frisco Attorney Richard Abernathy said he spoke at length to Mr. Karahan’s attorneys whom he identified as Grogan & Brawner PLC. 

The interesting thing about Fehmi Karahan, is that he donates mostly to republicans, but he did donate to Democrat, Colin Allred. He apparently is not a Trump fan either because he donated over $5000 to Nikki Haley in 2023. His attorney Jeff Brawner donated $500 to Eric Johnson in 2009 when he was a registered Democrat. 

The $1000 donation list from the founders connected to the Fields/The PGA/The Link development continues with Colin Fitzgibbons, President at Hunt Realty, Chris Kleinert, CEO at Hunt Realty Investments, and William Vanderstraaten of Chief Partners.  Lastly you have Mario Sinacola & Sons who are the excavating group for this big project.  James Sinacola, Joseph Sinacola, and Michael Sinacola each donated $1000. 

Colin Fitzgibbons according to OpenSecrets.org appears to be hard democrat who has donated to Joe Biden, Act Blue, Colin Allred, donated.   Chris Kleinert also donated to Colin Allred in 2023, as well as Mitt Romney in 2012.  William Vanderstraaten supports Trump with several donations. 

Then we saw the name Ryan Griffin from Rockhill Capital & Investments who donated $1000 dollars.  We remember that name from Cheney’s 2020 report which had him listed as FCS Construction.  We googled the address on Keatings current report and tada, FSC Construction and Rockhill Capital & Investments both office there.  Ryan is listed as the President of FSC Construction and Rockhill has him listed as the Principal & Chief Executive Officer.   FCS is currently involved in Fields based on a DMN report and Rockhill was involved with the Estates at Rockhill, and Stonebrook Crossing. Rockhill’s current project is The Preserve – Phase 1 where they are the Construction management for 132 residential lots for Shaddock Homes.  I WONDER IF THEY BUILT KEATINGS NEW HOME HE IS CLOSING ON IN THE PRESERVE SOON, that he announced at council a few weeks ago.

As for Ryan Griffin he has donated over $20K to State Rep Jared Patterson, and to a group called Patriots Always Triumph. 

Then we saw two names, Richard Reupke and Robert Shaw (each donated $1000) who built Twelve, a high luxury high rise next to The Star.  The night of the meeting, I remember them saying it was just a big club house for Jerry Jones and his buddies to have near The Star and of course they would occupy the two top floors.  We were curious why they would donate when they have no active projects. You guessed it, they do have an active project right now and it happens to be in North Fields.  Of course, we assumed it would be more luxury homes, but we were wrong.  They plan to build a “RENTAL COMMUNITY PROJECT” and the first phase will be 620 apartment units.  If Keating is going to break any of his density promises to residents, it must be for a buck!

If you do the math, that means Keating took in about $14,500 just from those involved in active developments that connect Hunt and Karahan.  It also begs the question; with the money he has taken will he recuse himself from future votes on these projects?  Was there a quid pro quo which helped him afford a house as a single man in The Preserve?  How long had he kept his house a secret and did he vote at any time, on any project, after he put down his deposit or started building?

Next on the report was Craig Hall and the Hall Group, who is all for the City of Frisco having an arts center.  Hall donated $5000 to Keating.  We went to OpenSecrets to see the types of candidates Hall donates to and well he is a hard Democrat.  Names like Nancy Pelosi, the National DNC and several state-by-state DNC groups, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Royce West of TX, Colin Allred, Beto O’Rourke and many more.  One article on NBC News from 2019 said, “The couple has since given a minimum of $2 million to Democratic Party committees and have donated substantial amounts to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, according to an analysis of data from the Federal Election Commission.”  It goes on to talk about how the Halls like to spend time between California and Texas and how federal regulators had been zeroing in on a series of Hall’s unpaid loans.  Another article on MSN.com in Feb 2024 talks about how Hall’s California winery and how the U.S. Department of Justice has filed a subpoena seeking information from several Napa winery owners including the Hall’s. 

Some other honorable mentions in Keatings report include Joseph Hansen TYME Capital Holdings (bank) – $1000 and the connection appears to be their Veteran status.  Then you have the supposed to be Conservative Laura Rummell who donated $500 to Keating’s campaign and is actively promoting him and fighting against the Frisco Fire Fighters who she took money and an endorsement from.  We are assuming Laura has joined the exclusive you donate to me, and I donate to your council club so how could she ever be impartial if an ethics concern came up.   We don’t expect much from Laura, to be honest she sold a bill of goods to those who voted for her and put her there.  Chances are she will be easy to beat next time she is up for re-election.    Our new nickname for her Rollin Out Rummell, it is just a matter of time.

The icing on the cake with a cherry on top is James Webb who on 2/7/24 donated $5000 to Keating.  It lists him as the Chairman of Paradigm Development Holdings.  Something about this name kept ringing a bell like a little butler boy when you want butter.  We found a previous donation from Webb for $2500 in 2017 to Keating.  We of course googled and came across an article from the Dallas Morning News in 2016 with the headline, “Major Ken Paxton donor paying $3.5 million settlement after MEDICAID FRAUD PROBE.  

Preferred Imaging LLC, a medical diagnostic company headed by James H. Webb of Frisco, allegedly performed services that required the oversight of a supervising doctor without one on-site.  According to DMN, “Preferred Imaging LLC did not admit to any wrongdoing or liability in the case. The settlement came after an investigation led by federal and state authorities, including the Civil Medicaid Fraud Division within Paxton’s agency, according to John Parker, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas.”  That means when Keating took the money in 2017 and he should have known about Webb’s “issues” and still accepted the money then and is still accepting it NOW! 

There is more to cover in Keatings report, and we will look at that in the next blog drop. 

“Well, clearly Keating’s campaign finance report shows that he or some of his friends, meaning Mayor Cheney, called in their chips for donations.  Keating probably thinks he could be the next Mayor of Frisco, but he might want to work more on his resident outreach than dating a dental hygienist who can help with him some gold-plated teeth.  With as much money as Keating has raised and some of it from questionable donors again, we think he should just fund a yacht party for unicorns and leprechauns and ride a magical wave hoping his constituents appreciate his ability to play both sides of the fence.  Mr. Go Along to Get Along! 

Keep checking back because we have a lot to drop!

Special Thanks To Our Frisco Whistle Blower Researchers – you know who you are!

The Election Fix is in Full Swing

We’re Back!  Did you miss us?  Well, we missed you and we don’t want to waste any time so lets jump right into “The Election Fix!”  Campaign finance reports, especially those at the municipal level, are renowned for their thrilling and riveting narratives. They’re like the Shakespearean sonnets of bureaucratic paperwork, with each line singing the ballad I’ve Got Friends In High Places.  You’ll find scintillating accounts of dollar signs dancing gracefully with line items, accompanied by the occasional cameo appearance of an expenditure report.  It truly is just the right amount of drama to keep you on the edge of your seat. So, if you’re in need of a good bedtime story or just looking to induce a mild coma, City of Frisco municipal campaign finance reports are the perfect literary masterpiece to enjoy.

Let’s embark on this exhilarating journey of decoding the newly dropped campaign finance reports, shall we?  Let’s start with John Keating who appears to have received several generous donations.  According to his website he stands for “Accountability & Transparency.”  His website says, “John Keating has served from a place of transparency and accountability throughout his time on city council and will continue to uphold these values.”

On Keating’s campaign finance report for the period of 7/1/2023 to 12/31/2023 he reported he had a total of $7735.59 in political expenditures and $0.00 in total political contributions.   As of the last day of reporting he maintained the total political contributions $9207.27. 

Fast forward and compare that to today’s campaign finance report ending 04/04/2024 which shows he has $31,345.83 in total political expenditures.  Then he has $35,125.00 in total political contributions.  It also appears Mr. Keating (who just purchased a house in The Preserve at The Fields PGA development) took out a Loan for $50,000.00.  As of the last day of reporting he maintained total political contributions of $66,691.66.  Wow!  That is a big change from his 2023 report.

As we said, “The Fix Is In” so come back tomorrow for more details.

Keating: Promises Made, Promises Broken

It is election time in Frisco!  Different groups and organizations over the next two months will hold candidate forums which are an excellent way to help voters learn more about the candidates on the ballot.  It gives Frisco residents a chance to learn more about key issues and allows us to ask hard questions of those who want our vote.  The truth is that democracy works best when we “ENGAGE” with it because it fosters important dialogue about the everyday issues that affect our lives.

The first local forum of the season was the Islamic Center of Frisco (ICF) Candidate Forum.  The forum was for both City Council races and ISD races.  Our kids are grown, and we don’t pay as much attention as we should to the ISD races so this was the first time we got to hear about ISD issues.  We couldn’t watch the debate live because of streaming delay issues so my wife and I caught it the next day when it was uploaded to YouTube.  There were some moments worth talking about so if you have not watched it, get some popcorn and buckle up!

Each candidate got an opening statement.  John Keating, The Statesmen, started by asking who was in charge of the time because he could go on for 10 minutes right now.  Sir John, while we know you like to hear yourself, others don’t.  Then he said the most dangerous intersection in Frisco is standing between John Keating and a microphone.  While I am sure he practiced his opening icebreaker joke at home in front of the mirror while flexing it was not met with laughter by the audience. 

John Keating said his job is to be “available to you” and he has done that time and again for the citizens.  We would beg to differ, remember that little Universal Kids Park that came before the council from Jan 2023 to March 2023, we do!  The night of the vote, Keating cried and said how emotionally impacted he was by P&Z Commissioner Cone’s words that evening.  Wait, what, Commissioner Cone’s words? Where was his emotion for the residents who had stood before him pleading to save their neighborhood, and maintain their quality of life?  Oh yeah, he went to the beach on vacation and never met with the residents of Cobb Hill. Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I wanna take ya, Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama, Key Largo, Montego Baby, why don’t we go anywhere other than Cobb Hill?  AFTER THE VOTE he asked to meet with residents of Cobb Hill in the cul-de-sac to hear from them, but we are curious how it helps to listen to those you serve “AFTER THE VOTE?” 

At one point, the city council candidates were asked about the discussion of unionizing our police and fire departments and where they stand on the issue.   John’s response to this question is he served 13 years in the military; we are curious about what job he held the other 25+ years.  Oh, that’s right he was a househusband.  He said these are the men and women who wear our city’s uniform and go into harm’s way every day and unionizing that oh my God just seems awful.  Then he turns to John Redmond who is running against Angelia Pelham and says if you are not sure John, if you are that uninformed then you must reach out to someone, call your Fire Chief.  Then he said the reason we have all these problems is because the prior Fire Chief didn’t do his job properly and the unions saw that and said the door is open and we can run into Frisco.  He said this push is from outside of Texas, this was not an internal ask, and it happened because of the perceived weakness in our fire department left behind by our former Fire Chief.  Then he said the new Fire Chief Lee Glover is amazing.

Where do you begin to break his comments down? Again, I thank Keating for his service to our country and I appreciate all Veterans but that still does not exempt him from being called out.  Maybe someone who has been a househusband most of his life served as a member of his kid’s PTA and on his HOA board and spent many of his days working out to build his big-boy muscles, might not be the best person to ask about unionization.  While I am sure he liked the single PTA Moms, he has never had to be the breadwinner of his family.  Our former Fire Chief whom Keating defamed and ridiculed has spent 40+ years in the Fire Department and has an impeccable record (we know because we filed PIRS), Porter who left to go to Little Elm FD has had a lifetime of service, and Cameron Kraemer who they wrongfully fired spent 27+ years in the fire service.  That means they have worked and run into harm’s way and risked their lives a lot longer than John Keating has. 

Next, Keating went after John Redmon (Angelia Pelham’s opponent) saying if he is concerned call your Fire Chief.  We have done that in the past and we have been told we have to file a PIR for such information and then the city sends it to the AG to delay turning over the documents.  Yes, they are very TRANSPARENT as a city!   To think any citizen could call the Fire Chief and Police Chief for a meeting and they are going to talk to them about the inner workings and issues within their department is just downright ridiculous.  

Lastly, he said the reason the Fire Association is doing this is because of “OUTSIDE FORCES” due to a bad former Fire Chief.  Didn’t the Fire Association just endorse that former Fire Chief last week over you?  We took Keating’s advice and just asked several firefighters why they were doing this and guess what it has nothing to do with their former Fire Chief.  The reason given to us over and over for why they went this route for civil service and collective bargaining, is because the city management and city council hired a new Fire Chief even though that candidate (Lee Glover) had a 90% ‘NO VOTE OF CONFIDENCE” by those he would be managing. 

Remember in 2011/12 when the climate survey showed the “CULTURE” of the Fire Department was horrible and the only way to fix it was to get rid of the management and start over with a clean slate.  The city council at that time forced George Purefoy, our City Manager, to remove Borchardt. George Purefoy turned in his resignation letter threatening to leave if the city forced him to do that.  The consolidation made was to retire Borchardt as Chief of the Fire Department, but then George Purefoy hired his best buddy as a “CONSULTANT” for the city and he is on the payroll making over $200K per year, driving a city vehicle and consulting for other cities making money on the side.  I am a taxpayer, and I would love to make $200k after being forced out of a job because I was such a bad leader.  As for Lee Glover the Assistant Fire Chief at the time he remained in his position under the new Chief Mark Piland.  The city kept him even though the 2011/12 study said he was part of the problem. 

Then they promoted Glover in 2022/23 right after the Association had just taken a survey showing Lee Glover had a 90% plus “No Vote of Confidence” from the fire department.

This was not an external force, Mr. Keating, the local fire association pulled the trigger because of the city’s constant slap in their face. It is because of Wes Pierson the City Manager, Lee Glover the new Fire Chief, and the City Council that this is happening.  Keating considers himself a man of integrity, a veteran, and a champion for others, but the reality is he had no educated answer to the question, no facts to spew, so to deflect the fact that he doesn’t understand the issue, he attacked two other candidates.  The last person who should be hanging someone out to dry or judging someone is John Keating who likes to go in the pool with women who are not his wife. 

The next question for the candidates was “National and international politics have had an increasing influence on local elections, how do you address issues outside of your authority but are top of mind and concern for residents of this city.”  Keating again stands up and talks about his 13 years in the military and how he has seen firsthand the devastation of warfare.   He went on to say he could not be more proud of the young people who have come before the council and shared the emotion in such an articulate fashion of what they are experiencing through their loved ones overseas.  The young people he is referring to, are those at the meeting to speak out on behalf of Palestinians and want a proclamation to condemn Israel. 

He continues that the best peace treaty and proclamation is prayer.  And that the Council could issue a proclamation, but it is not like it is a big deal.  Then he says he doesn’t want to belittle the proclamation process; however, he just did.  In a nutshell, if you got a proclamation from the city, Councilman John Keating thinks IT’S NO BIG DEAL.  Pray on that!

The next question was, with all the development recently focused on tourists, what are we doing to prepare for the traffic and what projects coming up are focused on or for residents?   Keating pointed out we had 7 million tourists visit Frisco last year and yes there is a little traffic congestion, but he thinks traffic runs pretty smoothly in Frisco.”  He also said we used to be reactive to traffic, and today we are proactive to traffic, with over 200 million dollars going into roads. To point out the obvious, Keating has never worked an 8 to 5 job which means he has not had to spend countless years facing rush hour traffic in Frisco.  He does not spend over 30 minutes at DNT/Main or DNT/Eldorado trying to get through the lights so in his mind traffic runs smoothly.   I am not sure where Keating has been for the last 5 years, but traffic is horrible in every part of this city, and it gets worse every day.  In summary, he listed nothing specifically being developed for residents which means the 7 million tourists are more important than the 230,000 residents who call Frisco home and pay taxes here.

Keating was asked, if you are anti-union, why do you ask for the Fire Association’s endorsement every election?  Keating quickly responded he does not ask for the endorsement every election and he is not sure where that notion comes from.  He said when talks of collective bargaining and civil service began, he stepped away or stepped back from that.  He continued; that he still fills out the questionnaires sent out by the association to keep communication open, but he put on there “THAT HE IS NOT SEEKING THEIR ENDORSEMENT.”

We reached out to the Frisco Fire Association to ask for a copy of the questionnaire and a copy of all the candidate’s responses.  The email we received back said the board would have to review that request but we did find a copy of one on Facebook that been posted in 2021.  We also asked if Keating clearly stated that he was not seeking their endorsement as he stated at the forum.  The association’s email stated Mr. Keating “DID NOT PUT ON HIS QUESTIONNAIRE ANYWHERE THAT HE DID NOT WANT TO BE CONSIDERED FOR AN ENDORSEMENT.”  We also asked the association if it is clear to candidates that filling out the form is part of the endorsement process.  The association responded, “The email to all candidates regarding the questionnaire is very generic. It says hello our time to gather questionnaires for a potential endorsement and to fill out the questionnaire if you want to be considered.”

Another audience question was related to how many years he has served on the council.  The terms are typically three years in duration.  Keating served on the Frisco City Council Place 4 from 2010 to 2016 for 2 terms or 6 years.  After a short break, he ran and was re-elected in 2017 for an open seat that had one year left on the term. Then in 2018, he ran for Place 1 where he has served since 2017 to the present. Keating is now running for his final 3rd term (3 years).  That means by the time Keating is done serving he will have been on the council for 16+ years if he is reelected.  He noted he will be the longest-serving council memberNo wonder Keating does not want to come right out and say how long he has been on council. 

It was finally closing time for the forum and Mark Piland called Keating out and said if they were giving out Pinocchio’s Keating would have a basket right in front of him.  Keatings face turned red and was hot to trot to respond to his opponent.  He stood up buttoned his jacket, huffed and puffed, and said “You were fired as the former Fire Chief.  Two independent investigations, not by the city council, not done by the fire department.  This man cannot be trusted, he does nothing but lie, and blame others as you’ve seen him demonstrate tonight.  It is absurd and I am going to move past that and say my record speaks for itself.”  He talked again about his military time, his 7 years on the PTA and time on the HOA board, and 16 years on council and that politicians don’t last, leaders do.  Men and women of their word last, people who lie, cheat, steal, and blame others don’t last.”

We sent a PIR to the Fire Association and asked if they believed Mark Piland, the former Fire Chief, was fired.  We also asked if they felt the investigations mentioned by Keating were “Independent’ and fair.  Per the email we received, from a representative for the association, “No, I do not believe Piland was fired.  I believe clearly he RETIRED.”   As for the investigations, the representative for the association said, “I believe the investigation into the Mayday report was independent. I do however they took liberties and investigated many things that were not involved in the complaint.  As for the second investigation, I would not call it an investigation, when you only talk to one party and not the person that’s the source of the investigation. In this case Piland!”

As for the “Two Independent Investigations” Keating mentioned, it was the head of HR Lauren Safranek who oversaw those.  The same head of HR changed the FD job descriptions and failed to have the department head; Chief Mark Piland sign off on the changes.  Instead hoping no one would notice she used his previous 2017 signature on the document.  She didn’t expect a firefighter to ask questions which brought to light her and her department’s forgery.  To hide her fraud, she used the investigation to find something about the current Fire Chief at the time to use it to fire him or make him retire.  However, after she spent over $100k of taxpayer money to fund a false investigation she didn’t like the results too much. If you want to learn more about the whole cover up just read our blog Day 12: Tangled Web of Lies.

Mr. Keating let’s talk about your record.  Yes, you served in our military, and we are all grateful for your service to our country.  In the same way, we are grateful that Mr. Piland has spent 40+ years serving as a first responder.  Your website says Promises Made, Promises Kept, but have you?  In an email we received from a pet advocate, you stated if an animal shelter made it to the bond by the citizen’s bond committee, then you would support the residents having an opportunity to vote for it.  However, that night you agreed in lockstep with your 4 other council members to remove the animal shelter from the bond.  Promise Broken! 

Then in 2021, you filled out the questionnaire for the firefighter’s endorsement, which we wrote about in our blog Jammed-Up John Keating, and you said you supported more staff (4 men trucks).  You wrote Frisco is growing and we need to plan accordingly. You wrote we must budget for a new 14-day pay cycle, benefits, Fire Station 10, and personnel and equipment. Since being elected in 2021, you have not supported any of the items you wrote about and promised on the questionnaire.  You signed your name to this document and turned your back on the first responders you said you supported.  You are part of the reason the fire association today is going for collective bargaining and civil service.  Promise Broken!

You have a total disregard for rules such as using the City of Frisco logo while campaigning.  Do you believe the LEADERS OF ONE OF THE FASTEST GROWING CITIES IN AMERICA (in your own words) should post a picture of himself implying he is naked and holding a sign that reads “Get Naked!”  Your judgment on that one sir, was way off for this conservative. 

Before you stand at your pulpit and shout, “People who lie, cheat, steal, and blame others don’t last,” you might want to look in the mirror.  You lied and cheated on your wife in the most public way possible, at the forum you blamed Redman for being ill-informed.  You lied and said Piland was fired when even the city website says he retired. You lied about writing on the 2024 Fire Association questionnaire that you were not seeking their endorsement.  You had total disregard for a whole neighborhood concerned about their homes due to a new theme park and felt your time was better spent on a beach somewhere.  You continually blamed Piland at the forum when you didn’t have an answer for something to deflect your shortcomings.  

Mr. Keating, you were right about one thing, it is time for a leader, and YOU ARE NOT IT!

Please welcome, Resident Bobblehead Bill Woodard

In an open letter to Frisco citizens on August 3, 2023, the Frisco City Council announced they “firmly oppose” the measures by the Frisco Firefighters Association to seek civil service and collective bargaining.  The letter stated the department holds International Accreditation and Class 1 Public Protection Classification (ISO 1) from widely respected third parties, which distinguished the Frisco Fire Department as one of the top departments in the country.

Recently we read an article in the Dallas Morning News regarding Frisco voters and how they will soon decide on civil service and collective bargaining for fire fighters.  It questioned if it was ethical for Council Member Bill Woodard, who opposes the measure to lead the PAC.  The article points out that by law, Woodard is prohibited from speaking out against the measure that is on the May ballot. 

In a recent announcement we obtained from a source, it showed that Woodard was set to speak on March 21st at the Frisco Rotary meeting to give an “explanation of the propositions.”  How is he going to speak if it is prohibited by law from him speaking out against the measure?  In the DMN article, Woodard said “that he can have both positions from two distinct capacities.”  He went on to say, “I am doing this as a citizen, as a member of this PAC, and anything that I say is in no way representative of my position on council.”

Honk, Honk!  Did you hear the horn blow?  If Bill Woodard wanted to speak on these measures as a resident, then why did he use campaign contributions to help set up the PAC?  Campaign contributions generally come from the public to help you fund your election for COUNCIL.  Woodard donated $200 to help the PAC from his Campaign Contributions.  It is noted as In-Kind Contribution at the UPS store for a PO Box for Safety First Frisco.   

Is that all he donated?   On the same campaign contribution report, he also shows an expense on 9/5/23 for $216.92 paid to Bluehost for webhosting.  Then on 10/10/23 there is an expense to Google for URL registration fees in the amount of $196.91.  Woodard terms out next year in 2025, so what type of website would he need to be buying and hosting now?  Drum roll please…our guess is the PACs website.  We did a search to see who is hosting the website and well, you guessed it, Bluehost and it was created on 10/18/23.  That is just days after registering the URL’s.

Remember in the DMN article he said he could speak out as a citizen, so why not fund the PAC with his own personal money?  Why not pay for it from his personal bank account?  Why did he fund it from his political campaign contributions?  How can he say now after funding it from his campaign contributions that he is just a REGULAR JOE citizen speaking out against the measures? 

Next, we wondered how does the audience distinguish between Councilman Bill Woodard and resident Bill Woodard?   Bill Woodard was elected to the Frisco City Council in June 2016 and his current term expires in May 2025.  Bill Woodards name has been in front of residents as Councilman Bill Woodard for 8 years now.  If an announcement says Bill Woodard is coming to speak and explain the propositions, as an audience member or a resident you are automatically going to make “the connection” to the Frisco City Council.  The only way we could take Bobblehead Bill’s opinions from the perspective of a resident is if he was NOT AN ACTIVE council member or had never served on the council and then we would have never known who was anyways.

This is no different than the concern residents have had for years now with Mayor Jeff Cheney, wait should we call him Jeff Cheney Real Estate Broker, or resident Jeff Cheney.  Do you see the confusion?  Do you think Real Estate Broker Jeff Cheney would be asked to speak at Chamber events?  We have never seen the Chamber invite any other Real Estate Broker to headline an event or win Executive of the Year.  Do you think resident Jeff Cheney would be asked to the Dallas Cowboys Christmas Kick Off to speak at the podium?  Probably not!  When you hear the name Jeff Cheney, you immediately associate him with his position as Mayor of the Frisco City Council.  So, resident Jeff Cheney could not speak at the Rotary either and be an independent resident in opposition to the measures.  The audience does not make that separation.

We did notice one interesting thing today as we poked around.  The Frisco Rotary website now shows two names speaking on the proposed measures.  First up, “resident” Bill Woodard, followed by Matt Sapp, President of the Frisco Fire Fighters Association.  At least the Rotary Club came to their senses and invited both parties to explain their positions.  We wonder if the invitation to the association was extended after the original announcement, which is why they were not listed.

When is ENOUGH, ENOUGH?  The city continues to play between the lines.  They had published online and several other places where they were opposed to the ballot measures and had to take them down because it was illegal.  Backed into a corner it now appears they are using Bobblehead Bill to speak against the measures.  It is the “BACKDOOR” plan that teeters on legal vs illegal, or ethical vs unethical.  It all comes down to the city, and the city council who think they are above the law, and they don’t have to be accountable to the residents.  It is the “FRISCO WAY” they always talk about.  When will someone, a reporter, residents, or maybe the district attorney, call them out on the Shady ShXt behavior they continue to display?  This is an obvious “F U” to the residents and the fire fighters of Frisco.

Things That Make You Go Hmmm….

In 1991, an American Dance Group called C&C Music Factory released their third single, “Things That Make You Go Hmmm…” from their debut album, Gonna Make You Sweat.  Many don’t know this, but the song was inspired by a running gag on The Arsenio Hall Show, where Aresenio who often pondered certain thoughts on live TV would say “Things that make you go hmmm…”  The song had a catchy tune and the video that aired on MTV was done in all black and white. 

Well, my wife and daughter loved that song so much, it often played on repeat in our house.  Fast forward to today, when my wife and I do research, and we come across a golden nugget of information, we will look at the other across the table and say, “Things that make you go hmm!”  Whoever is on the receiving end of that statement usually gets excited to see what the other has uncovered. 

After we wrote our last blog asking the question regarding Keating and Pelham taking dirty money, we received a few emails from fellow whistleblowers.  One of the emails said we should look further into the connection between Keating and Dos Amigos, so we did! 

Now remember we filed a PIR with the city for any communication between Veton Krasniqi and Keating and Krasniqi and Pelham.  We were told there were no responsive records which we found odd. After receiving that email telling us to dig deeper, we decided to go back and look at the timeline of events:

3/10/21 – Crook Krasniqi donated $10,000 to John Keating’s campaign.

5/15/21 – Crook Krasniqi donated $5000 to Angelia Pelham’s campaign.

The timeline looked fine at first then we noticed something, the election was on May 1, 2021.  The first question we had was why did Krasniqi donate $5000 to Angelia Pelham, AFTER THE ELECTION?  Then we searched social media to see if we could find any connection between Keating and Dos Amigos, and then we searched Pelham and Dos Amigos.  Things that make you go hmmm…

John Keating documented election day in several social media posts.  The first post states he is voting in the Frisco Municipal Election with 3 other people.  He reminds residents that it is election day, and the polls are open till 7 pm.  He asked residents to cast their ballots, make their voices heard, and send him back for another term on the Frisco City Council.  He ended the post with “I would be honored to have you as my guest at our Election Night Party at DOS AMIGOS, 2552 Stonebrook Parkway, Frisco, TX 75034 starting at 7:30 pm as they watch the results come in.”

Then later that day he posts again, “Thank You Frisco for sending me back to YOUR city council for another three years!  I won’t let you down, and you ain’t seen nuthin yet!  Victory Party at “DOS AMIGOS!”  Things that make you go hmmm…

In past blogs, we have said that John Keating is the gift that keeps on giving, and we appreciate that here at Whistleblower.  After learning that Keating had his victory party at Dos Amigos, we decided to search his political campaign finance report for the party expense.  Then we also searched to see if Dos Amigos did an In-Kind donation.  No Chalupa!   Did Keating pay for this expense out of one of his private funds?  If yes, then why not use Campaign Money?   If he used campaign money, why is the expense not documented on any of his campaign finance reports?  Things that make you go hmmm….

As we searched for his Victory Party Expense, we found another interesting donation.  In February of 2022, John Keating donated $1000 to Frederick Frazier.  Then in June 2022, Frederick Frazier, a 28-year Dallas Police officer and freshman lawmaker was charged by a grand jury for two charges of impersonating a public servant.  The charges stem from allegations by his opponent Paul Chabot regarding political sign tampering.  Frazier who was re-elected in 2022 was able to delay the court case over a year due to his “legislative work” in Austin.  In December 2023 State Rep Frederick Frazier pleaded no contest to two Class A misdemeanor charges of attempting to impersonate a public servant.  He also pleaded guilty to a Class C misdemeanor charge of criminal mischief.  His plea deal included one year of deferred adjudication probation and several thousands of dollars in fines.  His plea came one day after he filed to retire from the Dallas Police Department.  The DPD released a statement that because Fraizer is retiring while under investigation, he will be released with a dishonorable discharge.   To this day Frazier denies he impersonated a code compliance officer.   Frazier is currently on the ballot in Collin County for re-election.   Things that make you go hmmm…

It is a Merry Go Round that just keeps on spinning!